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Alien Society - Ophaulosz
Magic Man
Played 81 times
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"Ophaulosz" Ophaulosz Guard Checkpoint is a room. Understand "Checkpoint", "Guard Checkpoint" and "the checkpoint" as Ophaulosz Guard Checkpoint. "[if the checkpoint is unvisited]On your planet, you were a scientist, obsessed with the extraterrestrial. Your peers did not understand, and you were ridiculed at the mention of life beyond your star. For decades you've been tinkering away at your machines and technology, trying to create a signal strong enough to reach something in the cosmos. The government often intervened, making this difficult. But you were undeterred. The tyrannical matriarch of Ophaulosz, (a planet hundreds of light years from your own), had picked up on a faint signal from the Milky Way. A blip on her radar. But she was curious... Earth had never tried to communicate before. They were all too stupid. Perhaps there is a human who is... less stupid. And so, she sent her favored General, Zephyr of Ophaulosz, to fetch the source of the signal -- you. You've just stepped off of the Teleportation Pad, finding a checkpoint of sorts as the General walks you to the guardsmen. There is an incredibly large watchtower on either side of the checkpoint. [end if](Type 'hint me' for controls and hints.)" Understand "Hint [someone]" as Hinting. Hinting is an action applying to one thing. Instead of hinting [someone]: say "(Type 'North, N, East, E, South, S, or West, W' to move. Use commands like 'examine, x', 'take', 'read', and else to interact with your environment. 'Talk to', 'Tell', 'Ask (someone) about', 'Show (object) to', or 'Examine' for interaction with people.)" Understand "Talk to [someone]" as talking to. Talking to is an action applying to one thing. General Zephyr is a man in the checkpoint. Understand "Zephyr" and "General" as General Zephyr. The description of Zephyr is "An enormous, hulking figure. Clad in an armor that appears to be a similar material to your Earth's gold. Contrarily, a soft magenta color that mottles into purple and blue peeks from beneath his helm. General Zephyr of Ophaulosz appears to be closer to the society's Matriarch than her captains or soldiers. It is hard to discern his intentions beyond the stoicism in his expression and demeanor." Instead of talking to Zephyr: say "Zephyr spares you a glance, but nothing more. He doesn't seem too keen on speaking with the human rubbish. However, he allows you to ramble all you want. Your miniscule brain must be astonished by his home planet. And it is. Stupid idiot. Your mouth hangs open wide as your gaze sweeps over the area." Instead of asking Zephyr about something: say "[one of]The General scowls, but doesn't react much otherwise. You talk too much.[or]'Don't worry about that.' The General growls in exasperation.[at random]" Instead of telling Zephyr about something: say "Zephyr glances, raising a rough and hairless brow." Instead of taking Zephyr: say "Woah, woah, woah. You want to do WHAT? You are not his type, I promise." Instead of showing something to Zephyr: say "Zephyr pauses, staring for a moment. If only to cease your incessant nagging, he pretends to observe for a brief while before facing forward again." Every turn: if the player is in a room (called the current space): move Zephyr to the current space. The Teleportation Pad is a room. The Teleportation Pad is south of the checkpoint. Understand "Teleporter" and "tp" as The Teleportation Pad. Every turn: if the player has been in the Teleportation Pad for 1 turn: move the player to Ophaulosz Guard Checkpoint; say "The alien General grips your shoulder and yanks you back to the checkpoint. You've got no idea how to use the teleporter anyhow.". Ophaulosz Gate is a room. Understand "the Main Gate" and "the City Gate" as Ophaulosz Gate. The Ophaulosz Gate is north of the checkpoint. "[if the Ophaulosz Gate is unvisited]Wow that was a crazy long demo, huh? Really, it was more of figuring out how to make the General behave. Messy writing.[end if][if the Ophaulosz Gate is visited]There's nothing else...[end if]"