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Katherine Parrish
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"Hercules’ Journey" by Sauliha Alli Use no scoring. [Call to Adventure] Cithearon is a room. " *** Your father Zeus had great hopes for his offspring. Nine months into your mother (Alcmene)'s pregnancy, he announced that the next arrival in Thebes would become King. But Hera, your ill-intentioned stepmother wanted otherwise. She, being the God of married women, delayed your birth, and your cousin Eurystheus was born king instead. But that was only the beginning of Hera's wrath. At your birth, she sent to you a group of vicious serpents that were poisonous and hungry. But you proved your superior strength as you choked each one. Able to overcome each of the tests Hera imposed on you, you eventually earned your title. Hercules. The Glory of Hera. But that was only the first eighteen years of your troubles. Little did you know what was yet to come. *** You are standing before the Palace of King Thespius. In front of you there is a large gate, made entirely of stone. There are two large pillars, also of stone, on your left and right sides. " Some stone pillars are in Cithearon. The stone pillars are fixed in place. Understand "climb stone pillar", "climb stone pillars" as climbstonepillaring. Climbstonepillaring is an action applying to nothing. After climbstonepillaring: say " You climb the pillars with ease. Beneath your feet you can feel the stone begin to crumble. The pillars are beginning to shake. But you do not take notice; you seem more interested in the beauty of the sunset in the horizon which has come into view. Its light reflects off the golden roof of the palace ahead of you." The gate is in Cithearon. The gate is a container. The gate is a closed openable container. After opening the gate: say " You open the gate, revealling a beautiful hall. At the end sits King Thespius on his throne. He gestures for you to come forward." Understand "come forward", "go forward" as comingforwarding. Comingforwarding is an action applying to nothing. After comingforwarding: if the player is in Cithearon: move player to The Palace of King Thespius; say " King Thespius says: 'Heracles, it is evident that you encompass a great deal of strength. I have a challenge for you. Kill the Lion of Cithearon and prove your strength to me. Do you accept this challenge?'" The Palace of King Thespius is a room. " " Understand "accept "as accepting. Accepting is an action applying to nothing. After accepting: if the player is in The Palace of King Thespius: say " You accept the challenge, and have travelled to the home of the Lion of Cithearon."; move player to the Lion's Place. The Lion's Place is a room. " You are at the home of the Lion of Cithaeron. All you have with you is your bow and arrow. This lion lives in the deepest part of the jungle, and the plant life around his den has died off. The area smells of fresh blood, and there are remains of fur and bones scattered everywhere. You are standing behind some tall grass." The arrow is in the Lion's Place. Understand "release[something]", "shoot[something]" as releasing. Releasing is an action applying to one thing. Carry out releasing: say "Finally, a perfect shot! You can see the blood of the lion! Crimson red, smelling of victory. Fifty days of hard work pays off!"; Move player to The Palace of King Thespius; say " You return to the Palace of King Thespius, and share the news of your triumph over the Lion of Cithearon with him. He is pleased. But you have already fathered fifty of his grandchildren, the Thespeiades, for each of his fifty daughters, and know that your task is complete, you must leave. You are headed to the Palace of the Theban King." [Refusal(Hercules refuses his role as a hero by heinously killing his children)] The Palace of the Theban King is east of the The Palace of King Thespius. "You are at the Palace of the Theban King. The King sits on his throne, a solid gold chair in which the finest rubies are embedded. You have come to ask for his daughter Megara's hand in marriage. " Megara is in the Palace of the Theban King. Understand "marry", "marry Megara", "ask to marry", "ask to marry megara", "propose", "propose to Meagara" as proposing. Proposing is an action applying to nothing. Carry out proposing: if the player is in the palace of the theban king: say "Your proposal is accepted by the Theban King, who grants you permission to marry his daughter. You