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Julien Labbit
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"Genesis" Understand "help" as a mistake ("go here for simple commands http://pr-if.org/doc/play-if-card/play-if-card.html."). Understand "talk to [someone]" as a mistake ("to start a conversation, try to ASK [the noun] ABOUT something or TELL [the noun] ABOUT something. also, LOOK at the character to get a description."). Understand "use [a switched off device]" as switching on. Understand "turn on [a switched off device]" as switching on. Understand "turn off [a switched on device]" as switching off. Understand "litestix" and "flashlights" as the flashlight. Understand "attack [something] with [something]" and "hit [something] with [something]" as attacking it with. Understand "attack [someone] with [something]" and "hit [someone] with [something]" as attacking it with. Understand "attack blackguard with [something]" and "hit the blackguard with [something]" as attacking it with. Understand "wait [a time period]" or "wait for [a time period]" or "wait for a/an [a time period]" or "wait a/an [a time period]" as waiting more. Moving [something] is an action applying to one thing. Understand "move [something]" as looking under [something]. Understand "move [something]" as examining [something]. Understand "look at [something]" as moving [something]. Understand "examine [something]" as moving [something]. Understand the commands "attack" and "punch" and "destroy" and "kill" and "murder" and "hit" and "thump" and "break" and "smash" and "torture" and "wreck" as something new. Attacking it with is an action applying to one visible thing and one carried thing. Understand "attack [someone] with [something preferably held]" as attacking it with. Understand the commands "punch" and "destroy" and "kill" and "murder" and "hit" and "thump" and "break" and "smash" and "torture" and "wreck" as "attack". The forest is a room. The description of the forest is "[if unvisited] you find yourself waking up from a nice nap. the time of day is [time of day].[end if]you are in a forest EAST of your village. there are passageways through the brush to the WEST and to the EAST of you. to the NORTH and SOUTH of you are dead thicket too cumbersome to pass." There is a pig in the forest. There is a stick in the forest. The description of the pig is "there is a pig eating grass in front of you. it is a plump looking pig. almost delicious enough to TAKE home." After taking pig: say "the scared little pig jumped out of your hands and scurried EAST."; now pig is in sand pit. The sand area is east of the forest. "you are standing at a cliff edge WEST of a sand pit. It doesn't look all too safe." The sand pit is east of the sand area. "[if the player has the pig]you are above the pit that leads DOWN into a cave. [otherwise]you are standing in the sand pit. if you were any heavier, you would fall in.[end if]"; After taking the pig in the sand pit: say "your weight combined with the pig's causes the earth beneath you to shuffle. the ground collapses, and the earth has swallowed you whole."; now player is in cave opening. The cave opening is below the sand pit. The description of the cave opening is "it is fairly easy to climb UP the pit. there is also a passage way WEST deeper into the cave." The deep cave is west of the cave opening. The description of the deep cave is "As you move further into the underground cave, it becomes darker. You can feel that the cave goes further west." Visibility rule when in darkness: if the player is carrying a lit thing (called flashlight): say "you use your flashlight to shine the dark path."; there is sufficient light; there is insufficient light. The deeper cave is west of the deep cave. It is dark. The description of the deeper cave is "There is barely any light, but you can feel that the cave goes deeper. You see this inscribed on the cave wall: http://i.imgur.com/VkTlk.jpg" The deepest cave is west of the deeper cave. It is dark. The description of the deepest cave is "It is very dark and you feel the passage is blocked. It has been caved in. You accidentally kicked something UNDER the ROCKS." The rocks is a closed container in the deepest cave. The book is a thing. The book can be found or lost. The book is lost. Instead of looking under the rocks when the book is lost: move the book to the player; now the book is found; say "You picked up an old deteriorating book." The description of the book is "The book has strange writing in it. You can only make out a few of the words in it. The rest is indecipherable to you. It looks somewhat ancient." The village is west of the forest. The description of the village is "This is your village. There are four people in your village. The village elder, jokka . Your uncle, kenna. His wife, juni. Your best friend, kola. There is a big hut SOUTH part of the village." The hut is south of the village. The hut is a room. The