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Katherine Parrish
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“Theseus " by Joanna, Jerry, Atika, Purav The maximum score is 100. When play begins: say “Welcome to Theseus’ Journey. In this game: you will be able to PUSH things, CLIMB stairs and DIAGNOSE people (see their health points)[line break]†Every turn: if the Minotaur is dead begin; if the score is at least 100 then end the game saying "Congratulations, you have lived a successful life as Theseus."; end if. Chapter 1 - The Foundation of the Game Section 1 - Status Lines When play begins: now left hand status line is "Nearby: [if a room is adjacent][the list of adjacent rooms][end if][if a room is adjacent and a door is visible] and [end if][if a door is visible][the list of visible doors][end if]"; now right hand status line is "Score:[score] Turns:[turn count]". Rule for printing the name of an unvisited room (called the target) while constructing the status line: let aim be the best route from the location to the target; say "Unknown Room ([aim])". After printing the name of a visited room (called the target) while constructing the status line: let aim be the best route from the location to the target; say " ([aim])". Rule for printing the name of a direction (called the aim) while constructing the status line: choose row with a heading of the aim in the Table of Abbreviation; say "[shortcut entry]". Table of Abbreviation heading shortcut north "N" northeast "NE" northwest "NW" east "E" southeast "SE" south "S" southwest "SW" west "W" up "U" down "D" inside "in" outside "out" Section 2 - Fonts To say i -- beginning say_i -- running on: (- style underline; -). To say /i -- ending say_i -- running on: (- style roman; -). To say b -- beginning say_b -- running on: (- style bold; -). To say /b -- ending say_b -- running on: (- style roman; -). Section 3 - Combat [***CHEAT***] Healing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "heal" as healing. Carry out healing: now the current hit points of the player is the maximum hit points of the player. Section 4 - Hit Points A person has a number called maximum hit points. A person has a number called current hit points. The maximum hit points of the player is 35. When play begins: repeat with victim running through people: now the current hit points of the victim is the maximum hit points of the victim. Definition: a person is dead if his current hit points are less than 1. Instead of attacking a dead Periphetes: say "Periphetes falls to the ground with a loud thud, and you pick up his giant bronze club as a symbol of your victory!" instead. Section 5 - Diagnosis Diagnosing is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "diagnose [something]" as diagnosing. Check diagnosing: if the noun is not a person, say "Only people can have diagnoses." instead. Carry out diagnosing: say "[if the noun is the player]You have[otherwise][The noun] has[end if] [current hit points of the noun] out of a possible [maximum hit points of the noun] hit points remaining." Carry out diagnosing for the first time: award 3 points. Carry out diagnosing the player for the first time: award 4 points. Section 6 - Weapons A weapon is a kind of thing. A weapon has a number called the maximum damage. The maximum damage of a weapon is usually 4. Section 7 - Attacking it with Understand the commands "attack" and "punch" and "destroy" and "kill" and "murder" and "hit" and "thump" and "break" and "smash" and "torture" and "wreck" and "fight" as something new. Attacking it with is an action applying to one visible thing and one carried thing. Understand "attack [someone] with [something preferably held]" as attacking it with. Understand the commands "punch" and "destroy" and "kill" and "murder" and "hit" and "thump" and "break" and "smash" and "torture" and "wreck" and "fight" as "attack". The attacking it with action has a number called the damage inflicted. Setting action variables for attacking something with something: if the second noun is a weapon: let the maximum attack be the maximum damage of the second noun; now the damage inflicted is a random number between 1 and the maximum attack. Check an actor attacking something with something (this is the can't attack with something that isn't a weapon rule): if the second noun is not a weapon: if the actor is the player, say "[The second noun] does not qualify as a weapon."; stop the action. Check an actor attacking something with something (this is the can't attack a non-person rule): if the noun is not a person: if the actor is the player, say "[The noun] has no life to lose."; stop the action. Carry out an actor attacking something with something (this is the standard attacking it with a weapon rule): decrease the current hit points of the noun by the damage inflicted; if the noun is dead, remove the noun from play. Section 8 - Reporting Report attacking a dead person with something (this is the death-report priority rule): say "You attack with [the second noun], killing [the noun]!" instead. Report attacking someone with something (this is the normal attacking report rule): say "You attack [the noun] with [the second noun], causing [damage inflicted] point[s] of damage!" instead. Report someone attacking the player with something when the player is dead (this is the player's-death priority rule): say "[The actor] attacks you with [the second noun], finishing you off!"; end the story; stop the action Report someone attacking the player with something (this is the standard report someone attacking the player with rule): say "[The actor] attacks you with [the second noun], causing [damage inflicted] point[s] of damage!" instead. Report someone attacking something with something (this is the standard report attacking it with rule): say "[The actor] attacks [the noun] with [the second noun], causing [damage inflicted] point[s] of damage!" instead. Section 9 - Conversations Understand the commands "ask" and "tell" and "say" and "answer" as something new. Understand "ask [text]" or "answer [text]" or "say [text]" as a mistake ("[talk to instead]"). Instead of asking someone to try doing something: say "[talk to instead][paragraph break]". Instead of answering someone that something: say "[talk to instead][paragraph break]". To say talk to instead: say "(To communicate in [story title], TALK TO a character.)". Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking to. Understand "talk to [something]" as talking to. Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Part 1 - CALL TO ADVENTURE Chapter 1 - Living Room Living Room is a room. It is south of the Bedroom. “Furnished with a plain couch and a wooden table made of pine, this is your living room. Your bedroom is to the north, up the stairs. The front door is to the southeast, and it leads outside, to your small village of Troezen. Your mom is sitting on the couch.†Section 1 - People Mom is on the plain couch. It is a woman. It is scenery. "She is looking older than usual with wrinkles all over her face." Section 2 - Objects The plain couch is an enterable supporter in the Living Room. It is scenery in the Living Room. It is fixed in place. The wooden table is a enterable supporter in the Living Room. It is scenery in the Living Room. It is fixed in place. The stairs is in the Living Room. It is scenery in the Living Room. Section 3 - Verbs Understand "look at [thing]" as looking at. Looking at is an action applying to one thing. A staircase is a kind of door. A staircase is usually open. A staircase is seldom openable. The stairs is a staircase. It is above the Living Room and below Bedroom. Understand "go up [staircase]" as climbing. Instead of climbing a staircase: try entering the noun. After going in the Living Room: say “[line break][b]Living Room[/b][line break]Furnished with plain couches and a wooden table made of pine, this is your living room. Your bedroom is to the north, up the stairs. The front door is to the southeast, and it leads outside, to your small village of Troezen. Your mom is sitting on the couch." After looking at Mom: say "She is looking older than usual with wrinkles all over her face." Instead of talking to Mom: if the metal chest is closed, say “Mom looks flustered about something, but about what? She says, 'Theseus, its time you knew. Before you were born, a great prophesy, concerning your destiny, was given to your father by an oracle. Now it is time you fulfil that destiny. I have placed your father’s message in your possession. You must read it and make your choice.’