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Henry Chen
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When play begins: say "Congratulations! You are dead. Maybe it's not something you're very proud of, but it is a one-time experience. Suddenly you remember that you have some unfinished business in the world of the living. Well too bad, you can't go back, or can you?" The story title is "Journey Through The Underworld". The story author is "Henry and Jack". The story headline is "A story about dying". The story creation year is 2018. The release number is 0. The story description is "set in the underworld.". Death is a room. "You are in a dark red room that seems endlessly large. There is nothing around except for a red door standing in the middle of the room. You also notice a skeleton standing beside the door. The skeleton has a red key." The red door is a locked door. The red door is north of Death. The red door is south of the dungeon. The red door is unlocked by the red key. The description of the red door is "The door is red. The door looks back at you." Instead of taking the red door: say "I highly doubt you can lift that." The skeleton is a person. The skeleton is in Death. The description of the skeleton is "The skeleton is very plain looking for a skeleton." Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" or “converse with [someone]†as talking to. Check talking to: say "[The noun] doesn't reply." The red key is a thing. The description of the red key is "The key doesn't seem very special, and looks just like a key that is red." Instead of talking to skeleton: say "'Hi there! It appears that you have died. However if you are deemed worthy they might give you a second chance at life. You start by going through that red door.'" Instead of asking the skeleton about "door": try asking skeleton about "key" After asking the skeleton about "key": say “‘Oh right I forgot! This key will unlock that red door over there.’ He drops the red key onto the floor clumsily. 'Whoops.'â€; now the red key is in the location; Dungeon is a room. "The room is very dark and very large. You see a lot of dust around the place and even moss growing on much of the grey cobblestone walls. You can see that there is a dark tunnel to the east of the room, and a grey door to the west of the room, and an black door the the north of the room, and an altar made of gold, which is decorated with jewels." The black door is a locked door. It is unlocked by the black key. It is north of the dungeon and south of the lobby. The description of the black door is "The black door is huge and covers most of the north wall. It also seems to be glowing a bit. Given its distinct differences from everything else it can be assumed that it is important." The dark tunnel is a door. It is east of the dungeon and west of the storage room. The dark tunnel is open and not openable. The grey door is a door. It is west of the dungeon and east of the cellar. The altar is a supporter. The altar is in the dungeon. The description of the altar is "The altar looks very medieval. Three black circles are engraved on the surface of the altar." After putting the orange on the altar: say "You put the orange on the altar."; increase the score by 10; now the orange is fixed in place; After putting the red vial on the altar: say "You put the red vial on the altar."; increase the score by 10; now the red vial is fixed in place; After putting the bone on the altar: say "You put the bone on the altar."; increase the score by 10; now the bone is fixed in place; Every turn while in the dungeon: if the score is 30 begin; say "After putting all 3 items on the altar, you turn towards the black door to see it opening slowly as light leaks through from the room behind it."; decrease the score by 30; now the black door is unlocked; end if. The black key is a thing. The description of the black key is "The black key is about as large as a average chair and is about as heavy as one too. It is shiny and completely black and is engraved in strange markings that looks cool." The rock is a thing. The rock is in the dungeon. The description of the rock is "The rock is considerably large. It looks pretty rough and even sharp at some points. Other than the fact that its grayish color looks totally out of place compared to the room, it looks very plain." Instead of taking the rock: say "You try to lift the massive boulder off of the ground, but all that achieved is a few cuts on your hand. Lesson learned." The orange is a thing. The orange is on the rock. The description of the orange is "The orange appears to be a round, orange fruit that seems edible. It looks ripe and perfectly average. It's a wonder they have these down here." Instead of eating the orange: say "As you move the orange towards your mouth, the ground starts shaking and you hear a loud ringing sound that sounds like it covers the entire world. A dark figure appears and shouts 'You are unworthy of this MORTAL' as you lose consciousness. You later wake up in the room you started in. The skeleton looks at you and says 'Don't anger the orange god.'"; move the player to Death; The storage room is a room. "This room is dark and melancholy just like everywhere else in the afterlife. However there does seem to be some interestingly styled furniture here." The table is a thing. The table is in the storage room. The description of the table is "You almost didn't notice it at first, mainly because whatever material it is made out of is as dark as a black hole, and almost looks like a table shaped hole in the room." The book is a thing. The book is on the table. The book has a number called pages. The pages of the book is 0. Instead of examining the book: say "The book has a dark blue colored cover. The title of the book is 'A guide to getting resurrected'. Sounds useful. You quickly flip through it and see that it has 6 pages" Instead of eating the book: say "That is not how you obtain knowledge." After reading the book on 1: say "This is the book cover. The title of the book is 'A guide to getting resurrected'. Sounds useful." After reading the book on 2: say "The first page of the book contains the picture of the large, black door in the dungeon." After reading the book on 3: say "The second page of the book shows a picture of a bone, a red vial, and an orange on top of the altar in the