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Arkham Asylum
Magic Man
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"Arkham Asylum - Beta" by sal Your Cell is a room. The printed name is "[bold type]Your Cell[roman type]". "[if Your Cell is unvisited]You[']d find it difficult to determine why, but you find yourself in the penitentiary of Arkham Asylum.[paragraph break]There[']s plenty to do, as long as you abide by the rules and schedules. You should also consider getting along with your fellow inmates. Try using the command [']look['].[Otherwise if Your Cell is visited]This cell is tiny and identical to all others in this cell block. The walls are white, but not unclean, which would usually be the low expectations in Arkham. Perhaps that[']s just the conditions in heavy containment.[paragraph break]Aside from your bed, which is just a bare, white mattress on the floor, a toilet near the far wall, which is next to a sink, your room is empty and dull." YNmap is a truth state that varies. YNmap is true. Every turn while YNmap is true: if the player has been in a room for 3 turns: say "[italic type]Use command [']map['] for the nearest adjacent locations. [line break]Use command [']stop map['] to stop receiving this notification." Understand "map [someone]" as mapping. Mapping is an action applying to one thing. Understand "stop map [someone]" as nomapping. Nomapping is an action applying to one thing. Instead of nomapping: now YNmap is false. Instead of mapping: if the player is in a room (called the current location): say "[italic type]You are currently in [current location]. [paragraph break]Northwest of here is [the room northwest of the current location]. [line break]North of here is [the room north of the current location]. [line break]Northeast of here is [the room northeast of the current location]. [line break]East of here is [the room east of the current location]. [line break]Southeast of here is [the room southeast of the current location]. [line break]South of here is [the room south of the current location]. [line break]Southwest of here is [the room southwest of the current location]. [line break]West of here is [the room west of the current location]." Does the player mean nomapping yourself: it is very likely. Does the player mean mapping yourself: it is very likely. Mood is a kind of value. The moods are friendly, neutral, hostile, bored, and frightened. A person has a mood. The mood of a person is usually neutral. A Bed is a kind of supporter. A mattress is a bed. The description of a mattress is "A bare white mattress. It’s compressed near the center from use." Understand "lay on [something]", "get in[something]", and "rest in [something]" as entering. Understand "use [something]" as opening. Instead of entering a mattress: say "You lie down on the mattress. It is incredibly uncomfortable.". A chair is a kind of supporter. A toilet is a chair. The description of a toilet is "A generic, white, porcelain toilet." Instead of entering a toilet: say "You sit on the toilet." Instead of opening a toilet: say "[one of]You don't really need to.[or]You don't really need to.[or]You don't really need to.[or]You don't really need to.[or]You don't really need to.[or]You don't really need to.[or]You don't really need to.[or][bold type]STOP TRYING TO USE THE TOILET.[roman type][cycling]" Understand "bed" as mattress. Instead of opening a mattress: say "You lie down on the mattress. It is incredibly uncomfortable." A sink is a device. The description of a sink is "A metal sink. It[‘]s attached to the wall. [if the sink is switched on]The water is running and filling the sink more than it should. Arkham must have bad pipes.[end if]" Instead of opening a sink: say "You turn on the sink and run your hands under the water for a moment."; now the sink is switched on. Instead of switching on a sink: say "You turn on the sink and run your hands under the water for a moment."; now the sink is switched on. Instead of switching off a sink: say "You turn off the sink."; now the sink is switched off. There is a sink in Your Cell. It is scenery. It is fixed in place. There is a toilet in Your Cell. It is scenery. It is fixed in place. There is a mattress in Your Cell. It is scenery. It is fixed in place. Cell Block One is west of Your Cell. The printed name is "[bold type]Cell Block One[roman type]". "[if Cell Block One is unvisited]There are two guards beyond your cell, which wasn't locked since. Curious, you step out. The guard who stands in front of the cell right across from yours spares you a glance, then returns to conversate with the other. What[']s going on? Why are you out? Apparently, it[']s lunchtime. And you aren't in the cafeteria. You[']d think they[']d call you, but you[']re new, so maybe you[']re being picked on.[Otherwise if Cell Block One is visited]There are six cells in this block, including yours. South, there are even more cells. It's dreary and uneventful." A weapon is a kind of thing. A gun is a kind of weapon. Delaney's gun is a gun. Parks' gun is a gun. A taser is a kind of weapon. Delaney's taser is a taser. Parks' taser is a taser. A baton is a kind of weapon. Delaney's baton is a baton. Parks' baton is a baton. Arkham Guard Uniform is a kind of thing. It is wearable. Delaney's Uniform is an Arkham Guard Uniform. Parks' Uniform is an Arkham Guard Uniform. Delaney is a man in Cell Block One. The description of Delaney is "This man is obviously below average height, but he isn[']t without muscle. A stocky, brown-haired man with little interest in much of the happenings here. He seems attached to the hip of the other guard - they[']re often posted together. Maybe such was a request. Maybe they[']re friends." Delaney is wearing Delaney's Guard Uniform. Delaney carries Delaney's gun, Delaney's taser, and Delaney's baton. Parks is a man in Cell Block One. The description of Parks is "A stringbean. This one is tall and skinny like a pole, and seems to have to look down at the other guard while they chat. Somehow, he pays you less attention than the other, which doesn't seem practical for a guard." Parks is wearing Parks' Guard Uniform. Parks carries Parks' gun, Parks' taser, and Parks' baton.