â€; if the massive boulder is fixed in place, say “Mom says, ‘So, you have finally found the antiques that your father had left for you. Thank you very much for letting me know - and not just leaving me here worried. So I assume you are going to follow your father’s footsteps. Well then go and fulfil your destiny. Do not linger here anymore. But I advise you to not travel the dangerous land route which goes through the Isthmus of Corinthus. I suggest sailing across the Saronic Gulf.’â€; now Mom is in the Living Room; if the player is carrying the note and the massive boulder is not fixed in place, say “I'm glad you looked in your metal chest. I think you know what to do now.' She smiles at you proudly.". After looking at the plain couch: say "Your nice and comfy couch sits in the middle of your living room. You still remember the day when you, your mom and grandpa went out to buy it. You had to carry it all the way home! Good times..." After looking at the wooden table: say "The merchant who sold this to you had said that the pine from this table was from Sinis' Forest.[if Two Pines is unvisited]You really couldn't care less where it had come from - but the merchant charged extra because apparently it was extremely risky to chop the pine from that forest. He was probably just lying...how risky can it be?" Section 4 - Points Carry out going north from Living Room for the first time: award 3 points. Carry out talking to Mom for the first time: if the massive boulder is fixed in place, award 5 points. Chapter 2 - Bedroom Bedroom is a room. It is north of the Living Room. “Light flows in through the small, misshapen window. Dust particles dance in the sunlight, floating through the air. An old, rickety bed sits on the hard, cold floor. You see a ragged pillow on the top of a stool on the far side of the room. As you walk on the creaky floor, you see your rusty, metal chest sitting in the darkest corner of the room. The stairs that are to the south, leads to the living room.†Section 1 - Objects The metal chest is scenery in Bedroom. It is an opaque container. The chest is closed. It is fixed in place. It is openable. The tattered note is in the chest. It is portable. The old clothes is in the chest. the old clothes is portable and wearable. The small candy is in the chest. It is portable and edible. The stool is an enterable supporter in Bedroom. It is pushable between rooms. It is scenery in Bedroom. The pillow is on the stool. It is portable. The pillow is a weapon. The maximum damage of the pillow is 5. A rickety bed is scenery in Bedroom. The rickety bed is an enterable supporter. The window is scenery in Bedroom. It is fixed in place. Section 2 - Verbs Understand "look through [thing]" as looking through. Looking through is an action applying to one thing. After looking at stool: say " A tall pink stool with a few white scratches." After looking at the chest: say “This chest has been in this room for a long time.†After looking at candy: say "A little butter candy wrapped in a gold piece of paper." After looking at clothes: say "Some old clothes from your grandma's time." After looking at the window: say "Looks like a normal window, although windows are made for LOOKING THROUGH." After looking at pillow: say “It look rather fluffy today!†After looking at bed: say “A crickety old thing you’ve been using since you were born.†After opening the chest for the first time: now the chest is not openable; say “There’s a small candy, some old clothes, and a tattered note.†After looking at tattered note: say "An old blue piece of paper with some ripped edges." Instead of examining the tattered note, say “You read the note, 'Hello my son. I have been waiting you for a long time. Your mother may have told you about me. If you wish to come to my palace, then first you must prove yourself. Outside your house, I have set for you a task. If you have the strength and courage to fulfil your destiny, then come. I await you in Athens. You are ready my boy.’†Instead of looking through the window: say "Through the window, you can see the city of Troezen, the Saronic Gulf and the Isthmus of Corinthus." Instead of eating the small candy: say "You feel a strange tingle in your body...your health points are now full! You feel more ready to go."; remove the small candy from play; now the current hit points of the player is the maximum hit points of the player. Section 3 - Points Carry out opening the chest for the first time: award 5 points. Carry out examining the tattered note for the first time: award 3 points. Carry out taking the tattered note for the first time: award 2 points. Carry out eating the candy: if the current hit points of the player < maximum hit points of the player, award 5 points; if the current hit points of the player > maximum hit points of the player, award 1 point. Part 2 - CROSSING OF THE FIRST THRESHOLD Chapter 1 - Troezen Troezen is a room. It is southeast of the Living Room. “It is very hot. Around you is a huge area of grass. There are a few rocks around, a pond and a few ducks. Grandpa is sitting on a rock by the pond, watching them swim. A bare path runs by him to the south. It is the Saronic Gulf - you are not sure where it leads to. Your house is northwest of where you stand now; and to the west, you can see the rocky area where you played as a kid. To the east, the infamous Isthmus of Corinthus; a road stretching as far as the eye can see, crawling with bandits and monsters ready to skin you alive.†Section 1 - People Grandpa is on a rock. Grandpa is a man. Grandpa is scenery. “ He doesn’t look a day older than yesterday.†A rock is a enterable supporter. It is scenery in Troezen. It is fixed in place. Section 2 - Objects The pond is scenery in Troezen. It is fixed in place. Section 3 - Verbs After looking at the pond: say "The water is expecially clear today. Maybe it's a lucky day!" After looking at Grandpa: say “ He doesn’t look a day older than yesterday.†After looking at the rock: say "A medium-sized rock, you were probably able to push it when you were about 13 years-old." Instead of talking to Grandpa: if Land Route is unvisited begin; say "He says, 'I suggest going through Saronic Gulf.' But you think to yourself, 'What does he know?'"; end if. Chapter 2 - Rock Area Rock Area is a room. It is west of Troezen. "This rocky terrain has been here for as long as you've known - it had brought you tons of joy as a kid. Running around and trying to PUSH rocks has been your timeless pleasure. However, there was always this one massive boulder that you were never able to PUSH. Back over to the east, is where your Grandpa is sitting - your front yard, Troezen." Section 1 - Verbs Underlying relates various things to one thing. The verb to underlie (he underlies, they underlie, he underlaid, it is underlaid, he is underlying) implies the underlying relation. The verb to be under implies the underlying relation. The verb to be beneath implies the underlying relation. Instead looking under a thing which is underlaid by something (called the lost object): say "You think you see something!"; now every thing which underlies the noun is carried by the player; now every thing which underlies the noun does not underlie the noun. Hiding it under is an action applying to one carried thing and one thing. Understand "put [something preferably held] under [something]" as hiding it under. Understand "hide [something preferably held] under [something]" as hiding it under. Understand the commands "shove" and "conceal" and "stick" as "hide". Carry out hiding it under: remove the noun from play; now the noun underlies the second noun. Report hiding it under: say "You shove [the noun] out of sight beneath [the second noun]." Instead looking under the massive boulder: if the massive boulder is not fixed in place, say "It appears that there is something under here, covered in dirt."; if the massive boulder is fixed in place, say "There is nothing underneath it anymore.". After looking at the massive boulder: say “It sure looks heavy!