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Katherine Parrish
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[Arjuna: Start] The maximum score is 8. River Styx is a room. "You are a small and excited newborn baby. You go by the name of Achilles. You are the son of the all mighty King Peleus, ruler of the Myrmidons of Thessaly. Currently, you are not accompanied by the presence of his father, but with your loving mother. Thetis, a nymph. Your mother is carrying your clueless self as she arrives at River Styx. This river contains magical and very beneficial powers. as any living thing that jumps into the smoothly flowing liquid will become immortal. Why has your mother brought you here? Well, she has prepared the biggest favour that any mother can possibly provide for her son, and that favour is just about to take place." Achilles is a man. The description is "Achilles is a young warrior in the making." Thetis is a woman. The description is "Thetis is the mother of her baby son Achilles." A diaper is here. The description is "You are sporting a bright yellow diaper as you draw closer to the River Styx." A cloth is here. The description is "This nicely sewed cloth can protect you from the unpleasant weather!" A message is here. The description is "Since you cannot read, you give the message to your mother. Your mother reads it aloud: 'The seer is close. Never Eat Shreaded WHEAT.' Your mother gives you a confused look." Understand "look around the river styx" as looking around the river. Looking around the river is an action applying to nothing. Instead of looking around the river: say "You look around and see a few objects (cloth, diaper and a message), your mother and the beautiful River Styx." Understand "get [the diaper]" as getting the diaper. Getting the diaper is an action applying to one thing. Carry out getting the diaper: say "You get [the diaper]." Instead of getting the diaper: say "You grab the diaper and rap in around your waist!" Understand "get [the cloth]" as getting the cloth. Getting the cloth is an action applying to one thing. Carry out getting the cloth: say "You get [the cloth]." Instead of getting the cloth: say "You calmly get [the cloth] and rap it around yourself, until your mother grabs it away from you. 'This is the only age where you can legally be naked, so enjoy it.' You scowl at your mother." Understand "jump into the river" as jumping. Jumping into is an action applying to nothing. Carry out jumping: say "You jump into [the river]." Instead of jumping: say "As you jump into the river, your mother grabs you by the arm. She spanks you on your rear end, as you almost kill yourself! At the same time, she is surprised that you have the ability to jump at such a young age. Instead, your mother grabs you by the heel and flips you upside down so she can dip you into the water! As she draws you closer and closer to the sacred water of the river, she stops. You look at your mother, as you are surprised that she didn't dip you in yet. You see her looking at your bright yellow diaper. " Understand "look at your mother" as looking near. Looking near is an action applying to nothing. Carry out looking near: say "You stare at your mother, but she tells you that it is not nice to do so," Instead of looking near: say "You begin a deep gaze into your mother's eyes, but she tells you that it is not nice to stare at people." Understand "take off [the diaper]" as taking off. Carry out taking off: say "You swiftly grab the velcro strap of your diaper and rip it right off!" Instead of taking off: say "Before your mother dips you into the sacred water of the River Styx, you grab the velcro strap on your diaper and pull it right off! Unfortunately, the diaper falls into the river. At least it's immortal now! Your mother thought the diaper would prevent the river from immortalizing your bottom and your 'pride'. Nonetheless, she gives you a smile for your smart thinking." Understand "dip me into the river" as dipping me. Dipping me is an action applying to nothing. Instead of dipping me: say "Your mother swiftly dips you into the river until most of your body becomes invulnerable. Many years later, it is rumoured that there is a prophecy concerning yourself. You can get more information from Calchus, a talented seer." The Prophecy is a room. The Prophecy is west of River Styx. " You enter the room alone. In this room, Calchus has prophesized something about you and an upcoming war. You are not sure what it is, but you do know that your life is involved. Time to do a little investigation..." Calchus is a man in the Prophecy. Understand "look around the prophecy" as looking around the prophecy. Looking around the prophecy is an action applying to nothing. Instead of looking around the prophecy: say "You look around and see a few pieces of furniture, a couch and a cabinet. " Understand "look at [calchus]" as looking at. Looking at is an action applying to one thing. Carry out looking at: say "You look at [Calchus] as he gives you a scary glare back." Instead of looking at: say "You give Calchus a strong glare. But you suddenly back down as Calchus responds with an intimidating look. Calchus says 'Walk away, NOW.'" A cabinet is a container. The description is "This is a one-drawer cabinet. Nothing special..." There is pink underwear inside the cabinet. The description is "A light and small pair of pink underwear lies inside the cabinet." A table is a supporter in Prophecy. The description is "This table is very small, but it still