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Lost Soul
Mark Sylvester
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"Lost Souls" by Zachary Nedzlek and Mark Sylvester Saving1 is a truth state that varies. Saving1 is false. Saving2 is a truth state that varies. Saving2 is false. Saving3 is a truth state that varies. Saving3 is false. Collecting1 is a truth state that varies. Collecting1 is false. Collecting2 is a truth state that varies. Collecting2 is false. Collecting3 is a truth state that varies. Collecting3 is false. Finding1 is a truth state that varies. Finding1 is false. Finding2 is a truth state that varies. Finding2 is false. Finding3 is a truth state that varies. Finding3 is false. When play begins: Say "Your eyes blink open, sight foggy from sleep. Wait, was it sleep? You can't seem to remember where you are, or what happened. You can barely remember your name, let alone what you know how to do. You groggily sit up, groaning at the aches and pains from being on the ground and take in your surroundings. You climb to your feet as you realize with a sinking feeling that you are very lost." The Path Start is a room. "You are in a small clearing of dense woods. Well, not so much a clearing as it is a thinning of the trees. You can see a slightly worn path leading to the south, but it dies to the north about where you are standing. The trees groan and creak as the wind shifts them back and forth, giving them the illusion of wandering around." Wandering Willows34 is a room. It is west of The Path Start. The printed name is "Wandering Willows". "You slip between some of the trees and find yourself in a similar opening." Wandering Willows33 is a room. It is north of Wandering Willows34. The printed name is "Wandering Willows". "You find an opening between some of the branches and push through into another densely wooded area." Wandering Willows43 is a room. It is east of Wandering Willows33. The printed name is "Wandering Willows". "A few of the trees sway just enough for you to wiggle through them into another patch." Wandering Willows42 is a room. It is north of Wandering Willows43. The printed name is "Wandering Willows". "You find yourself in a slight depression in the earth with a large tree uprooted beside it, as if a great storm had knocked it over." Wandering Willows32 is a room. It is west of Wandering Willows42. The printed name is "Wandering Willows". "You manage to worm your way between some of the smaller trees, pushing into an area very similar to all of the others." Wandering Willows22 is a room. It is west of Wandering Willows32. The printed name is "Wandering Willows". "You push the leaves and branches out of your face to reveal as close to a clearing as you think you're going to get in these woods." Wandering WIllows23 is a room. It is south of Wandering WIllows22. The printed name is "Wandering Willows". "This section of the forest is no different from any of the others. " Wandering Willows13 is a room. It is west of Wandering Willows23. The printed name is "Wandering Willows". "You emerge from the trees into a large patch of green, waist deep grass. A large boulder sits in the middle of the field, and a glint of gold catches your eye. Upon closer inspection you find that it is, in fact, a Golden Compass." A Golden Compass is here. "An old Golden Compass sits on the boulder, it surface tarnished by time." Before taking the Golden Compass: Say "Wow, you just spent a lot of time for only an easter egg. Well, congratulations, I guess."; continue the action. Slight Path is a room. It is south of The Path Start. "The path leads south, becoming slightly more worn as you progress down it. The path continues southward." The Trailhead is a room. It is south of the Slight Path. "The trail splits to the east and to the south, the slight smell of salt now in the air. " The Outlet is a room. It is south of the Trailhead. "The trail becomes sandy, and you start to hear the screech of seagulls and the sound of the sea upon the shore." The Beach is a room. It is south of the Outlet. "The trees abruptly stop to reveal an open sandy beach, the sun glimmering off of the water. You don't see any other way to go and realize that this is the corner of your new world." The Spyglass is in the beach. "A copper spyglass, green from the salt of the seas, has been buried in the sand." The turtle is in the beach. "The turtle appears to have recently hatched and is ever so slowly crawling towards the sea. You're not sure if he's gonna make it though, as he looks nearly dehydrated and seems to be slowing down." Before going to the Beach: Now Finding1 is true; continue the action. Before taking the Spyglass: say “The spyglass beckons to you, and you pick it up with glee. You look through the glass and see across the ocean a faraway isle. Its jade trees and golden beach glisten spectacularly on the water before it. You keep the spyglass as a fond memento.