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The escape
Mathew Edwards
Played 1,272 times
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"The escape" by Mathew Edwards Use no scoring. When play begins: say "You wake up in a dark room with only a bed, a small door, and a shelf with some objects on it." The cell is a room. "The cell is cold and damp with barely any light." . The shelf is in the cell. Understand "shelf" as the shelf. The description of the shelf is " On the dusty old shelf is a worn book." The worn book is a closed openable container. The key is inside the book. [Hidden]The worn book is here. The description of the worn book is "[if open]The writing in the book says:[paragraph break][italic type]To the next victim, this will help you escape your terrible fate[otherwise]The book is closed." After opening the worn book the first time: try examining the noun. [Hidden] [hidden] The shelf is in the cell. The indefinite article of the key is "the". The description of the key is "This key may be the 'key' to your escape." The key unlocks the small door. The small door is a door. The small door is east of the narrow passage and west of the cell. The initial appearance of the small door is "[if the location is cell]A small door is around as well[otherwise if the small door is open]A small door (open and providing light) is around as well[otherwise]The door to the narrow passage is closed and it is almost impossible to see[end if]." The small door is locked. The narrow passage is a room. "at the end of the passage you think you see a light.[paragraph break]North: outdoors." Outdoors is a room. "You see car running car outside and you are finally free to break free and live your life, good job! To your left is a car." The outdoors is north of the narrow passage. Open car is a room. "The tank is half full, and the whole car reeks of death, but a life line is a life line. You must find the keys to start the engine and drive off." The open car is east of the outdoors. The back seat is in the open car. The description of the back seat is "The back seat is a mess! There is trash everywhere, it looks as if someone left in a hurry. The key could be around somewhere." The trash is in the backseat. The description of the trash is "You search every scrap in this garbage, but still cannot find the darn key. Maybe try the glove compartment." [closed] The glove compartment is in the open car. The glove compartment is a closed openable container. [hidden] The car key is inside the glove compartment. The description of the glove compartment is "[if open]inside you find a .44 magnum and the car key." [if key is taken] "you have finished the game."