marry Megara, and you both have children together. But your happiness does not last long. Hera's jealousy caused her to turn you mad; and you kill all your children. You threatened Amphitryon, your stepfather, who would've died had it not been for Athena, who stopped you in time. You must seek repentance of your wrong-doings." Understand "leave Theban palace", "leave palace","leave the palace" as leavethebanpalacing. leavethebanpalacing is an action applying to nothing. After leavethebanpalacing: if the player is in the Palace of the Theban King: move player to Courtyard of the Palace of the Theban King. Courtyard of the Palace of the Theban King is a room. " You have exited the Palace of the Theban King and are now in the courtyard. You can see a stream of water and a drawbridge before you. Behind you is a guard." A stream of water is in courtyard of the palace of the Theban King. Understand "swim" as swimming. Swimming is an action applying to nothing. After swimming: if the player is in the Courtyard of the Palace of the Theban King, say "You plunge into the cool water and it feels refreshing at first, but you are held back by your clothes and luggage that have know gotten too heavy. Hurry, before you begin to sink." Understand "leave stream" as leavestreaming. Leavestreaming is an action applying to nothing. Carry out leavestreaming: if the player is in the Courtyard of the Palace of the Theban King, say "You leave the stream of water, soaking wet. Not a smart move." A guard is in the courtyard of the palace of the Theban King. The guard is fixed in place. Understand "talk to[something]" as talking. Talking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "talk to[guard]" as talking. After talking: if player is in the Courtyard of the palace of the theban king, say "The Guard gestures for you to leave the property." A drawbridge is in the courtyard of the Palace of the Theban King. The drawbridge is fixed in place. Understand "bridge" as drawbridge. Understand "cross[something]" as crossing. Crossing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "cross[drawbridge]" as crossing. After crossing the drawbridge: if the player is in the courtyard of the palace of the theban king, say "You are now on the side of the land across the moat."; move player to Land Beyond Palace. [Supernatural Aid] Land beyond Palace is a room. " You can see a man here." The Oracle of Delphi is in the land beyond palace. Understand "talk to[Oracle]" as talking. Carry out talking: if player is in Land Beyond Palace, say " I am the Oracle of Delphi. What do you seek?" Understand "repentance" as repenting. Repenting is an action applying to nothing. After repenting: if player is in Land Beyond Palace, say " If you wish to make up for your horrible crimes, you must serve King Eurystheus of Argos." ; Remove Oracle of Delphi from play. [Initation-Road of Trials] Argos is a room. Argos is north of Land Beyond Palace. "You arrive at the palace of King Eurystheus, your cousin." The Palace of King Eurystheus is a room. Understand "go inside" as goinginsiding. Goinginsiding is an action applying to nothing. Carry out goinginsiding: if the player is in Argos: move player to Palace of King Eurystheus; say " The two guards before the palace open the doors and you enter, approaching King Eurystheus."; KingEurystheus is in the Palace of King Eurystheus. Understand " Eurystheus" as KingEurystheus. Understand "talk to[King Eurystheus]" as talking. Carry out talking: if player is in Palace of King Eurystheus, say " What do you seek, Heracles?" Understand "forgiveness" as forgiving. Forgiving is an action applying to nothing. Understand "repentance" as forgiving. After forgiving: if the player is in the Palace of King Eurystheus, say " You were sent by The Oracle of Delphi to me, right?. You must complete a series of tasks; The 12 Labours. I will allot you 12 years. After each task return to me for the next. This will not be easy. Your trials will send you to the darkest realms of the world. Your first labour is to kill the Nemean lion."; if the player is in the Palace of King Eurystheus, move player to jungle; move arrow to jungle. LimboX is a room. pelt is in LimboX. Athena is in LimboX. Rattle is in LimboX. piece of clothing is in LimboX. package is in LimboX. The Jungle is a room. "You are in the jungle of the Nemean Lion. You carry with you your bow and arrow. From behind a mass of greenery, you spot the lion's den. The jungle is not very interesting. It