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A Day for Spelling
Mary R. Kiang
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"A Day for Spelling" by Mary Kiang The release number is 1. The story creation year is 2011. The story headline is "A Spell-binding Tale". The story genre is "Adventure". The story description is "A brief, yet amusing POGwarts adventure. Can you, as the player, find your lost wand, hat, and spell book and get to Spell Class on time? This game was created as a fun way for 4th grade students to spot their Wordly Wise word list #1 words in context. All 15 words on the list appear a least once within the game. Cover Art by John Shamburger". [Release along with cover art, a website, a file of "Find & Seek WW#1" called "Find & Seek WW#1.pdf". ] Release along with an interpreter. Release along with the library card. [Cover Art by John Shamburger] [This game was created as a fun way for 4th grade students to find their Wordly Wise word list #1 words in context. All 15 words on the list appear a least once within the game. Look for the starred (*) comments in the source code.] [SET UP OPTIONS] Use serial comma. Use American dialect. [SCORING] The target score is a number variable. The target score is 15. The maximum score is 17. [Code to display a player's location in the game and possible exits in the header.] When play begins: now left hand status line is "Exits: [exit list]"; now right hand status line is "[location]". To say exit list: let place be location; repeat with way running through directions: let place be the room way from the location; if place is a room, say " [way]". [So the status line doesn't get too crowded, use abbreviations for the exits.] Rule for printing the name of a direction (called the way) while constructing the status line: choose row with a heading of the way in the Table of Abbreviation; say "[shortcut entry]". Table of Abbreviation heading shortcut north "N" northeast "NE" northwest "NW" east "E" southeast "SE" south "S" southwest "SW" west "W" up "U" down "D" inside "IN" outside "OUT" [Code covering uncreated rooms that appear in descriptions.] Instead of going nowhere, say "No need to explore that way now. It's not part of this adventure." [Rule to stop all the contents from a room from being listed as room is described.] Rule for printing room description details: stop. [Yadda, yadda, yadda: A rule for talking.] Understand "talk to [something]" as talking. Talking is an action applying to one thing. Instead of talking something: say "Try asking about something instead." Instead of talking cat: say "The tabby cat replies with a curt 'meow'." [We keep our hands to ourselves!] Instead of attacking someone: say "You have been suspended from school for violent behavior."; end the story finally saying "Please rethink your conduct. Then UNDO or RESTART and try again." [Don't be greedy. Disabling 'take all' and the loophole with 2 simple rules.] Rule for deciding whether all includes something: stop. Rule for printing a parser error when the latest parser error is the nothing to do error: say "Don't be grabby. Take things one at a time! Thank you." instead. Chapter 1 ~ How it begins Section 1 ~ Prologue and Player [PROLOGUE] When play begins: say "You are standing in the hallway in front of Professor Bacon's classroom 302, excited for another day of Spell class, but 'Oh, no!' You don't have your spell book or wand. You clutch your head in panic and realize that you've lost your hat as well. But here comes your friend, Hermione. Perhaps she's seen them. 'No,' she says. 'But you may want to look in the Lost and Found. It's on the bench in the 1st floor foyer, next to the office.' You thank her and walk quickly to the top of the staircase to head down to the first floor." [ROOMS and PEOPLE] The description of the player is "In the absence of a mirror, you're not quite sure what you look like right now. You're just thankful that your hat can cover up any bad hair days." Section 2 ~ The 3rd Floor Hallway and Landing [3rd Floor Landing] 3rd Floor Landing is a room. "This landing is at the top of the east staircase of Castle Hall. The stairs lead down to the 2nd floor. There is a window in the wall to the east and the third floor hallway opens to the west." The 3rd floor window is scenery in the 3rd Floor Landing. It is fixed in place. The description of it is "Looking through the window to the outside area below, you think you glimpse your friend Ron through the pedestrians walking to and from class." [*pedestrians (1 of 2)] Pedestrians is