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hubery yang
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When the entire game begins: say "Commands list: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fXnlAxJfkU9_F1I5tu04dJvIq3LH33boNZ2GzyrYprU/edit?usp=sharing[line break].[line break].[line break].[line break]You watch as your last remaining supplies of water drip into your mouth, one droplet by another. Days have passed since they last checked on you, confined within the crammed cell with a single grate on the ceiling allowing in natural light, where you have endured for months. As you lie there, lifeless, on the cold, stone floor of the dimmed cell, with ragged, plain clothes and a chained foot, hope begins to fade. You roll over, now facing the ceiling, gazing into the grated twilight sky, so close yet so far. Your drying throat, bruised body, throbbing ankle, and shivers tend to all fade. Your eyes begin to close, and you drift off to eternal sleep." Home is a room. "[if Home is unvisited]You are enveloped in a comforting warmth. A familiar, warm glow can be seen through your eyelids, which you open. You find yourself in a wooden cabin of logs, your own, built by yourself. You take off your blanket, being met with the morning chills, and open the wooden window, allowing both the humid, summer air and the shining, almost magical, sunlight to flow in. Looking outside, the village square can be seen, with merchants preparing for the day. You also spot Anson, the owner of the local pharmacy and a frequent client of yours, being a freelancing gatherer, having a drink on the public bench, seemingly preoccupied with thought.[line break] [line break]Your few belongings lie strewn about the floor in a jumbled mess. An old family photo rests flat on the floor, alongside your worn rucksack and rusty sickle. The front door runs along the east of your room.[Otherwise] Your few belongings lie strewn about the floor in a jumbled mess. An old family photo rests flat on the floor, alongside your worn rucksack and rusty sickle. The front door runs along the east of your room." The family photo is scenery in Home. The description of the family photo is "Your wife and two children meet your gaze with warm, bright smiles. The date reads, 'April 23, 2567'. You glance at it with melancholy and shed a few tears." Understand "picture", "pic", and "image" as family photo. Instead of taking the family photo: say "As you reach out to grab it, you hesitate. Let's leave it as is." The sickle is a thing in Home. The description of sickle is “A rusting sickle you bought from the market ages ago. The wooden handle has clearly been worn by time, being bruised and dirtied, and the hook has been slowly loosening”. Sickle is undescribed. The rucksack is a thing in Home. The rucksack is undescribed. Instead of examining the rucksack, say "This trusty bag of yours has served you for as long as you can remember. Its straps are beginning to wear, but they'll last." Understand "bag", "backpack", and "knapsack" as rucksack. Instead of taking the rucksack: say "You pick up the bag by its straps. You can store any items you collect in here now"; Now the description of home is “Your few belongings lie strewn about the floor in a jumbled mess. An old family photo rests flat on the floor, alongside your rusty sickle. The front door runs along the east wall.”; Continue the action. Instead of going east while in home: If player has sickle: Now the player is in Village square; Otherwise: Say “You should take your sickle with you.”. Village square is a room. Village square is east of home. "The village square is shrouded in a thin early morning mist, and the various markets lining the square are setting up with various goods. The village well lies northeast of the square, and a path leading toward the gate of the settlement stretches out towards the mountains in the east." Anson is a person in the Village square. Anson can be red, green, or black. Anson is red. Understand “Anson” and “Anson” as Anson. “Anson sits in hesitation and thought.” The description of Anson is “Anson is a stumpy, brown-haired white man with gentle eyes and a full, unkempt, and bushy beard.” Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand “talk to [someone]” as talking to. Instead of talking to Anson: If Anson is red: say “You walk up to Anson, your frequent customer, and greet him.[line break][line break] Anson: Oh, player, you are just who I wanted to see. Just last night, I developed a cure for the common cold, and I am now lacking certain ingredients to mass produce it. I understand that today is your off-day, but I wish to bring this product to my shelves as soon as possible. Will you do it for me? I know you will. Please gather a dozen glowroots, silverleafs, dreamblossoms, and shadowferns, respectively. Oh, and also my platinum blue eyes white dragon card, which I lost, on a walk, in the uncharted territories near the forest yesterday. You bring me those and I will reward you handsomely. [line break][line break] Oh yeah, I have maps for you with locations of said materials marked, but, with your expertise, I’m sure you won’t need them. Come back anytime and ask me for one if you do need it though.”; now Anson is green; otherwise if Anson is green: If player carries glowroot and player carries silverleaf and player carries dreamblossom and player carries shadowfern and player carries platinum blue eyes white dragon: say "You give the glowroots, silverleaves, dreamblossoms, shadowferns, and his coveted platinum blue eyes white dragon card to Anson[line break][line break] Anson: Wow, that was faster than I had expected. Here is your reward.[line break][line break]He hands you $300[line break][line break] Oh yeah, I also wanted to give you this thing I found, just today. It looks like some sort of card, but I don’t have any use for it. I thought maybe you would, while exploring the wilds, you know? Anyways, here you go.[line break][line break] Anson hands you a mysterious card."; Now player carries Mysterious Card; Now Anson carries glowroot; Now Anson carries silverleaf; Now Anson carries dreamblossom; Now Anson carries shadowfern; Now Anson carries platinum blue eyes white dragon; Now Anson is black; Otherwise: Say “Remember, a dozen glowroots, silverleafs, dreamblossoms, shadowferns, and my platinum blue eyes white dragon. I recommend you leave before noon, and I will reward you handsomely upon return.”; otherwise if Anson is black: say "Anson: Thank you very much, you were a great help. I’ll get working right after I finish this drink." Instead of asking Anson about “map”: If Anson is black: Say “Anson: Oh, you want a map? Sure, here you go. Also, you know, I heard there was something interesting over in the plains. I advise you, as a gatherer to go check it out.”; Now player carries map; Otherwise: Say “Anson: Oh, you want a map? Sure, here you go. Also, you know, I heard there was something interesting over in the plains. I strongly advise you, as a gatherer to go check it out after you’ve finished this commission.”; Now player carries map. Map is an object. Anson carries map. The description of map is “https://www.canva.com/design/DAGBkvJiizc/abhGf-V-VGBaQU3eBmChBw/edit?utm_content=DAGBkvJiizc&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton” Mysterious Card is an object. Anson carries Mysterious Card. The description of Mysterious Card is “A mysterious card, given to you by Anson. The card is unscratched and solid coloured, in pure golden yellow.” markets are scenery in village square. "The local vendors sell synthesized crops and crafted goods here. No shops seem to be open yet." Understand "market", "shop", and "shops" as markets. mountain range is scenery in village square. "You can see the gorgeous mountain range from where you stand in the village square. Mount Elbrus still towers over the rest, despite the monstrous cavity on its side." Village well is a room. Village well is northeast of village square. "The village well is surrounded by dense foliage. You can hear the faint swishes of water deep below the ground." Stone well is scenery in the Village well. The description of Stone well is "This well has been one of the only clean sources of water for the village since the Final Perdition. A thick layer of mud coats the stone walls." Understand "well" and "village well" as Stone well. Foliage is scenery in the Village well. The description of foliage is "Large green leaves and vines wrap around the well, as if they are reaching out for water too." Understand "vines" and "leaves" as Foliage. Gate is a room. Gate is east of village square. “You stand, from within the village, in front of the village gate, a homely, but grandiose in size, pair of wooden doors with chipping paint and rotting edges. Beside them are the nostalgic stone bricked walls, with moss creeping along the crevices, that have accompanied you since youth. You may exit through the gate, toward the east, or head to the village square in the west.” Crossroad is a room. Crossroad is east of Gate. “[If crossroad is unvisited]You walk through the gate and find a cross road presenting 3 paths ahead. Toward the south lies the mountain range, with a dirt path walked by countless steps. Toward the southeast lies the great forest, path similarly worn. Toward the northeast, leading into the mists, lie a path clearly less traveled by. There is also the path, in the west, back into the village square.[Otherwise]The trampled ground presents 4 paths. Toward the west lies the gate back into the village. Toward the south lies the mountain range, with a dirt path walked by countless steps. Toward the southeast lies the great forest, path similarly worn. Toward the northeast, leading into the mists, lie a path clearly less traveled by." Entrance to the Forest is a room. Entrance to the forest is southeast of Crossroad. “[If entrance to the forest is unvisited]You arrive at the entrance to the forest. The forest, from here, seems unending, with oak trees stretching to infinity on both sides. The ground, with tall, wet grasses and various types of vegetation, sparkles with the scattered sun. You can move into the forest in the northeast, through an existing path, enter directly into the wilderness in the southeast, or return toward the village in the northwest.