â€; Now Collecting1 is true; Continue the action. Returning the turtle to water is an action applying to nothing. Understand "release turtle in water" or "place turtle in water" or "put turtle in water" or "release baby turtle in water" or "place baby turtle in water" or "put baby turtle in water" as returning the turtle to water. Carry out returning the turtle to water: Move the turtle to the Room of Requirement; Say "The young turtle slowly swims out farther into the water. You see more turtles appear from the depths and join the turtle. Then, the family of turtles dives together into the deep ocean. You feel relieved that you were a part of this family reunion."; Before returning the turtle to water: If the player is not carrying the turtle, say "You are not carrying the turtle."; If the player is not carrying the turtle, stop the action; If the player is carrying the turtle: Now Saving1 is true; Continue the action. The Beginning Trail is a room. It is east of the Trailhead. "The path has become more worn here, and appears to be more of a trail. The trail continues eastward, cast in shadows from the trees overhead." The Middle Trail is a room. It is east of the Beginning Trail. "You're walking along the trail when on the edge of hearing you hear a small squeal from the North. Whatever made the noise, it sounds like it's in a lot of pain." The Clearing is a room. It is north of the Middle Trail. "You slide past some trees and emerge in a small clearing with a pine tree in the middle. A bear trap has been set below the pine, and in the trap a baby deer's hind leg is stuck. The deer struggles a bit when it sees you and then stops and lets out a whine at the pain in its leg. You could put the deer out of its misery, or maybe you could disarm the trap. Whatever it is, you know you need to something NOW…†The trap is a container in the clearing. The trap is open. The deer is an object. The deer can be alive or dead. The deer can be free or trapped. The deer is alive. The deer is trapped. The deer is in the trap. Before taking the deer: say "You cannot do that."; stop the action. Saving the deer is an action applying to nothing. Understand “help deer†or “save deer†or “help baby deer†or “save baby deer†as saving the deer. Carry out saving the deer: say â€How can you save it?â€. Killing the deer is an action applying to nothing. Understand “kill baby deer†or “kill deer†as killing the deer. Carry out killing the deer: now the deer is dead; move the deer to the Room of Requirement; say "You know the deer could never survive with the damage to its leg, and you decide to end its suffering. It struggles for a bit as you maneuver yourself around its body, and then lies still as it accepts its fate. One last look from the deer gives you thanks, and your heart skips a beat as the deer falls limp, free from pain.". Opening the trap is an action applying to nothing. Understand “free baby deer†or “free deer†or "open trap" as opening the trap. Carry out opening the trap: Now the trap is open; Now the deer is free; Move the deer to the Room of Requirement.; Now Saving2 is true; say "You pry the trap open with all your might. The deer pulls out its leg and scrambles away. As it regains its balance on the wounded limb, it looks back at you with gratitude and bounds away into the woods.". The Trail End is a room. It is east of the Middle Trail. "You see the forest clear up ahead and the trail's end, the sun shining brightly, uninhibited by overhanging branches. You notice a stray beam of light landing upon something stuck in a nearby tree trunk." The Obsidian Arrowhead is in the Trail End. "With a closer look, you see that it is an Obsidian Arrowhead. You see the spot where the shaft had, at one point in time, been tied to the arrowhead but it is long gone now. With a little work you might be able to pry the arrowhead free." Before taking the Obsidian Arrowhead: Say “After a little wiggling, and a lot of prying, you manage to free the arrowhead from the trunk of the tree. You hold it up to the sun and see the light refract through the stone, filling you with a sense of amazement. With awe, you clean the sap off of the tip of the arrowhead and stow it away where you know it’s safe. If only you had more things to treasure…â€; Now Collecting2 is true; Continue the action. The Field is a room. It is east of the Trail End. "The forest ends at a large field, about a mile across. The grass sways back and forth in the wind with a golden hue from the sun. You see a large mountain to the north, a lone oak tree to the east, and the field seems to end abruptly to the south east." The Mountain Base is a room. It is north of the Field. "The grass slowly fades away as the ground becomes rocky. A slope starts to form under your feet leading up to the mountain side." The Old Climbing Spike is in the Mountain Base. "You happen across an old climbing spike jammed into a crevice, a remnant of the last person to scale this mountain." Before taking the Old Climbing Spike: Say “It takes all of your weight, but rip the spike free from the mountain. The metal is still shiny, only slightly tarnished by time. The leather wrap around the handle has begun to fall apart but you feel a strength in you just from holding this old relic. You wonder what the story behind the spike is...