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Camp Ywakegne
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"Ywakegne Camp" by Margad and Annika When play begins: now the left hand status line is "Ywakegne Camp"; now the right hand status line is "Location:[the player's surroundings]". A room can be scored or unscored. [MAP] The Cabin is south of The Common Area. The Dining Hall is northeast of The Cabin. The Washroom is east of The Cabin. The Lake is south of The Cabin. The Lab is south of The Lake. The Zipline is south of The Lab. The Cave is west of The Zipline. North Road is north of The Cave. South Road is south of The Cave. When play begins: say "[italic type]You are a high school student from Ordinary Land and you have been extremely excited since the March break to attend your first overnight adventure camp. The summer has finally come but your parents have accidentally dropped you off at a six week overnight sorcery course at Ywakegne Camp filled with evil wizards, witches and magicians who want power over Ordinary Land. No one knows that all the campers in this facility have superpowers and/or are magical creatures, except for the counsellors and staff. Not a single person in the outside world knows, all the parents believe that their children are only going to a science course. You want to leave the camp but the forces of the campgrounds prevent you from being able to contact your family or friends. You decide to plan an escape but you know you are not capable of running away...yet... [roman type][bold type]Please note: [roman type]The points you earn represent your power level. The more points you earn, the more powerful you are." [CABIN] Cabin is a room. "Your cabin is cozy, built out of solid oak and you are sitting on your bed along with your [Bold type]teddy bear[Roman type] with the faint evening sun barely streaming in from the rickety window. Around you, there are nine other campers unpacking their belongings and settling in. Oddly enough, you notice that the other girls are pulling out strange objects that are never used in the outside world and they don't seem quite right. To your left, there is another bunkmate beside you. You step out of your cabin and notice the otherworldly presence on the land. You have some free time and you decide to explore alone after dinner before lights out." The bed is a scenery supporter in the cabin. The description is "Lumpy. What is it even made out of?" The window is a scenery supporter in the cabin. The description is "Incredibly tiny. And stained with years of dirt. Ew." Your teddy bear is an object in the cabin. The description is "Surprisingly sturdy for a teddy bear don't you think? You've always had it with you for as long as you can remember.[paragraph break]The fur is a light golden brown and the eyes are bold and black. Its palms are pink and you remember the time when you were little and colored its tongue and ears purple. The bear is soft and hugging it always makes you feel better when you're down." [BUNKMATE] Bunkmate is a person in the cabin. Instead of asking bunkmate about something: say "I really don't know. Talk to me later." Instead of telling bunkmate about something: say "I am busy right now but I can definitely talk to you later..." Instead of doing something to bunkmate: say "I'm really busy unpacking right now. Talk to me later."; move player to the cabin. Instead of examining bunkmate: say “Your bunkmate is wearing a bright blue shirt and seems to be a nice and friendly person.†[WASHROOM] Washroom is a room. "Merely just a washroom." [COMMON AREA] The Common Area is a room. The Common area is north of the cabin. "Ahh. A nice spot to relax. Nothing much to do here." [DINING HALL] The Dining Hall is a room. "You wander into the Dining Hall and bask in its size. [Paragraph Break]Not bad for a camp filled with magic and monsters you think. In the Dining Hall, you see trays filled with utensils. In particular, a spoon that just catches the light." Spoon is a scenery supporter in The Dining Hall. The description is "Spectacularly shiny and spoon-like. But a small object like a spoon does not look very useful. It also seems to be stuck to the table. Perhaps someone used it as an experiment for practicing magic tricks? Wow, this place sure is weird..." [THE LAKE] Carry out going to an unvisited scored room: increment the score. The lake is scored. After entering the lake: Award 5 points. The lake is a room. "You see the horizon and a canoe resting near the bank of the lake. You think about what a beautiful place this is, despite your situation. The sky is getting a bit dark, and you know you should head back to your cabin soon. However, there are still a few other campers in this area so you decide to take a break and dip your feet into the water. It is surprisingly cold and refreshing. Here, you can also see your bunkmate from before, Alex. Alex is probably free to talk now and something in you almost pushes you to say hi. You suddenly feel something brush your feet...