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Escape The Colony (Imposter ඞ)
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"Escape The Colony" by Richard Tong, Logan Li and Keith law When play begins: say "You find yourself in the Cafeteria of a human colony on Proxima Centauri B. You briefly remember why you're here: A 50km wide asteroid is about to collide with the Earth. Space Billionaire Melon Husk has decided to send you and nine other intellectual individuals on a rocket ship to start a new colony in hopes of repopulating Earth in the future. Everyone on the colony does equally distributed daily tasks to keep everything in order. Currently it's really dark and hard to see. You are carrying a list of your tasks written by another crew-member. If you forget your task at any time, you can always examine the numbered tasklist in your inventory. [bold type] First turn on lights in Electrical to get started. [bold type] [line break]" [---------------------------------ROOMS-----------------------------------] Understand the commands "tell" and "say" and "answer" and "show" as something new. Understand "tell [text]" or "answer [text]" or "say [text]" as a mistake ("[talk to instead]"). Check asking person for thing: if thing is not carried by person, say " Try talking to [noun] instead.[paragraph break]" instead. Check asking about something: if something is not carried, say "[talk to instead]" instead. Instead of answering someone that something: say "[talk to instead][paragraph break]". Instead of showing something to someone: say "Try giving them the [noun] instead." To say talk to instead: say "(To communicate in this game, TALK TO a character.) " Henry is a person. Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking to. Understand "talk to [something]" as talking to. Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. [CAFETERIA] The Cafeteria is a room. The description of The Cafeteria is "A standard cafeteria with a large table for you and your fellow crewmates to eat together. It's also where the crew gathers for any meetings if any problems were to arise. {Upper West Hallway} ← {Cafeteria} → {Upper East Hallway} ↓ {Main Hallway} ” The player carries a tasklist-0. The description of the tasklist-0 is "Current task: Fix lights in Electrical." Your lunch is in Cafeteria. Your lunch is edible. The description of Your lunch is "Your Lunch. A delicious cylinder of pork on a fresh hot piece of bread topped with a sweet tomato sauce." Instead of eating your lunch: remove your lunch from play; say "You gobble down your meat cylinder in bread, delectable." [WEAPONS] Weapons is a room. Weapons is east of the Upper-East Hallway. The description of Weapons is “Where the weapons of the colony, used to defend it from aliens, are held. Guns, blasters, ray guns and more are carefully lined up on the walls and stored in gun cases. You wouldn't want to mess anything up here. {Upper East Hallway} ← {Weapons} ↓ {East Hallway} ” Gun case is a container in Weapons. Gun case is fixed in place. Gun case is locked. The description of gun case is "A case to safely hold and secure guns for any alien engagements. One gun is mysteriously missing from the case. You wonder who took it." [FRED] A man called Fred is here. Fred can be unresponsive, emergency-1, emergency-2, emergency-3, calm,happy, richard, or suspicious. Fred is unresponsive. "Fred, a large, hairy man is in the room with you. He might have been in the military. Try talking to him." The description of Fred is "He's super muscular and hairy and a retired military sergeant. You feel the need to gain his respect." Instead of talking to an unresponsive Fred: say "[Bold type]Fred: [roman type]'Sorry bud, not in the mood for talking right now.'" Instead of talking to an emergency-1 Fred: say "You cannot talk to others right now." Instead of talking to an emergency-2 Fred: say "You cannot talk to others right now." Instead of talking to an emergency-3 Fred: say "You cannot talk to others right now." [For 2nd emergency meeting] Fred can be tylenoled, midtylenoled, untylenoled. Fred is untylenoled. [ADMIN] Admin is a room. Admin is east of The Main Hallway. The description of Admin is “Where administrative decisions are made in the colony, similar to a small office, reminding you of your previous 9-5 job on earth. It contains an ID scanner and map of the base. {Main Hallway} ← {Admin} " Map is in Admin. Map is fixed in place. Description of Map is "A detailed hand-drawn map of the entire Colony. It shows all the rooms and hallways, in case someone was to ever get lost." [STORAGE] Storage is a room. Storage is south of The Main Hallway. The description of Storage is “An open storage room containing not much but boxes, tools and gas jerricans. It's quite cramped, triggering your claustrophobia. You should probably talk to Keith to get him more organized. {Main Hallway} ↑ {Lower West Hallway} ← {Storage} → {Lower East Hallway} " Garbage disposal is in Storage. Garbage disposal is fixed in place. The description of Garbage disposal is "Where the waste products of the colony are disposed of outside. It gives off a powerful stench like rotting bodies in a burning dumpster." [Keith] A man called Keith is here. Keith can be unresponsive, emergency-1, emergency-2, emergency-3, calm or suspicious. Keith is unresponsive. Keith can be voted, unvoted or neutral. Keith is neutral. Keith can be denied or undenied. Keith is undenied. "Keith, a short, stubby middle-aged man with a rat face is here. Try talking to him." The description of Keith is "A tall, skinny Asian man with glasses towers over you. His beady little eyes seem to follow you everywhere. You feel it's best to avoid him." Instead of talking to an unresponsive Keith: say "[Bold type]Keith: [roman type]'Go back to work kid, I've got bigger things to worry about.'" Instead of talking to an emergency-1 Keith: say "You cannot talk to others right now." Instead of talking to an emergency-2 Keith: say "You cannot talk to others right now." Instead of talking to an emergency-3 Keith: say "You cannot talk to others right now." [WENDY] A woman called Wendy is here. Wendy can be unresponsive, emergency-1, emergency-2, emergency-3, calm or suspicious. Wendy is unresponsive. "An older woman named Wendy is stacking boxes beside Keith. I think they're dating. Try talking to her." The description of Wendy is "You look down on her as she stands at about only 5'. She reminds you of your grandmother. Wendy seems obsessed with putting everything in a certain order. You think she might have OCD, or she just really wants to impress Keith." Instead of talking to an unresponsive Wendy: say "[Bold type]Wendy: [roman type]'I'm not interested in you.'" Instead of talking to an emergency-1 Wendy: say "You cannot talk to others right now." Instead of talking to an emergency-2 Wendy: say "You cannot talk to others right now." Instead of talking to an emergency-3 Wendy: say "You cannot talk to others right now." [MEDICAL BAY] Medical Bay is a room. Medical Bay is south of The Upper-West Hallway. The description of Medical Bay is “A white, sterile room used for medical examinations. It looks like a mini-hospital, almost, but nothing can replace your memories of what was once, Earth. {Upper West Hallway} ↑ {Medical Bay} " Some Tylenol pills is in Medical Bay. Some Tylenol pills is edible. Description of Some Tylenol pills is "Some mild pain reliever pills for everything from fevers, arthritis and headaches. No one would notice if you took some." Instead of eating some Tylenol pills: say "You feel that doing drugs at this time isn't the best solution." Cot is a supporter in medical bay. Cot is fixed in place. Cot is enterable. The description of cot is "A long white cot used for allowing patients to lie down and be examined. You could sit down on it but it's probably better to get back to work." [OLIVIA] A woman called Olivia is here. Olivia can be unresponsive, emergency-1, emergency-2, emergency-3, emergency-4, calm or suspicious. Olivia is unresponsive. "A young girl your age named Olivia is analyzing bacteria with a microscope. You kind of like her. Try talking to her." The description of Olivia is "She has straight, brown hair and is wearing a lab suit and goggles. You find her pretty cute, but you should probably get back to work." Instead of talking to an unresponsive Olivia: say "[Bold type]Olivia: [roman type]'Hi Charlie! I'm pretty swamped at the moment but let's talk about it over dinner.'" Instead of talking to an emergency-1 Olivia: say "You cannot talk to others right now." Instead of talking to an emergency-2 Olivia: say "You cannot talk to others right now." Instead of talking to an emergency-3 Olivia: say "You cannot talk to others right now." Instead of giving some Tylenol pills to Olivia when fred is midtylenoled: say "That doesn't seem like the best course of action. What about Fred?" [GENERATOR] Generator is a room. Generator is west of The Upper-West Hallway. The description of Generator is “The generator room which keeps the colony up and running. It’s all dirty and oily with garbage all over the room. This area contains a gas tank which fuels the generator. {Generator} → {Upper West Hallway} ↓ {West Hallway} ” Oil slick is in Generator. Oil slick is fixed in place. Oil slick can be slipped or unslipped. Oil slick is