â€; Now Collecting3 is true; Continue the action. The Mountain Side is a room. It is north of the mountain base. "The ground quickly becomes nearly vertical, requiring you to use hand and foot holds to progress any further. You could go onward, but it's going to be exhausting." The Mountain Top is a room. It is above the Mountain Side. "With a huffing breath you pull yourself over the final edge and collapse upon a thin layer of snow. You feel the cool, brisk wind blow across your overheated face. After a few moments you open your eyes and haul yourself to your feet. The image before you is surreal. You feel as if you're standing on top of the world. A massive mountain chain sprawls before you, the bottoms shrouded in clouds. As beautiful as this is, it'd be suicide to go any farther." Before going to the Mountain Top: Now Finding2 is true; continue the action. The Giant Oak is a room. It is east of the Field. "A Giant Oak stands about 50 feet from the edge of another forest, however, this one does not look very inviting. It's probably not a very good idea to venture into it." The baby bird is in the Giant Oak. "As you approach the tree you hear frantic chirping. A baby bird is wandering about the base of the oak, looking skyward. It seems like he's trying to get up to the branches overhead. You notice a nest about a foot above your head, just within reach." Returning is an action applying to nothing. Understand "put the bird in the tree" or "put the bird in the oak" or "put the bird in the nest" or "put bird in tree" or "put bird in oak" or "put bird in nest" as returning. Carry out returning: Move the baby bird to the Room of Requirement; Say "The bird hops joyfully from your hands into the nest above. It chirps happily and is greeted by its mother, who then feeds the bird a nutritious, albeit disgusting, meal of worms."; Before returning: if the player is not carrying the bird, say "You are not carrying the bird."; if the player is not carrying the bird, stop the action; if the player is carrying the bird: Now Saving3 is true; Continue the action. The Cliff is a room. It is southeast of the field."You see that it wasn't the field that ended, it was the ground. A 100 foot cliff drops right in front of you, with a desert sprawling out as far as you can see below it. Even if you could find a way down the cliff, there's no way you could survive out there. " Before going to the Cliff: Now Finding3 is true; Continue the action. The City is an object. It is in the Room of Requirements. Before going west: if location is Wandering Willows34 or location is Wandering Willows33 or location is Wandering Willows22 or location is Wandering Willows13: Say "After pushing leaves and branches out of your face you look around and realize that you must've backed tracked - you're at the Path Start again..."; Move player to The Path Start; stop the action. Before going west: if Saving1 is true and Saving2 is true and Saving3 is true: Say "You notice a shape in the distance, a silhouette really, slowing meandering towards you. As you watch the figure you realize it's a person, and then start to slowly make out more details. It's a man. An older man. He's dressed to navigate various different terrains, sturdy clothing all around. As he finally comes up to you, you can make out his weathered features. 'Well, it's not too often I see anyone else around these parts. You look like you could use some food, and some sleep too. Why don'tcha head back to the city with me, there's an empty bed and some warm food waitin' for you there.' The man nods his head in a direction you assume to be to the city. He starts to walk off, and after a second stops and looks at you. 'Well,' he says, 'are you comin' or not?' You quickly nod and frantically catch up to him, following him a ways to the field, a large city now situated in the center. 