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Self Care
Maria Jose Eyzaguirre
Played 904 times
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"Taking Care of Yourself" The Chamber of Self Care is a room. Description of the Chamber of Self Care is "A cozy room designed for you to rest and relax. The room is furnished with a comfy chair, and end table with a drawer labeled 'tea drawer', and a bookshelf. There is an electric kettle and a unicorn mug on the table, and on the floor sits a little radio. Up on the wall is a cross-stitch sign with a welcoming message." The bookshelf is scenery. The bookshelf is in the Chamber of Self Care. The bookshelf is a supporter. Understand "bookcase" as bookshelf. Understand "shelf" as bookshelf. A thing can be legible or illegible. A thing is usually illegible. A thing has a text called reading material. The reading material of a thing is usually "". A tome is a kind of thing. A tome is legible. The Book of Poetry is a tome. The description of the Book of Poetry is "A delicate book with silver flowers traced across the cover.". The Book of Poetry is on the bookshelf. The reading material of the Book of Poetry is "You flip through several pages of beautiful poetry.". The Book of Riddles is a tome. The description of the Book of Riddles is "A small book with a picture of cartoon detective on the cover.". The Book of Riddles is on the bookshelf. The reading material of the Book of Riddles is "Most of the riddles seem simple enough to solve, though the last few leave you stumped for a few minutes". The Classic Novel is a tome. The description of the Classic Novel is "A thick book with a yellowed pages.". The Classic Novel is on the bookshelf. The reading material of the Classic Novel is "What a story! No matter how many times you read it, it always gets you in the end. It's clearly a classic for a reason.". Understand the command “read” as something new. Understand “read [something]” as reading. Reading is an action applying to one thing. Carry out reading: move the noun to the player; say “[reading material of the noun][line break]”. Before reading: if the noun is illegible, say "That's not something you can read." instead. Instead of opening a tome, try reading the noun. The cross-stitch sign is scenery. The cross-stitch sign is legible. The cross-stitch sign is in the Chamber of Self Care. Description of cross-stitch sign is "A carefully handmade sign. The sign reads: [line break][line break][italic type]'Welcome to the Chamber of Self Care. While resting here, why don't you make yourself a cup of tea or read a book? Now is the time to relax. When you are finished, feel free to open the door to exit the chamber. Enjoy!'[roman type]". The reading material of the cross-stitch sign is "[italic type]'Welcome to the Chamber of Self Care. While resting here, why don't you make yourself a cup of tea or read a book? Now is the time to relax. When you are finished, feel free to open the door to exit the chamber. Enjoy!'[roman type]". Understand "message" as the cross-stitch sign. Understand "welcome message" as the cross-stitch sign. The comfy chair is scenery. The comfy chair is in the Chamber of Self Care. The comfy chair is a supporter. The comfy chair is enterable. Understand "cozy chair" as the comfy chair. The end table is scenery. The end table is in the Chamber of Self Care. The end table is a supporter. The drawer is part of the end table. The drawer is an openable closed container. Description of drawer is "A drawer labeled 'tea drawer'. Open the drawer to see what's inside.". Understand "tea drawer" as drawer. A tea bag is a kind of thing. The ginger tea bag is a tea bag. The green tea bag is a tea bag. The jasmine tea bag is a tea bag. The chamomile tea bag is a tea bag. The sleepytime tea bag is a tea bag. The ginger tea bag is in the drawer. The green tea bag is in the drawer. The jasmine tea bag is in the drawer. The chamomile tea bag is in the drawer. The sleepytime tea bag is in the drawer. The electric kettle is a container. The k switch is a device. The k switch is part of the electric kettle. The k switch is switched off. The electric kettle is on the end table. The printed name of k switch is "switch". The unicorn mug is a container. The unicorn mug is on the end table. Description of the unicorn mug is "A very detailed ceramic rainbow unicorn mug, handcrafted with lots of love.". The radio is a device. The radio is switched off. The radio is in the Chamber of Self Care. Description of the radio is "[if switched on]The radio burbles on[otherwise]The radio is off[end if].". Check switching off the radio when the player is on the comfy chair: say "You can't reach the radio from here." instead. Every turn when the radio is switched on: say "[one of]A soothing tune courses through the air.[or]The melody is relaxing.[or]The music plays on.[or]You hear a lovely piano solo on the radio.[or]The singer's voice is absolutely beautiful.[or]The music continues in the background.[cycling]" Definition: a container is empty if nothing is in it. Pourable is a kind of container. The electric kettle is pourable. The unicorn mug is pourable. temperature is a kind of value. the temperatures are scalding, hot, or cold. A liquid is a kind of thing. A liquid has a temperature. A liquid is usually cold. Pouring is an action applying to one thing. Understand "pour [something]" as pouring. Check pouring: if the noun is not a pourable, say "That can't be poured.[line break]" instead. Check pouring: if the noun is empty, say "Nothing falls out.[line break]" instead. Carry out pouring: say "Careful! You don't want to spill on your clothes. Maybe you should specify what you're pouring [the noun] into?". water is a liquid. water is in the electric kettle. Description of water is "The water is [temperature of the water]." Pouring it into is an action applying to two things. Understand "pour [something] in/into/on/onto [something]" as pouring it into. Understand "empty [something] into/in/onto [something]" as pouring it into. Understand "fill [something] with/from [something]" as pouring it into (with nouns reversed). Check pouring it into: if the noun is not a liquid, say "That can't be poured.