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mind palace
Nicole Beck
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"mind palace" by Nicole Beck The story headline is "An Exercise in Memory". The story creation year is 2013. Use American dialect and the serial comma. Use no scoring. When play begins: say "[italic type] 'I come to the fields and the spacious palaces of memory…'--Augustine [roman type]". Entrance Gate is a room. "Above, the palace looms, indistinct around the edges. Stones are laid in stepped layers to form the facade. The gate hangs slightly open. Set into one stone turret is a metal plaque, embossed with text. Beneath is a marble torso of a man, both headless and limbless. To the east is an entranceway of two lancet arches." The player is here. The description is "You're a bit of a frayed wanderer, with your black soutane and boots dusty from walking. There's a gleam in your eyes sometimes that makes would-be robbers tuck their tails and run. Across your body you carry a satchel. Often, you mutter a phrase to yourself, coupled with a glance heavenward, like any good pilgrim." The plaque is scenery in the Entrance Gate. Understand "metal plaque" as the plaque. The description is "INSTRUCTIONS: Each room contains a tableau of figures. Within each tableau is a letter. Open the letter to show the verse describing those figures. Once the words are discovered, alter the tableau. Add something unique, absurd, funny, violent, terrifying, or personally symbolic. Keep it brief. Memory delights in short, punchy ideas. Puns help. Add blood to one figure. Set something on fire. Change colors. Dismember things. Describe the changes to the room in your notebook. Take your time." The iron gate is scenery in the Entrance Gate. Understand "gate" as iron gate. The description is "Its bars are thin, more ornamental than defensive." The palace is scenery in the Entrance Gate. The description is "One look cannot quite grasp the scale of this building." The marble torso is scenery in the Entrance Gate. "Upon closer inspection, there appears to be a mark scratched between the ribs. It is a cursive letter." A container called the cursive letter is part of the marble torso. The cursive letter is an openable closed container. In the cursive letter is the slip of paper. The description of the slip of paper is "'Memory does not inhere directly in objects, rather objects are cues and locators for memory.'" The Small Courtyard is a room. It is east of the Entrance Gate. "Irregularly sized and spaced, the ancient stones underfoot resemble a bumpy snakeskin. A thin rectangle of trimmed grass spans the width of the yard. To the east is a rounded archway. Suspended above the central grassy slab hangs a woman, her legs spread wide. Wrapped around her like a flaming cloak is the sphere of the sun. Her mouth opens, her face furrows in lines of pain as she clutches her very round stomach. One of her feet is propped on the crescent moon. Hovering in a circlet above her head glitter twelve diamonds." The moon is scenery in the Small Courtyard. "From below it is a tiny, perfect replica of the celestial body studded with mares and craters. A fine spray of blood spots the inner curve of the crescent, as if it were a basin. One of the blood spots forms the Greek letter alpha. " A container called alpha is part of the moon. Alpha is an openable closed container. In alpha is the first verse. The description of the first verse is "'A spectacular sign appeared in the sky: a woman dressed with the sun, who had the moon under her feet and a victor’s crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and was crying out from her labor pains, the agony of giving birth.' Rev 12: 1-2." The sun is scenery in the Small Courtyard. "The blinding rays extend out from her limbs, a fringe of light. " The first woman is scenery in the Small Courtyard. Understand "woman" and "pregnant woman" as the first woman. "Her arms bulge with muscle. Perspiration pours over her stern, heavy brows. " The circlet is scenery in the Small Courtyard. "These diamonds are oval-cut, and at least five hundred carats each. They twinkle with yellow reflections from the sun. " A model is a kind of thing. 10 models are in the model repository. Appearance relates one thing to various models. The verb to be shown by implies the appearance relation. Indication relates a model (called X) to a thing (called Y) when Y is shown by X and Y is suitable. Understand "actual" or "original" as "[actual]". Understand "[actual]" as something when the item described is not a model. Definition: a thing is suitable: if the player's command includes "[actual]", no; yes. Understand "[something related by indication]" as a model. After printing the name of a model (called target): say " [random thing shown by the target]" Understand "duplicate [something]" as duplicating. Duplicating is an action applying to one visible thing. The duplicating action has an object called the selected model. Setting action variables for duplicating: let N be a random model in the model repository; now the selected model is N. Check duplicating: if the selected model is nothing, say "You're out of energy." instead. Carry out duplicating: now the noun is shown by the selected model; move the selected model to the player. Report duplicating: say "You concentrate and manifest [a selected model]." The virtual-context is a truth state that varies. The virtual-context is false. Before printing the name of a model: now the virtual-context is true. After printing the name of a model: now the virtual-context