'Go on in, and tell Madame Jeffreys that Haddock sent you, she'll take care o' you. I need to deal with a few things first. Just enter the city whenever you’re ready.' The man, who you now assume to be Haddock, walks off down a path into the forest, leaving you at the entrance to the city."; Move the City to the Field; Move the player to The Field; stop the action. Before going west: if Collecting1 is true and Collecting2 is true and Collecting3 is true: Say "You notice a shape in the distance, a silhouette really, slowing meandering towards you. As you watch the figure you realize it's a person, and then start to slowly make out more details. It's a man. An older man. He's dressed to navigate various different terrains, sturdy clothing all around. As he finally comes up to you, you can make out his weathered features. 'Well, it's not too often I see anyone else around these parts. You look like you could use some food, and some sleep too. Why don'tcha head back to the city with me, there's an empty bed and some warm food waitin' for you there.' The man nods his head in a direction you assume to be to the city. He starts to walk off, and after a second stops and looks at you. 'Well,' he says, 'are you comin' or not?' You quickly nod and frantically catch up to him, following him a ways to the field, a large city now situated in the center. 'Go on in, and tell Madame Jeffreys that Haddock sent you, she'll take care o' you. I need to deal with a few things first. Just enter the city whenever you’re ready.' The man, who you now assume to be Haddock, walks off down a path into the forest, leaving you at the entrance to the city."; Move the City to the Field; Move the player to The Field; stop the action. Before going west: if Finding1 is true and Finding2 is true and Finding3 is true: Say "You notice a shape in the distance, a silhouette really, slowing meandering towards you. As you watch the figure you realize it's a person, and then start to slowly make out more details. It's a man. An older man. He's dressed to navigate various different terrains, sturdy clothing all around. As he finally comes up to you, you can make out his weathered features. 'Well, it's not too often I see anyone else around these parts. You look like you could use some food, and some sleep too. Why don'tcha head back to the city with me, there's an empty bed and some warm food waitin' for you there.' The man nods his head in a direction you assume to be to the city. He starts to walk off, and after a second stops and looks at you. 'Well,' he says, 'are you comin' or not?' You quickly nod and frantically catch up to him, following him a ways to the field, a large city now situated in the center. 'Go on in, and tell Madame Jeffreys that Haddock sent you, she'll take care o' you. I need to deal with a few things first. Just enter the city whenever you’re ready.' The man, who you now assume to be Haddock, walks off down a path into the forest, leaving you at the entrance to the city."; Move the City to the Field; Move the player to The Field; stop the action. Before going north: if location is Wandering Willows33 or location is Wandering Willows42 or location is Wandering Willows32 or location is Wandering Willows22 or location is Wandering Willows13 or location is The Path Start: Say "After pushing leaves and branches out of your face you look around and realize that you must've backed tracked - you're at the Path Start again..."; Move player to The Path Start; stop the action. Before going north: if Saving1 is true and Saving2 is true and Saving3 is true: Say "You notice a shape in the distance, a silhouette really, slowing meandering towards you. As you watch the figure you realize it's a person, and then start to slowly make out more details. It's a man. An older man. He's dressed to navigate various different terrains, sturdy clothing all around. As he finally comes up to you, you can make out his weathered features. 'Well, it's not too often I see anyone else around these parts. You look like you could use some food, and some sleep too. Why don'tcha head back to the city with me, there's an empty bed and some warm food waitin' for you there.' The man nods his head in a direction you assume to be to the city. He starts to walk off, and after a second stops and looks at you. 'Well,' he says, 'are you comin' or not?' You quickly nod and frantically catch up to him, following him a ways to the field, a large city now situated in the center. 'Go on in, and tell Madame Jeffreys that Haddock sent you, she'll take care o' you. I need to deal with a few things first. Just enter the city whenever you’re ready.' The man, who you now assume to be Haddock, walks off down a path into the forest, leaving you at the entrance to the city."; Move the City to the Field; Move the player to The Field; stop the action. Before going north: if Collecting1 is true and Collecting2 is true and Collecting3 is true: Say "You notice a shape in the distance, a silhouette really, slowing meandering towards you. As you watch the figure you realize it's a person, and then start to slowly make out more details. It's a man. An older man. He's dressed to navigate various different terrains, sturdy clothing all around. As he finally comes up to you, you can make out his weathered features. 