dungeon. The items seems to be glowing." After reading the book on 4: say "The third page of the book shows the large black doors in the dungeon opening with light coming out from the other side. You assume it has something to do with the contents of the second page." After reading book on 5: say "The fourth page of the book shows a picture of a lever being pulled in a brightly lit room." After reading book on 6: say "The last page of the book shows a drawing of a person returning to the living world from the afterlife. This is the end of the book." Reading it on is an action applying to one thing and one number. Understand "read [something] on page [a number]" and "read [something] on [a number]" as reading it on. The chair is a thing. The chair is in the storage room. The description of the chair is "The chair is very plainly made out of wood. A note on it say 'Don't sit on it please.'" The sign is a thing. The sign is in the storage room. The sign is fixed in place. The description of the sign is "It appears that somebody wrote on a piece of wood and nailed it to the wall. The sign say 'the correct way of saying it is read book on page number! Get it right!'" The black box is a locked thing. The box is in the storage room. The box is unlocked by the square key. The description of the box is "The box is in the shape of a cube. It looks like it has not been used for a while." Understand "box" as the black box. The box is fixed in place. The bone is a thing. The bone is in the box. The description of the bone is "The bone is plainly white and is bone-shaped. You can't tell the origin of the bone." The coin is a thing. The coin is in the box. The description of the coin is "The coin looks like its ripped straight from a video game. It is merely a golden circle with its center sinking in a little." The cellar is a room. "The cellar is quite small. Most of the space is covered by giant shelves holding bottles of wine, one placed by each wall. In the little space not covered by wooden shelves is instead covered in wine stains. You don't want to touch them but you don't have a choice." The shelves is a thing. The shelves is in the cellar. The description of the shelves is "You look around and realize you are surrounded by wooden shelves. All of them look identical and are all very dark colored." A wine is a kind of thing. A wine is edible. There are 100 wine on the shelves. The description of a wine is "The bottle is basically opaque and green and is made out of glass. The label on the front is white with some indistinguishable black writing on it." Instead of taking a wine: let W be a random wine on shelves; now the player carries W; say "You took a bottle of wine."; Instead of dropping a wine: let W be a random wine carried by the player; say "You drop a bottle of wine clumsily and it shatters on the ground."; remove W from play; Instead of eating a wine: let W be a random wine carried by the player; say "You drink the bottle of wine. Nothing much happens and you realize that the content of the bottle is basically just tap water."; remove W from play; The machine is a thing. The machine is in the cellar. The description of the thing is "The machine at first seems highly complex, but upon further inspection you realize it is merely a fancy carnival wheel covered in tin foil. A wooden sign next to it says 'drop some coins nearby to spin the wheel.'" The red vial is a thing. The description of the red vial is "The red vial is a glass ball-shaped vial. It is holding a suspicious red colored liquid. You get shivers just by looking at it.". Instead of dropping the coin in the cellar: say "A mechanical claw comes out of nowhere and grabs the coin out of the air with excellent precision. Before suddenly vanishing, the claw puts the coin inside the machine which starts spinning. The machine lands on a badly drawn picture of a red vial, with a read version of the thing appearing in your hands shortly after."; remove coin from play; now the red vial is in the location; now the player carries the red vial; The square key is a thing. The square key is in the cellar. The description of the square key is "Actually the square key is more rectangular than square and more like a brown, rectangular piece of rusted brass than a key." The lobby is a room. "After stepping into the room you are immediately bathed in light. You look around the room and see that the walls and floors are significantly better than the other rooms. The room is fairly empty with the exception of a few signs." The right sign is a thing. The right sign is in the lobby. The description of the right sign is "The lever in the east room will grant you the wish of being revived temporarily. You will return to the realm of the living for about a year before you must return." The left sign is a thing. The left sign is in the lobby. The description of the left sign is "The lever in west room won't revive you, but you'll get a really delicious cake. I promise." The west hallway is a door. It is west of the lobby and east of the west room. The west hallway is open and not openable. The east hallway is a door. It is east of the lobby and west of the east room. The east hallway is open and not openable. The east room is a room. "You go through the east hallway and end up in a another similar looking room." The revive lever is a thing. The revive lever is in the east room. The description of the revive lever is "The lever appears to look just like a normal lever." Instead of pulling the revive lever: say "You pull the revive lever and in a ocean of bright light, you find yourself back in the real world after being revived. You go off to finish your unfinished business."; end the game in victory; The west room is a room. "You go through the west hallway and end up in a another similar looking room." The cake lever is a thing. The cake lever is in the west room. The description of the cake lever is "The lever appears to look just like a normal lever." Instead of pulling the cake lever: say "In the end you decide that you want the cake more than you want to be revived. You pull the lever and is transported to the real afterlife where everyone else goes but with a cake. You eat the cake. It was good"; end the game in death; Pulling is a action applying to one visible object. Understand "pull [something]" as pulling. Check pulling: say "You can't pull that."