is false. Before printing the name of something (called target) while asking which do you mean: if the target is not a model and virtual-context is false: say "actual". Understand "create [text]" as creating. Creating is an action applying to a topic. A wotsit is a kind of thing. A wotsit can be created or uncreated. A wotsit is usually uncreated. There are 20 wotsits. A wotsit has some indexed text called create-name. Understand the create-name property as describing the wotsit. The description of a wotsit is usually "A perfectly made [create-name]." Carry out creating: if there is an uncreated wotsit begin; let N be a random uncreated wotsit; let Z be indexed text; let Z be the topic understood; now the create-name of N is Z; now N is in the location of player; otherwise; say "You've meddled with the fabric of reality quite enough for one day."; end if. The printed name of a wotsit is "[create-name]". The Large Courtyard is a room. It is east of the Small Courtyard. "Two steps rise up to the lip of the pool, centrally placed. A low hedge borders the still water. Twin arcades of narrow, pointed arches are visible to the east. In the diamond-filled sky, its heads pointing down to earth, crouches the red dragon. Its many python necks end in massive reptilian skulls, fangs bared. The largest head wears a spiked helmet. A ruby red tail arches up behind it, knocking against the diamond stars. Some of these are falling to the ground, about to crash into the dry marble fountain. Between the flash of the white teeth and the piercing sparkle of falling sky, there is a cord of human flesh." The cord is scenery in the Large Courtyard. Understand "umbilical cord" as the cord. The description is "That is an umbilical cord, dangling above the great open jaws of the dragon. Its little flap of loose flesh traces the letter beta in the air." A container called beta is part of the cord. Beta is an openable closed container. In beta is the second verse. The description of the second verse is "'Then another sign appeared in the sky: a huge red dragon with seven heads, ten horns, and seven royal crowns on its heads. Its tail swept away one-third of the stars in the sky and knocked them down to the earth. Then the dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth so that it could devour her child when it was born. She gave birth to a son, a boy, who is to rule all the nations with an iron scepter.' Rev 12: 3-5." The first red dragon is scenery in the Large Courtyard. Understand "dragon" as the first red dragon. The description is "The arrangement of its heads, three across and four down, look slightly like the number 7. Its big, hooked claws are chipped and scratched." The spiked helmet is scenery in the Large Courtyard. The description is "Like something a child might have sculpted, the metal helm is dented and punctured. Two crosspieces on the front make an X, or a Roman numeral." A diamond star is scenery in the Large Courtyard. Understand "stars" and "diamonds" as the plural of diamond star. The description is "Like shining meteorites, the two-pound raw gems could easily smash rock or bone." The Lesser Audience Hall is a room. It is east of the Large Courtyard. "Towering improbably, the ribs of the vault recede up into the dark. The hallway contains no seating or embellishment. To the north is a rectangular set of double doors topped by a sculpted lintel. To the south is a single unadorned door. Bodies are strewn everywhere, in a patchwork of light and shadow. Most are lying prostrate, their hands over their heads, faces against the cold floor. Others curl into a fetal ball. Still others try to crawl away on their hands and knees. A middle-aged woman wearing just a white shirt kneels, her gaze upturned. Farther down the way, an old man tears out his hair. Though he's stooped, he's the only person standing." The second woman is scenery in the Lesser Audience Hall. Understand "middle-aged woman" and "woman" as the second woman. The description is "Her skin has a greenish pallor, as if she's highly nauseated. Both pupils are dilated." The old man is scenery in the Lesser Audience Hall. Understand "man" and "stooped man" as the old man. The description is "Yellowish teeth clench tightly behind parched, cracking lips. Instead of looking up, he stares at the shadows along the floor." The body is scenery in the Lesser Audience Hall. Understand "bodies" as the plural of the body. The description is "The human figures lying here span the full gamut of age and race. They are of every nationality, judging from the scraps of clothing left on them." The shadow is scenery in the Lesser Audience Hall. Understand "shadows" as the plural of the shadow. The description is "All points, innumerable triangles made of vast wings. And huge curves, swords or claws or bending limbs, interlocking in a tessellation. A small black line, out of place in the pattern, looks like a letter gamma for a moment." A container called gamma is part of the shadow. Gamma is an openable closed container. In gamma is the third verse. The description of the third verse is "'Then a war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels fought back.' Rev 12:7" The North Audience Chamber is a room. It is north of the Lesser Audience Hall. "An elaborate vaulted ceiling with a dizzying pattern of four colors, its intricacy clearly distinguishable from the floor. The dark-stained oaken desk has one chair, behind it. Double doors face south. The Archangel standing on the arms of the chair, brandishing his broadsword towards the south. Below him, a spiral