unslipped. Description of Oil slick is "Oil that has spilled from the generator, it would be a shame if you stepped over it." [JEFFERY] A man called Jeffery is here. Jeffery can be unresponsive, emergency-1, emergency-2, emergency-3, calm or suspicious. Jeffery is unresponsive. "A skinny old man named Jeffery stands by the wall. Try talking to him." The description of Jeffery is "He's super old and frail, I wouldn't trust his hearing. You wonder how he made it onto this colony and what Melon Husk saw in him." Instead of talking to an unresponsive Jeffery: say "[Bold type]Jeffery: [roman type]'Screw off kid, I'm working right now.'" Instead of talking to an emergency-1 Jeffery: say "You cannot talk to others right now. " Instead of talking to an emergency-2 Jeffery: say "You cannot talk to others right now. ". Instead of talking to an emergency-3 Jeffery: say "You cannot talk to others right now. ". [REACTOR] Reactor is a room. Reactor is west of The West Hallway. The description of Reactor is “A brightly lit purple room containing a large nuclear reactor which generates electricity for the colony. You don't understand much about nuclear physics, and you wouldn't want to cause some sort of a meltdown, best to stay away from here. {Reactor} → {West Hallway} ” Nuclear Reactor is in Reactor. Nuclear Reactor is fixed in place. The description of Nuclear Reactor is "Where uranium-235 atoms are hit with neutrons leading to nuclear fission reactions, releasing massive amounts of energy to heat water and generate electricity." [JACKY] A woman called Jacky is here. Jacky can be unresponsive, emergency-1, emergency-2, emergency-3, happy, calm, joy, midtask, message, or suspicious. Jacky is unresponsive. Jacky can be helped or unhelped. Jacky is unhelped. "Jacky, a skinny teenage girl with glasses is rewiring the control panel. Try talking to her." The description of Jacky is "Jacky doesn't talk a lot, but she's nothing short of a genius, with a PhD in Nuclear Physics at only 18." Instead of talking to an unresponsive Jacky: say "Jacky doesn't look up from the reactor." Instead of talking to an emergency-1 Jacky: say "You cannot talk to others right now." Instead of talking to an emergency-2 Jacky: say "You cannot talk to others right now." Instead of talking to an emergency-3 Jacky: say "You cannot talk to others right now." [SECURITY] Security is a room. Security is east of The West Hallway. The description of Security is “A small cramped room with a large monitor connected to cameras around the colony, and a tiny chair. You think about how you are being surveilled constantly. Best to not slack off. {West Hallway} ← {Security} ” Cameras is in security. Cameras is fixed in place. The description of Cameras is "A camera system used to keep track of everything in the colony. You see Keith in Storage slacking, Fred doing pushups in weapons, and Olivia staring at her microscope in Medical Bay. Why aren't you doing work?" Tiny Chair is a supporter in security. Tiny chair is fixed in place. Tiny chair is enterable. The description of Tiny Chair is "A miniscule wooden chair behind the cameras. You could sit down on it, but its probably better to get back to work." [HEATER] Heater is a room. Heater is south of West Hallway. The description of the Heater is “The room with a thermostat which controls the heating system and temperature of the colony base. It's currently a cool 18°C inside the colony, and a fresh -207°C outside. You probably don't want to break the heating system. {West Hallway} ↑ {Heater} → {Lower West Hallway} " Thermostat is in heater. Thermostat is fixed in place. The description of thermostat is "A dusty old thermostat which controls the temperature of the base. It's a bit cold, but you remember Fred grumbling about people touching the thermostat without permission so I wouldn't touch it if I were you." Pipes are in heater. Pipes are fixed in place. The description of pipes is "Some rusty old metal pipes that deliver heated water around the colony. You can hear them creak and groan above you, as well as the sound of rushing water like a thundering waterfall." [ELECTRICAL] Electrical is a room. Electrical is north of The Lower-West Hallway. The description of Electrical is “A large room containing electrical equipment and switches that control the lights and electricity flow of the colony. {Electrical} ↓ {Lower West Hallway} " Wires is in electrical. Wires is plural-named. The description of wires is "They look like blue, red and yellow strands of spaghetti. You know you shouldn't eat them." Instead of eating wires: Say "You know you shouldn't eat them. They are certainly not pasta." [ERIC] A man called Eric is here. Eric can be unresponsive, emergency-1, emergency-2, emergency-3, calm or suspicious. Eric is unresponsive. Eric can be neutral, denied or agreed. Eric is neutral. "A creepy teenage boy with a pale expression stands silently beside the fuse box. His name is Eric. Try talking to him." The description of Eric is "You get weird vibes from this young man. Best to keep your distance." Instead of talking to an unresponsive Eric: say "[Bold type]Eric: [roman type]'I don't know man, turn the lights on, why do I have to do everything for you?'" Instead of talking to an emergency-1 Eric: say "You cannot talk to others right now." Instead of talking to an emergency-2 Eric: say "You cannot talk to others right now." Instead of talking to an emergency-3 Eric: say "You cannot talk to others right now." [COMMUNICATIONS] Communications is a room. Communications is south of Lower-East Hallway. The description of Communications is "A small room containing radio and communications equipment to give announcements throughout the base and to receive any possible messages from earth. Your memories of Earth are triggered by entering this room. {Lower East Hallway} ↑ {Communications} " Alien Radio is in Communications. Alien Radio is fixed in place. Description of Alien Radio is "A radio to communicate with possible aliens, it doesn't look like any other radio you've seen." [ETHAN] A man called Ethan is here. Ethan can be unresponsive, emergency-1, emergency-2, emergency-3, calm or suspicious. Ethan is unresponsive. "A skinny guy in his mid 20s with glasses is sitting at the communications panel with his headphones on. His name is Ethan. Try talking to him." The description of Ethan is "He seems pretty focused on his work. Best not to bother him." Instead of talking to an unresponsive Ethan: say "[Bold type]Ethan: [roman type]'Quiet down, nothing from Earth yet.'" Instead of talking to an emergency-1 Ethan: say "You cannot talk to others right now." Instead of talking to an emergency-2 Ethan: say "You cannot talk to others right now." Instead of talking to an emergency-3 Ethan: say "You cannot talk to others right now." [POTATO FARM] Potato Farm is a room. Potato Farm is east of Lower-East Hallway. The description of Potato Farm is “A large, brightly lit farm with hundreds of potato plants growing to feed the colony. You get hungry just by seeing all these spuds. {Main Hallway} ↑ {Lower West Hallway} ← {Potato Farm} " Big potato is in Potato Farm. big potato is edible. The description of big potato is "A scrumptious potato that is one of thousands of potatoes serving as the main source of food for the colony." Instead of eating big potato: remove big potato from play; say "[bold type] Candice: [Roman type]'STOP EATING THE POTATOES, IT'S NOT DINNER TIME YET'". [CANDICE] A woman called Candice is here. Candice can be unresponsive, calm, emergency-1, emergency-2, emergency-3, happy or suspicious. Candice is unresponsive. Candice can be helped or unhelped. Candice is unhelped. "Candice, a large, burly woman from Britain, is farming potatoes in the corner. Try talking to her." The description of Candice is "Candice is an avid potato enjoyer and she feeds the entire colony with her potatoes. Best not to bother her in her work, it's what keeps you fed." Instead of talking to an unresponsive Candice: say "[Bold type]Candice: [roman type]'Get lost, Charlie. I have potatoes to farm and people to feed.'" Instead of talking to an emergency-1 Candice: say "You cannot talk to others right now." Instead of talking to an emergency-2 Candice: say "You cannot talk to others right now." Instead of talking to an emergency-3 Candice: say "You cannot talk to others right now." [OXYGEN] Oxygen Room is a room. Oxygen Room is west of East Hallway. The description of Oxygen Room is “A small room containing the equipment necessary to create O2 from CO2. It’s what keeps you breathing. Best not to interfere with it. {Oxygen} → {East Hallway} " CO2 Converter is in oxygen room. CO2 converter is fixed in place. The description of CO2 converter is "This machine apparently converts carbon dioxide into breathable molecular oxygen. It seems pretty complicated with lots of Chemical equations everywhere. You wouldn't want to break it." Oxygen Tanks are in oxygen room. The description of oxygen tanks is "Multiple large, metal, painted blue, high pressure oxygen tanks. They're here in case of an emergency where the crew would need to evacuate the colony." [AIRLOCK ROOM] Airlock is a room. Airlock is east of East Hallway. The description of Airlock is “A small room with nozzles that line the walls and doors on either side. They minimize pressure loss and make sure