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My New Game
Brendan Hutchinson
Played 1,264 times
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"Summertime Shy" When play begins: say "Duskish, a duckbill pokes through the burlap enclosing my hiding spot. They will multiply and thriven on bread from the hands of the young at wizened heart soon. [roman type])"; wait for any key; say "[paragraph break]"; say "The staggering old hounds that do little more than growl at their own inability to chase the flocks may come sniffing if more ducks come my way. They are not intimidating guards, but they still know how to bellow."; wait for any key; say "[line break]"; say "Dysrhythmias, an anxious reaction to these probing bills are causing me to fidget. Better take inventory. I need to set an example."; wait for any key; clear screen. [SACK] Sack is a room. "[if Sack is unvisited]From your pockets you pull and place on the ground a bag of zip ties, a pen, and a brochure for Disintegrating Acres, careful to minimize visible movement. Now... how and with what to approach this... [end if]This sack is a little tight for you." In sack is ground. It is undescribed and fixed in place. Understand "floor" as ground. The description of ground is "Threadbare." The brochure is on ground. The brochure can be read or unread. The brochure is unread. The description of the brochure is "I check the part of the brochure with the daily agenda yet again, then my watch. They should be out here. This place runs like clockwork in a Dali painting, I think. I write that down on the brochure to tell Maude during our escape." The pen is on ground. The description of the pen is "[one of]It's a pen So what? Focus man."[or]This isn't worth your, or rather Maude's precious time[or]Enough[at random]." The zip ties is on ground. The zip ties is a thing. Complete Works of Plato is not carried; The description of the zip ties is "I check the part of the brochure with the daily agenda yet again, then my watch. They should be out here. This place runs like clockwork in a Dali painting, I think. I write that down on the brochure to tell Maude during our escape." After examining the zip ties: wait for any key; clear screen; end the game saying "The End?".