of smoke eddies from chair's seat. His elite troops charge in a thicket of spears, all in their white linens, now ash-stained. They are a rush of unblemished, genderless faces." The broadsword is scenery in the North Audience Chamber. Understand "sword" as the broadsword. The description is "Engraved on the blade are the symbols of the Chi-Rho and the Ichthys fish, nothing unexpected there. But there is also some lettering in a antiquated script, illegible except for the letter 'delta.' " A container called delta is part of the broadsword. Delta is an openable closed container. In delta is the fourth verse. The description of the fourth verse is "'Michael and his angels fought with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels fought back. But it was not strong enough, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven.' Rev 12: 7-8." The archangel is scenery in the North Audience Chamber. The description is "'He'--though the face is androgynous enough to question such a designation--wears no armor and carries no shield. The entire length of his back, from nape to ankles, is feathered with purple plumage." The soldier is scenery in the North Audience Chamber. Understand "soldiers" and "troops" and "warriors" as the plural of soldier. The description is "No individuality present in these ranks; every warrior has the same white-feathered back, the same linen sash, the same blackened and charred spear." The smoke spiral is scenery in the North Audience Chamber. The description is "Following the smoke to its source reveals a black nostril. Piled upon the seat of the chair are severed heads, scaly and malformed, neither person nor reptile." The chair is scenery in the North Audience Chamber. The description is "More of a wooden throne than a humble chair, it is carved with a motif of intertwined chalices and vines. " The South Audience Chamber is a room. It is south of the Lesser Audience Hall. "All the furniture is splintered to bits and smoldering. Fragments tumble down into the enormous crater in what's left of the floor, just a rim of stone around the abyss. Clawing at the edge of the crater is a black lizard bigger than a horse. Above fly its servants, half-human, half-reptilian hybrids, who are quite fanciful combinations of genes. Those with arms draw their longbows strung with burning arrows. A cyclops leads these ranks. One battered door leads north. Another faces east." The first lizard is scenery in the South Audience Chamber. Understand "lizard" and "black lizard" as the first lizard. The description is "Smoking stumps are all that remain of its other heads. Its body is something like a giant gila monster, save for the elongated human-like face on its central neck. The dark pupil of this face reflects the flashes of fire, the twisting bodies of servants, the crumbling floor, and a gold letter epsilon. On its wide mouth is a grimace of inarticulate rage." A container called epsilon is part of the first lizard. Epsilon is an openable closed container. In epsilon is the fifth verse. The description of the fifth verse is "'The huge dragon was hurled down. That ancient serpent, called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world, was hurled down to the earth, along with its angels.' Rev 12:9." The crater is scenery in the South Audience Chamber. Understand "abyss" as the crater. The description is "An unfathomable black pit opens in the stone, which at its deepest point holds streaks and flashes of silver." The cyclops is scenery in the South Audience Chamber. The description is "The conjoined twins are fused at the head, having one eyeball between them. They wear a buffed double breastplate and carry a round shield. Their great mouth is solemn, downturned in unhappiness." The servant is scenery in the South Audience Chamber. Understand "servants" and "ranks" and "hybrids" as the plural of servant. The description is "This horde throws pieces of burning furniture in slingshots. A few long tongues flick in annoyance or pain; others shout in manic joy. The armor they wear is a history lesson in itself, mismatched, damaged and incomplete." The Rehearsal Room is a room. It is east of the South Audience Chamber. The description is "An interrupted orchestra descends into chaos as the lizard thunders through a semi-circle of seats. Musicians dive out of its way. A few seek refuge under the tapestries hung from every wall. Young and fair-haired, the conductor waves his baton in outrage. Running past him is a nude woman, her arms stretching out at her sides to full length. Music stands topple over in a billow of paper sheets. These numerous scores blow over the heads of the scrambling musicians, sticking onto the arms of the fleeing woman. In the east wall is a thick door, gilded with a harlequin pattern." The music score is scenery in the Rehearsal Room. Understand "sheets" and "paper sheets" and "scores" and "musical scores" as the plural of music score. The description is "Layers and layers of musical scores stick together along the length of the woman's arms. Among those notes and rests is one letter out of place, zeta." A container called zeta is part of the music score. Zeta is an openable closed container. In zeta is the sixth verse. The description of the sixth verse is "'When the dragon saw that it had been thrown down to the earth, it pursued the woman who had given birth to the boy. However, the woman was given the two wings of a large eagle so that she could fly away from the serpent to her place in the wilderness.' Rev 12:13-14." The second lizard is scenery in the