†After pushing the massive boulder: if the player is carrying the tattered note begin; now the massive boulder is fixed in place; move the sword to location; move the pair of sandals to location; move the knife to location; say “Jackpot! You have found a pair of sandals, a knife and a sword! Mom would be so proud that I can finally push the boulder!â€; end if. Carry out pushing the massive boulder: if the player is not carrying the tattered note, say "I guess it's still too heavy. Or, maybe you just don't have the motivation to push it.â€. After taking the sword for the first time: say "As you grasp the handle of the ancient sword, you know that you have now become a man." After looking at the sword when in Rock Area: if Land Route is unvisited begin; say "Despite the dirt cached upon it, a quick rub shows the metal still shines."; end if. After looking at the pair of sandals: say "[if Palace is unvisited]Time has not softened them and you realize that these too are the relics of a king." After looking at the knife: say "[if Palace is unvisited]The knife does not look like much - but maybe it will be of good use in the future. " Section 2 - Objects The massive boulder is in Rock Area. It is pushable between rooms. "There sure are a lot of rocks here." The sword and a pair of sandals and a knife underlies the boulder. The sword is portable and wearable. It is a weapon. The maximum damage of the sword is 20. The pair of sandals is portable and wearable. The knife is portable and wearable. It is a weapon. The maximum damage of the knife is 13. Section 3 - Points Carry out wearing the sword for the first time: award 2 points. Carry out wearing the sandals for the first time: award 2 points. Carry out wearing the knife for the first time: award 2 points. Carry out pushing the massive boulder for the first time: if the player is carrying the tattered note, award 5 points. Part 3 - THE BELLY OF THE WHALE Chapter 1 - Saronic Gulf Saronic Gulf is a room. It is south of Troezen. “Dark waters churn at your feet, grabbing you and pulling you into the dark depths of the water.†Section 1 - Verbs After going in Saronic Gulf, end the story saying "Dark waters churn at your feet, grabbing you and pulling you into the dark depths of the water, towards the dwelling of a huge man-eating sea turtle! I guess you'll have to try your luck another time." Chapter 2 - Land Route - Isthmus of Corinthus Land Route - Isthmus of Corinthus is a room. It is east of Troezen. “The Land Route - Isthmus of Corinthus is a narrow valley surrounded with a deep dark forest. It is a treacherous path, filled with monsters and obstacles to overcome.You can see tall trees all around you. The wind is blowing towards you and you can hear the trees rustling. The sunlight is blocked by all the dark clouds in the gloomy sky and clearly you can see it’s a storm. To the west is Troezen and if you are sure that this is the right decision, continue on your journey eastward.†Section 1 - Verbs After going in Land Route: say "[b]Land Route - Isthmus of Corinthus[/b][line break]The Land Route - Isthmus of Corinthus is a narrow valley surrounded with a deep dark forest. It is a treacherous path, filled with monsters and obstacles to overcome.You can see tall trees all around you. The wind is blowing towards you and you can hear the trees rustling. The sunlight is blocked by all the dark clouds in the gloomy sky and clearly you can see it’s a storm. To the west is Troezen. To the south is Athens but so far all you see is the deep forest as you walk.[line break]A little polka-dotted mushroom[if mushroom is in Land Route] is somewhat hidden behind a small leaf.[end if][if the cookie crumbs is in Land Route]Some cookie crumbs that look like they've broken off from a chocolate chip cookies scattered on the ground." Carry out going east from Troezen: if the player is not wearing the sword, end the game saying "You have not properly equipped yourself for the journey ahead, and without proper equipment to defend yourself, bandits catch you in your sleep."; if Mom is on the plain couch, end the game saying "Back at home, Mom gets worried about you and seeks out to look for you; but she is never seen again. When this news reaches you, you suicide.". After looking at the mushroom: say "Looks pretty with its polka-dots. It might be tasty." After looking at the cookie crumbs: say "Mmmm. Chocolate-chip, your favourite." Instead of eating the mushroom: say "As you pop the mushroom in your mouth and begin to swallow, it starts to burn your throat. You are forced to spit it back out. Your health points decreased by 5."; remove the mushroom from play; now the current hit points of the player is current hit points of player - 5. Instead of eating the cookie crumbs: say "Mmmm. Now that tasted delicious, although, there were traces of Isthmus of Corinthus dirt in it. You are not as hungry anymore. Your health points increased by 15."; remove the cookie crumbs from play; now the current hit points of the player is current hit points of player + 15. Section 2 - Objects A mushroom is in Land Route. It is edible. "A little polka-dotted mushroom[if mushroom is in Land Route] is somewhat hidden behind a small leaf.[otherwise]." The cookie crumbs is in Land Route. It is edible. "Some cookies crumbs that look like they've broken off from a chocolate chip cookie." Section 3 - Points Carry out taking the mushroom for the first time: award 3 points. Carry out taking the cookie crumbs for the first time: award 3 points. Carry out eating the mushroom: award -2 points. Carry out eating the cookie crumbs: award 3 points. Part 4 - ROAD OF TRIALS Chapter 1 - Epidaurus Epidaurus is a room. It is east of Land Route - Isthmus of Corinthus. "[if Periphetes is not dead]After trekking for a few hours, you see a small city located near a gulf. You have heard that a ferocious man patrols the roads leading to the city. You believe his name is Periphetes.[otherwise]This road is a lot more peaceful and secure now that you’ve finished off Periphetes.[end if] To the north is Sinis' forest and over to the west is Isthmus of Corinthus." Section 1 - People Periphetes is a man in Epidaurus. The maximum hit points of the Periphetes is 25. "A large man with a peg-leg and one single big brown eye in the middle of his forehead. He turns towards you, weilding a giant bronze club." Section 2 - Verbs Every turn when in Epidaurus: if Periphetes is not dead begin; try Periphetes attacking the player with the club; now the left hand status line is "You: [current hit points of player]"; now the right hand status line is "Periphetes: [current hit points of Periphetes]"; end if. Every turn: if the current hit points of Periphetes is less than 1 begin; remove Periphetes from play; now the giant bronze club is carried by the player; now the left hand status line is "Nearby: [if a room is adjacent][the list of adjacent rooms][end if][if a room is adjacent and a door is visible] and [end if][if a door is visible][the list of visible doors][end if]"; now the right hand status line is "Score:[score] Turns:[turn count]"; stop the action; end if. After going north from Epidaurus: if Periphetes is not dead, end the game saying "Periphetes catches you and gets you from behind as you try to flee the battle! You should always finish off your enemies, Theseus..."; if Periphetes is dead, say "[line break][b]Sinis' Forest[/b][line break] [if unvisited]It’s pin-drop silent around you. The forest looks mysterious and the gloomy weather makes it all the more scary.