is quiet and still, and sunlight bounces off the colourful leaves of the trees, colouring the scenery." A lion is in the jungle. Understand "shoot[something]" as shooting. Shooting is an action applying to one thing. Understand "shoot[lion]" as shooting. After shooting: say " The Nemean Lion is invulnerable to all weapons. You will have to find another way of killing it, without any weapons." Understand "fight lion" as lionfighting. Lionfighting is an action applying to nothing. Instead of lionfighting: if the player is in the Jungle, say "How exactly do you plan to fight the lion? Fighting is too general a term." Understand "tackle[something]", "wrestle[something]","hold down[something]" as tackling. Tackling is an action applying to one thing. Carry out tackling: if the player is in the jungle: say " You manage to wrestle the lion and you have the beast under control, pinning down his arms and legs, but how do you kill it?" Understand "strangle[something]" as strangling. Strangling is an action applying to one thing. Understand "strangle[lion]" as strangling. Carry out strangling: say " Victory has been achieved! You have killed the lion by strangling it, and you skin it. The pelt will make a nice coat!"; move pelt to location of the player; move player to Palace of King Eurystheus; say "You return to King Eurystheus and relate your story to him. But his reply is a question; What proof do you have, Heracles?" Understand "show pelt", "show skin" as showpelting. Showpelting is an action applying to nothing. Carry out showpelting: if the player is in the Palace of King Eurystheus, say "Well done, Hercules. But this is only your first task. Here is your second. Kill the Hydra that lives by the spring of Argollis. "; remove the pelt from play; move player to Argollis Spring. Argollis Spring is a room. " You arrive at the Argollis Spring, and from the banks of the mass of water, you can spot the Hydra, her nine heads almost impossible not to notice. The middle head is immortal. You speculate that this mission will need some thought, so you decide to setup a campfire to boil water to drink and keep warm. The only weapons you have are your bow and arrow and your pocketknife. " Campfire is in Argollis Spring. Understand "fire" as campfire. Fire is in Argollis Spring. Hydra is in Argollis Spring. Boulder is in Argollis Spring. Understand "cut off Hydra's Heads", "cut Hydra", "cut head", "cut off head", "cut hydra's head" as cuttinghydraing. Cuttinghydraing is an action applying to nothing. After cuttinghydraing for the first time: if the player is in Argollis Spring, say " You start by cutting one head of the Hydra. You stand back, almost waiting for victory to stare right back at your face.....and you get disappointment. In the place of the head you just slayed: two more heads, that seem twice as deadly, have grown." Understand "burn head", "burn heads", "burn the heads" as burningheading. Burningheading is an action applying to nothing. After burningheading: if the player is in Argollis Spring, say "What will you use to burn the head?" Understand "burn head using fire", "fire" as pickiling. Pickiling is an action applying to nothing. After pickiling: if the player is in Argollis Spring, say "You decide to burn the heads of the Hydra, and to your surprise, your method is effective. You have managed to slaughter eight heads of the Hydra, but one still remains: the immortal head. You know that you can't kill it, but you can still dispose of it naturally. You decide to stop and think, retreating to the seat of a nearby boulder." Understand "bury Hydra", "bury immortal head", "bury head" as buryinghydraing. Buryinghydraing is an action applying to nothing. Carry out buryinghydraing: if the player is in Argollis Spring, say "You attempt to bury the immortal head of the Hydra, but you need to bury it under something." Understand "bury head under[something]" as buryinghydraundering. Buryinghydraundering is an action applying to one thing. Understand "bury head under[boulder]" as buryinghydraundering. After buryinghydraundering: if the player is in Argollis Spring, say "You bury the Hydra under the boulder and succeed in your mission. You quickly put out the campfire and return to the Palace of King Eurystheus."; move player to Palace of King Eurystheus; say " You tell him that you have killed the Hydra and, showing no signs of surprise, he congratulates you on your accomplishments. He explains the third and fourth labours: 'Heracles, for your next two labours, you must first fetch the Cerynitian hind of golden hooves to me, and then bring back the Erymanthian Boar.' ***You manage to complete these two tasks in about one year. After completing the fourth task and returning, King Eurystheus presents to you the fifth.