[otherwise] The forest, from here, seems unending, with oak trees stretching to infinity on both sides. The ground, with tall, wet grasses and various types of vegetation, sparkles with the scattered sun. You can move into the forest in the northeast, through an existing path, enter directly into the wilderness in the southeast, or return toward the village in the northwest.” Forest1 is a room. Forest1 is northeast of Entrance to the forest. The printed name of Forest1 is “Forest”. “[if forest1 is unvisited]You enter the forest, along the existing path. As you walk, the trees visibly thicken in density. Insects can be more frequently seen throughout. and the dirt path created by footsteps fades. You continue walking until you are surrounded by wilderness. Nothing of note surrounds you. You have one clear and unobstructed path in the northeast, and a path returning to the village in the southwest.[otherwise]Wilderness surrounds you. Here is where both trees and insects change in density and the dirt path created by footsteps of previous travelers fade. You spot nothing of note in the area. You have one clear and unobstructed path deeper into the forest in the northeast, and a path returning to the village in the southwest.” Forest2 is a room. Forest2 is northeast of forest1. The printed name of Forest2 is “Forest”. “You reach another point in the forest. Nothing notable lies within the area. You can continue to the southeast, northeast, or southwest.” Forest3 is a room. Forest3 is southeast of Forest2. The printed name of Forest3 is “Forest”. “You reach another point in the forest. Growing beside an oak tree, you spot a bunch of dark herbs with an ominous aura. Their gray leaves seem dry and are curling around the black epicenter of the lotus-like herb. You recognize it as a group of shadowferns. You can continue to the northeast, northwest, or southeast.” Shadowfern is an object. Shadowfern is in Forest3. Understand “Shadowferns” as the plural of a shadowfern. Shadowfern can be lot or little. When play begins: Now Shadowfern is lot. Understand “shadow” as shadowfern. The description of shadowfern is “The shadowfern looks like a lotus-like flower with curling gray leaves and a black center.” Instead of taking Shadowfern: If shadowfern is lot: Say “You pick a dozen shadowferns, keeping them in your bag, and leave the rest to allow for reproduction.”; Now the player carries shadowfern; Now Shadowfern is little; Otherwise if shadowfern is little: Say “You hesitate, as you have already gathered enough to fulfill your client. You know that the balance of nature must not be disturbed, so you choose not to collect any more.” Forest4 is a room. Forest4 is northeast of Forest3. Forest4 is south of Forest6. Forest4 is southeast of Forest5. Forest4 is southwest of Forest7. The printed name of Forest4 is “Forest”. “You reach another point in the forest. On the ground, you spot a some silverleaves, an ordinary, weed-like herb, only slightly more lustrous. You can continue to the north, northwest, northeast, southwest, or southeast.” Silverleaf is an object. Silverleaf is in Forest4. Understand “Silverleaves” as the plural of a Silverleaf. Silverleaf can be lot or little. When play begins: Now Silverleaf is lot. Understand “Silver” as Silverleaf. The description of silverleaf is “The Silverleaf looks like a regular weed with ever-so-slightly more luster.” Instead of taking Silverleaf: If Silverleaf is lot: Say “You pick a dozen Silverleaves, keeping them in your bag, and leave the rest to allow for reproduction.”; Now the player carries Silverleaf; Now Silverleaf is little; Otherwise if Silverleaf is little: Say “You hesitate, as you have already gathered enough to fulfill your client. You know that the balance of nature must not be disturbed, so you choose not to collect any more.” Forest5 is a room. Forest5 is northeast of Forest2. Forest5 is southeast of Forest8. Forest5 is west of Forest6. Forest5 is southwest of Forest9. Forest5 is northwest of Forest4. The printed name of Forest5 is “Forest”. “You reach another point in the forest. Nothing notable lies within the area. You can continue to the east, northeast, southeast, southwest, or northwest.” Forest6 is a room. Forest6 is east of Forest5. Forest6 is north of Forest4. Forest6 is south of Forest9. Forest6 is west of Forest7. The printed name of Forest6 is “Forest”. “You reach another point in the forest. Nothing notable lies within the area. You can continue to the north, south, west, or east.” Forest7 is a room. Forest7 is east of Forest6. Forest7 is southeast of Forest9. Forest7 is northeast of Forest4. The printed name of Forest7 is “Forest”. “You reach another point in the forest. Nothing notable lies within the area. You can continue to the west, southwest or northwest.” Forest8 is a room. Forest8 is northwest of Forest5. The printed name of Forest8 is “Forest”. “You reach another point in the forest. Coiling around a tree branch like fines, you find dreamblossoms. They almost shine in the sunlight, and take the shape of spider lilies, only blue. You can continue to the southeast.” Dreamblossom is an object. Dreamblossom is in Forest8. Understand “Dreamblossoms” as the plural of a Dreamblossom. Dreamblossom can be lot or little. When play begins: Now Dreamblossom is lot. Understand “Dream” as Dreamblossom. The description of dreamblossom is “The Dreamblossom looks very similar to spider lilies, only blue in colour.” Instead of taking Dreamblossom: If Dreamblossom is lot: Say “You pick a dozen Dreamblossoms, keeping them in your bag, and leave the rest to allow for reproduction.”; Now the player carries Dreamblossom; Now Dreamblossom is little; Otherwise if Dreamblossom is little: Say “You hesitate, as you have already gathered enough to fulfill your client. You know that the balance of nature must not be disturbed, so you choose not to collect any more.” Forest9 is a room. Forest9 is north of Forest6. Forest9 is northwest of Forest7. Forest9 is northeast of Forest5. The printed name of Forest9 is “Forest”. “You reach another point in the forest. You spot a group of herbs that look like celery. Pulling them out, their bright, golden roots shimmer in the light. You recognize them as glowroots. You can continue to the south, southwest, or southeast.” Glowroot is an object. Glowroot is in Forest9. Understand “Glowroots” as the plural of a Glowroot. Glowroot can be lot or little. When play begins: Now Glowroot is lot. Understand “Glow” as Glowroot. The description of glowroot is “The Glowroot has magnificent, golden roots.” Instead of taking Glowroot: If Glowroot is lot: Say “You pick a dozen Glowroots, keeping them in your bag, and leave the rest to allow for reproduction.”; Now the player carries Glowroot; Now Glowroot is little; Otherwise if Glowroot is little: Say “You hesitate, as you have already gathered enough to fulfill your client. You know that the balance of nature must not be disturbed, so you choose not to collect any more.” Forest10 is a room. Forest10 is southeast of entrance to the forest. The printed name of Forest10 is “Forest”. “You wander into the pathless wild, and are surrounded by brightly lit trees, plants, and bushes. Moss covers stone and bark alike, and you advance into denser and denser forests. You may continue southeast or return northwest, toward the village.” Forest11 is a room. Forest11 is southeast of Forest10. The printed name of Forest11 is “Forest”. “You remain surrounded by wilderness. The bushes and grass only grow taller as you advance, and can see very little of your surroundings. You also begin to notice vines encircling and hanging from branches. Through an opening in the vegetation, you spot a clearing in the distant east, the only direction you may continue, apart from returning to the northwest.” Vines is scenery. Vines is in forest11. “Green, lengthy vines with the occasional thorn. They do not appear to be special in any way.” Forest12 is a room. Forest12 is east of Forest11. The printed name of Forest12 is “Forest”. “You encounter a fork in the road. You may return to the west, the direction of the village, continue to the east, where the clearing, now more visible, lies, or head south to explore the unknown.” Forest13 is a room. Forest13 is east of Forest12. The printed name of Forest13 is “Forest”. “You have reached the mysterious clearing in the forest, noticing that it is near a perfect circle, or at least much too perfect to be natural. At the middle of this clearing is a pedestal of strangely purple marble with a single, upright book, standing on its edges. You may return to the west.” The Book is scenery in forest13. “The book has a white cover. The texture, you feel, is canvas-like, and the title read: 4W. You open it and flip through the pages, before you realize that the entire book is a summary on the history of Tetris, the world’s greatest puzzle game. You put the book down in disappointment.” Instead of taking The Book: Say “Why would you want that?”. Pedestal is scenery. Pedestal is in forest13. “You more closely examine the marble and realize that it is rooted further underground. You dig out the ground beneath it and push it over, revealing a purple T shape. You push the piece of marble back upright in disappointment.” Instead of taking Pedestal: Say “You don’t even entertain the thought of taking such a thing.”. Forest14 is a room. Forest14 is southeast of Forest4. Forest14 is northeast of Forest15. The printed name of Forest14 is “Forest”. “You reach another point in the forest. Nothing notable lies within the area. You can continue to the northwest or southwest.” Forest15 is a room. Forest15 is southeast of Forest3. Forest15 is southwest of Forest14. The printed name of Forest15 is “Forest”. “You reach another point in the forest. Nothing notable lies within the area. You can continue to the northwest or northeast.” Timemachine is a room. Timemachine is south of Forest12. The printed name of timemachine is “Forest”. “You walk down the mysterious path and discover a, rather small, patch of dirt in the middle of lively vegetation. In the middle of the patch of dirt lies a strange, small device along with a platinum blue eyes white dragon card, glimmering in the sunlight with brilliance. You may return to the north.” Instead of eating platinum blue eyes white dragon: Say “Consuming a coveted Yu-Gi-Oh card? How dare you.” After taking time machine: If player carries platinum blue eyes white dragon: Now the description of timemachine is “You walk down the mysterious path and discover an empty patch of dirt in the middle of lively vegetation. You may return to the north.”; Otherwise if the player does not carry platinum blue eyes white dragon: Now the description of timemachine is “You walk down the mysterious path and discover a, rather small, patch of dirt in the middle of lively vegetation. In the middle of the patch of dirt lies a lone platinum blue eyes white dragon card, glimmering in the sunlight with brilliance. You may return to the north.”