scenery in the 3rd Floor Landing. The description of pedestrians is "They're people walking." [3rd Floor Hallway] 3rd Floor Hallway is a room. It is west of 3rd Floor Landing. "You stand in the 3rd Floor Hallway just east of the 3rd Floor Landing. The hallway continues to the west. Room 301 is to the south. Your Spell Class takes place in Room 302 to the north." Room 301 is scenery in the 3rd Floor Hallway. The description is "The classroom where Professor Reed teaches Magical Plants. Your dislike of all things vegetable is an obstacle to you ever really enjoying this class." [*obstacle] Section 3 ~ The 3rd Floor Classroom 302 [Room 302] Room 302 is a room. It is north of 3rd Floor Hallway. "Professor Bacon's classroom where he teaches his Spell Class. The walls are pretty bare, adorned by only one poster." Spell Class Poster is scenery in the Room 302. The description of Spell Class Poster is "Another of those dress code posters that appear all around campus. This one says, 'Bad hair day? Remember to always wear your hat and no one will ever know!'" In Room 302 is a female person called Hermione. The description of Hermione is "Hermione is one of your best friends. She is always helping you out of trouble. Right now she's focused on her books, as usual!" Instead of asking the Hermione about something, say "You think twice about interrupting Hermione when she's focused on her books. Though she's already grasped all the basic concepts of each lesson, she's always studying." [*concept's'] In Room 302 is a man called Professor Bacon. The description of Professor Bacon is "Some say that even though Professor Bacon is really old, he'll never retire, because he loves teaching so much. Others say he just likes turning disobedient students into newts." [*retire, 'dis'obedient] Instead of asking the Professor Bacon about something, say "Best to avoid his attention right now. If he finds out you're unprepared for class today, he'll assign you extra homework." [*assign] Section 4 ~ The 2nd Floor [2nd Floor Landing] 2nd Floor Landing is a room. 2nd Floor Landing is below 3rd Floor Landing and above 1st Floor Landing. "Just a plain landing. Stairs lead up to the third floor and down to the first floor. There is a window in the wall to the east and the second floor hallway opens to the west." The 2nd floor window is scenery in the 2nd Floor Landing. It is fixed in place. The description of it is "Looking through the window to the outside area below, you think you glimpse your friend Ron through the many pedestrians walking to and from class." [*pedestrians (2 of 2)] Second Floor Landing Pedestrians is scenery in the 2nd Floor Landing. The description of it is "They're people walking." [2nd Floor Hallway] 2nd Floor Hallway is a room. It is west of 2nd Floor Landing. "This floor is for 5th year students. What are you doing here?" In 2nd Floor Hallway is a male person called a student. The description of a student is "What a difference a year can make! This 5th year student is only one year older than you, yet so much taller and burly, too. He looks like he could play fullback on any team he chose to." [*burly] Instead of asking the student about something, say "He replies, 'Sorry, I can't help you. I've got to get to class.'" Chapter 2 ~ The 1st Floor Section 1 ~ 1st Floor Landing [First Floor Landing] 1st Floor Landing is a room. "Not a great place to just stand around. You are jostled by the constant flow of students entering and exiting through the doors to the east. These doors lead outside and the first floor hallway opens to the west." [*jostled 1/2] Section 2 ~ Outside Castle Hall and Ron [OUTSIDE] Outside Castle Hall is a room. It is east of 1st Floor Landing. "Ahhh...fresh air and sunshine. Students often congregate here between classes." In Outside Castle Hall is a male person called Ron. The description of Ron is "You two are compatible in almost every way and that's why he's one of your best friends. You seem to be forever helping each other out of the adventures you both get into. Right now, he's in the middle of an intense chocolate frog card trading session. You hate to distract him by asking him anything, but you really need to find your stuff." [*compatible, distract] [RON and the Spell Book and the card] After asking the Ron about "hat": say "Ron is so involved in his trading session, he doesn't seem to hear you. Do you have the special card you promised to give him? Maybe that would get his attention." After asking the Ron about "wand": say "Ron is so involved in his trading session, he doesn't