works." There is another message on the table. The description is "'The home is wonderful. Never Eat SHREADED Wheat.' Now you are getting really ticked off with these papers. " Understand "ask [calchus] about the prophecy" as asking about. Asking about is an action applying to one thing. Carry out asking about: say "Before Calchus explains the prophecy to you, he wants you to find his pink underwear, as he is having trouble locating it." Instead of asking about: say "Before Calchus explains the prophecy to you, he wants you to find his pink underwear, as he is having trouble locating it. GO LOOK FOR IT!" Understand "open the cabinet" as exposing. Exposing is an action applying to nothing. Carry out exposing: say "The drawer is locked." Instead of exposing: say "You attempt to open the cabinet, but it's locked! Maybe you should ask someone for the key..." Understand "ask calchus for the key" as inspecting. Inspecting is an action applying to nothing. Carry out inspecting: say "Calchus says in order to acquire the key from him, you must answer the following question: 'A class in Victoria Park has recently watched the film Odysseus. In this film, Odysseus was forced to fight a large one-eyed monster. What was the name of this deadly creature?" Instead of inspecting: say "Calchus says in order to acquire the key from him, you must answer the following question: 'A class in Victoria Park has recently watched the film Odysseus. In this film, Odysseus was forced to fight a large one-eyed monster. What was the name of this deadly creature?" Understand "cyclops" as answering. Answering is an action applying to nothing. Instead of answering: say " Calchus says you are correct! He also explains that he would have given you the key anyways, because if he didn't, he wouldn't have found his pink underwear." Understand "unlock [the cabinet]" as unlocking. Unlocking is an action applying to one thing. Instead of unlocking: say "Inside the cabinet is the pink underwear!" Understand "give the [pink underwear] to Calchus" as giving. Giving is an action applying to one thing. Carry out giving: say " You give the pink underwear to Calchus." Instead of giving: say "You hand the pink underwear to Calchus. He is very pleased with you. Calchus explains that you will be forced to fight in an upcoming war. In addition, he says that you will die if you attend it. After telling the news to your mother, she decides that she is going to disguise you as a girl and send you off to the city off Scyros, as you will be safe here." The Home is a room. The home is south of Prophecy. "Here, you must prepare an outfit for yourself as you head off to Scyros." The chair is a supporter in the home. There is a pink dress on the chair. It is wearable. The description is "A light pink dress that your mother wore to her wedding..." The coffee table is a supporter in the home. There is one more message on the coffee table. The description is "'Never EAT Shreaded Wheat." A cookie is here. It is edible. The description is "A big chocolate chip cookie sits on the floor." Understand "wear the pink dress" as wearing. Carry out wearing: say "You wear the pink dress." Understand "eat [the cookie]" as eating. Carry out eating: award 2 points. Instead of wearing: say "You slip into the light pink dress. While being embarrassed, you turn to your mother. 'Not bad, my litte girl. You give your mother an angry look. Anyways, you are ready to take off to Scyros. You say goodbye to your mother and take off to the city," [Arjuna: Finish] [Julian: Start] The Court of Lycomedes in Scyros is east of home. "This is a large palace owned by King Lycomedes." The cupboard is in the Court of Lycomedes. It is fixed in place and openable. "In the corner is a cupboard with a dress and sword." The outfit is in the cupboard. It is wearable. The description is "A bright shiny outfit that is for girls, you're not interested." The sword is here. The description is "A glimmering new sword, it instantly catches your eye and you are tempted to get it." After taking the sword: say "Odysseus instantly turns and sees through your disguise! He approaches you and whispers to you to go west to the Ship. He tells you that you will recieve further instructions when you are there." Odysseus is here. The description is "Odysseus is a strong man, his eyes are shifting uneasily as he stands by the cupboard." The Ship is west of the Court of Lycomedes. "You're inside a brand new ship that should be worth a few bucks." A letter is in the Ship. The description is "On the letter, it says that your home land is in a war. They are all depending on their greatest warrior. You. It also says to go to Lyrnessos. The compass does not point north but actually tells you which direction to go." A compass is in the Ship. The description is "A small arrow is pointing in the eastern direction..." Lyrnessos is east of the Ship. "A rich city that is within Trojan territory. You are told to enter and capture the city" The Guard is a man in Lyrnessos. The description is "A big strong man that might be hard to overtake. Good thing he's asleep. Go ahead and stab him before he wakes up!" After stabbing the Guard: say "The man is dead! You are now inside the city. To get to the palace, you must go north." Lyrnessos is a room. The Palace is a room. "Congratulations! You are inside. You see the king sitting there eating by himself. It might be smart to be quiet." The door called the back door is south of the palace and north of Lyrnessos. The back door is openable. The