that the air from inside and outside the colony are separated. It's also the only entrance and exit to the base. {East Hallway} ← {Airlock } " Space suit is in airlock. Space suit is wearable. The description of space suit is "A bright orange space suit worn for outdoor excursions to keep the wearer safe from cold and solar radiation. You can put it on." Instead of going east when player is in airlock: say "It's irresponsible to leave the colony when you have tasks to do and issues to investigate." [JESSICA] A woman called Jessica is here. Jessica can be unresponsive, emergency-1, emergency-2, emergency-3, calm, happy, numb or suspicious. Jessica is unresponsive. "A girl in her mid 20’s with Canadian roots named Jessica is in the room with you. She's always been nice to you. Try talking to her." The description of Jessica is "Jessica seems pretty invested into fixing the airlock door." Instead of talking to an unresponsive Jessica: say "[bold type] Jessica: [roman type]Hey Charlie. Sorry, I really need to fix this airlock door but we can talk later at dinner." Instead of talking to an emergency-1 Jessica: say "You cannot talk to others right now." Instead of talking to an emergency-2 Jessica: say "You cannot talk to others right now." Instead of talking to an emergency-3 Jessica: say "You cannot talk to others right now." [------------------------------HALLWAYS---------------------------------] [UPPER-EAST HALLWAY] The Upper-East Hallway is a room. The Upper-East Hallway is east of the cafeteria. The description of The Upper-East Hallway is "Upper-East Hallway. {Cafeteria} ← {Upper East Hallway} → {Weapons} " [EAST HALLWAY] East Hallway is a room. East Hallway is north of Potato Farm. East Hallway is south of weapons. The description of East Hallway is "East Hallway. {Weapons} ↑ {Oxygen} ← {East Hallway} → {Airlock} ↓ {Potato Farm} " [LOWER-EAST HALLWAY] The Lower-East Hallway is a room. The Lower-East Hallway is east of Storage. The description of The Lower-East Hallway is "Lower-East Hallway. {Storage} ← {Lower East Hallway} → {Potato Farm} ↓ {Communications} " [UPPER-WEST HALLWAY] The Upper-West Hallway is a room. The Upper-West Hallway is west of the cafeteria. The description of The Upper-West Hallway is "Upper-West Hallway. {Generator} ← {Upper West Hallway} → {Cafeteria} ↓ {Medical Bay} " [WEST HALLWAY] The West Hallway is a room. The West Hallway is south of Generator. The description of The West Hallway is "West Hallway. {Generator} ↑ {Reactor} ← {West Hallway} → {Security} ↓ {Heater} " [LOWER-WEST HALLWAY] The Lower-West Hallway is a room. The Lower-West Hallway is east of Heater. The Lower-west Hallway is west of Storage. The description of The Lower-West Hallway is "Lower-West Hallway {Electrical} ↑ {Heater} ← {West Hallway} → {Storage} " [MAIN HALLWAY] The Main Hallway is a room. The Main Hallway is south of the cafeteria. The description of The Main Hallway is "Main hallway. {Cafeteria} ↑ {Main Hallway} → {Admin} ↓ {Storage} " [------------------------------OBJECTS------------------------------------] Cafeteria bench is a supporter in Cafeteria. Cafeteria bench is enterable. Cafeteria bench is fixed in place. The description of Cafeteria bench is “The main table/bench in the cafeteria. You can sit down on it, but it's probably better to get back to work.” Crew Photo is in cafeteria. Crew photo is fixed in place. The description of Crew Photo is "A large framed photo of you and all your fellow crewmates taken on earth, before the launch. You notice everyone's gleaming bright smiles—now, not so much." Clock is in cafeteria. Clock is fixed in place. The description of clock is "A big black and white analog clock which is nailed at the top of the cafeteria wall: It's time to get back to work." [-------------------------------SCRIPT------------------------------------] [BACKGROUND/TUTORIAL/VERBS] The maximum score is 100. Instead of talking to object: say "Imagine your productivity level if you didn't talk to inanimate objects and got to work." Instead of giving [thing] to [person]: say "'Thanks Charlie, but I don't really need [noun] at the moment.'" A thing can be distant or near. A thing is usually near. Instead of examining distant thing: say "Do your current task first!" The block drinking rule is not listed in any rulebook. A thing can be drinkable. Things are usually not drinkable. Report drinking: say “Why are you trying to drink a solid?” Instead of drinking a person: say "In no way is that possible nor socially acceptable." Instead of eating person: say "Cannibalism is not socially accepted on Earth, nor Proxima-Centauri B." Filling is an action applying to one thing. Understand "fill [something]" and "fill up [something]" as filling. Report fixing: say "The [noun] [if the noun is plural-named]are[otherwise]is[end if] not broken." [TASK 1 - Fix Lights] Understand "lights" as light switch. Understand "light" as light switch. the Light switch is a device in Electrical. Light switch is fixed in place. The light switch can be done or undone. The light switch is undone. The description of the Light Switch is "A simple light-switch which controls the lights of the colony. It can be switched on or off.” Fixing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "fix [something]" as fixing. Instead of fixing light switch: try switching on light switch. A tasklist-1 is in Electrical. Tasklist-1 is fixed in place. Tasklist-1 is distant. The description of the Tasklist-1 is "Current Task: Find the Gas Jerrican and fill up the gas tank in the Generator" Carry out switching on the Light switch for the first time: increase the score by 10; now the light switch is done; remove tasklist-0 from play; say "You fumble around for the light switch until you find it and switch it on. The lights repeatedly flicker on and off, giving you an eerie sensation. Finally, the light stays on and you can now see the wonders of the world around you. You have been given your next task. It reads: Find the Gas Jerrican and fill up the gas tank in the Generator!"; now the player carries a tasklist-1; now tasklist-1 is near. Instead of switching on a done light switch: say "Stop fiddling with the lights and go do your next task!" [TASK 2 - Fill Gas Tank] Gasoline Barrel is a container in storage. Fuel is in the gasoline barrel. The description of fuel is "The precious deep black oil reflects your pupils as it shines amidst the dim lighting of the colony." The gasoline barrel is fixed in place. The description of the gasoline barrel is "A large black barrel containing gasoline. You think about the worth of this barrel if it were back on earth, and the irreversible effects of climate change caused by humanity's greed for the fuel in this barrel." Check taking fuel: if jerrican is not carried, say "What are you going to carry the fuel with, your hands?" instead. Instead of taking fuel: say "You can't just take the fuel, pick up the jerrican and fill it." Instead of taking gasoline barrel: say "It's too heavy for you to lift. If only you went to the gym more often on Earth." Jerrican is a container in Storage. The jerrican can be empty or full. The jerrican is empty. The description of the Jerrican is “A standard red gas jerrican. It has a 20L capacity. You can fill the gas tank with fuel inside of it.” Check filling jerrican: if not in Storage, say "There is no gas here for you to fill up your jerrican." instead. Instead of inserting [item] into jerrican: say "You can only fill the jerrican with gas!" Instead of filling Jerrican: now the jerrican is full; now fuel is in the jerrican; say "Well done! Now take the jerrican and bring it to the generator!" Instead of filling a full jerrican: say "You already filled the jerrican!" Check drinking the fuel: if fuel is not carried, say "There is no fuel for you to drink (fortunately)." Instead of drinking fuel: say "You put a drop of gasoline on your tongue and start to feel dizzy. You reflect on your actions and question your life choices." A tasklist-2 is in Generator. tasklist-2 is fixed in place. tasklist-2 is distant. The description of tasklist-2 is "Current Task: Find your ID and scan it in Admin after." Gas Tank is a container in Generator. The gas tank is fixed in place. The Gas Tank can be full or empty. The Gas Tank is empty. The description of the gas tank is “A standard gas tank; it fuels the generator. You can fill it up with gas from the gasoline barrel.” Check filling the gas tank: if light switch is not switched on, say "Fix lights first!" instead. Check filling the gas tank: If jerrican is not carried, say "How are you going to fuel the tank without the jerrican?" instead. Check filling the gas tank: If jerrican is not full, say "How are you going to fuel the tank if your jerrican is empty?" instead. Report filling: say "You realize that it is impossible to fill [noun]." Instead of filling Gas Tank : increase the score by 10; remove tasklist-1 from play; now the gas tank is full; now the jerrican is empty; remove fuel from play; say "You pour the black gold into the tank and listen as it gurgles, as if it is hungry for more. The tank rumbles and... Now the generator is running! Now go wander around to find your ID and scan it in Admin after!"; now the player carries tasklist-2; now tasklist-2 is near; Instead of filling a full gas tank: say "The gas tank is already full." Instead of taking Gas Tank: say "It's attached to the generator, you clown." Instead of inserting [item] into Gas Tank: say "You can only fill the tank with gas!" [TASK 3 - Find and Scan ID] Understand "ID card" as ID. Understand "id" as ID. Your ID is in Potato Farm. The description of Your ID is "Your ID. It has an old picture of you before you left. You looked so much younger and happier. 