[end if][if the weary traveller is in Sinis' Forest]Through the mist, you can see a traveller.[end if]A clear dirt and gravel path leads to the east into a dark forest of countless pine trees. To the south, is Epidaurus, which [i]used[/i] to be Periphetes' home.â€. After going west from Epidaurus: if Periphetes is not dead, end the game saying "Periphetes catches you and gets you from behind as you try to flee the battle! You should always finish off your enemies, Theseus..."; if Periphetes is dead, say "[b]Land Route - Isthmus of Corinthus[/b][line break]The Land Route - Isthmus of Corinthus is a narrow valley surrounded with a deep dark forest. It is a treacherous path, filled with monsters and obstacles to overcome.You can see tall trees all around you. The wind is blowing towards you and you can hear the trees rustling. The sunlight is blocked by all the dark clouds in the gloomy sky and clearly you can see it's a storm. To the west is Troezen. To the south is Athens but so far all you see is the deep forest as you walk.". Report attacking a dead Periphetes with something (this is the Periphetes death priority rule): award 10 points; say "Periphetes falls to the ground with a loud thud, and you pick up his giant bronze club as a symbol of your victory!" instead. Section 3 - Objects Periphetes carries a weapon called a giant bronze club. The maximum damage of the club is 10. Chapter 2 - Sinis' Forest Sinis’ Forest is a room. It is north of Epidaurus. “[if the room is unvisited]It’s pin-drop silent around you. The forest looks mysterious and the gloomy weather makes it all the more scary.[end if][if the weary traveller is in Sinis' Forest]Through the mist, you can see a traveller.[end if]A clear dirt and gravel path leads to the east into a dark forest of countless pine trees. To the south, is Epidaurus, which [i]used[/i] to be Periphetes' home.†Section 1 - Verbs Before going to Sinis' Forest: if Periphetes is not dead, end the game saying "Periphetes catches up to you and gets you from behind! You should always finish off your enemies Theseus..." Section 2 - People The weary traveller is a man in Sinis’ Forest. "Through the mist, you can see a weary traveller." Section 3 - Verbs After looking at weary traveller: say “You see a weary traveller, a short little man who seems to be hurrying home with haste.â€. After talking to the weary traveller: say "As he passes you, he stops and says, ‘Beware, young man! These paths lead through the wilderness too; close to the territory of the bender of pines!A fearsome creature--eight feet tall. He ties every victim between two treetops bent down to the ground. Then he releases them, and the prey is ripped in half!’ The old man made a strange, gurgling sound in his throat to simulate the gory death that resulted. ‘Sinis is his name, and he will be your undoing!' Then, just like that the weary traveller is rushes out of sight."; remove the weary traveller from play. Section 4 - Points Carry out talking to the weary traveller: award 2 points. Chapter 3 - Two Pines Two Pines is a room. It is east of Sinis’ Forest. “[if Sinis is dead]Two large and prominent looking pine trees stand on either side of the dirt path. To the south is the city of Crommyon.[otherwise if the weary traveller is not in Sinis' Forest]Now that you have heard the traveller’s words, you mentally prepare yourself for what you know you will face ahead of you.[otherwise] Two large and prominent looking pine trees stand on either side of the dirt path.[end if] To the south is the city of Crommyon.[if Sinis is not dead] A tall and lanky man[end if][if player is not carrying rope], holding a durable looking rope in one hand and reaching for victims to TIE TO the large pine trees with the other.[otherwise] ... [end if][if Sinis is not dead] This must be Sinis![end if]†Section 1 - People Sinis is a man in Two Pines. Sinis is scenery in Two Pines. The maximum hit points of Sinis is 1000. The description of Sinis is "A long and lanky man[if player is not carrying rope], holding a durable looking rope in one hand and reaching for victims to TIE to the large pine trees with the other.[otherwise]...[end if]This must be Sinis!" Section 2 - Objects The large pine trees is scenery in Two Pines. It is fixed in place. The rope is in Two Pines. The rope is portable. The rope is a weapon. Section 3 - Verbs After looking at the large pine trees: say “Now that you have heard the traveller’s words, you mentally prepare yourself for what you know you will face ahead of you.†. Instead of taking the rope: say "You sneakily grab the rope out of Sinis' hand, and you relieve him of his only weapon! Now...could you give him a taste of his own medicine?"; award 5 points; now the player is carrying the rope. After looking at the rope: say "A long, durable rope[if player is not carrying rope] is held in Sinis' hand.[otherwise] that belonged to Sinis.[end if]" After looking at the large pine trees: say “Hmm...I wonder if these pines can be bent...†Instead of tying Sinis to the large pine trees: if the player is carrying the rope, say "You dodge and slash with your sword until Sinis is wonded enough, and you grab him and tie each of his legs to a bent pine tree! You let go of the trees, and he gets ripped in half and flung in different directions into the sky!"; now the current hit points of Sinis is 0; award 10 points; remove Sinis from play; if the player is not carrying the rope, say "You'll need a rope to do that." Carry out going south from Two Pines: if Sinis is not dead begin; end the game saying "You try to escape, but you are too slow. Sinis grabs you and tied you to the pine trees and ripped you in half!"; end if. Chapter 4 - Crommyon Crommyon is a room. It is south of Two Pines. "A ravaged and destroyed town, with buildings burnt to nothing but rubble and debris. To the north is Two Pines and to the southwest you see the seaside city of Corinth." Section 1 - Verbs After going in Crommyon (this is the crommyon description priority rule): say "[b]Crommyon[/b][line break]A ravaged and destroyed town, with buildings burnt to nothing but rubble and debris. To the north is Two Pines and to the southwest you see the seaside city of Corinth.[if Phaea is not dead]There's a gigantic wild sow/pig named Phaea, the offspring of Typhon and Echidna, that flies around and destroys settlements![end if]"; now the current hit points of the player is the maximum hit points of the player. After going north from Crommyon: if Phaea is not dead, end the game saying "Are you serious? You're going to run away from a pig?! Your plan did not work when Phaea sees you inching away."; if Phaea is dead, say "[if Sinis is dead]Two large and prominent looking pine trees stand on either side of the dirt path. To the south is the city of Crommyon.[otherwise if the weary traveller is not in Sinis' Forest]Now that you have heard the traveller’s words, you mentally prepare yourself for what you know you will face ahead of you.[otherwise] Two large and prominent looking pine trees stand on either side of the dirt path.[end if] To the south is the city of Crommyon.[if Sinis is not dead] A tall and lanky man[end if][if player is not carrying rope], holding a durable looking rope in one hand and reaching for victims to TIE TO the large pine trees with the other.