[line break]" instead; if the second noun is not a pourable, say "You probably shouldn't pour anything in there.[line break]" instead. Carry out pouring it into: move the noun to the second noun; say "The [second noun] fills to the brim.[line break]". Check pouring a pourable into something: if the noun contains a liquid (called the drink): try pouring the drink into the second noun instead; otherwise if the noun contains something (called the solid): say "You can't pour out [the solid]." instead; otherwise: say "[The noun] is empty." instead. teafluid is a liquid. the temperature of teafluid is cold. The printed name of teafluid is "tea". Understand "tea" as teafluid. Description of teafluid is "Very aromatic, soothing tea." Instead of switching on the electric kettle, try switching on the k switch. Instead of switching on the k switch when the electric kettle is empty, say "There's no point in turning on the kettle if there's no water in it." Carry out switching on the k switch: say "With a soft click you switch the kettle on. In a few minutes it should be ready.[line break]"; the k switch beeps in 4 minutes from now; the k switch cools in 7 minutes from now. At the time when the k switch beeps: say "Steam begins to rise from kettle. The water must be ready! You hear another click as it automatically switches off."; now the temperature of the water is scalding; now the temperature of the teafluid is scalding; now the k switch is switched off. At the time when the k switch cools: now the temperature of the water is hot; now the temperature of the teafluid is hot. Instead of touching the liquid when the liquid is scalding, say "The [the noun] is far too hot. You'll burn yourself." Instead of drinking a liquid when the liquid is scalding, say "Not yet, the [the noun] is too hot! You'll burn yourself." Instead of drinking a liquid, say "You take a sip of [the noun]." struggling is an action applying to nothing. Understand "struggle" as struggling. Understand "make a cup of tea" as struggling. Understand "make tea" as struggling. Understand "help" as struggling. Understand "scream" as struggling. Understand "ask for help" as struggling. Carry out struggling: say "That's not going to work. You'll need to think about this a little harder. Do you need some help? (yes or no)[line break][line break]>"; if the player consents, say "If you're stuck, you might want to try to examine the various items in the room. Do so by typing 'examine', followed by the object you are trying to examine. Some of the items can also be switched on or off, or interacted with in other ways. Go ahead, give it a try! And remember, when you're ready to leave, all you need to do is open the door.[line break][line break]"; reject the player's command. Relaxing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "relax" as relaxing. Understand "try to relax" as relaxing. Understand "get relaxed" as relaxing. Understand "feel relaxed" as relaxing. Understand "I feel relaxed" as relaxing. Carry out relaxing: say "You find yourself feeling very relaxed and comfortable in this space." The wooden door is a door. The wooden door is outside of the Chamber. Before opening the wooden door: say "Leaving the chamber means you are completely finished with it. Are you sure you are ready to leave the chamber? (yes or no)[line break][line break]>"; if the player consents, continue the action; reject the player's command. After opening the wooden door: say "You are refreshed and ready to face the world! Well done!"; end the game in victory. After inserting a tea bag into a pourable: if the second noun contains water that is scalding: remove water from play; move teafluid to the second noun; say "The [noun] mixes with the water, making delicious tea!"; if the second noun contains water that is hot: remove water from play; move teafluid to the second noun; say "The [noun] mixes with the water, making delicious tea!". Before inserting a tea bag into the mug: if the second noun contains water that is cold: say "The water is too cold to make tea. You'll need to heat it up in the electric kettle first."; reject the player's command; otherwise: say "You place the [noun] into the unicorn mug[line break]". Before inserting a tea bag into the electric kettle: if the electric kettle is empty: say "Maybe put the water in first so you can start by switching the kettle on and heating it up." instead. After pouring water into a pourable: if the second noun contains a tea bag: remove water from play; move teafluid to the second noun; say "The [noun] mixes with the tea bag, making delicious tea!". Before pouring water into a pourable: if the second noun contains a tea bag: if the noun is cold: say "The water is too cold to make tea. You'll need to heat it up in the electric kettle first." instead. Does the player mean examining the teafluid: it is very likely. Does the player mean touching the teafluid: it is very likely. Does the player mean drinking the teafluid: it is very likely. Does the player mean pouring the teafluid: it is very likely. Does the player mean pouring the teafluid into something: it is very likely. Does the player mean blowing the teafluid: it is very likely. Instead of sleeping: say "You doze off, experiencing lovely, pleasant dreams that make you smile.[line break][line break] A few hours later you wake up feeling renewed and refreshed.". Understand "take a nap" as sleeping. Understand "go to sleep" as sleeping. Blowing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "blow [something]" as blowing. Understand "blow on [something]" as blowing. Understand "cool [something]" as blowing. Understand "cool off [something]" as blowing. Carry out blowing: say "You blow gently on [the noun]." music is scenery. "The music is somewhat familiar. You find it very comforting." Instead of listening to the music, try examining the noun. After switching on the radio: move the music to the Chamber of Self Care. After switching off the radio: remove the music from play.