[Paragraph break]What could be under your feet?" Canoes is a scenery supporter in the lake. The description is "Typical canoes at any camping site. A little worn, they look like they can fit about three people each." [ALEX] Alex is a person in the lake. Instead of examining Alex: say "Alex looks at you, stares for a second, and says: Eh ehm. Before you say anything...I know you are different from others. You don't belong here, you were born without magic and got zero powers. I shall gift you with a few clues to help you escape, but you mustn't tell a single soul, or there will most definitely be consequences. [Paragraph break] 1. There is only one way out. And to beat the forces of this camp, you must drink a secret mixture of potions to make your lil' body stronger.[Line break] 2. If you are lucky, you shall find the Lab Witch inside the laboratory. She will help you out if you prove yourself to be worthy of her assistance.[Line break] 3. Do not interact with anyone that you do not know. A.N.Y.O.N.E.[line break] 4. You must terminate the exit once you escape, or there will be a chance that you will be pulled back into this camp. You only have once chance, make your moves wisely, do not be stubborn like the crazy humans in the past. Good luck out there. [Paragraph break] Before you can process the clues that you were just given, Alex turns around and disappears into the dark." Instead of asking Alex about something: say "Eh ehm. Before you say anything else...I know you are different from others. You don't belong here, you were born without magic and got zero powers. I shall gift you with a few clues to help you escape, but you mustn't tell a single soul, or there will most definitely be consequences. [Paragraph break] 1. There is only one way out. And to beat the forces of this camp, you must drink a secret mixture of potions to make your lil' body stronger.[Line break] 2. If you are lucky, you shall find the Lab Witch inside the laboratory. She will help you out if you prove yourself to be worthy of her assistance.[Line break] 3. Do not interact with anyone that you do not know. A.N.Y.O.N.E.[line break] 4. You must terminate the exit once you escape, or there will be a chance that you will be pulled back into this camp. You only have once chance, make your moves wisely, do not be stubborn like the crazy humans in the past. Good luck out there. [Paragraph break] Before you can process the clues that you were just given, Alex turns around and disappears into the dark." Instead of doing something to Alex: say "Eh ehm. Before you say anything else...I know you are different from others. You don't belong here, you were born without magic and got zero powers. I shall gift you with a few clues to help you escape, but you mustn't tell a single soul, or there will most definitely be consequences. [Paragraph break] 1. There is only one way out. And to beat the forces of this camp, you must drink a secret mixture of potions to make your lil' body stronger.[Line break] 2. If you are lucky, you shall find the Lab Witch inside the laboratory. She will help you out if you prove yourself to be worthy of her assistance.[Line break] 3. Do not interact with anyone that you do not know. A.N.Y.O.N.E.[line break] 4. You must terminate the exit once you escape, or there will be a chance that you will be pulled back into this camp. You only have one chance, make your moves wisely, do not be stubborn like the crazy humans in the past. Good luck out there. [Paragraph break] Before you can process the clues that you were just given, Alex turns around and disappears into the dark." your feet is an object in the lake. The description is "Just your feet. Maybe you should take a look under." Instead of taking feet: say "You can't take your own feet, silly." After looking under feet: say "OH NO! You have discovered a monster lurking just below. It turns out to be vengeful and attacks you."; end the story saying "Sad to see you go. You have died." [LABORATORY] The Lab is scored. After entering The Lab: Award 5 points. The Lab is a room. "You think it's quite odd that there would be a full lab at a camp but then again, you ARE at a magical camp. The lab seems vibrant, maybe even a little cheery compared to this rusty campsite. The lab just seems to call you in and has a starlit glow from within. You hear a faint voice humming inside... who would it be? [Paragraph break]You enter and immediately see a rustic desk with a drawer that is closed." A desk is an object in the lab. The drawer is part of a desk. The drawer is locked. The description of the desk is "Wooden. Could use a coat of paint. Has a locked drawer." Instead of examining a desk: say "You look around and you notice a small book and an old dusty lamp resting atop the desk.