Rehearsal Room. Understand "black lizard" and "lizard" as the second lizard. The description is "The curved claws crunch over an abandoned oud, snapping strings all the while. Its face resembles a checkerboard of black scales and dead-pale flesh. The flexible jaw distends to an impossible degree, in the manner of certain snakes." The nude woman is scenery in the Rehearsal Room. Understand "nude" and "woman" and "fleeing woman" as the nude woman. The description is "Much of her hair has been singed off; the skin around her abdomen is saggy, though she seems young enough. She can definitely run like a deer, and tenses her legs in preparation to leap." The musician is scenery in the Rehearsal Room. Understand "musicians" as the plural of musician. The description is "Rather well-dressed in formal coats, the players knock one another over, a line of dominos." The music stand is scenery in the Rehearsal Room. Understand "music stands" and "stands" as the plural of music stand. The description is "The fine brass work suffers dents and scrapes on its way to the floor." The conductor is scenery in the Rehearsal Room. The description is "Tested almost beyond his endurance, the master of music raises his hands to heaven, imploring someone for help." The tapestry is scenery in the Rehearsal Room. Understand "tapestries" as the plural of tapestry. The description is "In these woven scenes are fields of wildflowers, with such astonishing variety of color and shape as to deserve the name 'thousand flowers'." The Theater is a room. It is east of the Rehearsal Room. "Clerestory-level windows bring shafts of light into the broad auditorium. On the east side is the stage and its proscenium arch. Out in the empty house, the lizard sprawls across the cushioned seats, taking up most of a row. From its wide mouth runs a continuous stream of water, rapidly rising to flood heights. A winged woman jumps up onto the stage, her paper wings flapping. Terrified heads peer out from behind the thick red curtains; the audience has taken refuge on the stage." The stage is scenery in the Theater. The description is "In a medallion on the front of the stage is a carved relief of the world map. The globe features the continents cut out. The water reaches the stage and filters out through the holes. Gouged into the medallion in an act of graffiti is the letter eta." A container called eta is part of the stage. Eta is an openable closed container. In eta is the seventh verse. The description of the seventh verse is "'From its mouth the serpent spewed water like a river behind the woman in order to sweep her away with the flood. But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed from its mouth.' Rev 12:15-16." The third lizard is scenery in the Theater. Understand "lizard" and "black lizard" as the third lizard. The description is "The black tail twitches feebly." The winged woman is scenery in the Theater. Understand "woman" as the winged woman. The description is "With her strong right leg, she pushes off the edge of the stage. Her wings are the color of rice paper, dotted and lined with black." The spectator is scenery in the Theater. Understand "audience" and "spectators" as the spectator. The description is "Behind the curtain huddles a rich group of elderly gentlemen and ladies. Gloved hands clutch their wet programs while men fumble for swords or canes. The hems of the ladies' dresses are soaked." The stream is scenery in the Theater. Understand "water" and "river" and "stream of water" as the stream. The description is "Flowing down the inclined center aisle, the brackish water has green matter floating in it. Polluted, without a doubt." The curtain is scenery in the Theater. Understand "curtains" as the plural of curtain. The description is "Several of the less infirm gentlemen attempt to climb the curtains. Their ladies grab onto their trouser legs, frantically protesting." The proscenium arch is scenery in the Theater. The description is "The arch creates an artificial frame around the action on the stage." The Backstage is a room. It is east of the Theater. The description is "Beyond the curtain there is an ocean. Any semblance of costume racks or prop chests vanish beneath the trembling water, which continues to rise. Colored bits of fabric and other debris occasionally lap against a mound of sand; a sad excuse for an island. The lizard has crawled up onto this beach, a shadow standing on its own. To the north lies a long colonnaded hallway with a door at the far end. East there can be seen the upper half of a door, a waterlogged banner sagging against its nails." The island is scenery in the Backstage. Understand "beach" and "sandy island" and "sand" and "shore" as the island. The description is "A sandy island, hardly the size of a tennis court, occupied solely by the lizard. Drawn in the wet sand under the lizard's claw is the letter theta." A container called theta is part of the island. Theta is an openable closed container. In theta is the eighth verse. The description of the eighth verse is "'Then the dragon stood on the sand of the seashore.' Rev 12:18." The fourth lizard is scenery in the Backstage. Understand "lizard" and "black lizard" as the fourth lizard. The description is "Slumped, barely upright, the black lizard gazes down into the ripples and waves of the water." The ocean is scenery in the Backstage. Understand "water" and "waves" and "ripples" as the ocean. The description is "The waves churn and rise in a somewhat regular rhythm. Debris passes by, bobbing above the waterline." The costume is scenery