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[INTRODUCTION] When play begins: say "PART ONE. [paragraph break] One day you are getting out of your bed you see a large black dog out your window [paragraph break] in this game you can turn on some objects to turn one on type TURN ON (object name) " [b-room] The b-room is a room. the cage is in the b-room. a bin is in the b-room. the bin is an openable container. the bin is fixed in place. the bin can be opened. the bin is closed. the bin contains a knife. the knife is object. The description of the b-room is "to the north is the window" [window] The window is a door. the window is a closed door. the window is north of the b-room. [roof] The roof is a room. The roof is north of the window. The description of the roof is "from the roof you can see the city and your dog on the lawn, how long did you sleep? its mid day and about 2°F outside. to the east is the east roof to the north is you jumping off the roof" [lawn] lawn is a room. lawn is north of the roof. the description of the lawn is "you jump of the roof. [paragraph break] to the north is the sidewalk". after dropping the knife: say "you drop the knife causing you to fall off the roof in pain."; end the game in death. [sidewalk] the sidewalk is a room. the description of the sidewalk is "to the south is the lawn to the north is the street". the sidewalk is north of the lawn. the sidewalk contains gum. the gum is a object. the gum is edible. after taking the gum: say "ewwwwww you picked that up". after eating the gum: say "no" ; end the game in death. [street] the street is a room. the description of the street is "to the north is the park to the south is the sidewalk". the street is north of the sidewalk. the street contains a sewer grate. the sewer grate is a object. the sewer grate is edible. the description of the sewer grate is "this is edible" [park] the park is north of the street. the park is a room. the description of the park is "ask the dog about something its funny eg type ask dog about key. [paragraph break] to the south is the street". the park contains dog, a park bench and a small hole. dog is a person in the park. Every turn when the player can see dog: say "The dog jumps to get a ball its owner threw". Instead of asking the dog about something: say " i love treat and key [paragraph break] LOOK IN THE HOLE YOU HUMAN IM A DOG YOU CANT ASK ME ABOUT STUFF". the hole contains a key. the key is a object. after taking the key: say "A Crystal Key For A Box". the park bench is a object. the park bench is fixed in place. the park bench is a container. the park bench is a open container. the park bench contains a box. the box is a object. the box is a container. the box is openable. the box is a locked closed container. the key unlocks the box. the small hole is closed. the small hole is openable. [clouds] the clouds is up of the park. the clouds is a room. the clouds contain Mr Moore. the description of the clouds is "you found a hidden area of the map.". after taking Mr Moore: say "Mr Moore bites you". ;end the game in death. every turn when the player can see Mr Moore: say "There is a sign in front of him [paragraph break] Don't Take Will Bite". Mr Moore is edible. [cage] The cage is an object. a gerbil is in the cage. the gerbil is an object. After taking the gerbil: say "The gerbil bites you you die."; end the game in death. The gerbil cage is south of the b-room. The description of the cage is "your pet gerbil is inside." [east roof] east roof is a room. the east roof is east of the roof. the description of east roof is "to the south is your parents room". [parents window] the parents window is a door. the parents window is a openable door. the parents window is closed. the parents window is south of the east roof. [parents room] the parents room is a room. the parents room is south of the parents window. the parents room contains a piece of raw steak and a dresser. the steak is a object. the steak is edible. after eating the steak: say "the steak is bad you die" ; end the game in death. the dresser is a container. the dresser is fixed in place. the dresser is a closed container. the dresser is openable. the dresser contains an iPhone 2G. the iPhone 2G is a object. the iPhone 2G is a device. the iPhone 2G can be switched on. after switching on the iPhone 2G: say " [paragraph break] :................oo..................: [paragraph break] :++++++++++++++++: [paragraph break] :++++++++++++++++: [paragraph break] :++++++++++++++++: [paragraph break] :+++++.Apple.++++++: [paragraph break] :++++iPhone 2G.++++ : [paragraph break] :++++++++++++++++: [paragraph break] :++++++++++++++++: [paragraph break] :++++++++++++++++: [paragraph break] :................ O ................: [paragraph break] :................oo..................: [paragraph break] [paragraph break] [paragraph break] :................oo..................: [paragraph break] :++++++++++++++++: [paragraph break] :++++++++++++++++: [paragraph break] :++++++++++++++++: [paragraph break] :+++++go down+++++: [paragraph break] :+++.on east roof++++ : [paragraph break] :++++++++++++++++: [paragraph break] :++++++++++++++++: [paragraph break] :++++++++++++++++: [paragraph break] :................ O ................:". [secret room] the secret room is a room. the secret room is down of the east roof. the description of the secret room is "there is a car here, it is just your garage its not a secret room but your familys car door is open i wonder why. [paragraph break] TYPE D TO ENTER CAR." [family suv] the family suv is a room. the family suv is down of the secret room. the description of the family suv is "you find a key on the seat to turn on the car type TURN ON CAR ". the family suv contains a center console and a car. the center console is a device. the car can be switched on. the car is a object. the car can be switched on. after switching on the car: say "[paragraph break] ____________________________________[paragraph break] |⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀|[paragraph break] |⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀.The Answer is where you sleep.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀|[paragraph break] |⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀on scary nights.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀|[paragraph break] |______________...FORD...______________|[paragraph break] type U to exit car" [attic] the attic is a room. the attic is up of the parents room. the attic contains a win bin. the win bin is a container. the win bin is a closed container. the win bin is a openable container. the win bin contains a win key. the win key is a object. the description of the win key is "its the win key". the description of the attic is "you see your family they say you found us happy birthday we planed this all for you then suddenly time frezzes and you see your family frozen. [paragraph break] END OF PART ONE [paragraph break] TO WIN TAKE THE KEY". after taking the win key: say "you win" ; end the game in victory.