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A Day In The Life of Joey Marlowe
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"A Day In The Life of Joey Marlowe" by Mxrlcwe Bedroom is a room. "You wake up to three annoyed squeals by your companion for life, Pops. It's about 11 in the morning and you know you've slept past your alarm... again. You've been doing that a lot more lately, maybe it's the lack of sleep or maybe it's because you just have genuinely stopped caring for the reason you came to Aster Canyon in the first place. You don't know yet. Another noise comes from your pig and you give a loud groan before you sit up to look at the black blur at your bedside. You manage to mumble out ''Alright, alright. I'm up.'' before you let yourself yawn. When did you even get to sleep and why were you so tired? You move your feet over the side and you stand up, stretching and opening your cheap curtains to let in some light. You begin to look around to start your morning ritual. TO CONTINUE THE GAME FROM NOW ON, GO SOUTH." Instead of going East: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going West: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going North: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Main Room is south of Bedroom. "Your head is turning due to the sudden movement and surprising lack of sleep, but you have to get to the fridge and put out Pops' food before he has a fit. You make your way to it and you slowly open it up and it looks just as pathetic as you left it. You have a large bowl of a perfect homemade slop, a tray of treats, and 5 cans of soda. You don't even have milk... Not like you have anything in the cabinet that would need it anyways. You take the soda and put it on the stained counter behind you as you grab the slop and do the same with it. All you need to do is take the slop and feed it to Pops. It takes you a long moment but you do just that, grabbing a spoon to scoop in a few cups of it into a metallic dog bowl on the floor. You almost trip just doing that. Where were you last night? You put up the food and pop open the can, swallowing its contents. You then walk to the door and put on your shoes, getting ready to go to the hallway." Instead of going East: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going West: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going North: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Hallway is south of Main Room. "Once you were out in the hall, you knew exactly why this place was so cheap. The wallpaper was peeling, the place smelled like rust and mold, and you couldn't shake the feeling of death off in that place. You would say that you deserve better, but in a way you know you don't. You begin to make your way down the hall without further complaint, listening for the sure sound of your neighbor's dog and the shuffle of the poor old lady whose husband just passed away. You listen for the laughter of the couple close by that always smell of substances, and you listen for everything you have grown to know over the past 2 years. You could have been in California living your dream, but you were here. You were in a shitty apartment doing the same exact things looking for someone you don't know if you could ever find. Sounds like the life. You reach the staircase and you push the door open, stepping into the most modern part of the building." Instead of going East: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going West: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going North: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Lobby is south of Hallway. "You made your way down and you step foot into the lobby (if you could even call it one). You've had so many serious talks here and it makes you scrunch your nose at the thought. You don't like emotions and when you have to deal with them you have to do it somewhere you can leave them and never talk about them again. Of course, the cheap sofas and chairs down here weren't idea, but it's the easiest place to go considering most of the people you know live in this building. Your head throbs once again as you walk past these things and you head out the front door." Instead of going East: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going West: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going North: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Parking Lot is south of Lobby. "Here you are, in the cheap excuse for a parking lot. The sun is bright and everything seemed as though it was faded inside compared to this. You were used to it, but it was still so strange. It was like the apartment building was a vortex and sucked anything good out of life. Not that it's wrong, but that's some negative thinking and it requires way more energy to be that way. If you could just turn off your mind that'd be very helpful. You decide to force yourself to stop thinking about your damn ''home'' and head towards your truck. It's a piece of junk, but it has survived so much and still has plenty of time to go if you treat it right. You unlock the driver's door and you hop on in your car." Instead of going East: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going West: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going North: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Pickup Truck is south of Parking Lot. "You're sitting in the worn seat, doing a check for everything your car had just in case someone broke in. It was pretty likely and something you worried about often despite the fact everyone in that building was pretty much in the same boat... Everything is there and you are ready to go. You put the key in and turn it, listening to the engine cough awake. A loud noise followed by another until it had a steady rumble. You shift into reverse and leave the parking lot, going to get some food for your headache." Instead of going East: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going West: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going North: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Gas Station is south of Pickup Truck. "This is possibly the only place you can get food right considering how little evidence you've found lately for the police. You enter the gas station with a sigh and navigate yourself through the maze. You think they've designed it to trap victims due to how lost you've gotten in the past. You literally made a map at one point because you were so embarrassed when the clerk found you looking around everywhere... You start down the familiar path to the hot foods section and then to the medicine rack for Advil. You open it up then and there and swallow two before you get to the cash register and pay for the goods. You eat the food on your way back to the car." Instead of going East: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going West: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going North: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Road is south of Gas Station. "Some generic country station is playing and you are humming along. You will openly despise country music, but something about it feels like home and you can enjoy it if you actually try. Your head has stopped pounding and you no longer feel sick, last night came back to you and you were sober but dumb. As per usual. You managed to have gone to some irish family's party and you hung out with some cute girl all night. What an accent. Unfortunately, you didn't get her number and you'll probably never get a chance to do that again. But it was worth today's headache. You continue to listen and finally start to relax." Instead of going East: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going West: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going North: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Stoplight is south of Road. "When you get to one of the few stoplights in town, you realize you didn't even think of where you were going. You just were heading in a direction and wound up near the edge of town towards your usual hiding spot." Instead of going East: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going West: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going North: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Warehouse E is south of Stoplight. "Warehouse E, or what you like to call Secret's Cove, is where you've found numerous things that the police love hearing. While the other warehouses don't have much, this is somehow a hub for practically any evidence you need for crimes in Aster. You have found journals, weapons, and even bones here. Just a lot of useful stuff related to anything but your sister... Still, it's a quiet place where you can get a few bucks here and there. You sit lay down on the concrete and stare at the roof. It's about 3pm when you start to drift into a nap. Around 4, you hear something crash and you bolt up. You ran towards it, but nothing was there and that's when you decide to book it for the night." Instead of going East: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going West: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going North: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Diner is south of Warehouse E. "You go get lunch and dinner, something easy and cheap. You come here often to listen to the jukebox and eavesdrop and sometimes you only do that. This time, you can buy one of the refillable coffees and you just wait. Nothing exciting happens and after thirty minutes or so, you leave." Instead of going East: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going West: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going North: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Trashcan is south of Diner. "On your way back to the car, your head begins to pound again. Maybe it's not just needing food. Stress? You don't know. All you know is that you get called to the trash can and you are found doing something a little unsavory with all that coffee you just had;. Nobody bothers to look or even ask if you're okay. It's normal, you weren't expecting it anyways. I mean it's probably normal given the town... It'd been nice though." Instead of going East: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going West: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going North: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Couch is south of Trashcan. "You get back home and you feel better again. You lay down on the couch and your companion lays down right next to you. Usually right now you'd be on twitter or doing god knows what god knows where, but right now you're just tired. You'll take a small nap or so and you'll do just what you said you would.. Three hours pass by and you realize that you just need a LOT of sleep, so you get back up and stumble to your room. You're truly a mess when you wake up. You get to the door and you lean against it until you decide to actually enter it and go to bed." Instead of going East: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going West: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; Instead of going North: say "Go SOUTH to continue."; End of the Day is south of Couch. "Your eyes are closing, but your mind won't stop wondering. You think about anything and everything that remotely pops up and a lot of them were depressing. Thinking about if you were a better child, about if your sister hadn't come here, anything. You hate it, but that's how you fall asleep. To your thoughts and the sounds of the shadows wailing away. Your dreams are about the same as your thoughts and when you wake up the next day, you feel about the same as you did today."