in the Backstage. Understand "costumes" and "debris" and "chests" as the plural of the costume. The description is "Sodden, waterlogged gowns, pointed caps, lion's heads, and all manner of buttons, blood-pouches, and fake daggers swirl past." The Tailor's Studio is a room. It is east of the Backstage. "Water floods the studio, covering the tables. Small wavelets crest and fall against the walls. The tailor's supplies and tools travel back and forth, spinning in the swells. Casually riding the waves in their bare feet is a crowd of fourteen people, half men and half women. There is no other exit save that door to the west." The male choir is scenery in the Tailor's Studio. Understand "men" and "man" and "seven men" as the male choir. The description is "Every man appears to be in his thirties, and dressed in nothing but a white cloak with scarlet lining. Each plays a stringed instrument, no two of which are alike." The female choir is scenery in the Tailor's Studio. Understand "woman" and "women" and "seven women" as the female choir. The description is "Each woman wears a deep red cloak with white lining. Their lips are parted in song, and their heads are crowned with laurel wreaths." The tool is scenery in the Tailor's Studio. Understand "supplies" and "tools" and "tailor's supplies" as the plural of the tool. The description is "Here and there, a dressmaker's dummy surfaces, still wrapped in a muslin pattern. Fragments of broken chalk cloud the water's clear surface. Everywhere, pinheads glint like a hundred minute letter iotas." A container called iota is part of the tool. Iota is an openable closed container. In iota is the ninth verse. Understand "iotas" as the plural of iota. The description of the ninth verse is "'I saw what looked like a sea of glass mixed with fire. Those who had conquered the beast, its image, and the number of its name were standing on the sea of glass holding God’s harps in their hands. They sang the song of God’s servant Moses and the song of the lamb.' Rev 15:2-3." The sea is scenery in the Tailor's Studio. Understand "water" and "wavelets" and "swells" as the sea. The description is "A body of water so clean it could be glass, throwing back flickers of light that dazzle the eye, flame-like." The Breakfast Room is a room. It is north of the Backstage. "Smaller than most of the previous rooms, this space is painted a clean ivory, and a white cloth covers the large square table. Arranged around it are a dozen mint-green chairs. What may only be called an astonishing amount of silver plate gleams at the place settings. And the centerpiece, on an elaborate floral platter, towers above the rest. It seems to be a triple-tiered cake, with a magnificent sugar-spun temple on top. In the quiet there is a scuttling sound, like the muffled scurry of mice. A metal knob on the north side betrays a short door." The cake is scenery in the Breakfast Room. The description is "The cake has not been cut, its perfect layers of vanilla icing undisturbed." The cloth is scenery in the Breakfast Room. Understand "tablecloth" and "white cloth" as the cloth. The description is "Embroidered with a pale green floral border, the linen smells freshly washed." The mint chair is scenery in the Breakfast Room. Understand "chairs" and "mint-green chairs" as the plural of the mint chair. The description is "Open metalwork, cleverly done to resemble leaves and vines, curls around the legs." The table is scenery in the Breakfast Room. The description is "Plain, sturdy wood, with a light-colored finish." The silver plate is scenery in the Breakfast Room. Understand "silver" and "silverplate" and "silverware" as the silver plate. The description is "Clearly, subtlety has no place at this table." The temple is scenery in the Breakfast Room. Understand "topper" and "cake topper" and "sugar-spun temple" as the temple. The description is "Wisps of smoke trail out between the columns. Within the temple moves a procession of minuscule angels. They carry little bowls full of fire. On the sugar walkway beneath them is molded the letter kappa." A container called kappa is part of the temple. Kappa is an openable closed container. In kappa is the tenth verse. The description of the tenth verse is "'After these things, I looked, and the Temple, which is the Tent of Testimony in heaven, was open! The seven angels with the seven plagues came out of the Temple wearing clean, shining linen with gold sashes around their chests. One of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven gold bowls full of the wrath of God, who lives forever and ever. The Temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and his power, and no one could enter the Temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels came to an end.' Rev 15:5-8." The Nursery is a room. It is north of the Breakfast Room. "Toy horses, wooden swords, and dolls dressed in armor lay strewn across the rug. Striped blue and grey textile hangings adorn the walls. A little boy curls up on the edge of the rug, asleep. His nursemaid clutches at her heart, gaping. Two angels sit back-to-back on child-sized stools: one with red wings, the other green. To the north is another single doorway." The green angel is scenery in the Nursery. The description is "He lightly tips his golden bowl, spilling out a grey dust. It piles onto the floor in the shape of a letter, lamba." A container called lamba is part of the green angel. Lamba is an openable closed container. In lamba is the stained scrap. The description of the stained scrap is "A scrap of parchment, stained and