*** 'Hercules, your fifth task is to clean the Augeian Stables. However, there is a time frame; one single day.'"; move player to Augeian Stables. Augeian stables is a room. " You arrive at the Augeian Stables, where your fifth labour requires you to serve Augeias, owner of the largest herd of cattle. Surrounding you are stables upon stables of cattle as well as Augeias, the owner of the herd. The stables smell of feces and animal sweat. You feel like a servant boy. Near the stables are the rivers Alpheius and Peneius, which are held back from the stables by two boulders." Augeias is in Augeian stables. Augeias is fixed in place. Alpheius and Peneius are in Augeian stables. Alpheius and Peneius are fixed in place. Cattle are in Augeian stables. Cattle are fixed in place. Understand "talk to[Augeias]" as talking. Carry out talking: if the player is in Augeian Stables, say " I am Augeias. I understand that you have come here to complete your fifth labour. How may I be of service?" Understand "how do I clean the stables", "how do i clean stables", "what would you like me to do", "what do i do", "what do i have to do" as howtocleanstablesing. Howtocleanstablesing is an action applying to nothing. Carry out howtocleanstablesing: if the player is in augeian stables, say "Auegeias says 'I cannot tell you exactly how to go about doing that, because these stables are far too large for you to be able to clean in just one day. You will need lots of water and time. However, you do have a great deal of strength, so I suggest that you shape your destiny by shaping your surroundings. Your strength is great enough to not only move mountains, but rivers.'" Understand "use water", "use river", "use Alpheius and Peneius", " use water from Alpheius and Peneius" as usingwatering. Usingwatering is an action applying to nothing. Instead of usingwatering: if the player is in Augeian stables, say " Using water from these rivers is an intelligent idea. Now, you just need to figure out how to get the water from the rivers to the stables. You only have your surroundings." Understand "move boulders", "move boulder" as waterchangingdirectioning. Waterchangingdirectioning is an action applying to nothing. Carry out waterchangingdirectioning: if the player is in Augeian stables, say " Gathering your strength, you push the boulders that block the rivers to the side. Immediately, the water flows into the stables, cleansing the feces and removing the unbearable smell. The rivers clean the stables naturally, which has made your life alot easier. You have succeeded, and just in time too! Sunset is about to fall. That marks the completion of your most humiliating task yet."; if the player is in Augeian stables, move player to Palace of King Eurystheus; if the player is in the Palace of King Eurystheus, say "You return to King Eurystheus' Palace at nightfall. He seems impressed with your strength and intellectual ability. In fact, he is almost positive that you will succeed at your next labour: to chase away all the Stymphalian Birds that ravage the countryside around the lake Stymphalus. You are sent off to Stymphalus, Arcadia."; if the player is in the Palace of King Eurystheus, move player to Arcadia. Arcadia is a room. "You arrive at Arcadia. Your current position is on a mountain that overlooks the countryside. From this height, you stand and observe the Stymphalian birds in the countryside. They have caused great damage to the land and people. The crops look raided, and many people have died. Now is the time to take action. All you have is your strength, your bow and arrows, and your intelligence." Some Stymphalian birds are in Arcadia. Understand "shoot birds", "shoot Stymphalian birds" as birdshooting. Birdshooting is an action applying to nothing. After birdshooting: if the player is in Arcadia, say " You draw back your arrow and release, managing to take down a few birds. But you find yourself running out of arrows, and the birds are so plentiful. Perhaps the solution is not to kill the birds but just to chase them away from Arcadia." Understand "chase birds" as chasingbirdsing. Chasingbirdsing is an action applying to nothing. Instead of chasingbirdsing: if the player is in