[otherwise] ... [end if][if Sinis is not dead] This must be Sinis![end if]" After going southwest from Crommyon: if Phaea is not dead, end the game saying "Are you serious? You're going to run away from a pig?! Your plan did not work when Phaea sees you inching away."; if Phaea is dead, say "A small seaside town, the lair of Poseidon's delirious son Sciron, with a cliff overlooking the deadly Saronic Gulf! To the northeast is the ravaged city of Crommyon.[paragraph break][if Sciron is in Corinth]You see a man who seems to be scrubbed squeaky clean, in comparison to all the other travellers you have come by. He says to you, 'Hey there traveller, you must be really tired, huh? Those sandals holding up, keeping your feet clean? How about you FOLLOW me over to my place and [i]wash my feet[/i]!!! I've got an excellent view of the beautiful Saronic Gulf from there!' all the while with a malicious look in his eyes, 'if you don't, I might just have to kill you slowly and painfully...'". Section 2 - People Phaea is a person in Crommyon. "There's a gigantic wild sow/pig named Phaea, the offspring of Typhon and Echidna, that flies around and destroys settlements!" Phaea carries a weapon called her body. The maximum damage of her body is 19. The maximum hit points of the Phaea is 20. Section 3 - Combat Every turn when in Crommyon: if Phaea is not dead begin; try Phaea attacking the player with her body; now the left hand status line is "You: [current hit points of player]"; now the right hand status line is "Phaea: [current hit points of Phaea]"; end if. Section 4 - Points Carry out attacking a dead Phaea: award 10 points. Every turn: if the current hit points of Phaea is less than 0 begin; remove Phaea from play; now the left hand status line is "Nearby: [if a room is adjacent][the list of adjacent rooms][end if][if a room is adjacent and a door is visible] and [end if][if a door is visible][the list of visible doors][end if]"; now the right hand status line is "Score:[score] Turns:[turn count]"; stop the action; end if. Report attacking a dead Phaea with something (this is the Phaea death priority rule): say "The giant sow falls to the ground, and you run up its back, delivering the finishing blow to its head!" instead. Chapter 5 - Corinth Corinth is a room. It is southwest of Crommyon. "A small seaside town, the lair of Poseidon's delirious son Sciron, with a cliff overlooking the deadly Saronic Gulf! To the northeast is the ravaged city of Crommyon." Section 1 - People Sciron is a man in Corinth. The maximum hit points of Sciron is 1000. "[if Sciron is in Corinth]You see a man who seems to be scrubbed squeaky clean, in comparison to all the other travellers you have come by. He says to you, 'Hey there traveller, you must be really tired, huh? Those sandals holding up, keeping your feet clean? How about you FOLLOW me over to my place and [i]wash my feet[/i]!!! I've got an excellent view of the beautiful Saronic Gulf from there!' all the while with a malicious look in his eyes, 'if you don't, I might just have to kill you slowly and painfully...'" Section 2 - Verbs After going in Corinth: say "[b]Corinth[/b][line break]A small seaside town, the lair of Poseidon's delirious son Sciron, with a cliff overlooking the deadly Saronic Gulf! To the northeast is the ravaged city of Crommyon." Understand "follow [someone]" as following. Following is an action applying to one thing. After following Sciron: say "Obediently, you follow Sciron to his house on the cliff leading to the Saronic Gulf. You take time to notice a large black shape in the water, at a distance from where you are. As he leads you, you take the time to devise a plan to escape from this man with your life."; now the player is in The Cliff; now Sciron is in The Cliff. Section 3 - Points Carry out following Sciron for the first time: award 1 point. Chapter 6 - The Cliff The Cliff is a room. It is west of Corinth and east of Saronic Gulf. "A cliff looking over the beautiful Saronic Gulf. You see a dark shape in the distance through the calm waves. To the east is the city of Corinth, and to the west is the Saronic Gulf. To your south is the city of Eleusis.[if Cliff is unvisited] Sciron looks at you triumphantly and says, 'Wash my feet, traveller!' You bend down and do so, not wanting to die, but looking out for the first sign of danger. As you are washing his feet, you notice a quick movement of his hands as if he were to GRAB you, and you tense." Section 1 - Verbs After going in Cliff for the first time: say "Sciron looks at you triumphantly and says, 'Wash my feet, traveller!' You bend down and do so, not wanting to die, but looking out for the first sign of danger. As you are washing his feet, you notice a quick movement of his hands as if he were to GRAB you, and you tense." Understand "grab [thing]", "shove [thing]", and "push [Sciron]" as grabbing. Grabbing is an action applying to one thing. Carry out grabbing Sciron: say "You manage to grab his feet, and pull him towards the edge and push him off into the Saronic Gulf! With lightning speed, the dark shape you saw in the distance rushes towards the cliff, and you see that it is a giant sea turtle! It swallows up Sciron in one gulp! Now you are sure you are safe, and you continue on your journey to Athens!"; now the current hit points of Sciron is 0; remove Sciron from play. After going in south from The Cliff: if Sciron is not dead, end the game saying "Hey! Where do you think your going! Sciron pulls you back and you are forced to wash feet again."; if Sciron is dead, say "This town is a bit larger than the rest that you have seen so far, and it looks rather more modern than the rest as well. Hopefully this means that you are nearing Athens! But you now know you shouldn't let your guard down, no matter how close you are to your goal. To the north is the cliff, and to your east is Procrustes' Fields.[if Eleusis is unvisited][paragraph break]As you thought, your journey is not over yet. In front of you is a large man, at least 7 feet tall, and all brute muscle. He yells at you, 'I IS GERCYON. POSEIDON SON OF. YOU ME WRESTLE. NOW. OR YOU NO PASS INTO CITY.' From this, you can see that he isn't very smart..." After going east from The Cliff: if Sciron is not dead, end the game saying "Hey! Where do you think your going! Sciron pulls you back and you are forced to wash feet again."; if Sciron is dead, say "A luxurious looking house stands here. Oh, how you would love to stop and rest in here! A sign says, 'Procrustes Rest House.[line break]Travellers! Come in and enjoy our world class services! Take a rest on our amazing patented beds!' Even better, you think to yourself. To the west is the town of Eleusis.". Section 2 - Points Carry out grabbing Sciron: award 10 points. Chapter 7 - Eleusis Eleusis is a room. It is south of The Cliff. "This town is a bit larger than the rest that you have seen so far, and it looks rather more modern than the rest as well. Hopefully this means that you are nearing Athens! But you now know you shouldn't let your guard down, no matter how close you are to your goal. To the north is the cliff, and to your east is Procrustes' Fields." Section 1 - People Gercyon is a man in Eleusis. Gercyon carries a weapon called his strength. The maximum damage of his strength is 5. The maximum hit points of Gercyon is 30. "As you thought, your journey is not over yet. In front of you is a large man, at least 7 feet tall, and all brute muscle. He yells at you, 'I IS GERCYON. POSEIDON SON OF. YOU ME WRESTLE. NOW. OR YOU NO PASS INTO CITY.' From this, you can see that he isn't very smart..." Section 2 - Combat After going in Eleusis, say "[b]Eleusis[/b][line break]This town is a bit larger than the rest that you have seen so far, and it looks rather more modern than the rest as well. Hopefully this means that you are nearing Athens! But you now know you shouldn't let your guard down, no matter how close you are to your goal. To the north is the cliff, and to your east is Procrustes' Fields.