seem to hear you. Do you have the special card you promised to give him? Maybe that would get his attention." After asking the Ron about "items": say "It might help to be more specific. Try asking about one item at a time." After asking the Ron about "book": say "Ron is so involved in his trading session, he doesn't seem to hear you. Do you have the special card you promised to give him? Maybe that would get his attention." The spell book is a closed openable container. The description of the spell book is "You got your spell book used, so it's a bit battered around the edges, but the previous owner did leave some interesting notes and doodles in the margins." Understand "book", "spells book" as spell book. After asking the Ron about "spell book": say "Ron is so involved in his trading session, he doesn't seem to hear you. Do you have the special card you promised to give him? Maybe that would get his attention." [Instead of showing card] Instead of opening spell book: say "Alert to the time, you decide you better just get going. No spell you know will save you from Professor Bacon, if you're not ready for class." [*alert] Instead of giving the card to Ron: say "You hand the chocolate frog card to Ron. He jumps up and thanks you, taking the card and saying, 'Oh, and here's something of yours I found.' Your Spell Book! Ron hands you your Spell Book, then quickly goes back to trading. Since there's nothing else to be gained here, you decide to head back inside and up to Spell Class."; remove the chocolate frog card from play; move spell book to player; move player to Room 302. Instead of showing card to Ron: say "Now that got Ron's attention! He practically begs you to give him the card." Section 3 ~ 1st Floor Hallway [1st Floor Hallway] 1st Floor Hallway is a room. It is west of 1st Floor Landing. "You stand in the first floor hallway which continues to the west. To the east is the first floor landing with doors leading to the outside. A poster is the only decoration in this part of the hallway." Hallway Poster is scenery in the 1st Floor Hallway. The description of Hallway Poster is "Another of those dress code posters that appear all around campus. This one says, 'Got hat? Remember students, a properly dressed head is one with a hat on top of it!'" [TABBY CAT] The tabby cat is an animal in the 1st Floor Hallway. The description is "Looks like your typical tabby cat, but at POGwarts you never know. It could be a professor in animal form or the caretaker's constant companion." [*companion] Instead of taking the tabby cat: say "When you're not sure whether a cat is a professor or a pet, best to leave it alone." Understand "pet [something]" as petting. Petting is an action applying to one thing. Instead of petting cat: say "When you're not sure whether a cat is a professor or a pet, best to leave it alone." Instead of petting someone: say "Keep your hands to yourself!" [Hallway by Foyer] Hallway by Foyer is a room. It is west of 1st Floor Hallway. "You know to walk quietly in this part of the hallway, since the office is open to the north. The first floor hallway is to the east and the first floor foyer, where they keep the lost and found, is just west of here." Section 4 ~ 1st Floor Office [Office] The Office is a room. It is north of the Hallway by Foyer. The description of it is "You see an office assistant busy helping the Headmaster, while a teacher waits patiently to talk with her. There is a poster on the wall here." [*patient'ly'] In the Office is a female person called an office assistant. The description of the office assistant is "Though you know her to be very nice, she is much too busy to help you now." In the Office is a male person called teacher. The description of the teacher is "The only teacher you should be concerning yourself with right now is Professor Bacon." In the Office is a female person called the Headmaster. The description of the Headmaster is "You wouldn't mind the rule about having to always wear your hat, if you had the cool looking one the headmaster gets to wear." The Headmaster's Hat is scenery in the Office. The description is "The coolest looking hat you've ever seen." Instead of taking the Headmaster's hat: say "You're already in enough trouble without stealing from the Headmaster." Dress Code Poster is scenery in the Office. The description is "Another of the school dress code posters you see hanging all over campus, reminding you to always wear your hat." Section 5 ~ 1st Floor Foyer [1st Floor Foyer] 1st Floor Foyer is a room. It is west of Hallway by