Arcadia, say "You are correct in wanting to chase the birds away, but you have nothing to use to do so. Just as you are in deep thoughts, in flashes a bright light, and in a cool and gentle gust of wind Athena, goddess of wisdom descends."; move Athena to Arcadia. Understand "talk to Athena" as ptalking. Ptalking is an action applying to nothing. After ptalking: if the player is in Arcadia, say "Hercules, I know that you are in need of help, but that is why I have arrived. I bring to you a gift. Here is a baby's rattle. Remember that the best can do the most with the least."; move rattle to Arcadia; move Athena to LimboX; say "With that, Athena leaves the mountain in yet another flash of light." Understand "shake[something]" as shaking. Shaking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "shake[rattle]" as shaking. Carry out shaking: if the player is in Arcadia, say "Feeling uneasy, you give the rattle a shake. Then another...then another...louder this time...and to your surprise, the Stymphalian birds take flight. They have been frightened by the loud noise that has echoed over their territory!"; if the player is in Arcadia, move player to Palace of King Eurystheus; if the player is in the Palace of King Eurystheus, say "Knowing that you have completed your sixth task, you return to King Eurystheus. Once again he is impressed; but not surprised. In fact, he has gained so much confidence in you, he is almost sure that you will be triumphant in the next few tasks. The King is correct. In the next five labours, your bravery enables you to capture the Cretan Bull, fetch the flesh-eating mares of Diomedes, obtain Hippolyte 's belt, return with the cattle of Greyon and bring back a golden apple from the trees of the Hesperides. This brings you to your twelfth and final labour, which King Eurstheus carefully explains: Hercules, for your last and final labour you must go to the Land of Hades an fetch the Cerberus. Cerberus is the three-headed hound with snake's head at the end of its tail that guards the gates of Hades and keeps the dead in the underworld. You must travel to Tainaron in Laconia, where there is an entrance to the Underworld."; if the player is in the Palace of King Eurystheus, move player to Laconia. Laconia is a room. "You have traveled to the land of Laconia. You are standing at the shore of the land. Down the shore you can see a an old man standing." Understand "walk toward man", "walk toward", "walk to man", "walk toward old man", "walk to old man" as walkingtowarding. Walkingtowarding is an action applying to nothing. After walkingtowarding: if the player is in Laconia, say "You walk toward the old man." Understand "talk to old man" as ctalking. Ctalking is an action applying to nothing. Carry out ctalking: if the player is in Laconia, say "What would you like to say?" Understand "where is Tainaron", "how do i get to Tainaron" as tainarontalking. Tainarontalking is an action applying to nothing. Carry out tainarontalking: if the player is in Laconia, say "The man replies: Tainaron is to the south of this point." Tainaron is south of Laconia. "You arrive at Tainaron. The Underworld is down from here." Underworld is a room. Underworld is down of Tainaron. "As you enter the Underworld, you are greeted by the smell of the dead, and the sounds of wailing spirits. It is a scary place. From the corner of you eye, you see a figure to your right. You hear footsteps. The figure nears, and before you stands an old man, Hermes." Understand "talk to Hermes" as ltalking. Ltalking is an action applying to nothing. After ltalking: say "Hermes responds: The Underworld is a dark place, from which many do not make it back. Before reaching Hades, you will first need to pass his herd of cattle. The road continues downward." Cattleworld is a room. Cattleworld is down of Underworld. "As you continue deeper, you become more anxious and your fear kicks in. But it does not last long, because you are stopped by a herd of cattle that block the gates of Hades." Understand "kill cattle", "shoot cattle" as killingcattling. Killingcattling is an action applying to nothing. Carry out killingcattling: if the player is in cattleworld, say "Afraid of the herd, and feeling brave, you aim at one cow and release your arrow. The cow dies immediately. But soon you realise that your action has backfired. Now, the herd, Menotees has become enraged. With great speed, they charge toward you." Understand "wrestle Menotees", "wrestle cows", "wrestle" as