. After taking the platinum blue eyes white dragon: If the player carries time machine: Now the description of timemachine is “You walk down the mysterious path and discover an empty patch of dirt in the middle of lively vegetation. You may return to the north.”; Otherwise if the player does not carry time machine: Now the description of timemachine is “You walk down the mysterious path and discover a, rather small, patch of dirt. In the middle of the patch of dirt lies a strange, small device. You may return to the north.” Platinum Blue Eyes White Dragon is an object in timemachine. Platinum blue eyes white dragon is undescribed. “A lustrous and coveted Yu-Gi-Oh card, owned by Anson, depicting a white dragon with blue eyes.” Understand “card” as Platinum Blue Eyes White Dragon. Time machine is an object in timemachine. The printed name of time machine is “Strange device”. Understand “Strange device”, “Unknown device”, “device”, and “Strange small device” as time machine. Time machine is undescribed. “You closely examine the silver device and notice an engraving on the edge of the face, reading: WORLD DOMINATOR PROTOTYPE 9000!!. On the face of the device is a grayed out digital screen.” Instead of taking time machine: Now player carries time machine; Say “Taken.” Instead of taking platinum blue eyes white dragon: Now player carries platinum blue eyes white dragon; Say “Taken.” Instead of going north while in timemachine: If player carries time machine: Now the player is in forest12; Otherwise: say “You feel an urge to bring the unknown device with you. It may prove useful.” Foot of the Mountain is a room. Foot of the Mountain is south of Crossroad. “You arrive at the foot of the mountain. Here, the towering presence of Mount Elbrus can be felt looming over you, and, glancing at the mountain, the steep slope to the peak can be seen. You see a sign next to the entrance to the mountain, and you have the options of advancing into the mountain, in the south, or returning north." Sign is an object. Sign is in the Foot of the Mountain. Sign can be pooe or iue. Sign is pooe. Instead of examining sign: If sign is pooe: say “Peeling the pieces of hardened mud off the wooden sign carved with words, you uncover the hidden texts; ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK, it says. There is also an aged drawing of a heart with initials, also carved, into the bottom left corner of the sign, distinguishable due to its shading and texture. ”; Now the sign is iue; Otherwise if the sign is iue: Say “Glancing at the sign, you read the words engraved into the wooden sign: Enter at your own risk. You also see the carving of a heart on the bottom left corner of the wooden sign.” Clearing of the Mountain is a room. Clearing of the Mountain is south of Foot of the Mountain. “You venture further into the mountain, with the peak as your target, and you stop at a clearing. Surrounding you are trees of lively green, and beneath you the diminishing tracks of past hikers along with many fallen leaves. The morning sun peaks through the openings of the astonishingly thick trees, of both pine and oak, with rough, darkened bark, that fill the mountain. One great tree, rather close to you, towers above the rest, with a hard-to-identify object lying, partially buried, at its base. You may continue onward, south, or return north.” Peak of the Mountain is a room. Peak of the mountain is south of clearing of the mountain. “[If peak of the mountain is unvisited]You arrive at the peak of the mountain, a flat plateau with little to note. Here, the air is noticeably colder and you find it more difficult to breeze. Scanning the surroundings, you can see the beautiful landscape. Land, both vast plains and greenery, stretch to oblivion, and the morning mists give the terrain a heavenly atmosphere. In front of you, in the south, is the unprotected edge of the mountain cliff.[otherwise]You stand at the peak of the mountain, a flat plateau with little to note. Here, the air is noticeably colder and you find it more difficult to breeze. Scanning the surroundings, you can see the beautiful landscape. Land, both vast plains and greenery, stretch to oblivion, and the morning mists give the terrain a heavenly atmosphere. You may head to the the unprotected edge of the mountain cliff in the south, or return to the north.” Edge of the cliff is a room. Edge of the cliff is south of peak of the mountain. “Approaching the cliff, you notice that two pairs of footsteps line the edge, one pair larger and the other smaller. Now peering down, you are met with a bewitching sight: a magnificent landscape of a mountain range, covered in ridges, valleys, and unique vegetation. You notice every feature of the mountain, the immense amount of greenery, the shadow cast upon the rest of the mountain by the ridges, that seem to rise in a sine wave-like curvature, the depth of the valleys and cracks in between steep cliffs, and the winding paths, cutting through the forest, toward the peak at which you stand. Here, you are aligned with the birds of the sky. The sun glares at you through the mists, and you feel as if you are atop the world. You may return from the edge, to the north.” Instead of going south while in edge of the cliff: say “You leap off the edge, freefalling into the mass of trees. As you fall, you catch a fleeting glimpse of a bright, red scarf, before being impaled by the tip of a particularly straight oak tree. However, before losing consciousness, everything freezes. For moments, all you can see are the leaves obstructing your vision. You still feel the pain of the oak trees penetrating your stomach, and you still feel the wind’s pressure on your body, even though everything has frozen. Then, rather suddenly, these sensations disappear. You are, somehow, levitating back up the cliff, as if time is reversing. You watch as the distant birds fly backwards, the pressure of the wind being applied to the front of your body, though in deceleration, and the stilling of the trees you fell upon. You float upward until you stand back at the edge, and are once again safe. You may return to the north.” Tree is scenery in Clearing of the Mountain. Understand “Great tree” as tree. The description of tree is “A seemingly-ancient oak tree, with a tremendously large stump. Moss fills the bark, and a heart is carved into it, with the initials F and W filling the halves.” Unidentified object is scenery in Clearing of the Mountain. Understand “object” and “photo” as unidentified object. The description of unidentified object is “You dig the object out, revealing a wooden-framed photo depicting two joyful individuals, most likely lovers, whom you do not recognize. The man on the left is comparatively tall and has a full head of glistening, white hair, despite his apparent young age. He also has piercing blue eyes bursting with charm, and a fully black outfit, which looks rather out of place in your local area. The woman on the right is shorter, has dark hair reaching only the neck, and has colder, gray eyes. She, in contrast, is wearing a bright, red scarf atop a leather jacket, with white button-up on the inside. You bury the photograph back into the ground in respect.” Faint dirt path is a room. Faint dirt path is northeast of Crossroad. “The faint dirt path runs across an empty plain of tall grass, with a few specks of bush scattered throughout the terrain. You can return to the village along the path towards the southwest, or follow the path outwards in the northeast.” DP1 is scenery in Faint dirt path. The description of DP1 is “The view is spectacularly uninteresting.” Understand “grass”, “bush”, “bushes”, “terrain”, “village”, and “path” as DP1. Fading dirt path is a room. Fading dirt path is northeast of Faint dirt path. “Splotches of greenery obscure the dirt route, and tiny pebbles lay sporadically along the path. The path leads towards the village in the southwest and continues into nature in the east.” DP2 is scenery in Fading dirt path. The description of DP2 is “There’s nothing to look at, really.” Understand “grass”, “bush”, “bushes”, “terrain”, “village”, “greenery”, “pebbles”, “route”, “dirt”, and “path” as DP2. Glacial erratic is a room. Glacial erratic is east of Fading dirt path. “Following the path leads you to the side of a large glacial erratic, carried onto the field by glacial ice. The boulder is the only landmark you can see in the foggy grass plain. You can walk along the dirt path towards the west to get back to the village or head around the boulder by following the path to the northeast.” Boulder is scenery in Glacial erratic. The description of Boulder is “This giant chunk of stone must be thousands of pounds in weight. Perhaps it was moved here by glacial ice, many millennia ago. Or maybe, it found its way here during the Great Winter succeeding the Final Perdition.” Understand “rock”, “erratic”, “glacial erratic”, and “stone” as boulder. DP3 is scenery in Glacial erratic. The description of DP3 is “There is nothing special to see.” Understand “grass”, “bush”, “bushes”, “terrain”, “village”, “greenery”, “pebbles”, “route”, “dirt”, and “path” as DP3. Foggy plains is a room. Foggy plains is northeast of Glacial erratic. “The fog is particularly thick in this patch of grassland. You can barely see the path below your feet, let alone the landscape around you. Following the path to the southwest will lead you back to the village, and venturing into the southeast will bring you further into the fog.” DP4 is scenery in Foggy plains. The description of DP4 is “You can’t see much of anything through the fog.” Understand “grass”, “bush”, “bushes”, “terrain”, “village”, “greenery”, “pebbles”, “route”, “dirt”, and “path” as DP4. Dirt path’s end is a room. Dirt path’s end is southeast of Foggy plains. “You’ve seemingly reached the end of the path, though you can’t be sure considering how thick the fog has grown. It’s probably best not to stray from the path any further. You can turn to the northwest and go back to the village, however in the south, you can just barely make out a peculiar opening in the