[if Eleusis is unvisited]...As you thought, your journey is not over yet. In front of you is a large man, at least 7 feet tall, and all brute muscle. He yells at you, 'I IS GERCYON. POSEIDON SON OF. YOU ME WRESTLE. NOW. OR YOU NO PASS INTO CITY.' From this, you can see that he isn't very smart...[end if]". Every turn when in Eleusis: if Gercyon is not dead begin; try Gercyon attacking the player with his strength; now the left hand status line is "You: [current hit points of player]"; now the right hand status line is "Gercyon: [current hit points of Gercyon]"; end if. Every turn: if the current hit points of Gercyon is less than 0 begin; remove Gercyon from play; now the left hand status line is "Nearby: [if a room is adjacent][the list of adjacent rooms][end if][if a room is adjacent and a door is visible] and [end if][if a door is visible][the list of visible doors][end if]"; now the right hand status line is "Score:[score] Turns:[turn count]"; stop the action; end if. Instead of attacking a dead Gercyon: say "You raise the wounded Gercyon off the ground, and smash him back into the dirt, delivering the final blow, killing him instantly." Carry out going east from Eleusis: if Gercyon is not dead, say "He manages catch up to you as you try to run away! You should've learned by now Theseus..." Section 3 - Points Carry out attacking a dead Gercyon: award 10 points. Chapter 8 - Procrustes' Fields Procrustes' Fields is a room. It is east of Eleusis. "A luxurious looking house stands here. Oh, how you would love to stop and rest in here! A sign says, 'Procrustes Rest House.[line break]Travellers! Come in and enjoy our world class services! Take a rest on our amazing patented beds!' Even better, you think to yourself. To the west is the town of Eleusis." Section 1 - Objects The Procrustes Rest House is in Procrustes' Fields. It is an enterable container. A bedstead is scenery in Procrustes Rest House. It is an enterable supporter. The small red button is part of the bedstead. Section 2 - Verbs After looking at the house: say "Looks pretty cozy." Carry out entering the house: say "[if unvisited]A large man in a suit come to greet you, and says, 'Good to meet you traveller, my name is Procrustes, proud owner of the Procrustes Rest House! Why don't you come over here and take a rest on this amazing bedstead placed conveniently right here!' Your mind tells you something is off about the whole situation, and that there is no one else here, but your body says otherwise, as you drag yourself to the bed and lay down, you immediately fall asleep. [paragraph break]A few hours later, you wake up. Something doesn't feel right...with a horrible feeling in your gut, you finally realize the trap you have walked into. You didn't realize it when you were tired, but now that your mind is rested up, you remember your grandpa telling you stories about a man who lured in tired travellers then stretched and KILLED them in their sleep! You seriously do not want this to become your fate, so you GET OFF the bed and hide to see what happens next. I guess there's only two options now: to ESCAPE or to WAIT."; now the current hit points of the player is the maximum hit points of the player; now the player is on the bedstead. Understand "run", "run away", "escape", "go", "go away" and "get out" as running. Running is an action applying to nothing. After running: say "You climb out of a window left ajar, and run away from the horrible house, towards the skyline of a large city, Athens, in the distance."; now the player is in Athens. After waiting: say "You wait for some time. After a while, Procrustes returns to the room and stares at the bed first in confusion, then anger. 'WHERE DID MY VICTIM GO?!?!' he yells, 'ARRRGGHH I should keep better track of my victims...anywho, he was probably too scared of me and ran off. Well, I'm REALLY tired, so maybe I'll just take a little na-zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz' Procrustes crashes down onto the bed you were just on and falls asleep. I think I can LOOK FOR for a button somewhere here that activates the bed's stretching mechanism..." Looking for is an action applying to one thing. Understand "look for [something]" as looking for. Instead of looking for: say "With a bit of luck, you have found a small red button below the bed's frame!" Understand "press [something]" as pushing. Instead of pushing the small red button: say "You press the button with a click, and this causes old rusty manacles to spring out, catching Procrustes' hands and feet in them, and the frame of the bed slowly stretches apart, awaking Procrustes. He looks around in confusion, and then the truth of the situation suddenly dawns on him. 'Wha-What is this? You can't do this to me!' he cries, 'I am the son of Hephaestus, father of Sinis!' You say right back to him with a small smirk, 'And my name is Theseus. I am the son of King Aegus, and I will claim the throne!' With a final wail from Procrustes, the bed stretches him and tears him into 2."; now the player is in Athens. Section 3 - Points Carry out going in The Procrustes Rest House for the first time: award 2 points. Carry out running when in The Procrustes Rest House for the first time: award 5 points. Carry out pushing the small red button for the first time: award 5 points. Part 5 - ATONEMENT WITH THE FATHER Chapter 1 - Athens Athens is a room. “[if Meeting Room is unvisited]Finally, you have made it to Athens! The Palace is east of Athens. You make your way through the busy and bustling heart of the city. There is a mix of smells in the air, clothes, food, wood etc. Merchants and customers walk around you as if you are some kind of alien. You examine the crowd. Soon, news about your battles reaches King Aegeus, you become known as the fighter and King Aegeus has invited you for a meeting at the palace which is to the east.[otherwise]Athens, the capital city of Greece.[end if]†Chapter 2 - Palace Palace is a room. It is east of Athens. “[if unvisited]You head up the steep hill to the Palace. You see a guard blocking the entrance to the Palace.[end if]The Palace is the grand residence of King Aegeus. It is lavishly decorated with a grand painting of Athens on the huge mahogany walls, and big busts of the King lineup to the door to the meeting place. To your east is a door that opens into the Meeting room where King Aegeus is." Section 1 - People The Guard is a man in Palace. "A guard is keeping watch at the door. Strong, and tall, with shiny armor - just like you! Well...except for the armor part." Section 2 - Verbs Before going through the entrance door: if the entrance door is closed: if the entrance door is locked: say "(first trying to open the door)[paragraph break]"; now the entrance door is locked; if the player is carrying the piece of paper: say "(first unlocking the door with the piece of paper, then opening the door) You have entered the Meeting room [paragraph break]"; now the entrance door is unlocked; now the entrance door is open. Instead of looking at the painting for the first time: award 2 points; say "This a priceless grand painting of Athens painted by a famous artist. [if the player is not carrying the paper] OH! You see a piece of paper stuck in the painting's frame.". Instead of examining the piece of paper: say "The piece of paper says 'Theseus'." After looking at the piece of paper: say "You can't really see it all that well, for it's stuck in the painting's frame." Instead of taking the paper for the first time: award 3 points; say "piece of paper: Taken."; now the player is carrying the paper. After looking at the busts: say “The busts of King Aedeus lineup to the door of the Meeting place.†Instead of opening the entrance door for the first time: award 5 points; say “The door leads to the meeting room. [if the player is not carrying the paper] OOF! The door is locked! It appears that you need some kind of pass to get through - the slot looks quite thin.