'Height: 5'6''. Weight: 140lbs.'" Your ID can be scanned, unscanned or neutral. Your ID is unscanned. Table is a supporter in Admin. The table is scenery. The Table is fixed in place. The description of the table is "A fancy table where Administrative tasks are performed. You can use the scanner on it to scan your ID." On the table is a scanner. The scanner is fixed in place. The Description of the scanner is "A place to scan/swipe your ID Card. It looks like an old fax machine with many buttons you don't understand." A tasklist-3 is in admin. tasklist-3 is fixed in place. The description of tasklist-3 is "Current Task: Fix wires in security." Tasklist-3 is distant. Swiping is an action applying to one thing. Understand "swipe [something]" and "scan [something]" as swiping. Report swiping: if in admin, say "'Sorry, [Noun] [if the noun is plural-named]are[otherwise]is[end if] not accepted in the scanner. IDs only please.'" Check swiping ID: if gas tank is not full, say "Fill up the gas tank first!" instead. Check swiping ID: if ID is not carried, say "How are you going to scan your ID if you don't have it?" instead. Check swiping: if not in admin, say "You need a scanner to swipe, silly." instead. Carry out swiping ID: if in admin, say "You steadily insert your identification card into the scanner and wait. *beep* 'ID Scanned. Name: Charlie Law. Height: 5'6'. Weight: 140lbs.' Now move on to your next task: Fix wires in Security!"; now Your ID is scanned; increase the score by 10; remove tasklist-2 from play; now the player carries a tasklist-3; now tasklist-3 is near. Instead of swiping a scanned Your ID: say "'Error: ID already scanned. Please move on to next task.'" [find body] After swiping Your ID: say "[bold type]After swiping your ID, you're about to leave when you look down and spot someone's foot under the table." Instead of going west when Your ID is scanned: say "Are you sure you don't want to look under the table first? There could be something important under it!" Instead of looking under Table when ID is not scanned: say "Why are you wasting time looking under the table when you have work to do?" The body is an object. The body can be found, unfound or deez. The body can be reported or unreported. the body is unreported. The body is unfound. The description of the body is "The body appears to be Henry, but without vitals. His face is a ghostly white and blood stains his face and sleeves. It gives you chills, and you wonder what kind of monster would do such a thing." Instead of looking under the Table when the body is unfound and id is scanned for the first time: increase the score by 10; say "HOLY SHOOT! Upon inspecting underneath the table, you discovered the mutilated body of Henry the engineer! You can report the body and call an emergency meeting or just leave it there... [bold type]Examine the body to report it and leave the room to leave it (West). [roman type]"; now Your ID is neutral; now the body is found; move the body to the table. Instead of looking under the Table when body is found: say "Further inspection of the admin table reveals nothing else." [Emergency Meeting] Instead of going west when Eric is emergency-1: say "You cannot leave while an emergency meeting is in progress!" Instead of going east when Eric is emergency-1: say "You cannot leave while an emergency meeting is in progress!" Instead of going north when Eric is emergency-1: say "You cannot leave while an emergency meeting is in progress!" Instead of going south when Eric is emergency-1: say "You cannot leave while an emergency meeting is in progress!" Instead of giving [thing] to [person] when Eric is emergency-1: say "You cannot give items to other players right now." NO-Button is an object. YES-Button is an object. The description of The NO-button is "A button you can use to vote 'no' in emergency meetings." The description of the YES-button is "A button you can use to vote 'yes' in emergency meetings." Understand "NO" as NO-Button. Understand "YES" as the YES-Button. Instead of going west when the body is found and the player is in admin: say "[bold type] Fred: [roman type] 'Hey Charlie!' Fred goes into admin before you can stop him and spots the body. [bold type]Fred:[roman type] '...' [bold type]Fred: [roman type]'How... How could you do this... HOW COULD YOU KILL HENRY!' Fred pulls out his gun before you have a chance to explain yourself and shoots you."; end the game in death. After examining the body: now the body is reported; now the body is deez; remove body from play; move player to cafeteria; move jessica to cafeteria; move Eric to cafeteria; move Keith to cafeteria; move Fred to cafeteria; move Jeffery to cafeteria; remove henry from play; move Candice to cafeteria; move wendy to cafeteria; move olivia to cafeteria; now jessica is emergency-1; now eric is emergency-1; now keith is emergency-1; now Fred is emergency-1; now jeffery is emergency-1; now candice is emergency-1; now olivia is emergency-1; now wendy is emergency-1; now the player is carrying YES-button; now the player is carrying NO-button; say "[bold type]*EMERGENCY MEETING CALLED.*[roman type] The entire crew has now gathered in the cafeteria. [bold type]Fred: [roman type]'What's all the commotion son?' [bold type]Olivia: [roman type]'Charlie found Henry's dead body!' Jessica and Jeffery bring Henry's body to the cafeteria. There's a gunshot hole in his head. [bold type]Candice: [roman type]'*sobs* Why...Why would someone shoot Henry? *sobs*' [bold type]Eric: [roman type]'Fred, no one on the ship should have a gun.' [bold type]Fred: [roman type]'That's the problem, there was a gun missing from the case this morning.' [bold type]Eric: [roman type]'Hmmm, then it must have been Charlie. Rather suspicious that you randomly find a body under the admin table.' The entire crew is now staring at you. [bold type] Choose to deny Eric's accusations or agree with Eric?" Report Denying: if eric is not denied, say "There is nothing to deny!" Report Agreeing: say "There is nothing to agree with!" Agreeing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "agree with [something]" as Agreeing. Denying is an action applying to one thing. Understand "deny [something]" as Denying. Understand "eric's accusations" as eric. Understand "accusations" as eric. Check agreeing eric: if eric is not emergency-1, say "You are not in an emergency meeting!" instead. Check denying eric: if eric is not emergency-1, say "You are not in an emergency meeting!" instead. Carry out agreeing eric: now eric is agreed; say "[bold type]Fred: [roman type]'I can't believe you would do this Charlie.' [bold type]Eric: [roman type]'That's what I thought.' [bold type]Candice: [roman type]'YOU MONSTER!' [bold type]Fred: [roman type]'I'm sorry son.' Fred shoots you in the head"; end the game in death. Carry out denying eric: now eric is denied; remove tasklist-3 from play; say "[line break] [bold type]You:[roman type] 'I couldn't have killed Henry! I was fixing the lights and filling the gas tank before I found the body.' [bold type]Jeffery: [roman type]'He's right, I saw him filling up the gas tank with his little jerrican.' [bold type]Candice: [roman type]'Well if not him, then who?' [bold type]Eric: [roman type]'Then it was Fred!' [bold type]Fred: [roman type]'Stay in your lane kid, I've been here as long as you've been alive.' [bold type]Keith: [roman type]'Guys, guys, we shouldn't fight with one another. All this finger pointing won't get us anywhere, how about Fred gives us each a gun to defend ourselves and we move on with our day.' Crew mates nod at the sound of Keith's idea. [bold type]Fred: [roman type]'Sounds fair. Let's us vote. Use your voting buttons to decide.' [bold type] Choose to vote YES (Vote for Keith's idea) or vote NO (Vote to exile someone)" Instead of agreeing a denied eric: say "You already denied Eric's accusations, it's too late to agree with them." Instead of denying a denied eric: say "You already denied Eric's accusations, no need to do it again." Instead of voting YES-button when Eric is neutral: say "There's nothing to vote for!" Instead of voting NO-button when Eric is neutral: say "There's nothing to vote for!" [VOTING] Voting is an action applying to one thing. Understand "vote [something]" as voting. Report voting: say "What do you mean by 'vote [noun]?' You can only vote 'yes' or 'no'." Check voting YES-button: if YES-button is not carried, say "There's nothing to vote for!" Check voting NO-button: if NO-button is not carried, say "There's nothing to vote for!" Instead of voting YES-button when eric is emergency-1: remove YES-button from play; remove NO-button from play; now keith is voted; now Fred is Calm; now Olivia is unresponsive; now candice is unresponsive; now jessica is unresponsive; now wendy is unresponsive; now keith is unresponsive; now eric is unresponsive; move jessica to airlock; move Eric to electrical; move Keith to storage; move Fred to weapons; move