floor.” DP5 is scenery in Dirt path’s end. The description of DP5 is “You can’t see anything from here.” Understand “grass”, “bush”, “bushes”, “terrain”, “village”, “greenery”, “pebbles”, “route”, “dirt”, and “path”, “opening”, “hole”, and “ground” as DP5. Bunker entrance is a room. Bunker entrance is south of Dirt path’s end. “In amidst the sea of fresh grass, you face what appears to be a strange little door leading somewhere underground. Its steel exterior is scratched and muddy, and holds a single handle. The door’s only notable feature is a small slit the width of a fingernail. You think for a moment. Maybe something could fit in it, like a keycard? It’s a little out there, since this technology hasn’t been in use since the 2100s. Maybe somebody has finally found a way to recreate this innovation?” BD is scenery in Bunker entrance. The description of BD is “The bunker door is worn with age. Upon further inspection, you can clearly tell that it is from an age of old because of how perfectly cut the steel is. Nobody has the resources or knowhow to produce these kinds of things nowadays. Humanity has been set back a good millennium due to the Final Perdition.” Bunker door is a door. Bunker door is locked. Bunker door is down from Bunker Entrance and up from Entrance hall f. The matching key of Bunker door is Mysterious Card. The printed name of Bunker door is "the bunker door". Time machine can be active, hyperactive, dormant, or inactive. When play begins: Now Time machine is inactive. After going down from Bunker entrance: Now Bunker Door is closed; Now Bunker door is locked; Now time machine is active; Say “As you climb down the ladder, you recall an old tale. The tale of how the world collapsed to a single man, resetting society. It may be a rumor, but it is said that, a number of years ago, a man bordering insanity sent a global signal to ignite each and every explosive in the world. All of them, from dynamites to nuclear weapons, both found and unfound, were detonated instantaneously. It caused years of nuclear winter, and largely decimated the population of humanity, forcing the survivors to live in isolation in the years to come and to rebuild the world. People also say that the origins of the signal could be traced to the area around your village. This bunker could very well be what caused the global catastrophe, and there’s no telling what’s beyond this threshold. No one knows what horrors might lie within. As you debate whether or not you should head back or not, the entrance once again starts whirring. Suddenly, the strange device you picked up earlier lights up, simultaneously with the door shutting behind you with a thud. Your escape has been blocked, but at least the device seems to have activated. Looking around now, you find yourself in the entrance hall of the underground building. There’s an eerie silence in the decrepit hallway where you stand, and dim strip lights glow faintly, illuminating your surroundings. The only way forward is to the east, but the hallway is blocked by stone debris. Maybe your newly activated device can do something? (Hint: try ‘Time Travel’/’TT’)”. Entrance hall f is a room. “You find yourself in the entrance hall of the underground building. There’s an eerie silence in the decrepit hallway. Dim strip lights glow faintly, illuminating your surroundings. The only way forward is to the east, but the hallway is blocked by stone debris.” The printed name of Entrance hall f is “Entrance hall”. Entrance hall p is a room. “[If Entrance hall p is unvisited]After activating the time machine, a giant white light fills the room and all of a sudden, you find yourself in a bright, restored version of the entrance hall. The previously dim lights now shine brilliantly, and the debris from earlier (or rather later) is now clear, meaning you can continue to the east. It seems that the entrance is still locked though, meaning you cannot leave. [Otherwise]You are in the entrance hall, and can travel to the corridor in the east.” The printed name of Entrance hall p is “Entrance hall”. TT is an action applying to nothing. Understand "TT" and “Time Travel” as TT. Carry out TT: If time machine is active: If the player is in Entrance hall f: Now the player is in Entrance hall p; Otherwise if the player is in Entrance hall p: Now the player is in Entrance hall f; Otherwise if the player is in Office p: Now the player is in Office f; Otherwise if the player is in Office f: Now the player is in Office p; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway1 p: Now the player is in Hallway1 f; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway1 f: Now the player is in Hallway1 p; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway2 p: Now the player is in Hallway2 f; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway2 f: Now the player is in Hallway2 p; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway3 p: Now the player is in Hallway3 f; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway3 f: Now the player is in Hallway3 p; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway4 p: Now the player is in Hallway4 f; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway4 f: Now the player is in Hallway4 p; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway5 p: Now the player is in Hallway5 f; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway5 f: Now the player is in Hallway5 p; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway6 p: Now the player is in Hallway6 f; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway6 f: Now the player is in Hallway6 p; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway7 p: Now the player is in Hallway7 f; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway7 f: Now the player is in Hallway7 p; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway8 p: Now the player is in Hallway8 f; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway8 f: Now the player is in Hallway8 p; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway9 p: Now the player is in Hallway9 f; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway9 f: Now the player is in Hallway9 p; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway10 p: Now the player is in Hallway10 f; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway10 f: Now the player is in Hallway10 p; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway11 p: Now the player is in Hallway11 f; Otherwise if the player is in Hallway11 f: Now the player is in Hallway11 p; Otherwise if the player is in Corridor12 p: Now the player is in Corridor12 f; Otherwise if the player is in Corridor12 f: Now the player is in Corridor12 p; Otherwise if the player is in Corridor13 p: Now the player is in Corridor13 f; Otherwise if the player is in Corridor13 f: Now the player is in Corridor13 p; Otherwise if the player is in Corridor14 p: Now the player is in Corridor14 f; Otherwise if the player is in Corridor14 f: Now the player is in Corridor14 p; Otherwise if the player is in Corridor15 f: Now the player is in Corridor15 p; Otherwise if the player is in Corridor15 p: Now the player is in Corridor15 f; Otherwise if the player is in lab p: Now the player is in lab f; Otherwise if the player is in lab f: Now the player is in lab p; Otherwise if the player is in kitchen p: Now the player is in kitchen f; Otherwise if the player is in kitchen f: Now the player is in kitchen p; Otherwise if the player is in storage room p: Now the player is in storage room f; Otherwise if the player is in storage room f: Now the player is in storage room p; Otherwise if the player is in control room p: Now the player is in control room f; Otherwise if the player is in control room f: Now the player is in control room p; Otherwise if the player is in bathroom p: Now the player is in bathroom f; Otherwise if the player is in bathroom f: Now the player is in bathroom p; Otherwise if the player is in sleeping hall p: Now the player is in sleeping hall f; Otherwise if the player is in sleeping hall f: Now the player is in sleeping hall p; Otherwise if the player is in cell room p: Now the player is in cell room f; Otherwise if the player is in cell room f: Now the player is in cell room p; Otherwise if the player is in Central Manufacturing Facility p: Now the player is in central manufacturing facility f; Otherwise if the player is in Central manufacturing facility f: Now the player is in central manufacturing facility p; Otherwise if time machine is inactive: Say “You can’t do that.”; Otherwise if time machine is hyperactive: If the player is in cell room p: Now the player is in cell room ff; Now time machine is inactive; Say “The time machine stops glowing. It looks like it doesn’t work anymore.”; Otherwise if time machine is dormant: Say “Now is not the time. Go save the old man!”. Hallway1 f is a room. “The dusty corridor echoes with every step you take. Vacant spider webs occupy the corners of the hall. A few red lights still flash periodically, allowing you to calibrate your vision. The corridor continues to the east, and the debris blocking the way back to the entrance hall is to the west.” The printed name of Hallway1 f is “Hallway”. Debris is scenery. Debris is in entrance hall f. “Heavy debris of fallen stone obstructs the path. Nothing you have may clear the path.” Hallway2 f is a room. The printed name of Hallway2 f is “Hallway”. “You stand at one corner of the bunker, where you are able to observe the entire facility. The collapsing base with a caving ceiling consists of a concrete hallway that encircles some sort of production plant, surrounded with shattered, thick once-windows. Scanning the facility, you can see various debris spread throughout, including fragmented shards of glass, splintered pieces of wood, and deformed metal. On the ceiling are numerous scattered red alarm lights, all of which’s protective glasses are gone. You see multiple rooms around the facility, and you may head down either the westernmost hallway, the south, or the northernmost hallway, in the east.” Hallway3 f is a room. The printed name of Hallway3 f is “Hallway”. Hallway3 f is east of hallway2 f. “You walk along the northernmost hallway of the facility. While you walk, avoiding certain hazardous debris, you notice some nails on the wall, most likely used to hang certain objects in the past. Below them lie a few upside down frames, meant for images and photographs. You may walk east, further into the bunker or head south, the