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Rons Wood-shop
Sylvain Lefebure
Played 278 times
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The Entrance is east of the Display Room. The description of The Entrance is "The walls are yellow and the paint is peeling. Behind the peeling paint are maroon bricks." The Shooting Range is west of the Display Room. The description of The Shooting Range is "There are Winchesters and Glocks hanging on the wall." The Staff Room is north of the Display Room. The description of The Staff Room is "The walls are gray and have portraits of the founding family. There are a few vending machines and coffee makers." The description of the Display Room is "There are hunting trophy's hanging from the wall and some of the wood work from past members in glass showcases." The Wood-shop is north of the Staff Room. The description of the Wood-shop is "There are saws and sawdust all over the place." The description of the Cellar is "Its dimly lit and smells like rotten flesh. There are boxes with tons of packed wood." The Cellar is below the Wood-Shop. The Winchester is a thing in the Shooting Range.