Jeffery to generator; move Candice to potato farm; move wendy to storage; move olivia to medical bay; say "You voted Yes (Voting for Keith's idea), The rest of the crew agreed with you and voted yes as well (Keith's idea) [bold type]Fred: [roman type]'Well it's settled then. Here are your weapons.' Fred passes out pistols to the crew. Fred is about to hand you a weapon when Eric cuts in. [bold type]Eric: [roman type]'Woah, are we really giving a weapon to the murderer?' [bold type]Olivia: [roman type]'Shut up, Eric, Charlie didn't do it.' [bold type]Eric: [roman type]'Shut up, Eric' Eric repeats mockingly, 'Lil ol' Charlie needs his girlfriend to fight his battles now?' [bold type]Fred: [roman type]'Fine, fine, if it helps you scaredy-cats stay up at night, Charlie won't get a gun.' Everyone receives a gun except you. [bold type]Fred: [roman type]'Well, what are you all waiting for? Get back to work!' [bold type] *EMERGENCY MEETING OVER* Fred: 'Psst, Charlie! I don't care what Eric says, you need a gun to protect yourself. [Bold type]Meet me in the weapons room and I'll see what I can do for you.'" Instead of voting NO-button when eric is emergency-1: remove NO-button from play; remove YES-button from play; now keith is unvoted; now Fred is Calm; now Olivia is unresponsive; now candice is unresponsive; now jessica is unresponsive; now wendy is unresponsive; now keith is unresponsive; now eric is unresponsive; move jessica to airlock; move Eric to electrical; move Keith to storage; move Fred to weapons; move Jeffery to generator; move Candice to potato farm; move wendy to storage; move olivia to medical bay; say "You voted no (Voting to exile someone), The rest of the crew voted yes (Keith's idea) [bold type] Eric: [roman type] 'Huh, the suspect trying to shift the blame eh?' [bold type] Jacky: [roman type] 'That was pretty suspicious.' [bold type]Fred: [roman type]'Well, anyways, since the majority voted to arm themselves, here are your weapons.' Fred passes out pistols to the crew. Fred is about to hand you a weapon when Eric cuts in. [bold type]Eric: [roman type]'Woah are we really giving a weapon to the murderer?' [bold type]Olivia: [roman type]'Shut up Eric, Charlie didn't do it.' [bold type]Eric: [roman type]'Shut up Eric' Eric repeats mockingly, 'Lil ol' Charlie needs his girlfriend to fight his battles now?' [bold type]Fred: [roman type]'Fine, fine, if it helps you sissys stay up at night, Charlie wont get a gun.' Everyone receives a gun except you. [bold type]Fred: [roman type]'Well what are you all waiting for? Get back to work!' [bold type] *EMERGENCY MEETING OVER* [bold type]Fred: [roman type]'Psst, Charlie! I don't care what Eric says, you need a gun to protect yourself. [Bold type]Meet me in the weapons room and I'll see what I can do for you.'"; now Fred is Calm; now eric is unresponsive; move jessica to airlock; move Eric to electrical; move Keith to storage; move Fred to weapons; move Jeffery to generator; move Ethan to communications; move Candice to potato farm; move wendy to storage; move jacky to reactor. [Fred Task One] Instead of talking to a calm fred for the first time: now fred is midtylenoled; say "[Bold type]Fred: [roman type]'Hey Charlie, listen, I can get you that gun, but you have to something for me first. My head kinda hurts a lot, is there anything you can do to fix it?'" Instead of talking to a calm fred: say "[Bold type]Fred: [roman type]'Did you find anything to give me yet?'" Instead of talking to a tylenoled fred: say "[Bold type]Fred: [roman type]'Thanks again for that medicine, Charlie!'" Instead of talking to a happy fred: say "[Bold type]Fred: [roman type]'Thanks again for that medicine, Charlie!'" Pistol is an object. The description of pistol is "The dark barrel of the 9mm pistol stares you right in the eye. You wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of it." Fred is carrying Pistol. Instead of giving some Tylenol pills to Fred: increase score by 10; now Fred carries tylenol pills; now the player is carrying pistol; now fred is happy; now fred is tylenoled; say "Fred takes the tylenol pills, pops them into his mouth and swallows. [Bold type]Fred: [roman type]'Ahh. Thank you so much, I feel a lot better now! Now here's that gun I promised ya!' *Fred gives you a pistol* [bold type] [line break] [line break] You're about to leave when you catch a whiff of the revolting stench of rotting flesh in the East Hallway, causing you to gag and vomit. You should really check it out.[roman type]" Instead of going west when fred is tylenoled: say "Are you sure you do not want to check the East Hallway? (go south)". Vent is a supporter in East Hallway. The description of the vent is "The vent is old and rusty. You wonder when it was made." Red stain is on the vent. Red stain is fixed in place. The description of the Red stain is "A bright red stain on the cracks of the vent. It could be blood, but probably just the remnants of someone's ketchup and potato sandwich." Bodies is an object. The bodies can be found, unfound, deez. The bodies are unfound. The bodies can be reported or unreported. the bodies is unreported. The description of the bodies is "Two dead bodies of Ethan and Wendy are currently going through rigor mortis. Their skin is cold, grey and clammy, their eyes that were once bouncing with life are now motionless. For some reason, the bodies were dismembered as if to make them less identifiable. You feel a chill going down your spine looking at your fallen crewmates." After going south when fred is tylenoled for the first time: say " [bold type] East Hallway [roman type] {Weapons} ↑ {Oxygen} ← {East Hallway} → {Airlock} ↓ {Potato Farm} You can see a Vent Here. [bold type]It seems to be where the odour is originating. [roman type] " Instead of examining vent when fred is untylenoled: say "The vent is old and rusty, with what seems to be either blood or ketchup stained on it. Why are you wasting more time looking in the vent?" Instead of going North when bodies are unfound and fred is tylenoled and player is in east hallway: say "You feel like you should stay and investigate." Instead of going East when bodies are unfound and fred is tylenoled and player is in east hallway: say "You feel like you should stay and investigate.". Instead of going South when bodies are unfound and fred is tylenoled and player is in east hallway: say "You feel like you should stay and investigate.". Instead of going west when bodies are unfound and fred is tylenoled and player is in east hallway: say "You feel like you should stay and investigate.". Instead examining vent when fred is tylenoled for the first time: now bodies are found; now bodies is in east hallway; now fred is untylenoled; say "Upon looking in the vent, you discover the absolutely disfigured bodies of Wendy and Ethan! You can report the bodies and call an emergency meeting or just leave it there. [bold type]Examine the bodies to report them and leave the room to leave them (Any direction) [roman type]". Instead of examining vent when bodies are found: say "Further investigation of the vent reveals nothing else suspicious." Instead of going North when bodies are found: say "Turns out Fred was following you from behind. It's too late for you to stop him and he strolls into the exposed hallway. [Bold Type] Fred: [roman type] 'CHARLIE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING! I'm sorry, but I have no choice but to kill you.' "; end the game in death. Instead of going East when bodies are found: say "Turns out Fred was following you from behind. It's too late for you to stop him and he strolls into the exposed hallway. [Bold Type] Fred: [roman type] 'CHARLIE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING! I'm sorry, but I have no choice but to kill you.'"; end the game in death. Instead of going South when bodies are found: say "Turns out Fred was following you from behind. It's too late for you to stop him and he strolls into the exposed hallway. [Bold Type] Fred: [roman type] 'CHARLIE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING! I'm sorry, but I have no choice but to kill you.'"; end the game in death. Instead of going west when bodies are found: say "Turns out Fred was following you from behind. It's too late for you to stop him and he strolls into the exposed hallway. [Bold Type] Fred: [roman type] 'CHARLIE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING! I'm sorry, but I have no choice but to kill you.'"; end the game in death. After examining bodies for the first time: increase the score by 10; now jessica is emergency-2; now eric is emergency-2; now Fred is emergency-2; now olivia is emergency-2; now jacky is emergency-2; move player to cafeteria; move jessica to cafeteria; move Eric to cafeteria; now bodies are deez; move Keith to cafeteria; move Fred to cafeteria; move olivia to cafeteria; move jacky to cafeteria; now the player is carrying YES-button; now the player is carrying NO-button; say "[bold type]*EMERGENCY MEETING CALLED.