wrestling. Wrestling is an action applying to nothing. Carry out wrestling: if the player is in Cattleworld: say "You wrestle Menotees, cracking his ribs. Triumphant, you enter Hades' gates."; move player to Hades' Palace. Hades' Palace is a room. "You enter Hades' Palace, and on his throne, Hades sits. His palace is dark, and poorly lit, but his throne stands out. It is solid gold and has the rarest minerals and jewels encrusted. These are found only in the deepest and richest soils. Cerberus, the three headed dog ferociously sucks the dry blood from the bones of the dead." Understand "talk to Hades" as dtalking. Dtalking is an action applying to nothing. After dtalking: if the player is in Hades' palace, say "I am Hades, God of the Underworld. What have you come for, mortal?" Understand "Cerberus" as comingfordogging. comingfordogging is an action applying to nothing. Carry out comingfordogging: if the player is in Hades' Palace, say "'I understand that you must complete this final labour. You therefore have my permission to take Cerberus to the upperworld, but you may not use any weapons in doing so.'" Understand "take Cerberus" as cerberustaking. Cerberustaking is an action applying to nothing. carry out cerberustaking: if the player is in hades' palace, say "You must find a more controlling way to take the beast. Perhaps something more forceful." Understand "drag Cerberus", "wrestle Cerberus", "drag Cerberus out of underworld", "wrestle Cerberus out of underworld" as cerberuscontrolling. cerberuscontrolling is an action applying to nothing. Carry out cerberuscontrolling: if the player is in hades' palace, say "After a perilous fight, you finally manage to drag and wrestle Cerberus out of the Underworld and back to King Eurystheus' Palace. It has been a long journey, and your skin has become scratched and wounded as a result of being attacked by Hades' prized possession."; if the player is in hades' palace, move player to Palace of King Eurystheus; if the player is in the palace of king eurystheus, say "You return to King Eurystheus and he is terrified of the three-headed dog! He congratulates you and tells you that you have finally repented for all your wrong doings. Stepping back from his Throne out of immense fear, he then orders you to return Cerberus to the Underworld, which you do."; if the player is in the palace of king eurystheus, move player to Calydon. [Initiation-Meeting With the Goddess] Calydon is a room. " Having completed the twelve labours, you win the heart of Deianeira, and you both settle down in Calydon, where she grew up. You have one son together, and you have been won over by her beauty and calm voice; the way she whispers your name. But once again, you are chased by Hera's vengefulness, and you accidentally kill one of your father in law's pages. Now, you must leave Calydon with Deianeira and your son, for fear of his anger. Your escape path requires you to first cross the Evensus River, which is northwest of Calydon." [Atonement With the Father] River Shore is northwest of Calydon. River Shore is a room. "Deianeira, your son and yourself have arrived at the Evensus River, but you must cross it. But there is no bridge here. Your surroundings consist of some sea shells and a piece of driftwood large enough for you to fit on that has washed up onto the shore. Down the shore, in the distance, you can also spot a boat." Some seashells are in River Shore. The description is "The seashells are stained pink and are coiled." Driftwood is in River Shore. The description is "Taking a closer look at the driftwood, you notice a message that has been faintly carved into the wood." Understand "read message" as messagereading. Messagereading is an action applying to nothing. Carry out messagereading: if the player is in River Shore, say "You attempt to read the message, but are confused. The language makes no sense. It reads 'TU N B CK'". Instead of going southeast: if the player is in River Shore, say " You cannot return to Calydon, for Deinaeira's father will be at your throat." Understand "walk toward boat", "go to boat", "move toward boat", "walk to boat" as pwalkingtowarding. Pwalkingtowarding is an action applying to nothing. Carry out pwalkingtowarding: if the player is in River Shore, say "You and your family approach the boat, and to your surprise, the boat owner appears from behind." [Boat owner is in Calydon.] Understand "talk to boat owner", "talk to boatowner" as ftalking. Ftalking is an action