description of the hut is "you are in the communal hut. there is not much to do in here." There are floor mats in the hut. There is a map in the hut. The floor mats are fixed in place. The description of the map is "http://i.imgur.com/GloJz.jpg" kenna is in the village. jokka is in the village. kola is in the village. juni is in the village. A sun dial is a fixed in place thing in the village. The description of the sun dial is "the current time is [time of day]." Every turn: if the player has been in the village for 2 turns, say "kenna looks at you and says 'Go geddus some bregfuz!'". Before taking pig: Instead of doing something to kenna: say "Go geddus some bregfuz!"; now kenna is in the village. Instead of giving the pig to kenna: say "kenna is shocked that you want to eat the pig for breakfast. He takes the pig away from you and says before leaving, 'Widdon eat pig! Da pig cute!'"; move the pig to kenna; award 30 points. Instead of giving the berries to kenna: say "kenna takes the berries from you and says, 'MOAR! MOAR! We nid MOAR!'"; move the berries to kenna; award 25 points. Instead of giving the cherries to kenna: say "kenna takes the cherries from you and says, 'MOAR! MOAR! We nid MOAR!'"; move the cherries to kenna; award 25 points. Instead of giving the black mushrooms to kenna: say "kenna takes the black mushrooms from you and eats it. He falls to the ground as he loses all feeling in his body. A darting pain shoots straight to his heart. This does not bode well for him."; end the story. After giving the pig to kenna: now kenna is in the forest. Every turn: if score is 100 begin; say "Your tribe can eat to survive for one more week. All is bliss."; end the game in victory; end if. kola is a man in the village. The description of kola is "kola is your best friend. you two are practically brothers. he is half a year older than you, and is slightly taller than you and of a bigger build. although his white hair and stern face say otherwise, kola is not as stoic as he seems. he loves to play games is as mischievous as they come. kola's favorite game is CHASER." Chaser is a thing. Instead of asking kola about "chaser": say "kola looks really excited that you mentioned CHASER. he wants to play later in the night. but you would require a flashlight to play. kola laughs, 'gedda litestix from ol man jokkaz!'" Instead of telling kola about "something": say "'Da up blu look rili diffrunt disday. It look alredi almos slip time.'" Instead of asking kola about "something": say "'Da up blu look rili diffrunt disday. It look alredi almos slip time.'" kenna is in the village. kenna is a man in the village. The description of kenna is "He is your father's brother. He is a burly man. He may not be the smartest, but he definitely has a big heart. He started taking care of you and kola since the very beginning. He likes to eat a lot." juni is a woman in the village. The description of juni is "Your hot aunt who is not related to you by blood. She is the mother of the tribe. She knows almost everything about everyone." Instead of asking juni about "kola", say "'Dat boy rili summtin. Yu tu gaw ple now ya?'" Instead of asking juni about "kenna", say "'Aw, dat man! Feedum alredi now ya? Anytin. A hawsie even!'" Instead of asking juni about "jokka", say "juni looks quite somber. She stares off at jokka who is sitting by himself. She says, 'jokka look rilisad disday. sed summtin bout da numba eleben. Kips mumblinit.'" Instead of telling juni about "something", say "juni looks quite somber. She stares off at jokka who is sitting by himself. She says, 'jokka look rilisad disday. sed summtin bout da numba eleben. Kips mumblinit.'" Sex is a thing. Instead of asking [juni] about "sex", say "'Yu alredi redi to mek da bebez? Mebe an ya nex bawtday ya?'" jokka is a man in the village. The description of jokka is "He is a very old man that doesn't understand you. He speaks an older dialect." Instead of telling jokka about "something": say "He is an old man that doesn't understand you. He speaks an older dialect." Flashlight is a device. Instead of asking jokka about "flashlight": now the flashlight is in the village; say "jokka just points to a pile of junk. There is a flashlight in the pile." Instead of asking jokka about "flashlights": now the flashlight is in the village; say "jokka just points to a pile of junk. There is a flashlight in the pile." Instead of asking jokka about "litestix": now the flashlight is in the village; say "jokka just points to a pile of junk. There is a flashlight in the pile." The description of the flashlight is "A yellow heavy-duty flashlight with limited batteries." Carry out switching on a flashlight: now the noun is lit. Carry out switching off a flashlight: now the noun is unlit. Instead of asking jokka about something: say "He is an old man that doesn't understand you. He speaks an older dialect." Instead of giving the book to jokka: move the book to jokka; say "jokka takes the book and looks at it intently. His eyes begin to well up. It's almost as if he has seen something like it before. He puts his hands on your shoulders and says, 'Go to da dipast dezaat en wet foda sanzastom zackly at wun PM! Izza bout [time of day] now!'". Instead of telling jokka about "book", say "He still doesn't understand you. Try giving jokka the book." The west forest is west of the village. The description of the west forest is "You are west of your village. It is a clearing surrounded by brush with passages to all 4 directions." The north forest is north of the west forest. The description of the north forest is "You are in a clearing surrounded by brush with passages to the NORTH and SOUTH. There is a bush with berries here." There are berries in the north forest. The berries are edible. After eating berries: say "You eat the berries. It tastes delicious."; award 25 points. The northernmost forest is north of the north forest. The description of the northernmost forest is "[if unvisited] You see a dark-clad figure ahead of you walking through the brush. It notices you and simply walks away deeper into the thicket. [end if]You are standing in a clearing with no other way but SOUTH. This place gives you the chills." The south forest is south of the west forest. The description of the south forest is "You are in a clearing surrounded by brush with passages to the NORTH and EAST. There is a bush with cherries here." There are cherries in the south forest. The cherries are edible. After eating cherries: say "You eat the cherries. It tastes delicious."; award 25 points. The east forest is east of the south forest. The description of the east forest is "You are in a clearing behind your hut. The rest of the clearing is surrounded by brush with a passage to the WEST. There are some black mushrooms growing behind the hut." There are black mushrooms in the east forest. The black mushrooms are edible. After eating the black mushrooms: say "You eat the mushroom. You fall to the ground as you lost all feeling in your body. A darting pain shoots straight to your heart. This does not bode well for you."; end the game in death. The desert is west of the west forest. The description of the desert is "There is nothing but barren wasteland." The deeper desert is west of the desert. The description of the deeper desert is "There is nothing but barren wasteland." The deepest desert is west of the deeper desert. The description of the deepest desert is "There is a black tower further ahead west, but there are bones and the smell of death near it." The nothingness is north of the deepest desert. The description of the nothingness is "The is a black tower is built between two mountain ridges that extend out into the horizon." The emptiness is south of the deepest desert. The description of the emptiness is "The is a black tower is built between two mountain ridges that extend out into the horizon." The black tower is west of the deepest desert. The black tower is an room. The description of the black tower is "you are at the foot of the black tower. It is covered in vines. It was built in between the two mountain ridges that extend all the way north and south into the horizon. there seems to be no entry way, but you notice the water run-off from the rain leads to an open canal grating at the foot of the tower to the SOUTH." There is a machinegun in the black tower. It is fixed in place. Every turn when the player can see the machinegun in the black tower: say "You slowly approach the black tower. The last thing you hear is a loud echoing bang in the air. A roaring silver object shot from the top of the tower straight to your chest. Moments later, you die."; end the game in death. Waiting more is an action applying to one number. Carry out waiting more: let the target time be the time of day plus the time understood; decrease the target time by one minute; while the time of day is not the target time: follow the turn sequence rules. Report waiting more: say "It is now [time of day]." At 1:00 PM: say "after a long period of time, a thunderstorm brews. this rare moment is captivating. you watch as the black clouds climb over the northern and southern mountain ridges to the far WEST. and then, it begins to rain. you hear thunder rolling through the clouds towards the tower. a bright flash streaks across the sky--a strike of lightning! there is a deafening roar. the scorching sun tears through the clouds, and the rain storm is over."; remove the machinegun from play. Check waiting more: if the time understood is greater than 4 hours, say "jokka said to wait until exactly 1:00 PM. it is currently [time of day]." instead. The open grating is south of the black tower. The description of the open grating is "the grating leads into a canal that creates an EAST to WEST passage underneath the tower." The canal is a room. The canal is west of the open grating. The description of the