*[roman type] The crew carries the two bodies to the cafeteria. [bold type]Eric: [roman type]'...' Jacky places her hand on the side of Ethan's face. Tears start rolling down her cheeks. [bold type]Jacky: [roman type]'My poor Ethan.' [bold type]Keith: [roman type]'WENDY...No...I can't believe it...Why?' [bold type]Eric: [roman type]'Once again Charlie is at the center of it all.' [bold type]Olivia: [roman type]'Would you stop it! I know Charlie wouldn't have done this.' [bold type]Fred: [roman type]'Ay. Charlie couldn't have done it, I was with him most of the time.' [bold type]Eric: [roman type]'He was the first to see all of the dead people, this cannot be a coincidence. Someone needs to pay. I think we should vote out someone.' [bold type]Keith: [roman type]'I agree, someone has got to go' [bold type]Fred: [roman type]'Alright, all in favor of voting someone out, vote now.' The entire crew is voting . [bold type] Choose to vote out (Vote Yes) someone or not? (Vote No)' " Instead of voting yes-button when eric is emergency-2: move keith to storage; now Fred is happy; now fred is untylenoled; now eric is unresponsive; now candice is calm; now jeffery is unresponsive; now wendy is unresponsive; now jessica is unresponsive; now Olivia is unresponsive; now jacky is unresponsive; remove jessica from play; move Eric to electrical; move Fred to weapons; move olivia to medical bay; move jacky to reactor; move candice to potato farm; now bodies are deez; remove ethan from play; remove wendy from play; remove NO-Button from play; remove YES-Button from play; remove bodies from play; say " [bold type] Fred: [roman type] 'After counting the votes, Eric, Keith and Charlie chose to vote someone out.' [bold type] Eric: [roman type] 'I think we all know who we would have voted for.' [bold type] Jessica: [Roman type] 'Oh shut up Eric, you literally have no proof it was him.' [bold type] Fred: [Roman type] 'Enough of this! Vote is over. Let's get back to work. Be careful everyone.' [Line Break][bold type]*EMERGENCY MEETING OVER* Candice: [Roman type]'Hey Charlie, I saw what you did to help old Fred, think you can do something for me? Meet me at the [bold type]Potato Farm.[roman type]'". Instead of voting no-button when eric is emergency-2: now Fred is happy; now candice is calm; now eric is unresponsive; now candice is calm; now jessica is unresponsive; now keith is unresponsive; now Olivia is unresponsive; now jacky is unresponsive; move keith to storage; move jessica to airlock; move Eric to electrical; move Fred to weapons; move olivia to medical bay; move candice to potato farm; move jacky to reactor; now jacky is happy; now bodies are deez; remove jessica from play; remove ethan from play; remove wendy from play; remove NO-Button from play; remove YES-Button from play; remove bodies from play; say " [bold type] Fred: [roman type] 'After counting the votes, Eric and Keith chose to vote someone out.' [bold type] Eric: [roman type] 'I think we all know who we would have voted for.' [bold type] Jessica: [Roman type] 'Oh shut up Eric, you literally have no proof it was him.' [bold type] Fred: [Roman type] 'Enough of this! Vote is over. Let's get back to work. Be careful everyone.' [Line Break][bold type]*EMERGENCY MEETING OVER* Candice: [Roman type]'Hey Charlie, I saw what you did to help old Fred, think you can do something for me? Meet me at the Potato Farm.'". Instead of going west when Eric is emergency-2: say "You cannot leave while an emergency meeting is in progress!" Instead of going east when Eric is emergency-2: say "You cannot leave while an emergency meeting is in progress!" Instead of going north when Eric is emergency-2: say "You cannot leave while an emergency meeting is in progress!" Instead of going south when Eric is emergency-2: say "You cannot leave while an emergency meeting is in progress!" Instead of giving [thing] to [person] when Eric is emergency-2: say "You cannot give items to other players right now." [Candice task] [HELP CANDICE] Instead of talking to a calm candice: say "[bold type] Candice: [roman type] 'Come on, why are you still here? Are you going to get me the plans or not?'" instead of talking to a calm candice for the first time: say "[Bold type]Candice: [roman type]'Hey Charlie, thanks for coming down here. Get [bold type]Henry's rocket plans[roman type] from Jacky and maybe I can give you some information about the murder.'"; now jacky is calm; Now the description of Airlock is "A small room with nozzles that line the walls and doors on either side. The entrance and exit to the base. {East Hallway} ← {Airlock } [Bold type]You notice Jessica is no longer in the Airlock. " [talking to jacky] instead of talking to a happy jacky: say "[Bold type]Jacky: [roman type]'Not now Charlie.' Jacky is not in the mood for talking right now, [Bold type] Talk to Candice to receive your task." instead of talking to a calm jacky for the first time: say "[Bold type]Jacky: [roman type]'I'm really busy Charlie, what do you want? '[bold type] Ask Jacky about rocket plans." Instead of talking to a calm jacky: say "[Bold type]Jacky: [roman type]'I said I'm busy, can't you listen?'" Instead of talking to a midtask jacky: say "[Bold type]Jacky: [roman type]'I said I'm busy, can't you listen?'" instead of asking a calm jacky about "rocket plans" for the first time: now jacky is midtask; now screwdriver is in airlock; now the description of cameras is "A camera system used to keep track of everything in the colony. You see Keith in Storage slacking, Fred doing pushups in weapons, and Olivia staring at her microscope in Medical Bay. For some reason Jessica is missing from Airlock."; now the description of DVD Player is "A rectangular box with a panel that pops out to input a DVD. Currently it appears like that panel is jammed too far into the rectangular box to play a message. Perhaps a long metal object could pry it open; you feel like you saw one in the airlock."; now keith is calm; now Jeffery is calm; say "[Bold type]Jacky: [roman type] 'Yea I have them, but why would I give them to you? Now leave me in peace, I have work to do.' [bold type] [line break]Jacky won't give you the plans for free. Ask people around Jacky to find what she may trade for the plans". Instead of asking a midtask jacky about "rocket plans": say "[Bold type]Jacky: [roman type]'Listen kid, don't make me tell you to get lost again!' [bold type]Ask people around Jacky to find what she may trade for the plans" [talking to jeffery] instead of talking to a calm jeffery for the first time: say "[Bold type]Jeffery: [roman type]'The generator isn't going to fix itself, what do you want?'[bold type] Ask Jeffery about what jacky likes." instead of talking to a calm jeffery: say "[Bold type]Jeffery: [roman type]'Leave me be, I have work to do!'" instead of asking a calm jeffery about "what jacky likes" for the first time: say "[Bold type]Jeffery: [roman type]'I don't know much, but every so often I see her in Ethan's room looking for a lost message or something. I hear she likes him, too bad he was murdered.' [bold type] Check communications for a lost message." instead of asking a calm jeffery about "jacky" for the first time: say "[Bold type]Jeffery: [roman type]'I don't know much, but every so often I see her in Ethan's room looking for a lost message or something. I hear she likes him, too bad he was murdered.' [bold type] Check communications for a lost message." Instead of asking a calm jeffery about "what jacky likes": say "[Bold type]Jeffery: [roman type]'I already told you what I know, now get lost!' [bold type] Check communications for a lost message." Instead of asking a calm jeffery about "jacky": say "[Bold type]Jeffery: [roman type]'I already told you what I know, now get lost!' [bold type] Check communications for a lost message." [talking to keith] instead of talking to calm Keith for the first time: say "[Bold type]Keith: [roman type] 'What's so important that you need to disturb a grieving man to talk about? Why would they do this to Wendy.' [bold type] Ask Keith about what jacky likes." Instead of talking to a calm keith: say "[Bold type]Keith: [roman type]'I'm a busy man, I don't have time to talk to clowns like you.'" instead of asking a calm Keith about "what jacky likes" for the first time: say "[Bold type]Keith:[roman type] 'She used to hang out in communications a lot. That's all I know.' [bold type]Check communications for what Jacky likes." instead of asking a calm Keith about "jacky" for the first time: say "[Bold type]Keith: [roman type] 'She used to hang out in communications a lot, probably with Ethan. That's all I know. [bold type] Check communications for what Jacky likes." instead of asking a calm Keith about "what jacky likes": say "[Bold type]Keith: [roman type] 'I already told you what I know, can you leave? I'm trying to keep you breathing here.' [bold type] Check communications for what Jacky likes." instead of asking a calm Keith about "jacky": say "[Bold type]Keith: [roman type] 'I already told you what I know, can you leave? I'm trying to keep you breathing here.' [bold type] Check communications for what Jacky likes." Communication panel is in communications. communication panel is a supporter. The description of the communication panel is "A panel used to send and receive messages from Earth. All messages are recorded on DVD's so hard-copies can be saved. Insert a DVD into the message reader to play a message." DVD Player is a container. Message reader is fixed in place. DVD Player is on communication panel. DVD player is fixed in place. DVD Player is locked. The description of the DVD Player is "A rectangular box with a panel that