direction of the entrance.” Frame is scenery. Frame is in hallway3 f. Understand “photograph”, “ Photograph”, and “frames” as frame. “You take the four frames and examine them, clearing off the attached cobwebs and flipping them over. However, it appears that the photographs that once resided within them have burned, evident by the blackened, curled remnants of paper.” Hallway4 f is a room. The printed name of hallway4 f is “Hallway”. Hallway4 f is east of hallway3 f. “You reach another corner of the bunker. Here, there is nothing notable except a dusty and locked metal blast door with a silver label, loosely hanging by one screw, next to it, reading: Control room. The heavy door is quite heavily scratched and has lost its luster. You may walk south, deeper in, or west, the direction of the entrance.” Hallway5 f is a room. The printed name of hallway5 f is “Hallway”. Hallway5 f is south of hallway4 f. “Nothing notable lies within this section of the hallway, however, there is a room next to you with a pair of empty hinges. Examining the inside, you see a dusty and rather disgusting toilet, surprisingly without any scent. The room’s label can be found on the ground, reading: Bathroom. You may enter the bathroom, in the east, or either head north, down the hallway toward the entrance, or south, down the hall further from it.” Bathroom f is a room. The printed name of bathroom f is “Bathroom”. Bathroom is east of hallway5 f. “You walk in the bathroom and scan the area. The room is rather cramped, and there is only a dirty, stained porcelain toilet, an open shower next to it with a rusted shower head, and an also rusting metal sink. Looking down the toilet, you see that it is covered in tree roots. You can return to the hallway by going west.” POOP is scenery in Bathroom f. The description of POOP is “Everything in this room is equally disgusting.”. Understand “stained porcelain toilet”, “open shower”, “rusted shower head”, “rusting metal sink”, “rusty metal sink”, “tree roots”, and “floor” as POOP. Hallway6 f is a room. The printed name of Hallway6 f is “Hallway”. Hallway6 f is south of hallway5 f. “You reach another point in the hallway. Beside you, to the east, lies a pile of debris, most likely the ruins of a previous room. The silver label, dented but intact and hanging, reads: Storage room. You may continue south, along the hallway and deeper into the bunker, or north, toward the entrance.” Debrist is scenery in Hallway6 f. The description of Debrist is “Cluttered debris lies everywhere. There’s nothing of note in the pile.”. Understand “Debris” as Debrist. Silver label1 is scenery in Hallway6 f. The description of Silver Label1 is “The sign reads: Storage room.”. Understand “Silver Label” as Silver Label1. Hallway7 f is a room. Hallway7 f is south of hallway6 f and east of Hallway8 f. The printed name of Hallway7 f is “Hallway”. “You reach the corner opposite to the entrance of the bunker. A room, also with only a pair of hinges hanging onto some splinters of wood. The previously existing label, evident by the two screwed holes in the wall, is lost among the debris. You may enter the room to the east or walk along the hallway, to the north or west, both equidistant to the entrance.” Hallway8 f is a room. Hallway8 f is west of Hallway7 f. The printed name of Hallway8 f is “Hallway”. “You stand at the middle of the southernmost hallway and find a corridor, sealed by a metal airlocked door, extending out of it. From the window, the corridor looks rather short and is caving to the wear of time. The walls have cracks and appear to have spit out smooth pieces of flat concrete. The locked door is in the south and you may head west, toward the bunker entrance, or head east, away from it.” Hallway9 f is a room. Hallway9 f is west of hallway8 f. The printed name of Hallway9 f is “Hallway”. “You arrive at another corner of the bunker. On the ground is a lump of coloured gelatin lined by dust and cobwebs. You may move north, toward the bunker entrance, or east, away from it.” Gelatin is scenery. Gelatin is in hallway9 f. “Looking at it closely, it resembles the remains of one of those gelatin mannequins meant to imitate human anatomy. It looks quite disgusting there on the ground.” Hallway10 f is a room. Hallway10 f is north of hallway9 f. The printed name of Hallway10 f is “Hallway”. “You stand in between two rooms, one on either side of you. To the west lies a room filled with the remnants of furniture. To the east lies the only entrance to the central facility which the hallway loops around. It is a locked metal door with certain features that have been distorted beyond recognition. You may walk along the hallway in either direction, north or south, north leading to the bunker entrance and south leading further in.” Hallway11 f is a room. Hallway11 f is north of hallway10 f. Hallway11 f is south of hallway2 f. The printed name of Hallway11 f is “Hallway”. “You another point in the hallway with nothing of substance. You may return to the corner you originally started in, in the north, or head further south, deeper into the bunker.” Corridor12 f is a room. The printed name of Corridor12 f is “Corridor”. “The collapsing tunnel-like corridor is short and cobweb filled. You stand at the end of the corridor, opposite of the hallway, where you are faced with a fork in the path. You may head east, into the left path, west, into the right path, or north, back into the hall.” Corridor13 f is a room. Corridor13 f is west of Corridor12 f. The printed name of Corridor13 f is “Corridor”. “The right path is a rather lengthy path. Along the cracking, solid coloured gray walls are multiple nails. Beneath them lie a multitude of different protective equipment, including thick welding gloves, gas masks, and even a yellow, full-body hazmat suit. You may head toward the room bathed in flickering red light, at the end of the path and in the west, or back toward the hallway in the east.” Corridor15 f is a room. Corridor15 f is west of corridor13 f. The printed name of Corridor15 f is “Corridor”. “Before the entrance to the room lies an airlock room, with two open and rusting metal doors you can see through. The room behind them seems to be hazardous. You may head into said room, in the west, or return toward the hallway, in the east.” Corridor14 f is a room. Corridor14 f is east of corridor12 f. The printed name of Corridor14 f is “Corridor”. “The left corridor contains little, only, once again, pieces of cracked cement, dust, and cobwebs. At the end is a locked door with the same keycard scanner previously seen on the entrance. The door seems to have been previously barricaded with wooden planks, since rotting wood lies on the ground in front of the door.” Office Door is a door. Office door is east of Corridor14 f and west of Office f. Office door is locked and closed. The matching key of Office door is Orange keycard. Sleeping hall f is a room. Sleeping hall f is west of Hallway10 f. The printed name of sleeping hall f is “Sleeping hall”. “This room appears to have been the bedroom for its owner. Scattered within is, as previously mentioned, the destroyed remnants of furniture; bed frames and mattresses notably. One of the mattresses seems to be stained with blood. Also lying on the ground are a gun, a wallet, and the skeletal remains of a human corpse, surrounded by corpses of flies, with a bullet hole in the skull. The door leading back to the hallway is located to the east.” Bodyx is scenery in Sleeping hall f. The description of Bodyx is “Some bones lie on the floor and the bed. You’d rather not touch them.”. Understand “Body”, “corpse”, “bones”, and “skeletal remains” as Bodyx. Wallet2 is scenery in Sleeping hall f. The description of Wallet2 is “There’s nothing notable about the gun or wallet. You have no idea how to use the gun anyway.”. Understand “Wallet” and “gun” as Wallet2. Furniturex is scenery in Sleeping hall f. The description of Furniturex is “Collapsed furniture is laid out across the floor of the sleeping hall. Looks like they didn’t stand the test of time.”. Understand “bed frames”, “mattresses”, “mattress”, “bed”, and “destroyed remnants of furniture” as furniturex. Cell room f is a room. Cell room f is north of hallway2 f. The printed name of cell room f is “Cell room”. “The room is filled with a massive stone slab in the shape of a person with cuffs on each limb. Skeletal remains are scattered throughout, and a pair of ragged, brown shorts lie on the anvil-like stone. You may return back to the hallway, in the south.” Hallway1 p is a room. Hallway1 p is east of Entrance hall p. “The cement corridor is lit by blaring red lights, seemingly signaling that something is going awfully awry. The corridor leads to the west, back to the entrance hall, and to the east, further into the facility.” The printed name of Hallway1 p is “Hallway”. Hallway2 p is a room. The printed name of Hallway2 p is “Hallway”. Hallway2 p is east of hallway1 p. “The entire facility, appearing to be surprisingly large, with the length of around two buses, can be observed from here. It appeared to be a cube-shaped bunker, with the center, surrounded by thick, layered glass windows and visible from anywhere, being a production line for certain devices, difficult to identify from the outside. Lining this manufacturing plant is open space, acting as a looping hallway, with multiple, unique rooms. You stand at a corner of this room. Beside you, within an unlabeled room, a man can be heard struggling and lashing out with muffled cries. You may head north, into the room, east or south, walking deeper into the bunker, or west, toward the entrance.” Cell room p is a room. The printed name of Cell room p is “Cell room”. Cell room p is north of hallway2 p. “You walk into the room and are faced with an unnamed man, with graying black hair, a frail body, and a wrinkled, aged face, with all limbs tightly cuffed to an anvil-like and human shaped piece of stone. The man has his mouth duct shaped with multiple layers and is frantically struggling to free himself. He sees you and gestures to you to remove the duct tape from his mouth. You may return back to the hallway, in the south.” Unnamed man is a person in cell room p. Unnamed man can be 4w, lst, tki, or mko. Unnamed man is 4w. Unnamed man is undescribed. “He is a white man and appears to have graying long hair, a skinny and frail body, and a face wrinkled with time. His hands are calloused and are clearly those of a skilled craftsman.” Helping is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand “help [something]” as helping. Storage keycard is an object. “A keycard, allegedly used to access the storage room of the bunker. It is solid coloured, in pure silver, and has no distinguishing marks.”