†Section 3 - Objects The painting is in Palace. It is scenery. The piece of paper is in Palace. It is scenery in the Palace.The description is “An old piece of paper.†The entrance door is east of Palace and west of Meeting Room. The entrance door is a door. The entrance door is scenery. It is lockable and locked. The entrance door can be opened with a password. The busts is a scenery in Palace. It is a supporter. Chapter 3 - Meeting Room Meeting room is a room. It is east of the entrance door. “You enter the Meeting room and see King Aegeus sitting on his grand Throne. There is a long dining table covered with tons of food waiting for you that sits in front of the Throne and comfortable gold chairs sit around the table. The Meeting room is lit by the beautifully carved-in torches." After entering Meeting room: say “You are now in the Meeting room. You can see King Aegeus (your father) sitting on his throne and his other wife Medea who wants her son to take over the throne of Athens. [if unvisited] King Aegeus looks like he has been waiting for you. He has no clue that you are his son. You better go sit with them now.†Section 1 - People King Aegeus is on the throne. It is a male person. King Aegeus is scenery. “Wearing the royal crown, he looks more dignified and majestic, it covers the sad, worn look in his eyes which bore into your skull.†Section 2 - Objects The Throne is scenery in Meeting room. It is fixed in place. The dining table is scenery in Meeting room. It is fixed in place. The gold chair is in Meeting room. It is an enterable supporter in the Meeting room. The meat is scenery in Meeting room. The meat can be cut. Section 3 - Verbs After looking at the chair: say “A gold chair is here for you to sit on.†Instead of entering the chair: say “You sit down on the chair with a sense of anxiety and accomplishment, which doesn't feel comfortable at all...King Aegeus asks you about your battles with the enemies and you answer quite quickly. His wife is giving you a death stare seeing that the King is quite impressed by you. The King tells you to help yourself to the food presented on the table. You choose to have meat. Unfortunately, you realize there is no proper cutlery for you to use to CUT the meat and eat." Instead of cutting the meat: say "You pull out the knife you found under the boulder, and cut your meat with it. The king notices the knife, and a look of sudden realization and pride washes over his face. He says, 'Well, well, well. I must congratulate you my son, Theseus, for only you would have access to that knife and-' he pauses as he looks under the table and smiles 'And those sandals. Guards! Take away the imposter Medea and her son! And clear out proper resting quarters for my tired son!' You retire to your quarters after the meal."; remove the meat from play; move the player to Theseus' Quarters. Section 4 - Points Carry out entering the chair for the first time: award 3 points. Carry out cutting the meat for the first time: award 5 points. Chapter 4 - Theseus' Quarters Theseus' Quarters is a room. "A cozy little room furnished just for you!" Section 1 - Objects The cot is in Theseus' Quarters. It is an enterable supporter. It is fixed in place. "You see a nice little comfy looking bed. Perhaps you should SLEEP...zzz" Section 2 - Verbs Understand "sleep on bed", "sleep in bed", "sleep in the bed", "sleep" and "sleep on the bed" as entering. Instead of sleeping when in Theseus' Quarters: say "You lie down, and sleep for what seems like an eternity! Finally, you wake up to the sound of someone knocking on your door. You groggily get up and open it, and see it is the king. He looks at you and says, 'Theseus, my boy! Finally you have awoken! Today is the time we must pay the price of 7 boys and 7 girls to sail to Crete as food for the Minotaur...Theseus, please! You must sail to Crete where the Labyrinth of the Minataur is located, with the 14 children that are payment to King Minos of Crete! There you must go into the Labyrinth with them and as you keep them safe, you will look for the Minotaur and slay it. Good luck my son, I know you are a worthy warrior for already getting this far in your journey!' he ends with a chuckle. Make one promise to me. As you are sailing back, raise WHITE sails if you have succeeded in your quest."; now the player is in The Docks. Instead of entering the cot: say "You lie down, and sleep for what seems like an eternity! Finally, you wake up to the sound of someone knocking on your door. You groggily get up and open it, and see it is the king. [line break]He looks at you and says, 'Theseus, my boy! Finally you have awoken! Today is the time we must pay the price of 7 boys and 7 girls to sail to Crete as food for the Minotaur...Theseus, please! You must sail to Crete where the Labyrinth of the Minataur is located, with the 14 children that are payment to King Minos of Crete! There you must go into the Labyrinth with them and as you keep them safe, you will look for the Minotaur and slay it. Good luck my son, I know you are a worthy warrior for already getting this far in your journey!' he ends with a chuckle. Make one promise to me. As you are sailing back, raise [i]white[/i] sails if you have succeeded in your quest."; now the player is in The Docks. Section 3 - Points Carry out sleeping when in Theseus' Quarters: award 3 points. Carry out entering the cot: award 3 points. Part 6 - APOTHEOSIS Chapter 1 - The Docks The Docks is a room. It is south of Athens. "A giant dock with a dozen great ships tied to the moorings![if unvisited] There is one ship that looks like it is currently being prepared for a journey. Sure enough, as you walk up to this ship clad in your new armour and old weapons, you see an usher guiding people on board yelling, 'Next ship to Crete, make space for the 14 children and our hero, Theseus! [end if][if Minotaur is dead]Your ship arrives gracefully at the docks. You can hear the loud and bursting cheers of the Athenians crying out your name! As you make your way down to the dock, you see King Aegeus’s advisor but...you don’t see your dad! OH! You forgot to change the sails to black as your father asked you to!" Section 1 - Objects The ship is in The Docks. It is an enterable container. "A mighty looking ship stands tall and strong." Section 2 - Verbs After going south from Athens: say "The docks? That's a restricted access area! For now..."; move the player to Athens. After entering the ship: say "You see 14 sullen faced children standing against the dark interior inner hull of the ship, 14 children that know they will face certain death at the ship's destination, unless you can do something about it...this just reminds of the importance of your mission, and that you must succeed. 18 years of sacrificing 14 children each year...this must come to an end. You must sail for Crete!"; now the player is in Crete. Section 3 - Points Carry out entering the ship for the first time: award 3 points. Carry out sailing for the first time: award 5 points. Chapter 2 - Crete Crete is a room. "[if unvisited]You set sail for Crete, and get there in a matter of days! [end if]The largest and most populous of the Greek islands, with large mountain ranges and beautiful valleys, you find it hard to believe what is also located here...The labyrinth is located south of Crete." Section 1 - People Ariadne is a woman in Crete. "You see a beautiful young woman who does not seem surprised to see you clad for battle. Her name is Ariadne." Section 2 - Verbs After looking at Ariadne: say "She looks at you with a smile." Instead of talking to Ariadne: if Labyrinth is unvisited begin; say "She sees you and says, 'You must be Theseus. I have been informed of your arrival' with a smile. 'I know why you are here, and I assure you that what you are doing is very noble and only good will come out of it. I will help you any way I can.' She hands you a large spool of string. 