canal is "you enter the canal. it goes underneath the tower. you are holding your breath. " The southeast courtyard is west of the canal and south of the east courtyard. The description of the southeast courtyard is " you are on the WEST side of the canal. there is giant wall to the SOUTH. there are paths to the WEST and NORTH. the architecture seems ancient with greenery growing all over it." The south courtyard is west of the southeast courtyard. The description of the south courtyard is "there is giant wall to the SOUTH. there are paths to the WEST and EAST. there is the side of a building to the NORTH. the architecture seems ancient with greenery growing all over it." The southwest courtyard is west of the south courtyard. The description of the southwest courtyard is "there is giant wall to the SOUTH and WEST. there are paths to the NORTH and EAST. the architecture seems ancient with greenery growing all over it." A ragged corpse is a fixed in place closed container. There is a ragged corpse in the southwest courtyard. "it is a corpse in ragged clothing resting against the wall. there is some paper UNDER the ragged corpse." Paper is a thing. Paper can be found or lost. The paper is lost. Instead of looking under the ragged corpse when the paper is lost: move the paper to the player; now the paper is found; say "you picked up a piece of paper." The description of the paper is "--the staring statue.. what if i stare back--" The west courtyard is north of the southwest courtyard. The description of the west courtyard is "you are behind the WEST side of a building. there is giant wall to the WEST. there are paths to the NORTH and SOUTH. the architecture seems ancient with greenery growing all over it." The northwest courtyard is north of the west courtyard and west of the north court yard. The description of the northwest courtyard is "there is a giant wall to the WEST. there is a white gate to the NORTH. there are paths to the SOUTH and EAST. the architecture seems ancient with greenery growing all over it." The white stairs is above the northwest courtyard. The description of the white stairs is "the white stairs goes UP and DOWN to the northwest courtyard and the northwest terrace." The north courtyard is east of the northwest courtyard and west of the northeast courtyard. The description of the north courtyard is "there is a building wall to the SOUTH. there is giant wall to the NORTH. there are paths to the WEST and EAST. the architecture seems ancient with greenery growing all over it." The northeast courtyard is a room. It is north of the east courtyard and east of the north courtyard. The description of the northeast courtyard is "there is a grey building to the NORTH. there are paths to the WEST and SOUTH. the architecture seems ancient with greenery growing all over it." The black door is a locked door. It is scenery. The black door is north of the northeast courtyard and south of the grey building. The black key unlocks the black door. The description of the black door is "the building has a black door with a black lock on it. inscribed above the door is the word 'BARRACKS'." The grey building is north of the black northeast courtyard. The description of the grey building is "there is a table in the with junk in the middle of the room. there is a closed cabinet. the room is filled with more junk. there is an armored corpse (there seems to be something UNDER it)." Junk is a thing. There is junk in the grey building. The description of junk is "it's just junk." The cabinet is a fixed in place closed container in the grey building. A white key is a thing. The white key can be found or lost. The white key is lost. Instead of opening the cabinet when the white key is lost: move the white key to the player; now the white key is found; say "you picked up the white key." armored corpse is a fixed in place closed container in the grey building. the description of the armored corpse is "the corpse is dressed in dark-clad armor. there is something shiny UNDER it." A weapon is a kind of thing. blackguard carries a weapon called an axe. There is a weapon called sword. A sword is a weapon. A weapon is a kind of thing. The sword can be found or lost. The sword is lost. Instead of looking under the armored corpse when the sword is lost: move the sword to the player; now the sword is found; say "you picked up the armored corpse's sword." Check attacking it with: if the second noun is not carried by the player: say "You're not holding [the second noun]." instead. The east courtyard is a room. It is north of the southeast courtyard and south of the northeast courtyard. The description of the east courtyard is "there is a large building to the WEST. there are paths to the NORTH and SOUTH. the architecture seems ancient with greenery growing all over it." The white gate is a locked door. It is scenery. The white gate is north of the northwest courtyard and south of the white stairs. The