Foyer. "The main entrance way to Castle Hall. The hallway leads east and west of here, there is a central staircase, as well as large doors to the outside." Central Staircase is scenery in the 1st Floor Foyer. The description is "The central staircase is off limits to 4th year students." Large Doors is scenery in the 1st Floor Foyer. The description is "These doors lead outside to the front of Castle Hall, but right now there's nothing you need in that direction." The bench is an enterable supporter in the 1st Floor Foyer. It is fixed in place. The description of the bench is "A long wooden bench takes up the whole western side of the foyer. Even though it is a bench, people rarely sit here and you certainly have no time to sit right now. At the end of the bench, closest to the large doors, sits a beaten up old cauldron into which everyone dumps lost items that have been found. There seems to be an inscription on the cauldron." Instead of entering bench, say "You'll have plenty of time to sit once you find all your stuff and get back to Spell Class! Until then, keep looking!" [CAULDRON] The cauldron is a container in the 1st Floor Foyer. The description of the cauldron is "For a moment you wonder about all the magical potions that once were brewed in this old cauldron, then remember why you are here. You notice an inscription on the side of the cauldron." The inscription is scenery in the 1st Floor Foyer. The description of the inscription is "The inscription reads, 'Though appearing empty, this cauldron is quite full. REACH INSIDE CAULDRON and anything it holds of yours will be returned to you.'" Instead of taking cauldron: say "If by might or magic, you could even budge such a heavy thing, why would you?" [*budge] Understand "reach inside [something]" as reaching. Reaching is an action applying to one thing. Instead of reaching cauldron: say "You reach your empty hand inside the enchanted cauldron and suddenly you feel your hand full of items. As you pull your hand back out, a student rushing past jostles your arm, causing the items in your hand to fall to the bench."; move the your hat to the bench; move the chocolate frog card to the bench; move the broken quill to the bench. [*jostles 2/2] Instead of reaching cauldron at least twice: say "The cauldron has already returned your things to you, so stop messing around and get to class!" Items is scenery in the 1st Floor Foyer. Instead of examining items: say "Try examining the bench where the items landed." Instead of taking items: say "Try examining the bench where the items landed. Why pick up stuff without looking at each item first?" Section 6 ~ 1st Floor Cauldron [CAULDRON ITEMS] Your hat is a thing. It is wearable. The description of it is "While not accustomed to wearing an item of such questionable fashion, this pointy hat is a mandatory part of the POGwarts School uniform." [*accustom'ed'] The broken quill is a thing. The description is "One of your old quills, now broken. You seem to leave these things everywhere." The chocolate frog card is a thing. The description is "Hey! You wondered where this card went. It's a special wizard's card, you brought to school to trade with your friend Ron. Now you can finally give it to him." The wand is a thing. The description is "They say that your wand chooses you, not the other way around. You wonder what this wand saw in you that made it choose you." Instead of waving wand: if the player is carrying the wand, say "Put that thing away before you hurt yourself! Don't you remember what happened last time?" instead. After wearing the your hat for the first time: say "As you quickly don your hat, something bonks you on the head. You put your hand up under your hat and pull out your wand! Now you remember putting it in there for 'safe keeping'."; move the wand to the player. Chapter 3 ~ How it ends [END GAME] An every turn rule: if the player is carrying the wand and the player is carrying the spell book and the player is wearing the your hat, end the story finally. Before printing the player's obituary: if the player is carrying the wand and the player is carrying the spell book and the player is wearing the your hat, say "'Yes! I found all my stuff.' You're finally ready for Spell Class and just in time you quickly get yourself settled in Room 302, taking a seat next to Hermione. You wonder what Professor Bacon has in store for you today." After printing the player's obituary: say "And you visited [number of visited rooms] out of 11 place[s] in this POGwarts School adventure." [End of Source code]