blurred beyond recognition." The red angel is scenery in the Nursery. The description is "She upturns her golden bowl, pouring out dead fish and a cascade of blood. It splatters on the floor, rather like the letter mu." A container called mu is part of the red angel. Mu is an openable closed container. In mu is the eleventh verse. The description of the eleventh verse is "'Then I heard a loud voice from the Temple saying to the seven angels, 'Go and pour the seven bowls of God’s wrath on the earth.' So the first angel went and poured his bowl on the earth. A horrible, painful sore appeared on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshipped the image. The second angel poured his bowl into the sea. It became like the blood of a dead body, and every living thing in the sea died.' Rev 16:1-3." The boy is scenery in the Nursery. Understand "little boy" as the boy. The description is "Not for nothing is he curling around himself; hidden under his body he clutches a doll with yellow hair. She has a scissors stabbed through her chest." The nursemaid is scenery in the Nursery. Understand "nurse" and "maid" as the nursemaid. The description is "Peeking out from under her apron is a brown flask of some libation or another." The toy is scenery in the Nursery. Understand "toys" as the plural of toy. The description is "There are also toy replicates of silverware, little cups, and a stuffed animal meant to look like a roast boar." The Children's Chamber is a room. It is north of the Nursery. "Sparks from a dying fire flicker in the hearth. A severe tapestry depicts a gruesome wild boar hunt. Various pairs of boots lie haphazardly around the floor. A young man in his breeches stands on guard, brandishing a fire poker. Two angels lie back-to-back on the narrow bed: one with pink wings, one with orange. The west-facing door is open a crack." The pink angel is scenery in the Children's Chamber. The description is "He empties his bowl, it's overflowing with water tinged by blood. On the side of his bowl is engraved YOU ARE JUST YOU GIVE THEM BLOOD. The water stain on the floor expands, making the letter nu." A container called nu is part of the pink angel. Nu is an openable closed container. In nu is the bloody scrap. The description of the bloody scrap is "A torn piece of bloody fabric." The orange angel is scenery in the Children's Chamber. The description is "She gingerly tips her bowl, as it is spouting fire. Engraved on the rim is the word REPENT and the letter XI." A container called xi is part of the orange angel. Xi is an openable closed container. In xi is the twelfth verse. The description of the twelfth verse is "The third angel poured his bowl into the rivers and the springs of water, and they turned into blood. Then I heard the angel in charge of the water say, 'You are just. You are the one who is and who was, the Holy One, because you have judged these things. You have given them blood to drink because they spilled the blood of saints and prophets. This is what they deserve.' The fourth angel poured his bowl on the sun, which then was allowed to burn people with fire, and they were burned by the fierce heat. They cursed the name of God, who has the authority over these plagues. They did not repent and give him glory.' Rev 16:4-9." The young man is scenery in the Children's Chamber. The description is "His bare chest sports a long scar. His hair is damp and sweaty; his expression merely a cruel scowl." The boot is scenery in the Children's Chamber. Understand "boots" and "shoes" as the plural of boot. The description is "Powdered mud flakes off the soles, the leather seemingly the worse for wear." The Queen's Chamber is a room. It is west of the Children's Chamber. "The silhouette of a four-poster canopy bed is hardly recognizable. Against the curtained window is a stately chair, its details lost in the dimness. In the deep hearth nothing remains but piles of ash; indeed, the light comes from atop the canopy. Two angels crouch back-to-back, radiating a faint blue glow. One has deep blue wings, the other brown. West is a blond wood door, carved with a handsome relief of hearts quartered with tongues of flame." The deep blue angel is scenery in the Queen's Chamber. Understand "blue angel" as the deep blue angel. The description is "Out of his bowl leaks a black ink, an even darker spiral than the nearly-lightless room. Tied over his mouth is a sash with the sewn letter omicron." A container called omicron is part of the deep blue angel. Omicron is an openable closed container. In omicron is the thirteenth verse. The description of the thirteenth verse is "'The fifth angel poured his bowl on the throne of the beast. Its kingdom was plunged into darkness. People gnawed on their tongues in anguish and cursed the God of heaven because of their pain-filled sores. But they did not repent of their behavior. The sixth angel poured his bowl on the great Euphrates River. Its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the east. Then I saw three disgusting spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are demonic spirits that perform signs. ' Rev 16: 10-14." The brown angel is scenery in the Queen's Chamber. The description is "She smiles a toothed smile. Poisonous frogs spring out of her bowl, their colors freakish in the gloom. Some of the frogs hold little spears and banners in their mouths. Woven on one such banner is the letter pi." A container called pi is part of the brown angel. Pi is an openable closed container. In pi is a faded scrap. The description of the faded scrap is "A torn