pops out to input a DVD. You wonder why this 'outdated technology' is here." Ethan's Message is in DVD Player. The description of Ethan's Message is "Ethan's last words in a message to Jacky. It sends a shiver up your spine. Truly chilling." Understand "message" and "ethans message" as "[ethan's message]". Check opening a locked dvd player: if screwdriver is carried, try opening dvd player instead. Instead of opening a locked DVD player: say "The DVD panel is jammed too far in for your finger nails to reach. Maybe you need a screwdriver; you feel like you saw one in the Airlock. " screwdriver unlocks DVD Player. The description of screwdriver is "Long metal object, could be used to pry something open." Check taking screwdriver: move keith to oxygen room; remove jeffery from play; now the description of Storage is “An open storage room containing not much but boxes, tools and gas jerricans. It's quite cramped, triggering your claustrophobia. {Main Hallway} ↑ {Lower West Hallway} ← {Storage} → {Lower East Hallway} [bold type] You notice Keith is no longer in storage [roman type] " Check opening DVD player: if Ethan's message is in DVD Player, say "All this movement seems to have activated the message reader. [bold type]*Message Play*[roman type] 'Jacky, it's Ethan. I don't know how much time I have left. Someone is trying to kill me. First they tried to booby trap the reactor, -shhhhh-having poison gas fill the room when I tried to fix it. I barely got out of there alive. I went back to communications and now the doors are locked. It started because I found a -shhhh- deleted message from Earth. It said the Earth was saved! The asteroid was blown up. I didn't tell you because, well I saw Henry's plans for the rocket ship and there's only room for one person. I'm sorry Jacky, but it's too late for me. Just -shhhh- don't trust... anyon-UUUGUGGHHHHHH'. [bold type]*Message End*[roman type]"; now jacky is message. Henry's Rocket Plans is an object. Jacky is carrying Henry's Rocket Plans is an object. Instead of giving object to a midtask Jacky: say "'I don't want your [noun], buffoon.'" Instead of giving [Ethan's message] to a message Jacky: increase score by 10; say "'...Thank you so much. How did you know? It doesn't matter, please, take Henry's Rocket Plans.' [bold type]You are now carrying Henry's Rocket Plans"; now the player is carrying henry's rocket plans; now jacky is joy; remove ethan's message from play. instead of talking to a joy jacky: say "'...thank you so much for finding that message Charlie.'" the description of henry's rocket plans is "Lots of drawings and measurements on the page. You can't make sense of them, but maybe someone can." Instead giving Henry's Rocket Plans to Candice: increase score by 10; move player to cafeteria; now candice is emergency-3; now jacky is emergency-3; now fred is emergency-3; now olivia is emergency-3; now jessica is emergency-3; now keith is emergency-3; move candice to cafeteria; move jacky to cafeteria; move fred to cafeteria; move olivia to cafeteria; move jessica to cafeteria; move keith to cafeteria; remove eric from play; remove jeffery from play; now the player is carrying YES-button; now the player is carrying NO-button; say "'You did it! Thanks Charlie.' Candice takes a moment to review the plans. 'It's as I thought. The rocket requires the generator to run.' Before you have a chance to ask Candice more about this information, you hear Fred and Jessica calling everyone in for an emergency meeting. [bold type]*EMERGENCY MEETING CALLED.*[roman type] [Bold type] Candice: [roman type] 'What is happening?' [Bold type] Fred: [roman type] 'We just found the dead bodies of Jeffery and Eric near the heater.' [Bold type] Olivia: [roman type] 'Why would the murderer kill all these people?' [Bold type] Jacky: [roman type] 'I think I know. Ethan left me a message saying that the Earth was saved.' [Bold type] Candice: [roman type] 'And according to Henry's rocket plans there's only one seat on the rocket ship home. That's probably why they killed Henry first.' [Bold type] Keith: [roman type] 'It must have been you Charlie! You wanted that seat home for yourself! Eric never trusted you, and now he is dead! We should have voted you out long ago!' The entire crew is now staring at you. [bold type] Choose to deny (Deny Keith) or agree with Keiths's accusations (Agree with Keith)?" Understand "keith's accusations" as Keith. Check denying Keith: if keith is not emergency-3, say "You are not in an emergency meeting!" instead. Check agreeing Keith: if keith is not emergency-3, say "You are not in an emergency meeting!" instead. Instead of denying a denied keith: say "There's nothing to deny!" Check of agreeing keith : now keith is agreed; say " [Bold type] Keith: [roman type] 'As I thought.' Keith pulls out a pistol and shoots you in the head."; end the game in death. Check of denying keith : now keith is denied; say " [Bold type] You: [roman type] 'I was helping Jacky and Candice out Keith. Ask any of them. I was working. You on the other hand, I can't say the same for. Why'd you leave from storage Keith?'[line break] [Bold type] Keith: [roman type] 'Me? I was in the Oxygen room doing the daily check ups.' [Bold type] Jessica: [roman type] 'That's a lie, I never left the airlock and I never saw you.' [Bold type] Candice: [roman type] 'Keith, it is quite suspicious that you left your post.' [Bold type] Jessica: [roman type] 'I agree, and besides I think I saw Keith walking away from the bodies. We should vote him out.' [Bold type] Fred: [roman type] 'Let's put it to a vote, all in favor of voting Keith out please vote now.' [bold type] Choose to vote Keith out. Vote Yes or Vote No?" Instead of going west when Keith is emergency-3: say "You cannot leave while an emergency meeting is in progress!" Instead of going east when Keith is emergency-3: say "You cannot leave while an emergency meeting is in progress!" Instead of going north when Keith is emergency-3: say "You cannot leave while an emergency meeting is in progress!" Instead of going south when Keith is emergency-3: say "You cannot leave while an emergency meeting is in progress!" Instead of giving [thing] to [person] when Keith is emergency-3: say "You cannot give items to other players right now." Instead of voting YES-Button when Candice is Emergency-3: Remove YES-Button from play; Remove NO-Button from play; Now Jacky is emergency-3; now candice is unresponsive; now fred is richard; now olivia is unresponsive; now candice is unresponsive; Now Keith is unresponsive; Remove Keith from play; Move Jacky to reactor; move candice to potato farm; move fred to weapons; move olivia to medical bay; move jessica to airlock; now candice is unresponsive; say "You voted to vote Keith out. [Bold type] Fred: [roman type] 'It was unanimous. The entire crew voted to vote Keith out.' [Bold type] Keith: [roman type] Guys...Don't do this. Jessica is lying! I was in oxygen! Please...please. It wasn't me. WHY WOULD I KILL MY OWN GIRLFRIEND!' [Bold type] Fred: [roman type]'Keith, I'm sorry. The crew has spoken.' Fred pulls out his pistol and shoots Keith in the head. Keith reaches in his pocket. Keith falls like a tree in the forest, hitting his head hard on the ground. His dark blood pools forming a faint border around his body. In his hand, is a now blood splattered picture of Wendy. [Bold Type] EMERGENCY REACTOR MELTDOWN HEAD TO REACTOR IMMEDIATELY [Bold type] Fred: [roman type] 'That sounds bad.' [Bold type] Jacky: [roman type] 'It's the reactor! We need to fix it or it might blow this entire base to pieces!' The remaining crew sprint toward the reactors. You should do the same." Instead of voting NO-Button when Candice is Emergency-3: Remove YES-Button from play; Remove NO-Button from play; Now Jacky is emergency-3; now candice is unresponsive; now fred is richard; now olivia is unresponsive; now candice is unresponsive; Now Keith is unresponsive; Remove Keith from play; Move Jacky to reactor; move candice to reactor; move fred to reactor; move olivia to reactor; move jessica to reactor; now candice is unresponsive; say "You voted to not vote Keith out. [Bold type] Fred: [roman type] 'The entire crew voted to vote Keith out except for Charlie.' [Bold type] Keith: [roman type] Guys...Don't do this. Jessica is lying! I was in oxygen! Please...please. It wasn't me. WHY WOULD I KILL MY OWN GIRLFRIEND!' [Bold type] Fred: [roman type]'Keith, I'm sorry. The crew has spoken.' Fred pulls out his pistol and shoots Keith in the head. Keith reaches in his pocket. Keith falls like a tree in the forest, hitting his head hard on the ground. His dark blood pools forming a border around his body. In his hand, is a now blood splattered picture of Wendy. [Bold Type] EMERGENCY REACTOR MELTDOWN HEAD TO REACTOR IMMEDIATELY [Bold type] Fred: [roman type] 'That sounds bad.' [Bold type] Jacky: [roman type] 'It's the reactor! We need to fix it or it might blow this entire base to pieces!' The remaining crew sprint toward the reactors. You should do the same." Instead of going south when fred is richard and player is in cafeteria: say "You think you should run to reactor." Instead of going north when fred is richard and player is in cafeteria: say "You think you should run to reactor." Instead of going east when fred is richard and player is in cafeteria: say "You