applying to nothing. After ftalking: if the player is in River Shore, say "I am Nessus, this is my boat. What would you like me to do for you?" Understand "take across river", "take me across river", "give me a ride", "give me a ride in boat", "give me a ride across river", "give me a ride across the river", "give me a ride in your boat", "take me across the river", "can you take me across the river", "can you give me a ride", "can you give me a ride in your boat" as rivercrossing. Rivercrossing is an action applying to nothing. Carry out rivercrossing: if the player is in River Shore, say "Nessus shifts his gaze to your eyes, and a grin slips across his face. His eyes lower, and with a small (yet defiant) voice he says yes. He gestures for you to come in." Understand "go in boat", "enter boat", "sit in boat", "come in boat" as boatentering. Boatentering is an action applying to nothing. Carry out boatentering: if the player is in River Shore, say "You hop into the boat, and your son follows. You then offer your hand as support for Deianeira, and she enters too. Nessus is the last to come in. He grabs the oar, and begins to paddle."; move player to Evensus River; if the player is in Evensus River, say "As your journey continues, Nessus remarks that his arms are tiring. Out of kindness, you offer to take over the job of paddling and grab the oar. You move to the front of the boat, where the paddler sits, and Nessus moves to sit next to Deianeira. Taken up by the stillness of the scenery around you, you continue to paddle, until you near the edge of the river. Suddenly, you are stopped by a piercing shriek! You turn around, and for a split second can not believe your eyes! Your wife is being attacked by the boatman. Her sleeve has been pulled down, and her dress is torn. Nessus has tried to rape her! Enraged, you forcefully stand up and the boat rocks violently." Evensus River is a room. Understand "kill Nessus", "shoot Nessus" as nessuskilling. Nessuskilling is an action applying to nothing. Carry out nessuskilling: if the player is in Evensus River, say "You reach into your bag of arrows, searching for a poisoned one. Aiming for Nessus's chest, your release the arrow. It flies, with impossible speed, striking Nessus in his breast. Blood fills around the poisoned arrow. Nessus struggles for air and calls after Deianeira saying, 'Keep my blood, for it will preserve Hercules' love for you, should it ever cease.' Overwhelmed with thoughts, you leave the boat, uneasy about the situation that occurred. You decide that you will pay a visit to the Priestess of Apollo, Pythia, to seek advice on repentance." Understand "visit Pythia", "go to Pythia", "visit Priestess", "go to Priestess" as pythiavisiting. Pythiavisiting is an action applying to nothing. Carry out pythiavisiting: if the player is in Evensus River, say "You set off on your mission, leaving behind Deianeira and your plans for a future with your son. But freeing yourself of your evils are much more important to you at this point."; if the player is in Evensus River, move player to Priestess Land; if the player is in Priestess Land , say " You arrive at the home of Pythia, the Priestess of Apollo. Her home is very small and simple. Standing before her door, you take a deep breath, observing your surroundings. There is an altar beside you, and to the side is a fruit tree, on which bright orange fruits grow." Priestess Land is a room. An altar is in Priestess Land . The altar is fixed in place. A fruit is in Priestess Land. The fruit is edible. [Pythia is in Apollo.] Understand "pick fruit" as fruitpicking. Fruitpicking is an action applying to nothing. Carry out fruitpicking: if the player is in Priestess Land , say "You pick the fruit." Understand "eat fruit" as fruiteating. Fruiteating is an action applying to nothing. After fruiteating for the first time: if the player is in Priestess Land , say "That tastes delicious."; now the fruit is not edible. Understand "knock on door", "knock on the door" as doorknocking. Doorknocking is an action applying to nothing. Carry out doorknocking: if the player is in Priestess Land , say "You knock on the door, waiting for a reply. After a few minutes, the Priestess comes out." Understand "talk to Pythia" as mtalking. Mtalking is an action applying to nothing. After mtalking: if the player is in Priestess Land , say "Pythia says: 'I know that you have come once again for repentance. News spreads quickly in Greece. Here is how you can