†The book is an object on the desk. Instead of examining book: say “The book seems to be written in another language. You do not quite understand what the book is about or why it is on the desk. Some of the pages seem to have been ripped out, and the book looks fairly old.†Instead of opening book: say "The pages are crumpled, ripped, and very thin. You must be extremely careful if you don't want to damage the book." Understand "read [something]" as examining. The lamp is an object on the desk. Instead of examining lamp: say "The lamp surprisingly seems to be fairly new. It looks exactly like the LED lamp that sits on your parents' table back at home. You shiver for a second. You do not quite seem to remember how to turn the lamp on. Yikes! You decide to feel around and eventually you notice a button on the back of the lamp." The button is an object. Instead of saying yes: say "You press the button and the lamp instantly turns on. It shines brightly and you notice a blue ribbon hanging from the arm of the lamp. It seems to be tied in a dead knot and cannot be removed." Understand "press the button" and "press button" as saying yes. Ribbon is a scenery supporter in the lab. Instead of examining ribbon: say "You pull the ribbon and untangle it. Then you notice something shiny hanging from the bottom. It looks like...a key!" Understand "examine ribbon" and "take ribbon" as examining. The key is an object on the ribbon. The key unlocks the drawer. After taking the key: say "Taken." After unlocking drawer with the key: say "Unlocked. You may now open the drawer." After opening drawer: say "You see a frail sheet of paper with some words scrawled on." Drawer is a closed object. The description of the drawer is "Noticing a small latch with a keyhole, you figure you need a key to open it." Frail sheet of paper is an object in the drawer. The description of frail sheet of paper is [italic type]"On the paper, you carefully make out a few words: You can...make...formula with two potions... combine...color of your... bear's tongue and color of... Ale..'s shir...[paragraph break]Be careful with this information...[roman type] [paragraph break]Suddenly the lab witch wakes up and looks at you. She immediately knows what you've been up to and quickly reveals six potions without saying a word. They include the Green Potion, the Purple Potion, the Red Potion, the Turquoise Potion, the Blue Potion, and the Blank Potion. She informs you that you may choose to use, drink or create objects with any potion, and you also have the option to mix them. If you mix two potions that do not match, nothing will happen and the potion mixer will not understand the command." Consuming is an action applying to one thing. Clear potion is an object. The clear potion can be full or empty. The clear potion is full. Understand "clear liquid" as clear potion. Instead of drinking the clear potion when the clear potion is empty: say "There is no potion left." Instead of examining clear potion: say "This will give you power for your journey." Instead of drinking the clear potion when the clear potion is full: say "Congrats! You have just gained the power and speed to defeat the forces of Camp Ywakegne. Now all you need to do is find the way out. The Lab Witch will be able to help you find out what to do with the potion."; award 5 points. Mixing is an action applying to two things. Instead of saying no in the lab: say “Wow! The potions instantly turned into a clear liquid. It looks crazy yet amazing! Perhaps you want to use the new potion to help you complete your journey?â€; Now the player has the clear potion. Understand “mix blue potion and purple potion†and “mix purple and blue†and "mix purple potion and blue potion" and "mix blue and purple" and "mix the blue potion and the purple potion" and "mix the purple and the blue potion" and "mix the blue and purple potion" and "mix the purple and blue potion" and "mix blue and purple potion" and "mix purple and blue potion" as saying no. Lab witch is a person in the lab. "You see the lab witch but she seems to be asleep. You don't want to bother her at the moment, so you decide to look around." Instead of examining lab witch: say "She looks tired, her hair all tangled and grey, yet she seems excited to see you. You remember Alex telling