. Unnamed man carries storage keycard. Instead of helping unnamed man: If unnamed man is 4w: Now unnamed man is lst; Say “You unwrap the duct tape, with the man in visible pain as you peel it. Once you free his mouth, he sighs with somewhat relief.[line break][line break]Unnamed man: Thank you so, so much beloved stranger, however we have a dire situation at hand. There is a timer ticking down as we speak, which will, once finished, send a signal igniting all explosives in the world. I need you to cut that signal. The fate of the world lies in your hands. Don’t try to free me now, the world matters more.[line break][line break]Oh yeah, I nearly forgot. Here, take this. It’s a keycard to access the storage room. You may find valuable resources in there.”; Now player carries storage keycard; Now the description of hallway2 p is “The entire facility, appearing to be surprisingly large, with the length of around two buses, can be observed from here. It appeared to be a cube-shaped bunker, with the center, surrounded by thick, layered glass windows and visible from anywhere, being a production line for certain devices, difficult to identify from the outside. Lining this manufacturing plant is open space, acting as a looping hallway, with multiple, unique rooms. You stand at a corner of this room. Beside you, is the room where the unnamed man lies, cuffed. You may head north, into the room, east or south, walking deeper into the bunker, or west, toward the entrance.”; Now the description of cell room p is “You walk into the room and are faced with an unnamed man, with graying black hair, a frail body, and a wrinkled, aged face, with all limbs tightly cuffed to an anvil-like and human shaped piece of stone. You may return back to the hallway, in the south.”; Otherwise if unnamed man is tki: If player carries bolt cutters: Say “You free the man from his binding cuffs.[line break][line break]Unnamed man: Thank you, once again. Those cuffs were really killing my wrists. Oh yeah, I haven’t introduced myself. My name is Pascal Morrigan.”; Now unnamed man is mko; Now the description of hallway2 p is “The entire facility, appearing to be surprisingly large, with the length of around two buses, can be observed from here. It appeared to be a cube-shaped bunker, with the center, surrounded by thick, layered glass windows and visible from anywhere, being a production line for certain devices, difficult to identify from the outside. Lining this manufacturing plant is open space, acting as a looping hallway, with multiple, unique rooms. You stand at a corner of this room. Beside you, is the room where the unnamed man laid, cuffed. You may head north, into the room, east or south, walking deeper into the bunker, or west, toward the entrance.”; Now the description of cell room p is “You walk into the room and face Pascal Morrigan, a man with graying black hair, a frail body, and a wrinkled, aged face. He is sat on an anvil-like and human shaped piece of stone. You may return back to the hallway, in the south.”; Now the printed name of unnamed man is “Pascal Morrigan”; Now time machine is hyperactive; Otherwise: Say “You try to break the metal cuffs with your bare hands, but you somehow fail. Maybe some sort of tool will suffice.”; Otherwise if unnamed man is mko: Say “Unnamed man: Just go on, I’m fine now. I have some business in this bunker, so just leave without me."; Otherwise if unnamed man is lst: Say “Go disable the system first, don’t worry about me! The signal could go off at any moment, possibly destroying the world, and there’s no time to waste. Please do return to save me after you finish with that thing though, that would be greatly appreciated.” Instead of talking to unnamed man: If unnamed man is 4w: Say “Mmmmph! Mmm! Mmm! Mmmmph!!!”; Otherwise if unnamed man is lst: Say “Please, this is no time for idle chatter. The survival of mankind is at stake, so I beg of you; disable the signal as soon as possible.”; Otherwise if unnamed man is tki: Say “Alright, we can talk, but is it possible for you to free me from these cuffs first? My back is aching. Thank you very much.”; Otherwise if unnamed man is mko: Say “Oh, I just remembered! I think I got covid-60 just yesterday. It is in your best interest to stay away from me, so I can’t talk with you. Very sorry about that. I’ll stay in this bunker until you leave, just to make sure I don’t spread it to you. I have some business here anyway.” Instead of going south while in Cell Room p: If time machine is hyperactive: Say “You should time travel back to the future now. There’s no point in continuing to explore the bunker.”; Otherwise: Now the player is in hallway2 p. Hallway3 p is a room. The printed name of Hallway3 p is “Hallway”. Hallway3 p is east of hallway2 p. “You walk along the northernmost hallway of the facility. While you walk, you notice hung and framed photographs of seemingly random individuals on the wall, most likely people whom the owner of this bunker admires, which you can examine more closely. You may walk east, further into the bunker or head south, the direction of the entrance.” Photographs is scenery. Photographs is in hallway3 p. “You examine the photographs more closely, before finding small, etched labels below each of them. You, in order, read: Werner Heisenberg, Theodore John Kaczynski, Osama Bin Laden, and Walter Hartwell White.” Hallway4 p is a room. The printed name of Hallway4 p is “Hallway”. Hallway4 p is east of hallway3 p. “You reach another corner of the bunker. Here, there is nothing notable except a closed, metal blast door in the northern direction, with a silver label next to it, reading: Control Room. There also appears to be a faint, beeping sound emanating through the thick material, however, you don’t have a way to open the heavy door. You may walk south, deeper in, or west, the direction of the entrance.” Control Room p is a room. “Several buttons on a panel flash in various colours. A huge light up display is mounted on the wall, its blinking red countdown catching your attention. Time is running out. A keypad stands alone in the center of the room. Attached to it is a piece of paper. The entrance is locked due to the lockdown, meaning there is no way out.” The printed name of Control Room p is “Control room”. Red Timer is scenery in Control Room p. The description of Red Timer is “The timer on the screen flashes a large number on screen. You are running out of time to disable the signal.”. Understand “screen”, “light up display”, and “monitor” as Red Timer. Emergency Panel is scenery in Control Room p. The description of Emergency Panel is “Square buttons jut out of a pad in the middle of the control room. If you input the correct sequence of numbers into the panel, it will activate emergency protocols and shut down the signal.”. Understand “Keypad” as Emergency Panel. Emergency Panel has a number called combo. When play begins: Now combo of Emergency Panel is 21420. Emergency panel has a number called Correct. When Play begins: Now Correct of Emergency Panel is 0. Paper is scenery in Control Room p. The description of Paper is “A note with the following message scribbled onto it: ‘The emergency shutdown pin is located in the office down the south hall. - Kennedy’”. Understand “note” as Paper. Hallway5 p is a room. The printed name of Hallway5 p is “Hallway”. Hallway5 p is south of hallway4 p. “Nothing notable lies in the section of the hallway, however, there is an open, wooden door next to you. Examining the inside, you see an unkempt and plainly putrid toilet. A certain scent is emitted by the open door. The room is labeled the bathroom. You may enter the bathroom, in the east, or either head north, down the hallway toward the entrance, or south, down the hall further from it.” Bathroom p is a room. Bathroom p is east of hallway5 p. The printed name of Bathroom p is “Bathroom”. “You walk in the bathroom and embrace the aroma of urine and feces. The room is rather cramped, and there is only a dirtied, stained porcelain toilet, an unused and open shower next to it, and a rusting metal sink. Looking down the toilet, you realize that the bunker does not connect to any sewage system. You should probably run west and get out of this stinkfest.“ Hallway6 p is a room. The printed name of Hallway6 p is “Hallway”. Hallway6 p is south of hallway5 p. “You reach another point in the hallway. Beside you, to the east, lies a room labeled: Storage room. The metal door is closed and locked with a slit similar to the one previously seen, on the bunker door. You may continue south, along the hallway and deeper into the bunker, or north, toward the entrance.” Storage room p is a room. The printed name of Storage room p is “Storage room”. “The storage room is full of… well, nothing. There aren’t many notable supplies left in the room, aside from a couple of canned products, bolt cutters, some strange devices that you can’t understand, and some cleaning supplies like sponges, detergent, and steel wool stacked neatly on plastic shelves. The door back to the hallway is to the west.” Bolt cutters is a thing in Storage room p. The description of Bolt cutters is “These weighty bolt cutters are relatively new, as evident by its blade’s lustrous sheen. The handles are made of a black rubber material, and the grooves feel natural in your hand.” Bolt cutters is undescribed. Storage room door is a door. Storage room door is locked. The matching key of Storage room door is Storage keycard. Storage room door is west of Storage room p and east of Hallway6 p. Hallway7 p is a room. Hallway7 p is south of hallway6 p and east of Hallway8 p. The printed name of Hallway7 p is “Hallway”. “You reach the corner opposite to the entrance of the bunker. A room with an opened door is next to you, labeled: Kitchen. You may enter the kitchen to the east or walk along the hallway, to the north or west, both equidistant to the entrance.” Kitchen p is a room. Kitchen p is east of Hallway7 p. “The kitchen is filled with technology you’ve never seen before. You can barely recognize the oven and stove because they seem to draw power from a hole in the wall. However, there are a number of supplies you can recognize, including a variety of