'Well, it's not too often I see anyone else around these parts. You look like you could use some food, and some sleep too. Why don'tcha head back to the city with me, there's an empty bed and some warm food waitin' for you there.' The man nods his head in a direction you assume to be to the city. He starts to walk off, and after a second stops and looks at you. 'Well,' he says, 'are you comin' or not?' You quickly nod and frantically catch up to him, following him a ways to the field, a large city now situated in the center. 'Go on in, and tell Madame Jeffreys that Haddock sent you, she'll take care o' you. I need to deal with a few things first. Just enter the city whenever you’re ready.' The man, who you now assume to be Haddock, walks off down a path into the forest, leaving you at the entrance to the city."; Move the City to the Field; Move the player to The Field; stop the action. Before going north: if Finding1 is true and Finding2 is true and Finding3 is true: Say "You notice a shape in the distance, a silhouette really, slowing meandering towards you. As you watch the figure you realize it's a person, and then start to slowly make out more details. It's a man. An older man. He's dressed to navigate various different terrains, sturdy clothing all around. As he finally comes up to you, you can make out his weathered features. 'Well, it's not too often I see anyone else around these parts. You look like you could use some food, and some sleep too. Why don'tcha head back to the city with me, there's an empty bed and some warm food waitin' for you there.' The man nods his head in a direction you assume to be to the city. He starts to walk off, and after a second stops and looks at you. 'Well,' he says, 'are you comin' or not?' You quickly nod and frantically catch up to him, following him a ways to the field, a large city now situated in the center. 'Go on in, and tell Madame Jeffreys that Haddock sent you, she'll take care o' you. I need to deal with a few things first. Just enter the city whenever you’re ready.' The man, who you now assume to be Haddock, walks off down a path into the forest, leaving you at the entrance to the city."; Move the City to the Field; Move the player to The Field; stop the action. Before going east: if location is Wandering Willows43 or location is Wandering Willows42 or location is Wandering Willows23 or location is The Path Start: Say "After pushing leaves and branches out of your face you look around and realize that you must've backed tracked - you're at the Path Start again..."; Move player to The Path Start; stop the action. Before going east: if Saving1 is true and Saving2 is true and Saving3 is true: Say "You notice a shape in the distance, a silhouette really, slowing meandering towards you. As you watch the figure you realize it's a person, and then start to slowly make out more details. It's a man. An older man. He's dressed to navigate various different terrains, sturdy clothing all around. As he finally comes up to you, you can make out his weathered features. 'Well, it's not too often I see anyone else around these parts. You look like you could use some food, and some sleep too. Why don'tcha head back to the city with me, there's an empty bed and some warm food waitin' for you there.' The man nods his head in a direction you assume to be to the city. He starts to walk off, and after a second stops and looks at you. 'Well,' he says, 'are you comin' or not?' You quickly nod and frantically catch up to him, following him a ways to the field, a large city now situated in the center. 'Go on in, and tell Madame Jeffreys that Haddock sent you, she'll take care o' you. I need to deal with a few things first. Just enter the city whenever you’re ready.' The man, who you now assume to be Haddock, walks off down a path into the forest, leaving you at the entrance to the city."; Move the City to the Field; Move the player to The Field; stop the action. Before going east: if Collecting1 is true and Collecting2 is true and Collecting3 is true: Say "You notice a shape in the distance, a silhouette really, slowing meandering towards you. As you watch the figure you realize it's a person, and then start to slowly make out more details. It's a man. An older man. He's dressed to navigate various different terrains, sturdy clothing all around. As he finally comes up to you, you can make out his weathered features. 'Well, it's not too often I see anyone else around these parts. You look like you could use some food, and some sleep too. Why don'tcha head back to the city with me, there's an empty bed and some warm food waitin' for you there.' The man nods his head in a direction you assume to be to the city. He starts to walk off, and after a second stops and looks at you. 