white key unlocks the white gate. The description of the white gate is "the stairs has a white gate with a white lock on it. inscribed on the gate is the word 'TERRACE STAIRS'." The southeast terrace is east of the south terrace and south of the east terrace. The description of the southeast terrace is "you can see the mountain ridges beyond the SOUTH terrace walls. you can see the desert beyond the EAST terrace walls. it extends out into the horizon. there are paths to the WEST and NORTH. the architecture seems ancient with greenery growing all over it." The south terrace is west of the southeast terrace. The description of the south terrace is "you can see the mountain ridges beyond the SOUTH terrace walls. they extend out into the horizon. there are paths to the WEST and EAST. the architecture seems ancient with greenery growing all over it." The southwest terrace is west of the south terrace. The description of the southwest terrace is "you can see the mountain ridges beyond the SOUTH terrace walls. they extend out into the horizon. there are paths to the NORTH and EAST. the architecture seems ancient with greenery growing all over it. there is a ladder that leads DOWN to the cliffs." There is a ladder in the southwest terrace. It is scenery. The description of the ladder is "the ladder connects the southwest terrace and the cliffs." The southwest cliffs is below the southwest terrace. The description of the southwest cliffs is "there is ladder leading UP to the southwest terrace. you are standing at the edge of a cliff. you can see a vast blue ocean beneath the cliffs that stretch out into the western horizon. there is a path to the NORTH." The west cliffs is north of the southwest cliffs. The description of the west cliffs is "you are standing at the edge of a cliff. you can see a vast blue ocean beneath the cliffs that stretch out into the western horizon. there is a path to the NORTH and SOUTH." The northwest cliffs is a room. It is north of the west cliffs. The description of the northwest cliffs is "you are standing at the edge of a cliff. you can see a vast blue ocean beneath the cliffs that stretch out into the western horizon. there is a statue that gazes at you." A secret door is a kind of door. A secret door can be revealed or unrevealed. A secret door is unrevealed. A secret door is scenery. A secret door is closed. The trap door is below the northwest cliffs and above the northwest shore. The trap door is a secret door. The statue is scenery in the northwest cliffs. The description is "You push the statue out of the way[if the trap door is open]. The statue has been moved--it’s reveals a rope that goes DOWN[otherwise if the trap door is revealed]. The statue sits loosely on the rest of the rocks[end if]." After examining the statue for the first time: now the trap door is revealed; say "The statue reveals a hole with a rope going DOWN!" The west terrace is north of the southwest terrace. The description of the west terrace is "there are paths to the NORTH and SOUTH. the architecture seems ancient with greenery growing all over it." The northwest terrace is above the white stairs. The northwest terrace is north of the west terrace and west of the north terrace. The description of the northwest terrace is "there are stairs that lead DOWN to the northwest courtyard. you can see the mountain ridges beyond the NORTH terrace walls. they extend out into the horizon. there are paths to the SOUTH and EAST. the architecture seems ancient with greenery growing all over it." The north terrace is east of the northwest terrace and west of the northeast terrace. The description of the north terrace is "you can see the mountain ridges beyond the NORTH terrace walls. they extend out into the horizon. there are paths to the WEST and EAST. the architecture seems ancient with greenery growing all over it." The northeast terrace is north of the east terrace and east of the north terrace. The description of the northeast terrace is "you can see the mountain ridges beyond the NORTH terrace walls. you can see the desert beyond the EAST terrace walls. they extend out into the horizon. there are paths to the WEST and SOUTH. the architecture seems ancient with greenery growing all over it." The east terrace is north of the southeast terrace and south of the northeast terrace. The description of the east terrace is "you can see the desert beyond the EAST terrace walls. they extend out into the horizon. there are paths to the NORTH and SOUTH. the architecture seems ancient with greenery growing all over it. you can also see the machinegun here. it is on fire. it is mounted on a piece of machine with the inscription 'NO ONE GETS IN OR OUT'." The northwest shore is a room. It is below the trap door and north of the west shore. "you are standing on the shore. you can see out into the water to the WEST. there is a rope going back UP. there is a sandy path to the SOUTH." The west shore is south