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Error Game
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When play begins: say "[bold type] Welcome To the Game. 'Watch Your Step'" [paragraph break][roman type] [STARTING ROOM] The Starting room is a room. "The starting room is a blank room. Everything is white with the exception of the door. The door is a gold/white combination. There is a door to the south." The Silver Key is an object. A Silver Key is carried. The description of the silver key is "Just a regular house key. Use it to open something. Maybe a door. 'open ____ with ______'" [BEDROOM] The Bedroom door is north of the Starting Room and south of the Bedroom. The bedroom door is a locked door. The bedroom door is closed and openable. The silver key unlocks the bedroom door. The candle is inside the bedroom. Bedroom is a dark room. The candle is a device. After switching on the candle: say "You went to light the candle and it came alive, beauty and the beast style, and slaps you into the next dimension"; end the game in death. The candle is switched off. Understand "light [device]" as switching on. Rug is an object. Rug is in the bedroom. After taking rug: say "You lifted the weight off of the pressure plate by taking the rug. [bold type]BOOM![roman type]"; end the game in death [Hallway] Hallway is a room. Hallway is west of starting room. [Hallway Section 2] Hallway Section 2 is a room. Hallway Section 2 is west of hallway. [Dining room] Dining Room is a room. Dining room is south of hallway section 2. [Kitchen] Kitchen is a room. Kitchen is north of hallway section 2. [Pantry] Pantry is a room. Pantry is east of the kitchen. "Full of snacks and food" [Living Room] Living room is a room. Living room is west of the kitchen. "There is a couch, a coffee table, two chairs, and a chandelier." [Living Room Section 2] Living room section 2 is a room. Living room section 2 is north of the living room. [Hallway Section 3] Hallway Section 3 is a room. Hallway section 3 is west of hallway section 2. [Bathroom] Bathroom is a room. bathroom is west of hallway section 3. [Bedroom 1] Bedroom 1 is a room. Bedroom 1 is north of hallway section 3. [Bedroom 2] Bedroom 2 is a room. Bedroom 2 is south of hallway section 3. [code to handle the action of blinking] blinking is an action applying to nothing. understand "blink" as blinking. understand "blinked" as blinking. understand "teleport" as blinking. [code to move the player to the next room] after blinking: move the player to starting room; [BATTERY] A battery is a kind of thing. A battery has a number called charge. The charge of a battery is usually 15. Every turn: repeat with hollow running through battery compartments: if the hollow is part of a switched on device (called the machine): if a battery (called cell) is in the hollow: decrease the charge of the cell by 1; carry out the warning about failure activity with the machine; if the cell is discharged, carry out the putting out activity with the machine. Warning about failure of something is an activity. Rule for warning about failure of a device (called the machine): if a random battery compartment which is part of the machine contains a battery (called the power source): if the charge of the power source is 2, say "[The machine] is obviously going to go out quite soon." Putting out something is an activity. Rule for putting out a device (called the machine): say "[The machine] loses power and switches off![line break]"; silently try switching off the machine. A battery compartment is a kind of container. A battery compartment is usually closed and openable. One battery compartment is part of every device. Instead of inserting something which is not a battery into a battery compartment, say "Only batteries should go in a battery compartment." Understand "turn on [device]" as switching on. Understand "turn off [device]" as switching off. Understand "open [openable closed thing]" as opening. Understand "close [openable open thing]" as closing. Understand "put [something] in [container]" as inserting it into. Understand "use [device]" as switching on. Instead of opening a device, try opening a random battery compartment which is part of the noun. Instead of closing a device, try closing a random battery compartment which is part of the noun. Instead of inserting a battery into a device, try inserting the noun into a random battery compartment which is part of the second noun. Instead of switching on an empty device: say "Nothing happens, perhaps because there isn't a charged battery in [the noun]." Instead of switching on a battery compartment which is part of a device (called the power user), try switching on the power user. Definition: a device is empty if a random battery compartment which is part of it contains a battery (called the power source): if the power source is discharged, yes; no; yes. Definition: a battery is discharged if its charge < 1. A light source is a kind of device. Carry out switching on a light source: now the noun is lit. Carry out switching off a light source: now the noun is unlit. The flashlight is a light source. A D battery is a battery carried by the player. Instead of switching on a flashlight: If battery is in flashlight Begin; if flashlight is unlit Begin; now flashlight is lit; say "You switch the flashlight on."; Otherwise; now the flashlight is unlit; say "Without a power source, you will not see the light."; End if. [FLASHLIGHT] The flashlight is a light source . The flashlight is switched off. After switching on the flashlight, now the flashlight is lit. The flashlight is in the starting room.