free yourself of your evils: you must sell yourself as a slave to someone. Queen Omphale of Lydia will buy you, she is in need of your service. Now go repent, for I must continue my meditation.'" Understand "go to Lydia", "go to queen", "go to Omphale" as lydiagoing. Lydiagoing is an action applying to nothing. Carry out lydiagoing: if the player is in Priestess Land , say "You journey to Lydia, home of the Queen and she purchases you. You will have to stay in her service for three years. It turns out that Lydia is a beautiful, warm, and welcoming place too. There are rivers of fresh water, in which the tastiest fish swim, green sweet grass and shady olive trees. But that is not the best thing about Lydia. Iole would be. Her eyes are brighter than the sky, and deeper than the sea. She blushes at the sound of your name and her skin is softer than the finest silk. Iole's beauty is enticing, and you've been lead to her."; move piece of clothing to location of player; if the player is in Priestess Land, say "One day, after finishing your chores, you recieve news from your companions that you have a package addressed to you."; move package to location of the player; if the player is in Priestess Land , move player to Lydia. Lydia is a room. After taking: if player is in Lydia, say "You take the package." Understand "look at package", "examine package", "see package" as packagelooking. Packagelooking is an action applying to nothing. After packagelooking: if the player is in Lydia, say "The package is wrapped in brown papyrus and is orange-stained. It seems heavy for its size." After smelling: if the player is in Lydia, say " The package smells terrible. It reminds you of the scent of a dead beast." Understand "open package" as packageopening. Packageopening is an action applying to nothing. Carry out packageopening: if the player is in Lydia, say "Excited,you carefully remove the four corners of the packaging, revealing a bright red shirt. At the bottom of the package is a note on which a heart has been drawn. On the other side of the note, 'Deianeira' has been written in the finest ink." Understand "wear shirt", "put on shirt" as shirtwearing. Shirtwearing is an action applying to nothing. Carry out shirtwearing: if the player is in Lydia, say "You put on the shirt and immediately you are seized by incredible pain." Understand "take off", "take off shirt", "rip off shirt", "rip shirt" as shirtoffing. Shirtoffing is an action applying to nothing. Instead of shirtoffing: if the player is in Lydia, say "You attempt to pry the shirt off your body, but it does not budge!. Deianeira must have soaked it in Nessus' poisoned blood, attempting to win back your love. But the pain is getting stronger, and soon it becomes hard to move. Your companions gather near, apprehensive, yet willing to lend a hand." Understand "burn shirt" as shirtburning. Shirtburning is an action applying to nothing. Carry out shirtburning: if the player is in Lydia, say "Burning the shirt is a good idea. It might work, but there is not much time for you to build a fire, and you can barely move." Understand "tell companions to build fire", "ask companions to build fire", "get companions to build fire", "ask to build fire", "ask friends to build fire" as firebuilding. Firebuilding is an action applying to nothing. Carry out firebuilding: if the player is in Lydia, say "You ask your companions to build the fire for you, and having been admirant of your power and strength, they are thrilled to help. Within minutes, they get a fire going. The flames leap into the air, bright orange, yellow and red. But before you can manage to burn your clothing, a cry of thunder strikes, and a flash of lightning descends to the flames, taking you up into the air."; if the player is in Lydia, move player to heaven. [Return- Master of the Two Worlds, Freedom to Live] Heaven is a room. "After sometime you wake up, taking notice of your surroundings. You seem to be in the clouds. One thing is for sure; the pain has disappeared, and the room feels light and airy. Coming to your senses, you realize that a figure is standing before you, a man. He says: 'Heracles, you have come a long way. You have completed the twelve labours and defeated your foes, but now you've reached the end. It is the end of the beginning. You may go and live in Olympus, and start a new life there with goddess of eternal youth, Hebe. You are now immortalized. ---The End--- Congratulations! You have completed the journey!"