of the northwest shore and below the northwest cliff. "you are standing on the shore. you can see out into the water to the WEST. there is a sandy path to the SOUTH and NORTH." The southwest shore is south of the west shore. "you are standing on the shore. you can see out into the water to the WEST. there is a sandy path to the NORTH. there is tunnel entrance to the EAST." The tunnel is a room. It is east of the southwest shore. "you are standing at the entrance of the tunnel. the exit is to the WEST. there are cave walls to the SOUTH and EAST. the tunnel continues deeper to the NORTH." The deeper tunnel is a room. It is dark. It is a north of the tunnel. "there are cave walls to the EAST and WEST. there are passages to the NORTH and SOUTH." The deepest tunnel is a room. It is dark. It is north of the deeper tunnel. It is dark. "there are cave walls to the WEST. there are passages to the EAST and SOUTH." blackguard is a man. He is in the deepest tunnel. "a gargantuan blackguard dressed in part rags and part black armor is dauntingly standing in your way." Instead of doing something other than attacking blackguard with the sword: say "you dare not attempt it! blackguard looks pissed!" The camp is a room. It is east of the skeleton door. It is dark. "you are standing in a clearing in the cave. there is a floor mat here with some supplies. it looks as though someone has been living here for a while. there are passages to the WEST and SOUTH." There is a fish in the camp. Fish is edible. A torch is a lit fixed in place thing in the camp. Stuff is a fixed in place thing. There is stuff in the camp. "it's just stuff." Instead of giving the fish to kenna: say "where'd you get this? 'MOAR! MOAR! We nid MOAR!'"; move the fish to kenna; award 30 points. After eating fish: say "You eat the fish. It tastes delicious."; award 30 points. The blackguard's dead body is a fixed in place thing. Check an actor attacking something with something (this is the can't attack with something that isn't a weapon rule): if the second noun is not a weapon: if the actor is the player, say "[The second noun] does not qualify as a weapon."; stop the action. Check an actor attacking something with something (this is the can't attack a non-person rule): if the noun is not a person: if the actor is the player, say "[The noun] has no life to lose."; stop the action. Instead of attacking blackguard with the sword: say "you hack blackguard to pieces with the sword! he is now dead. he dropped a skeleton key."; remove blackguard from play; now the skeleton key is in the location; now the blackguard's dead body is in the location. Before doing something other than attacking blackguard with sword: say "blackguard swings his axe at you, but misses!" The skeleton door is a locked door. It is west of the camp and east of the deepest tunnel. The skeleton key unlocks the skeleton door. The generator room is south of the camp. "a bigmachine with a button stands before you it has cables running up through the cave ceiling. there are cave walls to the EAST and WEST. there are passages to the NORTH and SOUTH." The caved in room is south of the generator room. "this clearing has been caved in. the only passageway is back NORTH." There is a bigmachine in the generator room. The bigmachine is a device. "the bigmachine has wires that go through the ceiling." An on/off button is a kind of thing. Instead of pushing an on/off button which is part of a switched off device (called the bigmachine): try switching on the bigmachine. Instead of pushing an on/off button which is part of a switched on device (called the bigmachine): try switching off the bigmachine. Instead of switching on an on/off button which is part of a device (called the bigmachine): try switching on the bigmachine. Instead of switching off an on/off button which is part of a device (called the bigmachine): try switching off the bigmachine. After switching on the bigmachine: say "the machine hums and a surge runs through the wires through the cave ceiling."; move powered_yellowmachine to southwest basement; move powered_redmachine to south basement; move powered_bluemachine to southeast basement; remove unpowered_yellowmachine from play; remove unpowered_redmachine from play; remove unpowered_bluemachine from play. The unpowered_yellowmachine is a device. It is in the southwest basement. the description of the unpowered_yellowmachine is "the unpowered_yellowmachine is currently unpowered. its wires run straight through the ground." The unpowered_redmachine is a device. It is in the south basement. the description of the unpowered_redmachine is "the unpowered_redmachine currently unpowered. its wires run straight through the ground." The unpowered_bluemachine is a device. It is in the southeast basement. the description of the unpowered_bluemachine is "the unpowered_bluemachine is currently unpowered. its wires run straight through the ground." The store room is a room. The powered_yellowmachine is a device. The description of the powered_yellowmachine is "the powered_yellowmachine is on." It is in the store room. Carry out switching on a powered_yellowmachine: say "words are displayed on the screen. 