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Finding Glitter Fish
Macy Raab
Played 1,054 times
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[Introduction] "You are in your house. You have recently heard about the magical glitter fish that will grant you three wishes. You decide that you will head off and find the fishy.(this game isn't finished its really boring so yeah) " [House] House is a room. "You look outside and see a city to the south, a garden to the east and a reef to the north." [City] City is a room. City is south of the House. The description of the City is "The city has lots of cars and restaurants. To the north you see gas station with a little shop next to it. Then to the south you see a fast food restaurant. You look around one more time and spot a train station your west." [Garden] Garden is a room. Garden is east of the house. The description of the Garden is "When you swim to the garden, you see a pile of veggies and fruit. To the east of the pile you see a little trail of glitter headed toward land." [Reef] Reef is a room. Reef is north of the house. The description of the Reef is "When you get to the reef you see your friend squirt the turtle. You ask him if he knows about the glitter fish. Squirt says yeah and tells you about a cave that glitter might live in, somewhere to the west." [Fast Food Restaurant] Fast Food Restaurant is a room. Fast Food Restaurant is south of the City. The description of the Fast Food Restaurant is "When you get to the restaurant you can see a glass of water and food. You don't see anyone that you can pay for your meal. You can see the exit to the east." Glass of Water is a object. Food is a object. [Train Station] Train Station is a room. Train Station is west of the City. The description of the Train Station is "The train station is empty. You wait for a few minutes and eventually you can see a train in the distance. When the train pulls in, you see that its going to land. You have to decide if you want to go north, to land, or go back east to the city." [Gas Station] Gas station is a room. Gas station is north of the city. The description of the Gas Station is "When you get there, you realize that you don't have a car so thats a problem. then you see a mini mart to the east of you and decide to go in. You see food, batteries, flashlights and water. You also see an exit to your south." [Land] Land is east of the Garden. Land is a room. The description of the Land is "When you get up to the surface you realize you have a limited amount of time on land. You look and see a glitter going to the east."