'Well,' he says, 'are you comin' or not?' You quickly nod and frantically catch up to him, following him a ways to the field, a large city now situated in the center. 'Go on in, and tell Madame Jeffreys that Haddock sent you, she'll take care o' you. I need to deal with a few things first. Just enter the city whenever you’re ready.' The man, who you now assume to be Haddock, walks off down a path into the forest, leaving you at the entrance to the city."; Move the City to the Field; Move the player to The Field; stop the action. Before going east: if Finding1 is true and Finding2 is true and Finding3 is true: Say "You notice a shape in the distance, a silhouette really, slowing meandering towards you. As you watch the figure you realize it's a person, and then start to slowly make out more details. It's a man. An older man. He's dressed to navigate various different terrains, sturdy clothing all around. As he finally comes up to you, you can make out his weathered features. 'Well, it's not too often I see anyone else around these parts. You look like you could use some food, and some sleep too. Why don'tcha head back to the city with me, there's an empty bed and some warm food waitin' for you there.' The man nods his head in a direction you assume to be to the city. He starts to walk off, and after a second stops and looks at you. 'Well,' he says, 'are you comin' or not?' You quickly nod and frantically catch up to him, following him a ways to the field, a large city now situated in the center. 'Go on in, and tell Madame Jeffreys that Haddock sent you, she'll take care o' you. I need to deal with a few things first. Just enter the city whenever you’re ready.' The man, who you now assume to be Haddock, walks off down a path into the forest, leaving you at the entrance to the city."; Move the City to the Field; Move the player to The Field; stop the action. Before going south: if location is Wandering Willows34 or location is Wandering Willows43 or location is Wandering Willows32 or location is Wandering Willows23 or location is Wandering Willows13: Say "After pushing leaves and branches out of your face you look around and realize that you must've backed tracked - you're at the Path Start again..."; Move player to The Path Start; stop the action. Before going south: if Saving1 is true and Saving2 is true and Saving3 is true: Say "You notice a shape in the distance, a silhouette really, slowing meandering towards you. As you watch the figure you realize it's a person, and then start to slowly make out more details. It's a man. An older man. He's dressed to navigate various different terrains, sturdy clothing all around. As he finally comes up to you, you can make out his weathered features. 'Well, it's not too often I see anyone else around these parts. You look like you could use some food, and some sleep too. Why don'tcha head back to the city with me, there's an empty bed and some warm food waitin' for you there.' The man nods his head in a direction you assume to be to the city. He starts to walk off, and after a second stops and looks at you. 'Well,' he says, 'are you comin' or not?' You quickly nod and frantically catch up to him, following him a ways to the field, a large city now situated in the center. 'Go on in, and tell Madame Jeffreys that Haddock sent you, she'll take care o' you. I need to deal with a few things first. Just enter the city whenever you’re ready.' The man, who you now assume to be Haddock, walks off down a path into the forest, leaving you at the entrance to the city."; Move the City to the Field; Move the player to The Field; stop the action. Before going south: if Collecting1 is true and Collecting2 is true and Collecting3 is true: Say "You notice a shape in the distance, a silhouette really, slowing meandering towards you. As you watch the figure you realize it's a person, and then start to slowly make out more details. It's a man. An older man. He's dressed to navigate various different terrains, sturdy clothing all around. As he finally comes up to you, you can make out his weathered features. 'Well, it's not too often I see anyone else around these parts. You look like you could use some food, and some sleep too. Why don'tcha head back to the city with me, there's an empty bed and some warm food waitin' for you there.' The man nods his head in a direction you assume to be to the city. He starts to walk off, and after a second stops and looks at you. 'Well,' he says, 'are you comin' or not?' You quickly nod and frantically catch up to him, following him a ways to the field, a large city now situated in the center. 