King is a person in the Palace. After stabbing the King: if the back door is closed: say "The King screams but nobody can hear his cry for help! YOU HAVE TAKEN OVER THE CITY! CONGRATULATIONS! You think that you should deserve a prize. You will find one in the outskirts of Lyrnessos. It is north from the Palace."; if the back door is not closed: say "You hear a screeching scream from the King! Ten guards arrive from outside and instantly corner you off, over power you, and kill you. "; end the game in death. The Outskirts of Lyrnessos is a room. It is north of the Palace. "A quiet region in which there aren't many people." Briseis is a woman in the outskirts of Lyrnessos. The description is "A beautiful lady that you are instantly attracted to." A cake is here. It is edible. The description is "A tasty vanilla cake sits on the floor." Understand "eat [the cake]" as eating the cake. Eating the cake is an action applying to one thing. Carry out eating the cake: award 2 points. [Julian: Finish] [Mohamed: Start] The Battlefields of Troy is a room. The description is "Odysseus has thrown you on the battlefield. With a sword, a shield, and your determination, you are to choose your path; only one path leads to glory. Others lead to death, defeat, or shame. Odysseus call's a command, CHAAARGE! Before your eyes arrows strike, swords collide, and an enemy thinks he can out smart you, as he sprint towards you, it gives you the clue that you better make a move and quick." The Greeks re-grouping area is south of The Battlefields of Troy. The description is "Your comrades are all grouping around Odysseus listening to what appears to be a command." Troy's Territory is east of The Greeks re-grouping area. The description is "All of this land belongs to Troy, be very careful...†The enemy is a man. The description is "Watch out, this enemy should not be taken for granted!†Hector is a man. The description is "Hector is mightiest warrior on the side of Troy and he does not fear killing you." Hector's sword is in The Battlefields of Troy. Understand "attack [enemy]" as attacking. Instead of Attacking: say "With your might you bravely lift your sword and you kill the [enemy]. But suddenly you notice a warrior lift a bow and strike straight at you, he misses but intentionally. Where he takes out his sword, and says, you ever heard of me I am Hector you FOOL! He reaches out slashing at you giving you a gruesome cut. (Think of action words relating to protect and/or other actions that have to do with you wielding a sword)" A wooden horse is in Troy’s territory. The description is "With Odysseus's intelligence, he has created this fine horse to sneak into the Trojan territory." A torch is in Troy’s territory. Understand "Stab [Hector]" as stabbing. Stabbing is an action applying to one thing. Instead of Stabbing: say "You attempt to Stab [Hector] but instead he blocks it and is about ready to strike you once again (maybe you should start protecting yourself)." Understand "Defend yourself against [Hector]" as Defending. Defending is an action applying to one thing. Instead of Defending: say "You raise your shield blocking [Hector]'s strike but his quick agility allows him to once again out smart you, and strike your sword instead leaving it no longer useful (who said a shield is only used for defending, refer to an action word, you would use if you want to break something into smaller pices)" Understand "Slash [Hector]" as slashing. Slashing is an action applying to one thing Instead of Slashing: say "You attempt to slash [hector] but he quickly raises his shield and blocks your hit. At the same time his sword slashes you instead and is about to strike once again (maybe you should start defending yourself)" Understand "Smash [Hector]" as smashing. Smashing is an action applying to one thing. Instead of smashing: say "You smash [Hector] with your shied knocking him out cold, but he still appears to be alive. KILL HIM!†Lunging is an action applying to one thing. Understand "Lunge at [Hector]" as lunging. Instead of lunging: say "Your move is smart, you perfectly lunge [hector]. He drops to the floor but appears to still be alive. FINISH HIM!†Understand "kill [Hector]" as killing. Killing is an action applying to one thing. Instead of killing: say “You kill hector with a nice stab to the heart. You get back up on your feet and notice Odysseus and your men are all re-grouping south of where you are. (you should really find out what is happening) but first take Hector's sword as sign that you are a true warrior." Finishing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "finish off [Hector]" as finishing. Instead of finishing: say "You finish off hector with a nice stab to the heart. You get back up on your feet and notice Odysseus and your men are all re-grouping south of where you are. (you should really find out what is happening) but first take Hector's sword as sign that you are a true warrior." Understand "Listen to [Odysseus]" as listening. Instead of listening: say "You listen to what Odysseus says ' we shall send all the Greek ships into hiding, so it will appear to the Trojans that we have given up. From there we will leave a gift in front of the walls of the city of Troy. This is a giant wooden horse which will appear to be a peace offering to Athena. The Trojans will drag the monstrous, wheeled, wooden horse into their city to celebrate the end of the 10 years of fighting. While the Trojans are drinking and celebrating, we shall slip quietly out the trap door that I had built in the Trojan horse's belly. Killing all the Trojans and setting the city on fire. So hurry now, they are east from here!.’