you that the lab witch will help you and maybe you could interrogate her for help." Understand "ask [someone] about [clear potion]" as interrogating it about. interrogating it about is an action applying to two visible things. Understand "show [something] to [someone]"or "ask [someone][something]" or "display [something] to [someone]" or "present [something] to [someone]" as interrogating it about (with nouns reversed). Understand "show [someone] [something]" as interrogating it about. Carry out interrogating lab witch about clear potion: say "I hope you drank the potion. It will prove vital. Go south afterwards. Do not question me, do as I say." [ZIPLINE] The Zipline is scored. After entering The zipline for the first time: Award 5 points. The Zipline is a room. “Wow! You find yourself standing at the edge of a cliff, but you somehow magically feel safe from falling. You look down and your eyes widen at the sight of amazing scenery, starring a beautiful forest full of cherry blossoms, a river flowing from a colourful waterfall, and little wildlife creatures living peacefully in their own small village. Behind you, the laboratory dissolves through the thin air and you find yourself stuck in this new environment. You notice a wooden block attached to a rope that runs above the site, straight through the middle. It seems to be a zipline of some sort." the wooden block is an object in the zipline. The description is “The wooden block appears to be a light oak color. It hangs about a meter underneath the rope. Perhaps it could serve as a chair for a rider. The wooden block seems to draw you in. After all, you heard zip-lining was one of the most fun parts of camp. You decide to [italic type]take the wooden block[roman type].†After taking the wooden block: say "You feel the rush of the wind in your hair as you truly enjoy yourself since arriving at the camp. Ahh! In the rush of excitement, you slip off the chair and fall on the soft sandy shore of the land across the zipline. You are barely hurt, and decide to keep going and exploring along the shore and deeper inland. West looks the safest with a cave for shelter. Wait. A cave? What if its a trap...?" [CAVE] Carry out going to a unvisited scored room: increment the score. The Cave is scored. After entering The Cave for the first time: Award 5 points. The cave is a room. “Everywhere is dark. Your sight is limited but you can make out a path in front of you. The air is cold and you shiver as you walk a few steps forward. Soon you reach a split tunnel and you have to decide between the north road or the south road. Between the two paths you notice a torch.†a torch is an object in the cave. The description is “The torch is very bright and can give you light to see your surroundings. Be careful though, it is very hot.†After taking the torch: say “Taken. You feel nice and warm now.†After dropping the torch: say “The torch extinguished. The cave is pitch black.†Throwing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "throw [something]" as throwing. After throwing the torch: say “The flame bursts and is now blocking the entry of the cave and the monsters are trapped! You hear them scream before they burn to death.†[North Road] North Road is a room. "This tunnel is dingy and damp, you notice moss growing on the sides and the cave is getting smaller and smaller as you walk through...[paragraph break]For someone who isn't claustrophobic, you feel way too constricted." Every turn when the location is the North Road: say "The tunnel was way too unsupported and shaky from your steps and the walls collapsed in."; end the story saying "You have died. Sorry to see you go.". [South Road] South Road is scored. After entering The south road for the first time: Award 5 points. South Road is a room. "You were wary at first to enter, and with a plausible reason. You notice the moss-covered stone pathway which seems odd and the smooth walls. Finally! You see a small dot of a light where the stones seem to break away and find yourself outside with the rising dawn sun just on the outskirts of Ordinary land as you notice a familiar red sign from when you left for a 'fun camp experience'." Every turn when the location is the South Road: end the story saying "You have gained enough power to defeat Camp Ywakegne and have prevented all the wizards, witches and magical creatures from taking over Ordinary Land. Congrats!"; The chatty final score rule is listed instead of the print final score rule in for printing the player's obituary. This is the chatty final score rule: say "You have reached a power level of [score in words] out of a possible level of [maximum score in words] for an ordinary human like you."