'the machinegun cannot be repaired'". The powered_redmachine is a device. The description of the powered_redmachine is "the powered_redmachine is on." It is in the store room. Carry out switching on a powered_redmachine: say "you hear a noise upstairs. words are displayed on the screen. 'cell doors are open'"; now cell door 1 is unlocked; now cell door 2 is unlocked; now cell door 3 is unlocked; now cell door 4 is unlocked; now cell door 5 is unlocked; now cell door 6 is unlocked. The powered_bluemachine is a device. The description of the powered_bluemachine is "the powered_bluemachine is on." It is in the store room. Carry out switching on a powered_bluemachine: say "words are displayed on the screen. 'Mullholland's Log 67. gila has proven to be quite cunning. he has found the dynamite. he used it to blow a hole in the ground and escape. he brought his people with him. for some reason, gila has come back. he has killed many of the other soldiers. if anyone sees this message, gila is still out there. they said he was hiding out by the beach...'". The east prison block is a room. It is west of the east courtyard. "you are standing at the entrance of a prison. it is bleak. the exit is EAST. there are passages to the NORTH and SOUTH." The central prison block is a room. It is west of the east prison block. "you are standing in the center of the prison. there are passages to all 4 directions." The west prison block is a room. It is west of the central prison block. "you are standing at the top of some stairs that lead DOWN. it is ominous. there are passages to the NORTH and SOUTH." The west basement is a room. it is below west prison block. it is west of the central basement. it is north of southwest baesment. "you are standing at the foot of some stairs that lead UP. the basement opens up to the SOUTH and EAST. there is rubble to the NORTH." The southwest basement is a room. it is south of the west basement. it is west of the south basement. "the basement opens up to the NORTH and SOUTH." The south basement is a room. it is east of the southwest basement. it is south of the central basement. "the basement opens up to the WEST, EAST, and NORTH." The southeast basement is a room. it is east of the south basement. "the basement opens up to the WEST. there is rubble to the NORTH." The central basement is a room. it is north of the south basement. "the floor looks like it has been caved in. it smells of dynamite." The dead guard is a fixed in place thing in the central basement. There is a dead guard in the central basement. "a dead guard lies here." There is a black key in the central basement. Cell door 1 is a locked door. It is south of the east prison block. "you are standing in front of a Cell door 1. looking inside, you see a bed and a toilet." Cell door 2 is a locked door. It is south of central prison block. "you are standing in front of a Cell door 2. looking inside, you see a bed and a toilet." Cell door 3 is a locked door. It is south of west prison block. "you are standing in front of a Cell door 3. looking inside, you see a bed and a toilet." Cell door 4 is a locked door. It is north of west prison block. "you are standing in front of a Cell door 4. looking inside, you see a bed and a toilet." Cell door 5 is a locked door. It is north of central prison block. "you are standing in front of a Cell door 5. looking inside, you see a bed and a toilet." Cell door 6 is a locked door. It is north of east prison block. "you are standing in front of a Cell door 6. looking inside, you see a bed and a toilet." Block 1 is a room. It is south of the cell door 1. "you are standing in front of a cell. looking inside, you see a bed and a toilet." Block 2 is a room . It is south of cell door 2. "you are standing in front of a cell. looking inside, you see a bed and a toilet." Block 3 is a room . It is south of cell door 3. "you are standing in front of a cell. looking inside, you see a bed and a toilet. there are some papers on the bed...". there are papers in Block 3. the description of the papers is "'gila, sunuv jokko. log 135. kima, mi child, iz bout four nao. dis ples iz no ples fo mi child. tomoro, be da day we scape frum da prizan. we tek da splosive en use it on da besment groun. brada kenna wana go east, but i tell brada we go west. we si wich ples is da bes.'" Block 4 is a room . It is north of cell door 4. "you are standing in front of a cell. looking inside, you see a bed and a toilet." Block 5 is a room . It is north of cell door 5. "you are standing in front of a cell. looking inside, you see a bed and a toilet." Block 6 is a room . It is north of cell door 6. "you are standing in front of a cell. looking inside, you see a bed and a toilet."