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Meredeth Bill
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"A Strange Adventure" by Meme Bill, Stephanie Gilboy, Mariah Hoffman The bedroom is a room. "You open your eyes and you are lying in your childhood bedroom. It is just as you remember it, filled with the objects of your memories. You wish you could stay and indulge in nostalgia, but you know you are here for a reason. The door to the hallway is in front of you." Understand "to hallway" as west. Understand "into hallway" as west. The flashlight is a lit thing in the bedroom. The flashlight can be taken. "You notice a flashlight on the floor. It is turned on and the beam is shining toward the hallway. You think it might be useful." The hallway is west of the bedroom. The description of the hallway is "The hallway is much longer than you remember, extending visibly for as far as the eye can see. Both of the walls are lined with framed photographs." The photographs are things in the hallway. They are fixed in place. "Looking more closely, you notice that the photos are of your lifetime - frozen stills of you in every single moment that you have lived. Realizing this, you begin to run down the hallway, your life streaming by you on either side. Up ahead to your left you see the open door to the bathroom - the only visible door out of the hallway." Understand "photo" as photographs. The bathroom is west of the hallway. The description of the bathroom is "The bathroom is filled with steam." The mirror is a thing in the bathroom. "The mirrored wall is fogged up so that you can't see your reflection." Understand "To bathroom" as west. Understand "into bathroom" as west. The towel is a thing in the bathroom. "A towel lies crumpled on the floor - it might be useful for wiping the fog off the mirror." Instead of taking the towel, say "You pick up the towel and wipe away the fog on the mirror in front of you. Seeing your reflection you drop the towel in shock and lean forward. You are yourself, but you simultaneously look like both of your parents, all of your grandparents, and all the photos you have seen of your great grandparents. You can't tell how old you are because your face seems to be ageless - outside of time. Simultaneously childlike, but with the wisdom of centuries. Feeling faint you reach your hand out to touch the mirror." Instead of touching the mirror, say "When your hand touches the mirror you feel the hard substance start to give away, like fine sand. It's too late to pull back, and you find yourself falling through the mirror. You are on your hands and knees in the pitch black. 'Good thing I still have the flashlight' you think. You turn it on and see a large, closed wooden door directly in front of you." The wooden door is a closed openable door. The wooden door is north of the bathroom and south of the banquet-hall. "." The banquet-hall is a room. The banquet-hall is north of the wooden door. "On the other side of the door is a gigantic banquet hall filled with people in the middle of a joyous feast. As you step through the door a hush falls over the crowd, and they all turn to face you. Scanning the crowd you notice with surprise that all of the faces are exactly the same as the face you just saw in the mirror. Suddenly you are overcome with a feeling of homecoming and deep gratification. You stumble forward into the waiting embrace of the crowd, and let yourself be absorbed into the weightlessness and joy of uniform anonymity. The End."