half-page, ink long faded from exposure to light." The queen's chair is scenery in the Queen's Chamber. Understand "chair" as the queen's chair. The description is "It's not easy to see, but that might be a falcon and his handler decorating the cushion." The queen's bed is scenery in the Queen's Chamber. Understand "bed" as the queen's bed. The description is "Even in these conditions, the bedclothes appear sumptuous. Is that a feather sticking out of the mattress?" The King's Chamber is a room. It is west of the Queen's Chamber. "Perched on the fireplace mantle is the seventh angel. Below him a crevice widens in the stones, tearing the rug down the middle. Tapestries, chests, bedposts, and polished metal mirrors tumble into the gap. A thunderhead masses indoors. The northwest doorway is covered by an embroidery depicting a map of constellations. Over the southwest doorway hangs another panel showing a genealogical tree of royalty." The seventh angel is scenery in the King's Chamber. Understand "angel" as the seventh angel. The description is "Black wings frame him. From his bowl falls an orb of lightning, brightening the atmosphere with anxious stabs of energy. His eyes closing, and on his eyelids is the symbol of the two letters, Chi-rho." A container called Chi-rho is part of the seventh angel. Chi-rho is an openable closed container. In chi-rho is the fourteenth verse. The description of the fourteenth verse is "'The seventh angel threw the contents of his bowl across the sky. A loud voice came from the throne in the Temple and said, 'It has happened!' There were flashes of lightning, noises, peals of thunder, and a powerful earthquake. There has never been such a powerful earthquake since people have been on the earth. The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell.' Rev 16: 17-19." The fireplace is scenery in the King's Chamber. Understand "mantle" as the fireplace. The description is "Sculptured on the mantlepiece is an emblem of heraldry, a salamander within an oval." The crevice is scenery in the King's Chamber. Understand "gap" as crevice. The description is "The entire floor shakes and splits." The Private Library is a room. It is northwest of the King's Chamber. "Leather bound manuscripts lie open on their spines. Out of their pages grow the sapling trunks of trees. The fine couch is overturned; candles puddle wax on every available service. A woman with a painted face rides on the back of a man on all fours. She wears a purple robe sewn with pearls, spelling out the name BABYLON. On her head is an entire city, in the form of a tall crown of surpassing workmanship, done in gold and sapphires. Both her and her mount are wrapped in a scarlet cloth. Her mount, the kingbeast, wears a torn fur cloak, and a thin gold circlet on his wild hair. Scraps of parchment litter the floor, under the knees of the heedless king. South-facing, the reinforced door seems solid and impenetrable. But as the hinges have burst, the master lock does little good." Babylon is scenery in the Private Library. Understand "woman" and "woman with a painted face" as babylon. The description is "Babylon raises a golden chalice in a toast. On her lips are a few drops of wine. Her beauty is superlative and somehow vacant." The kingbeast is scenery in the Private Library. Understand "king" and "man" and "beast" and "mount" as the kingbeast. The description is "Horns protrude from the king's hair, knocking his crown askew. He cranes his neck, but cannot get a good look at his rider." The parchment scrap is scenery in the Private Library. Understand "scraps" and "parchments" as the plural of parchment scrap. The description is "Ragged and stained, the scrap of parchment is trapped under the kingbeast's knee. Visible is a partial drawing of a triangle surrounded by numbers, and the letter sigma." A container called sigma is part of the parchment scrap. Sigma is an openable closed container. In sigma is the fifteenth verse. The description of the fifteenth verse is "'Then one of the seven angels who held the seven bowls came and told me, 'Come, I will show you how the notorious prostitute who sits on many waters will be judged. The kings of the earth committed sexual immorality with her, and those living on earth became drunk with the wine of her immorality.' Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness. I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was controlled by blasphemy. It had seven heads and ten horns. The woman wore purple and scarlet clothes and was adorned with gold, gems, and pearls. In her hand she was holding a gold cup filled with detestable things and the impurities of her immorality. On her forehead was written a secret name: BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES AND DETESTABLE THINGS OF THE EARTH. I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of the witnesses to Jesus. I was very surprised when I saw her.' Rev 17: 1-6." The Treasury is a room. It is southwest of the King's Chamber and south of the Private Library. "Once a catalogue of the rare and marvelous, the strongroom suffers disastrously. An angel stands on a swath of torn silk, so large and powerful his head goes through the ceiling. He holds a gigantic disc of stone. Another stone is already rolling around, flattening anything in its path. South-east is a ruined spectacle, a door simply punched through from the inside." The millstone is scenery in the Treasury. Understand "stone" and "disc of stone" and "disc" as the millstone. The description is "A millstone, for grinding down flour, as its