'This string should save your life in the Labyrinth. Tie it to the entrance and unwind it as you explore the Labyrinth. Once the deed is done, wind the string back, and you will find your way back to the entrance. Good luck Thesus!' she says as she walks away without another word'[line break]"; now the player is carrying Ariadne's string; remove Ariadne from play; end if. After going south from Crete: if the player is not carrying Ariadne's string, end the game saying "You wander around in the Labyrinth and get lost, and die of hunger! Maybe you should have brought something to guide you..."; if the player is carrying Ariadne's string, say "[b]Labyrinth[/b][line break]You have come to the start of the gigantic labyrinth. Go north to start the search for the Minotaur." Section 3 - Objects Ariadne's string is scenery in Crete. It is portable. Section 4 - Points Carry out talking to Ariadne for the first time: award 3 points. Carry out going south: if the player is carrying Ariadne's string, award 5 points. Part 7 - THE ULTIMATE BOON Chapter 1 - Labyrinth Labyrinth is a room. It is south of Crete. "You have come to the start of the gigantic labyrinth. Go north to start the search for the Minotaur." Section 1 - Labyrinth Centre The Labyrinth's Centre is a room. It is north of Room4. Section 2 - Labyrinth Chambers A Labyrinth Chamber is a kind of room. The description of a Labyrinth Chamber is "[one of]You look down and see what appears to be a human skull. *shiver* You seriously don't want to know who that once was...[or]As you enter the room, a horrible stench hits your nose! You look around and locate a rotting carcass of what seems to be a cow or an animal of the sort.[or]A chill runs down your spine as you see a human corpse lying on the ground almost as if they were sleeping, still clad in armor with a rusted sword and shield lying nearby.[or]This room seems to be lit a bit brighter than the rest of the ones you've come across. You must be getting close to the centre of the Labyrinth where the Minotaur is![at random]" Room1, Room2, Room3, Room4, Room5, Room6, Room7, Room8, Room9, Room10, and Room11 are Labyrinth Chambers. Section 3 - Room1 Room1 is southeast of Room2. The description of Room1 is "You look down and see what appears to be a human skull. *shiver* You seriously don't want to know who that once was..." Section 4 - Room2 Room2 is north of Labyrinth. The description of Room2 is "As you enter the room, a horrible stench hits your nose! You look around and locate a rotting carcass of what seems to be a cow or an animal of the sort." Section 5 - Room3 Room3 is east of Room1. The description of Room3 is "A chill runs down your spine as you see a human corpse lying on the ground almost as if they were sleeping, still clad in armor with a rusted sword and shield lying nearby." Section 6 - Room4 Room4 is northwest of Room3. The description of Room4 is "This room seems to be lit a bit brighter than the rest of the ones you've come across. You must be getting close to the centre of the Labyrinth where the Minotaur is! There's a noise over to the north..." Section 7 - Room5 Room5 is east of Room2 and north of Room1. After going in Room5: end the game saying "You step on a tile activating a trap, as mini nuclear bombs drop out from the ceiling, and you start to deform from the radiation!" Section 8 - Room6 Room6 is southwest of Room1. After going in Room6: end the game saying "You step onto sand, thinking of the summers you spend on beaches, as the quicksand sucks you in!" Section 9 - Room7 Room7 is west of Room4. After going in Room7: end the game saying "'This room seems safe...' you think as you are walking towards the other side of the room. Suddenly you trip over a thin piece of rope, and spears shoot out of two sides of the room, impaling you quite a number of times!" Section 10 - Room8 Room8 is northeast of Room4. After going in Room8: end the game saying "As you walk into the room, wooden spikes pop out of the ground, impaling you from the bottom! OUCH!" Section 11 - Room9 Room9 is southwest of Room3 and southeast of Room1. After going in Room9: end the game saying "You see a gigantic meal laid out. Before you can think of what a gourmet meal is doing in a Labyrinth, your stomach takes over as you down the whole serving. You start to feel a burning sensation in your whole body, as the poisoned food burns you from the inside out!" Section 12 - Room10 Room10 is northwest of Room4. After going in Room10: end the game saying "As you walk in the door, a giant bucket of water falls on your head! Except the bucket is spiked with poison for some reason..." Section 13 - Room11 Room11 is south of Room1. After going in Room11: end the game saying "You step in, and your tired body decides to sleep on the bed placed in the room. As you sleep the roaming Minotaur in the Labyrinth finds you and kills you with one blow from his club!" Section 14 - People (Minotaur) The Minotaur is a male person in Labyrinth's Centre. The maximum hit points of the Minotaur is 35. “The Minotaur is a monstrous giant, with the head of a bull and the body of a man.[if room is unvisited] The Minotaur was the offspring of Mino's wife, Pasiphae, and a handsome bull.†Section 15 - Objects Minotaur carries a weapon called his horns. The maximum damage of his horns is 15. Section 16 - Verbs Every turn when in Labyrinth’s Centre: if Minotaur is not dead, try Minotaur attacking the player with his horns; now the left hand status line is "You: [current hit points of player]"; now the right hand status line is "Minotaur: [current hit points of Minotaur]"; if the current hit points of Minotaur is less than 1, remove Minotaur from play; now the left hand status line is "Nearby: [if a room is adjacent][the list of adjacent rooms][end if][if a room is adjacent and a door is visible] and [end if][if a door is visible][the list of visible doors][end if]"; now the right hand status line is "Score:[score] Turns:[turn count]"; stop the action. Report attacking a dead Minotaur with something (this is the Minotaur death priority rule): award 10 points; now the player is in Docks; say "You take a deep breath of relief as you slay the mighty beast with your powerful weapon!" instead. Section 17 - Points Carry out going in Labyrinth's Centre for the first time: award 5 points. Carry out attacking Minotaur for the first time: award 3 points. Part 8 - The Magic Flight Chapter 1 - Back to Athens The Harbour is a room. “The bright yellow sun the high in the sky, casting its light upon the calm sea. The air smelled salty, while very refreshing. Evergreen trees danced along with the breeze.[if Labyrinth is unvisited] A lone merchant was standing by a boat and talking to someone. The sound of the citizens hustling could be heard in the distance. A gigantic gate could be seen along a wide path through the trees. A strange silhouette can be seen between the trees to the east.[end if ] Immediately, you and the remaining tributes including Ariadne are escorted into the big ship. When all else is ready, you start the ship’s engine and set off for the journey back to Athens where your father will be waiting eagerly for you. Sail east to get to Athens.†Understand "sail", "set sail", "sail for Athens", "sail to Athens" and "set sail for Athens" as sailing. Sailing is an action applying to nothing. Carry out sailing: move the player to Athens; now the score is 100; move the ship to Athens. Section 1 - People Advisor is a man in Docks. He is scenery in Docks. Section 2 - Verbs Instead of talking to Advisor: say “He says, 'I am King Aegeus’s advisor. You forgot to change the sails of the ship to white as your father had asked you to. I am terribly sorry to say this. King Aegeus of Athens had committed suicide as he saw the black sails of your ship and thought that you had not made it back to Athens. He could not stand the sorrow and committed the suicide.'I think you should go back to Athens. â€