think you should run to reactor." Instead of going east when fred is richard and player is in upper-west hallway: say "You think you should run to reactor." Instead of going south when fred is richard and player is in upper-west hallway: say "You think you should run to reactor." Instead of going south when fred is richard and player is in west hallway: say "You think you should run to reactor." Instead of going east when fred is richard and player is in west hallway: say "You think you should run to reactor." Instead of going east when fred is richard and player is in generator: say "You think you should run to reactor." Instead of going north when player is in west hallway and jacky is emergency-3: say "You can't leave now! Make your decision! Everyone's lives depends on it!" Instead of going east when player is in west hallway and jacky is emergency-3: say "You can't leave now! Make your decision! Everyone's lives depends on it!" Instead of going south when player is in west hallway and jacky is emergency-3: say "You can't leave now! Make your decision! Everyone's lives depends on it!" Instead of going west when player is in west hallway and jacky is emergency-3: say "You can't leave now! Make your decision! Everyone's lives depends on it!" Instead of going south when jacky is emergency-3 and player is in generator for the first time: now the player is carrying YES-button; now the player is carrying NO-button; now the description of cameras is "The screen is black and full of static. It seems someone deleted the footage, to cover their tracks."; move player to west hallway; say "You arrive directly outside the reactor to see Jacky and Candice rewiring the nuclear control panel. Fred, Olivia and Jessica wait outside. You're about to step in when all of a sudden, gas starts filling the room. Fred grabs your shoulder and yanks you back. [Bold type] Jacky: [Roman type] 'It's booby trapped! Just like Ethan said!' Jacky and Candice try to run out of the reactor but collapse in meters before the door. Dead. [Bold type] Fred: [Roman type] 'Candice...' Alarms continue to blare and you can barely hear yourself think, yet your mind is awkwardly silent. [Bold type] Jessica: [roman type] 'If we don't fix the reactor we're all dead!' [bold type] You: [roman type] 'If we try to fix the reactor then we'll die!' [bold type] Fred: [roman type] 'Then I'll go.' [bold type] You: [roman type] 'Fred...Fred you can't. You won't make it!' [bold type] Fred: [roman type] 'I've lived a long life Charlie. More than I deserve.' [bold type] You: [roman type] 'Don't do it Fred! You'll never get to see the colony thrive!' [bold type] Fred: [roman type] 'I know the colony will thrive with you, Charlie.' You try to grab Fred's hand but he runs into the reactor before you can grab him. [bold type]Go into the reactor with Fred (Vote Yes) or wait outside (Vote No). " Instead of voting yes-button when jacky is emergency-3: remove NO-Button from play; remove YES-Button from play; say "You hold your breath and run into the reactor after Fred. Through the smoke you find him wiring the nuclear reactor. [bold type] Fred: [roman type] 'You're a fool Charlie! Go while you still can.' [bold type] You: [roman type] 'I can't do that Fred, I won't let you die alone.' [bold type] Fred: [roman type] 'Then I guess we'll die together.' Fred connects to wires and the alarms stop blaring, but the gas keeps filling the room. [bold type] Fred: [roman type] 'You're a good man Charlie. A fool, but a good man.' You and Fred are poisoned by the gas. Both of you eventually fall to the ground, gasping for air. You can feel your throat closing in. The reactor lights are so bright. They start to consume you. Then...total darkness."; end the game in death. Instead of voting no-button when jacky is emergency-3: remove NO-Button from play; remove YES-Button from play; now player is in security; move Olivia to security; move Jessica to security; say "You watch Fred through the dense fog as he rewires the panel for the reactor. All of a sudden, the alarms stop blaring. You watch helplessly as Fred collapses to the ground. A true hero's death. [bold type] Olivia: [roman type] 'Fred...' Tears fill your eyes as you look around the hallway to avoid thinking about the events that just transpired when you spot a security camera facing right toward the reactor. [bold type] You: [roman type] 'The security cameras!' [bold type] Olivia: [roman type] 'Of course! We can see who rigged the reactor with the cameras!' Jessica and Olivia rush to security. You take a minute to mourn Fred, staring at his lifeless body before entering the security room. [bold type] Olivia: [roman type] 'JESSICA DID IT! I saw her rig the reactor to meltdown, but she deleted the footage when I was going to show you!' [bold type] Jessica: [roman type] 'CHARLIE DON'T LISTEN TO HER! She was the on who rigged the reactor to meltdown then deleted the video!' Jessica and Olivia are pointing their guns at each other. [bold type] Olivia: [roman type] 'Charlie, after all we've been through. I would never do this!' [bold type] Jessica: [roman type] 'It was her Charlie! Shoot her before she kills us all!' [bold type] You have a pistol in your hands. It's up to you to make the decision of who to believe. ('shoot Olivia' or 'shoot Jessica') [roman type]"; now jessica is numb instead of going west when jessica is numb: say "You need to decide to shoot Jessica or Olivia first." Shooting is an action applying to one thing. Understand "shoot [something]" as shooting. Check shooting: if pistol is not carried, say "You need a gun to shoot!" instead. Check shooting pistol: say "You realize it's impossible to shoot your gun with your gun." instead. Carry out shooting person: say "You shoot the wrong person, why would you do that?"; end the game in death. carry out shooting object: say "You shot [noun]. Nothing happened. Are you happy now? You should really stop bombarding inanimate objects with bullets and get back to work." Instead of shooting Olivia when Jacky is emergency-3: say "You shoot Olivia. [bold type] Olivia: [roman type] 'Why...Why Charlie.' Olivia slumps to the ground. Dead, a single tear falls down your cheek. [bold type] Jessica: [roman type] 'Thank you Charlie! You saved my life!' Jessica runs to hug you. [bold type] Jessica: [roman type] 'I'm sorry Charlie, I just want to go home.' You feel a sharp pain in your chest a find the handle of a knife in your chest. You fall down as dark red nectar flows out of your body onto the floor. The lights in security grow bright and start to consume you. You fool. "; end the game in death. Instead of shooting Jessica when Jacky is emergency-3: increase the score by 10; now olivia is emergency-4; now jacky is unresponsive; remove jessica from play; now the player is carrying YES-button; now the player is carrying NO-button; say "You shoot Jessica. [bold type] Jessica: [roman type] 'I...I just wanted to go home.' Jessica slumps to the ground. Dead, no doubt. [Bold type] Olivia: [Roman type]: 'Thank you, thank you, thank you Charlie!' Olivia runs to hug you. You fear that when Olivia finishes her hug you might find the handle of a knife in your back, but you find yourself perfectly unharmed when Olivia pulls away. [Bold type] Olivia: [Roman type]: 'Let's go have that dinner now shall we?' As Olivia is walking away, her back turned, you realize she left her gun on the floor. You find the gun still in your hand. You remember how the sun feels on the nape of your neck on Earth. The birds chirping, children crying. Your family waiting for you back at home. You think to yourself about how you could escape with Henry's Rocket ship, but remember how there's only 1 seat. No one would know. You sick human being. [Bold type]Do you choose to eliminate Olivia (Vote Yes) to escape on the rocket ship and go home or stay with her on the Colony (Vote No)." instead of shooting olivia when jessica is numb, say "[Bold type] Vote yes to kill Olivia." Instead of voting Yes-Button when Olivia is emergency-4: say "You aim your pistol at Olivia. [Bold type] You: [Roman type] 'I'm sorry Olivia... I just want to go home.' Olivia didn't even get a chance to turn around. [Bold type]Epilogue [Roman type] You killed Olivia so you could escape on Henry's one seat escape ship. You didn't even feel bad leaving. When you return, you tell the world your incredible tale about the colony, and how sadly only you could have escaped. The irony. All this time you were trying to find the murderer when the true murderer was you all along. Alas, you will receive no retribution for your actions, other than the burning memory of Olivia in your heart. "; increase score by 10; end the game in victory. Instead of voting No-Button when Olivia is emergency-4: say "You throw your gun onto the floor. [Bold type] You: [Roman type] 'That sounds great Olivia.' You take her hand in your hand as you walk toward the cafeteria. A brave new world ahead of you. A new adventure. [Bold type]Epilogue [Roman type] You and Olivia live out a long, secluded life on the colony. You have a lovely family and your descendants slowly turn Proxima B into a new, flourishing earth. Despite your happy ending, all the way to your last breath, part of you will always wonder if Olivia was the murderer all along... "; increase score by 10; end the game in victory.