'Go on in, and tell Madame Jeffreys that Haddock sent you, she'll take care o' you. I need to deal with a few things first. Just enter the city whenever you’re ready.' The man, who you now assume to be Haddock, walks off down a path into the forest, leaving you at the entrance to the city."; Move the City to the Field; Move the player to The Field; stop the action. Before going south: if Finding1 is true and Finding2 is true and Finding3 is true: Say "You notice a shape in the distance, a silhouette really, slowing meandering towards you. As you watch the figure you realize it's a person, and then start to slowly make out more details. It's a man. An older man. He's dressed to navigate various different terrains, sturdy clothing all around. As he finally comes up to you, you can make out his weathered features. 'Well, it's not too often I see anyone else around these parts. You look like you could use some food, and some sleep too. Why don'tcha head back to the city with me, there's an empty bed and some warm food waitin' for you there.' The man nods his head in a direction you assume to be to the city. He starts to walk off, and after a second stops and looks at you. 'Well,' he says, 'are you comin' or not?' You quickly nod and frantically catch up to him, following him a ways to the field, a large city now situated in the center. 'Go on in, and tell Madame Jeffreys that Haddock sent you, she'll take care o' you. I need to deal with a few things first. Just enter the city when you're ready. Just enter the city whenever you’re ready.' The man, who you now assume to be Haddock, walks off down a path into the forest, leaving you at the entrance to the city."; Move the City to the Field; Move the player to The Field; stop the action. Room of Requirement is a room. Before taking the City: say "You couldn't possibly pick up an entire city!"; stop the action. Before entering the City: say "You hesitantly walk into the city, taking in your surroundings. Cobblestone streets wind between buildings, carts being pushed and pulled with food and goods along the streets. Wooden buildings have been built throughout the city, signs hanging from the majority of them. You see a sign with 'Madame Jeffreys' Bed & Breakfast' inscribed upon it and make your way towards it. Upon entering the establishment you notice an older lady with silver hair and crystal blue eyes knitting in a rocking chair by the window. Her face is filled with a smile upon seeing you. 'Ah, a newcomer I see,' she says as she sets her knitting aside and stands from her chair, 'what can I do for you?' You tell her of your journey, and of Hadock. 'Ah, just like my husband, that is. Always trying to help those in need. Of course you can stay here, there's an open room two doors down on the left, third floor, that you're welcome too. Go wash up, supper'll be ready in a few moments.' You dine with Madame Jeffreys and Hadock, and spend the next few days recovering." Before entering the City: if Saving1 is true and Saving2 is true and Saving3 is true: Say "You find a veterinarian in the city in need of an assistant. After explaining to him how you helped the turtle, deer, and bird he agrees to train you. You spend the next few years learning under him, earning money to pay for your room and board with Madame Jeffreys. Eventually, you know enough to become the primary vet in the city and spend the rest of your days helping animals..."; end the story. Before entering the City: if Collecting1 is true and Collecting2 is true and Collecting3 is true: Say "You hear of a merchant that is stopping in the town for a few days and are curious as to what he sells. You learn that he collects rare odds and ends, artifact type objects. He can tell that you have a knack when it comes to shiny things, as you've already collected a few different things, and asks if you'd run a small shop for him from this town, trading objects for money and other objects. Ecstatic at his offer you agree and spend the rest of your days dealing with wonderous, rare artifacts..."; end the story. Before entering the city: if Finding1 is true and Finding2 is true and Finding3 is true: Say "While walking through the market one day you bump into someone, sending their papers scattering all about the square. While exclaiming phrases of apology and helping to gather his papers you notice that they all seem to be maps. Inquiring after this, the man informs you that he is a cartographer. You eyes light up at meeting someone who spends his days wandering unseen lands and exploring the world. He sees this wonder in your eyes and offers to train you in his ways, asking you to accompany him on his journeys. You hastily agree and depart with him a few days later. The rest of your life is spent travelling through the thickest of forests, over endless mountains, across the deepest of oceans, and traversing the harshest of deserts, laying eyes upon lands never before seen by man..."; end the story.