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His vacation (wip)
Magic Man
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"His Vacation" The Feast is a room. The description of The Feast is "[If The Feast is unvisited][italic type]'Welcome to the deceptively verdant mind of the Emperor Pelagius III. That's right! You're in the head of a dead, homicidally insane monarch.'[roman type] [bold type]'What? Wh-... Why would you take a vacation in someone's brain?'[roman type] [italic type]'*Mind.* Very different things. If this were a brain, it'd be awfully meaty and pink and gooey.'[roman type] [bold type]'I hate that word.'[roman type] [italic type]'Mind?'[roman type] [bold type]'*Gooey.*'[roman type] [italic type]'Ah. Well, I couldn't imagine why!'[roman type] [bold type]'Enough of that. You've been fooling around for far too long, Mad God. Your followers have begun converting to my worship.'[roman type] [italic type]'And this displeases you how?'[roman type] [bold type]'I do not appreciate the raving madmen running amok under my name.'[roman type] [italic type]'Aww. That's too bad. You could use a little excitement.'[roman type] You consider asserting further, but it feels like a losing battle. Sheogorath takes a bite from a colossal cheese wheel, rambling on with bits flying from his mouth every few syllables. You've got to find a way to steal the Mad God from his vacation.[end if][if The Feast is visited]The enormous table is adorned with a feast ranging from delightful confections to bizarre monstrosities.[end if]" Mood is a kind of value. The moods are friendly, neutral, hostile, bored, and feeling dancy. A person has a mood. The mood of a person is usually neutral. Sheogorath is a man in The Feast. Understand "Sheo" as Sheogorath. The description of Sheogorath is "You haven't the faintest clue as to why it insists on appearing with the likeness of a mortal. Irony, perhaps? You can appreciate irony, but not in this instance. He looks ridiculous. The Mad God can be mad without being a nuisance to the others. Or, at least, that's what you wish. It appears he is utterly incapable of taking anything seriously. Even your visit, it seems." Chastising is an action applying to one thing. Understand "Chastise [someone]", "Yell at [someone]", "Holler at [someone]", and "Argue with [someone]" as chastising. Instead of chastising Sheogorath: say "[one of][bold type]'This is ridiculous, Sheogorath!'[roman type] He merely flashes a knowing look as he reaches for another sweetroll, leaving you seething.[or][bold type]'You're being childish.'[roman type] [italic type]'You're being a bore!'[roman type] This is fruitless...[or][bold type]'Stop this nonsense!'[roman type] [italic type]'Bah! You're spoiling my vacation! I ought to keep this ball rolling for *at least* a millennium.'[roman type] You would tear your hair out if you had any. You consider tearing [italic type]*his*[roman type] hair out, but that sort of thoughtless violence is beneath you.'[cycling]" The table is fixed in place in the Feast. It is scenery. The description of the table is "The feast on this table would almost be appetizing if half of the feast weren't wriggling. There is an ungodly amount of cheese. The table itself is more to your liking - stone with intricate engravings." The cheese wheel is edible. The cheese wheel is on the table. The description of the cheese wheel is "A big honkin['] wheel of sharp cheddar. It smells good." SheoHasCheese is a truth state that varies. SheoHasCheese is false. Instead of giving the cheese wheel to Sheogorath: say "Sheogorath lurches forward to snatch the cheese. It's larger than his head. [italic type]'Ah! Thank you, love. Couldn't reach it.'[roman type] He chimes with that terrible accent that doesn't really exist."; now Sheogorath carries the cheese wheel; now the mood of Sheogorath is friendly; now SheoHasCheese is true.