†Understand "get in [wooden horse]" as getting in. Getting in is an action applying to one thing. Instead of getting in: say "You get in the [wooden horse], the plan is set the Trojans finally drag the horse in , as all that you hear is joy, laughter and celebration. Hours later it is time. You see other men light their torches and set off. Odysseus hands you over one and tells you to take it and get out" Understand "get out of [wooden horse]" as getting out. Getting out is an action applying to one thing. Instead of getting out: say "As quite as possible you set off with a torch, flaming and killing everyone in Troy’s territory. Well within a short period of time you notice that nothing can be seen or heard but just still silent smog as it continues to fill the sky. But then once again voices of joy, laughter and celebration begin to pick up. But this time it's for you and the Greeks." A strudel is here. It is edible. The description is "A hot and strawberry filled strudel sits on the floor." Understand "eat [the strudel]" as eating the strudel. Eating the strudel is an action applying to one thing. Carry out eating the strudel: award 2 points. [Mohamed: End] [Shaamikh: Start] Understand "escape [Troy]" as escaping. Escaping is an action applying to one thing. Carry out escaping: say "After burning down the city of Troy, you and your comerades escape the city." Instead of escaping: say "You and your comrades sneak out of the city of Troy. While you're running, you see the people of Troy coming after you. You are looking everywhere for Briseis, but you cannot find her anywhere. Take a look around to see if you find her." Understand "look for Briseis" as looking for. Looking for is an action applying to nothing. Carry out looking for: say "Looking for Briseis is difficult, but you still manage to do it." Instead of looking for: say "Looking for Briseis is diffiult, but you still manage to do it. You look around and see a large rock sitting calmly on the ground." A rock is here. The description is "A large and smooth rock rests on the battlefield." Understand "Look behind the rock" as looking behind. Looking behind is an action applying to nothing. Carry out looking behind: say "You walk around and spot a large rock. You decide to look around the large rock." Instead of looking behind: say "You walk around and spot a large rock. You decide to look around this rock. Behind it, you see Briseis fighting with a warrior named Agamemnon! Beside the rock is a dagger." A dagger is in The Battlefields of Troy. The description is "This sharp and rigid dagger lies calmly." Agamemnon is a man. The description is "This man is not very friendly!" Understand "pick up the dagger" as picking up. Picking up is an action applying to nothing. Carry out picking up: say "You pick up the dagger." Instead of picking up: say "You quickly grab the dagger and look towards the man and Briseis." Understand "kill [the man]" as killing. Carry out killing: say "Briseis kills the man before you do." Instead of killing: say "You charge towards the man before he hurts your beloved Briseis, but suddenly, Briseis has got some moves of her own, as she kills the man with her own two hands! You are amazed with Briseis's skills, but now is not the time to do so, as you see a bunch of guards running towards you! You see a sword on the ground." Understand "kill the guards" as defeating. Defeating is an action applying to nothing. Carry out defeating: say "You grab your sword and kill all of the guards!" Instead of defeating: say "With your mighty sword, you slay all of the guards that are in your way! As you praise yourself in glory, Briseis points to your left, as she is indicating that someone is there." Understand "look left" as looking left. Looking left is an action applying to nothing. Carry out looking left: say "You look left." Instead of looking left: say "You look left and you see another warrior named Paris, supporter of the Apollo. Paris has a bunch of arrows pointing right towards your chest! Do something!" Understand "dodge the arrows" as dodging. Dodging is an action applying to nothing. Carry out dodging: say "You dodge the arrows." Instead of dodging: say "You unsuccessfully dodge the arrows, as they hit you in your chest. Too bad Paris doesn't know that you're immortal! You turn around and you see the large rock. This rock could help protect you from these annoying arrows!" Understand "hide behind the arrows" as hiding. Hiding is an action applying to one thing. Carry out hiding: say "You hide behind the rock, but get hit by an arrow." Instead of hiding: say "As you confidently walk towards the rock, you get hit by one more arrow. Thinking that this arrow would do no damage, you're incorrect. You look at your left heel and see that there is a piercing arrow stuck right into it. You feel an agonizing amount of pain. You wonder why it hurts so much, you ARE immortal, aren't you? You limp behind the rock and start to wonder, and suddenly you remember your process of becoming immortal. 'Mom held me by me heel and dipped me into the river. If this is so, why do I feel like dying?!?!?' The pain continues to grow and you still cannot figure out why you have been defeated, until you remember that your mother HELD you by the heel when she dipped you. As everything starts to make sense for you, you stumble onto the floor, and slowly close your eyes..."