cutlery, aluminum foil, baking cups, pots, pans, and more. Seems like the owner was pretty passionate about cooking, despite the fact that there would be no way to preserve food over a long period of time in a bunker.” The printed name of Kitchen p is “Kitchen”. Aluminum foil is a thing in Kitchen p. The description of Aluminum foil is “A roll of aluminum foil used traditionally for cooking. Light reflects on its shiny surface”. Aluminum foil is undescribed. Hallway8 p is a room. Hallway8 p is west of Hallway7 p. The printed name of Hallway8 p is “Hallway”. “You stand at the middle of the southern-most hallway and find a corridor extending out of it, sealed by an airlocked metal door. Through the window, it looks rather short. You may walk into it, in the west, head west, toward the bunker entrance, or head north, away from it.” Hallway9 p is a room. Hallway9 p is west of hallway8 p. The printed name of Hallway9 p is “Hallway”. “You arrive at another corner of the bunker. Standing here is a half blown-up mannequin of gelatin, made to simulate a real human body. You may move north, toward the bunker entrance, or east, away from it.” Mannequin is an object. Mannequin is in hallway9 p. “A mannequin, with coloured anatomy and insides of gelatin, whose entire front half, including the stomach up to the jaw, has been obliterated. The damage was clearly done by explosives.” Hallway10 p is a room. Hallway10 p is north of hallway9 p. The printed name of Hallway10 p is “Hallway”. “You stand in between two doors, one on either side of you. To the west lies an open wooden door with a bed, clearly visible, inside. To the east lies the only entrance to the central manufacturing facility which the hallway loops around. It is a locked metal door, featuring a pedestal and a handprint symbol. You assume this could be a biometric security system, which you’ve only ever read in books, since the tech hasn’t been around for many generations. You may walk along the hallway in either direction, north or south, north leading to the bunker entrance and south leading further in.” Biometric system is scenery in Hallway10 p. The printed name of Biometric system is “the pedestal”. The description of Biometric system is “The pedestal has a hand symbol on it. Assuming that it opens the door to the central facility, it would probably be smart to find a way to get it open. Maybe burning through it with thermite could work? You ponder for a minute. Maybe if you can find some rusty material and aluminum material you could start a reaction big enough to disable the sensor.”. Understand “Pedestal” as Biometric system. Crafting is an action applying to nothing. Understand “Craft thermite” and "Make thermite" as Crafting. Carry out Crafting: If the player carries rusty steel wool and the player carries aluminum foil: Say “You grind up the aluminum foil and rusty steel wool separately, and mix them together carefully, creating thermite. This will need to be put on the pedestal.”; Now the player carries thermite; Remove aluminum from play; Remove rusty steel wool from play; otherwise if the player does not carry aluminum foil and the player does not carry rusty steel wool: Say "You need something rusty and something aluminum."; otherwise if the player does not carry aluminum foil: Say "You need something made of aluminum."; otherwise if the player does not carry rusty steel wool: Say "You need something rusty.". Thermite is a thing. Thermite is undescribed. The description of thermite is “A substance of massive power. You could burn a hole right through the floor with this if you weren’t careful.” PV is a number variable. When play begins: now PV is 0. Instead of putting thermite on Biometric system: Say "You spread the mixture of rusty steel wool and aluminum foil overtop of the pedestal. All that's left now is to strike it with something to ignite it."; Now the description of Biometric system is "The pedestal is covered in your thermite mixture. You need to strike it with something to ignite it."; Remove thermite from play; now PV is 1. Striking is an action applying to two things. Understand "Strike [something] with [something]" as Striking. Carry out Striking: If player carries sickle: If the noun is Biometric system: If the second noun is sickle: If PV is 1: say "The thermite ignites with a huge blaze, instantly warping the metal exterior of the biometric system. The pedestal lets out a distorted cry and abruptly shuts down. The door leading into the central manufacturing facility opens with a loud thunk."; now Central Facility Door p is open; now Central Facility Door p is unlocked; Now Central Facility Door f is open; Now Central Facility Door f is unlocked; Now the description of Hallway10 f is “You stand in between two rooms, one on either side of you. To the west lies a room filled with the remnants of furniture. To the east lies the only entrance to the central facility which the hallway loops around. The door is open, allowing you to enter and exit the room.”; Now the description of Central Facility Door f is “A diamond plate door that is open. There’s no handle, nor any visible way to open or close it.”; Now PV is 2; otherwise if PV is 0: say "Striking it now wouldn't be effective. The system is too strong to damage by brute force."; otherwise if PV is 2: say "The entire system is already busted."; If the second noun is not sickle: Say “You can’t use that.”; otherwise if the noun is not Biometric system: say "You shouldn't do that."; Otherwise if player does not carry sickle: say "You can't do that.". Central Facility Door p is a door. Central Facility door p is east of Hallway10 p and west of Central Manufacturing Facility p. Central Facility Door p is locked and closed. The description of Central Facility Door p is “A diamond plate door that is completely resistant to any form of attack. The only way to open it would be to use the pedestal with the biometric system.”. The printed name of Central Facility Door p is “Central facility door”. Central Facility Door f is a door. Central Facility door f is east of Hallway10 f and west of Central Manufacturing Facility f. The printed name of Central facility door f is “Central facility door”. Central Facility Door f is locked and closed. The description of Central Facility Door f is “A diamond plate door that has been warped from enduring the conditions in the bunker over the past few hundred years. There’s no way you’ll be able to open it”. Instead of closing Central Facility Door f: say “You can't do that. Besides, doing so wouldn't achieve anything anyway." Instead of closing Central Facility Door p: say "You can't do that. Besides, doing so wouldn't achieve anything anyway." Central Manufacturing Facility p is a room. “Conveyor belts cover the entire floor, with complicated machinery probing every inch of their surfaces. There are wooden crates scattered across the room, each filled with empty bombshells, and a few finished explosives, including some dynamites and some landmines. There is also a power panel in the room which controls a number of systems in the facility, including the doors. There’s a note stuck to the box that says the power controls for the southern corridor door are broken, but the control panel in the control room works just fine. You would be able to disable the control room door from here, if it weren’t for the lockdown. The exit is to the west, leading back to the hallway.” The printed name of Central Manufacturing Facility p is “Central manufacturing facility”. Wooden crates is scenery in Central Manufacturing Facility p. The description of Wooden crates is “Empty bombshells fill the crates. Whoever ran this bunker was constructing weapons of mass destruction in secret. Strangely though, there isn’t any sign of any completed bombs in the room.”. Understand “Boxes” as Wooden Crates. Power panel p is scenery in Central Manufacturing Facility p. The description of Power panel p is “A steel box filled with a million wires and switches. None of the nodes are active, as the system is in lockdown. After the signal goes off, the lockdown will be lifted and the panel will be active again.”. The printed name of Power panel p is “Power panel”. Central Manufacturing Facility f is a room. The printed name of Central Manufacturing facility f is “Central manufacturing facility”. “Broken conveyor belts have fallen off of the wheels that used to hold them. Some complicated pieces of machinery have been destroyed and lie on the cold floor. Charred bits of metal lie everywhere. It is apparent that a bomb detonated within this room, however the power panel remains intact.” DebrisCMF is scenery in Central Manufacturing Facility f. The description of DebrisCMF is “Blackened bomb manufacturing equipment lies all over the floor.”. Understand “Debris”, “bomb”, “metal”, “complicated machinery”, “machinery”, “broken conveyor belts”, “wheels”, and “conveyor belts” as DebrisCMF. Power panel f is scenery in Central Manufacturing Facility f. The description of Power panel f is “A sturdy steel box with dented corners. Tons of wires and nodes hide within. The lockdown has expired, meaning you can disable the control room door from here. There's a switch with the faded letters 'c_nt__ r_om _oo_, clearly indicating the control room. Flipping the switch should disable the door.”. The printed name of Power panel f is “Power panel”. Switch is scenery in Central Manufacturing Facility f. Switch is undescribed. TF is a number variable. When play begins: now TF is 0. Disabling is an action applying to one thing. Understand “Flip [something]” as Disabling. Carry out Disabling: If the player is in Central Manufacturing Facility f: If the noun is switch: If TF is 0: say "You flip the switch in the powerbox and hear a loud creaking noise elsewhere in the bunker. The control room door should now be open."; now Control Door f is open; now Control Door f is unlocked; now TF is 1; now the description of power panel f is "A sturdy steel box with dented corners. Tons of wires and nodes hide within. You disabled the control room door using this box."; otherwise if TF is 1: say "You've already disabled the control room door."; otherwise if the noun is not switch: say "You can't do that."; Otherwise if the player is not in Central Manufacturing Facility f: say "There is nothing to flip.". Control door f is a door. Control door f is north of hallway4 f and south of Control room f. Control door f is closed and locked. The printed name of Control door f is “Control room door”. The description of Control door f is “A thick steel door placed here hundreds of years ago. It is just as sturdy today as it was then.” Instead of closing control door f: Say “You can’t close it, and even if you could, there would be no point.”