marks of use attest." The powerful angel is scenery in the Treasury. Understand "angel" as the powerful angel. The description is "Besides his enormous stature, his forearms and biceps display his strength." The treasure is scenery in the Treasury. Understand "torn silk" as the treasure. The description is "Expensive fabrics are snagged and dirtied. Gold and silver chalices are smashed and crumpled. Fine ivories crushed to powder under the weight of the inexorable rolling disc." The ceiling is scenery in the Treasury. The description is "Water drips from the punctured ceiling, running down the angel's torso and pooling under his feet. The trickle forms a long letter tau…" A container called tau is part of the ceiling. Tau is an openable closed container. In tau is the sixteenth verse. The description of the sixteenth verse is "'Then a powerful angel picked up a stone that was like a large millstone and threw it into the sea, saying, 'The great city Babylon will be thrown down violently— and will never be found again. The sound of harpists, musicians, flutists, and trumpeters will never be heard within you again. No artisan of any trade will ever be found within you again. The sound of a millstone will never be heard within you again. The light from a lamp will never shine within you again. The voice of a bridegroom and bride will never be heard within you again. For your merchants were the important people of the world, and all the nations were deceived by your craft. The blood of the world’s prophets, saints, and all who had been murdered was found within her.' Rev 18: 21-24." A person can be asleep or awake. A person can be active or passive. The Great Audience Hall is a room. It is southeast of the Treasury. "High overhead, a golden semi-dome. A throne completely covered in mosaic, glass tesserae glittering. Colored marble letters inlaid in the floor, including omega at the base of the throne." The throne is scenery in the Great Audience Hall. Understand "mosaic" as the throne. The description is "As you watch, the throne seems to quiver. The lighted glass fades in brilliance. Is there a haze indoors?" Omega is scenery in the Great Audience Hall. Understand "colored marble letters" and "letters" as omega. The description is "Glancing at the letter a bit closer, it is clearly made up of other, smaller letters. Gradually you spell out the motto: Glory, king of kings, lord of lords." The Queen is an asleep woman in the Great Audience Hall. "[if asleep] The Queen is not poised in her seat, but lying on the floor, asleep [otherwise] The Queen stands not on the throne dais, but level with you [end if]. " The description of the Queen is "Her dress sewn from fifty different hues of reds and purples, a bewildering patchwork. Miraculously, her neck supports a tiered headpiece of eleven crowns." Discovery is a scene. Discovery begins when play begins. Discovery ends when the Queen is awake. Storytelling is a scene. Storytelling begins when Discovery ends. When Discovery ends: say "Thunder rumbles through the palace, the sound reverberating in your ears." Instead of waking an awake person: say "Redundant." Instead of waking an asleep person: say "Yes, but how?" Instead of attacking an asleep person: now the noun is awake; say "[The noun] sits bolt upright. Her eyes coldly appraise you." Instead of kissing an asleep person: now the noun is awake; say "[The noun] slowly rolls over, opening one eye." Instead of throwing water at an asleep person: now the second noun is awake; remove the noun from play; say "You pour out [the noun] on [the second noun]. [The second noun] wakes, shuddering. As she focuses on your presence, she snaps, 'What new stupidity is this?'" The player carries a sheep's bladder of water. Understand "pour [something] on [something]" or "splash [something] at/on [something]" as throwing it at. Table of Conversation Topic Reply "intro/introductions" "'And why were you sleeping there?' you inquire quietly. She replies, in a cold and measured tone, 'I cannot explain it--since this morning, I've had my fair share of nightmares, both waking and sleeping.'" "herself/her/throne/headpiece/crown/great audience hall/omega" "You murmur something about the glittering beauty of your current surroundings. 'I thank you, but I begin to think it hardly matters,' she remarks." "palace/room/rooms/thunder/king/apocalypse/nightmares/dream/dreams/sleep/sleeping" "Tenatively, you bring up the subject of the imminent end of the world. She chuckles dryly. 'If that is the case, pilgrim, we may as well entertain one another. Answer me, what all have you seen before you made it here?'" "reply/response" "She regards you with a long and thoughtful look." Instead of asking an awake queen about a topic listed in the Table of Conversation: now Queen is passive; say "[reply entry] [paragraph break]"; blank out the whole row. Instead of telling an awake queen about something: try asking the noun about it. Instead of asking an asleep person about something: say "[The noun] sighs, snoring lightly." Every turn during Storytelling: if Queen is active: repeat through Table of Conversation: say "[reply entry] [paragraph break]"; blank out the whole row; make no decision. Every turn: now Queen is active. Storytelling ends when the number of filled rows in the Table of Conversation is 0. When Storytelling ends: say "From a hidden pocket, the Queen retrieves a ring of keys. She offers them to you, and odd little smile crossing her face. 'Keep these. I've been feeling a little rough,' she says, and turns to stone."; end the game saying "END".