. Control room f is a room. The printed name of Control room f is “Control room”. “The control room features a giant screen attached to the wall. Its shiny face has been fractured, leaving broken glass all over the floor. You can see an array of broken control systems fixed to the wall. There is also a power panel from which you can adjust power to different doors in the bunker. The exit is to the south.” Giant monitor is scenery in Control room f. The description of Giant monitor is “A huge light up display covers the north wall of the control room. Its screen is broken and it doesn’t appear to work anymore.”. Understand “screen”, “monitor”, “huge screen”, “display”, and “giant screen” as Giant monitor. Broken control systems is scenery in Control room f. Understand “broken controls” as Broken control systems. The description of Broken control systems is “Buttons and levers of various sizes can be found on the panels around the room. Many of them are broken and have fallen onto the floor.”. Power panel f2 is scenery in Control room f. The description of Power panel f2 is “All of the power settings in the bunker are controlled from here, however most of them are inaccessible due to an overgrowth of tree roots wedged between the buttons, nodes, and switches. You can press the button to disable the southern corridor door.” Understand “power panel” as Power panel f2. Button1 is scenery in Control room f. Understand “Button” as Button1. XR is a number variable. When play begins: now XR is 0. Understand the command "press" as something new. Pressing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "Press [something]" as Pressing. Carry out Pressing: If player is in Control Room f: If the noun is Button1: If XR is 0: Say “You press the power button and hear a faint hiss of air being released somewhere in the facility. The southern corridor should now be accessible.”; Now Southern Corridor Door f is open; Now Southern Corridor Door f is unlocked; Now XR is 1; Now the description of Corridor Door f is “An open door in the southern corridor. You can travel between the main area and the previously locked corridor.”; Now the description of Hallway8 f is “You stand at the middle of the southernmost hallway and find a corridor, sealed by an airlocked door, extending out of it. From the window, the corridor looks rather short and is caving to the wear of time. The walls have cracks and appear to have spit out smooth pieces of flat concrete. The locked door is in the south and you may head west, toward the bunker entrance, or head east, away from it.”; Now the description of Power panel f2 is “All of the power settings in the bunker are controlled from here, however most of them are inaccessible due to an overgrowth of tree roots wedged between the buttons, nodes, and switches. You have unlocked the southern corridor door.”; Otherwise if XR is 1: Say “You already pressed the button. There’s no need to close the door again.”; If the noun is not Button1: Say “You can’t press that.”; If player is not in Control Room f: Say “There is nothing to press.”. Southern Corridor Door f is a door. Southern Corridor Door f is locked and closed. The printed name of southern corridor door f is “Southern corridor door”. Southern Corridor Door f is north of corridor12 f and south of hallway8 f. The description of Southern Corridor Door f is "An airtight seal separating the contents of whatever lies past it and everything else in the main area of the bunker. A tiny window on it allows you to see the tight corridor beyond it." Instead of closing Southern Corridor Door f: Say “You can’t close it, and there would be no point in doing that anyway.”. Sleeping hall p is a room. Sleeping hall p is west of Hallway10 p. The printed name of sleeping hall p is “Sleeping hall”. “This room appears to be the bedroom for its owner. There are three beds in the room: two neatly made and one splattered with a crimson stain. A man lies on the bed with a hole in his head and a pistol in his hand. His wallet has fallen onto the floor. The door leading back to the hallway is located to the east.” The body is scenery in Sleeping hall p. The description of body is “The pale white body lies on the bed, lifeless and without clothes. His fingerprints have been completely burned off. Blood slowly drips from the hole in his head onto the mattress.” Understand “guy”, “dude”, “man”, “bed”, “mattress”, and “corpse” as body. Pistol is scenery in Sleeping hall p. The description of Pistol is “An old handgun that uses energy as ammunition. You have no idea how to operate this thing.” Understand “Gun” and “handgun” as Pistol. Instead of taking pistol: Say “You don’t know how to use it anyway. Probably better to leave it as is.” Wallet is scenery in Sleeping hall p. The description of Wallet is “The wallet is completely empty inside, except for an ID, which seems to suggest that the name of the man on the bed is Kennedy Morrigan.” Understand “ID” and “Card” as Wallet. Instead of taking Wallet: Say “There’s no point in taking it. The wallet is empty and the ID is just a standard government issued card.” Hallway11 p is a room. Hallway11 p is north of hallway10 p. Hallway11 p is south of hallway2 p. The printed name of Hallway11 p is “Hallway”. “You another point in the hallway with nothing of substance. You may return to the corner you originally started in, in the north, or head further south, deeper into the bunker.” Corridor12 p is a room. The printed name of Corridor12 p is “Corridor”. “The tunnel-like corridor is rather short. You stand at the end of the corridor, opposite of the hallway, where you are faced with a fork in the path. You may head east, into the left path, west, into the right path, or north, back into the hall.” Corridor13 p is a room. Corridor13 p is west of Corridor12 p. The printed name of Corridor13 p is “Corridor”. “The right path is a rather lengthy path. Along the smooth and solid coloured gray walls hang various pieces of protective equipment, including thick welding gloves, gas masks, and even a yellow, full-body hazmat suit. You may head toward the brightly lit room, at the end of the path and in the west, or back toward the hallway in the east.” Corridor15 p is a room. Corridor15 p is west of corridor13 p. The printed name of Corridor15 p is “Corridor”. “Before the entrance to the room lies an airlock room, with two open metal doors you can see through. Clearly, the last user forgot or did not bother to close it. You may head into the door behind the airlock, in the west, or return toward the hallway, in the east.” Lab p is a room. Lab p is west of Corridor15 p. “You find yourself in what appears to be the test lab for the ‘products’ in the manufacturing facility. There are burn marks on multiple areas of the floor, as well as shredded metal everywhere. A shiny orange keycard lying on the rough cement flooring glimmers in the light. You can head back to the corridor by exiting to the east.” The printed name of Lab p is “Lab”. Shredded metal is scenery in Lab p. The description of Shredded metal is “Shrapnel from bombshells mixed with shredded metal from steel targets coat the floor.”. Burn marks is scenery in Lab p. The description of Burn marks is “Charred areas all over the room indicate where explosives were detonated. The owner was lucky the place didn’t collapse.” Orange keycard is a thing in Lab p. The description of Orange keycard is “A thin card that presumably fits somewhere in this bunker.”. Orange Keycard is undescribed. After taking Orange keycard: Now the description of Lab f is “This laboratory seems to have been a demolition station more than anything. There are destroyed steel targets and crumbled cement on the floor everywhere.”; Say “Taken.”; Remove Shattered Orange Keycard from play. Corridor14 p is a room. Corridor14 p is east of corridor12 p. The printed name of Corridor14 p is “Corridor”. “The left corridor contains little. At the end is a locked door with the same keycard scanner previously seen. The door seems to be completely boarded up with wooden planks, making it impossible to open in a timely manner.” Office p is a room. The printed name of Office p is “Office”. “There is a computer on the table in the office. You realize that you’ve never actually seen one in person before. You smack the keys and the display comes on. The computer asks you for a pin to access the shutdown code. Ironic. A code for a code. There is a safe beside the computer that is tied to a timelock. You can insert the orange keycard in this safe to start the timelock. The exit is blocked off by wooden planks on the opposite side of the door.” Computer is scenery in Office p. The description of Computer is “A brand new LST computer by the looks of it. Typing the pin into the computer will reveal the code to activate the emergency shutdown protocol for the facility.” Computer is undescribed. Computer has a number called combo. When play begins: now combo of Computer is 11315. Computer has a number called correct. When play begins: now correct of Computer is 0. Typing on it is an action applying to one number and one thing. Understand "type [a number] on [something]" as typing on it. Carry out typing on it: If correct of the second noun is 0: if the number understood is the combo of the second noun: now correct of the second noun is 1; Otherwise if the number understood is not the combo of the second noun: Say “The system rejects the input. Try another code.”; if correct of Computer is 1: Say “The computer beeps and the code is displayed on screen. 21420”; Now the description of Computer is “The code is displayed on screen. 21420”; Now correct of Computer is 2; If correct of Emergency Panel is 1: Say “The emergency panel beeps four times and with 36 seconds left on the clock, the timer freezes. The words ‘BROADCAST CANCELLED’ flash on screen momentarily, and then it goes dark. [line break][line break]...You’ve done it. You’ve just changed the fate of humanity, preventing the Final Perdition. You’ve singlehandedly saved billions of lives and reversed all of the terrible hardships that humanity had to live past. The Great Winter, the droughts, all of it is behind you now, and the world can finally prosper once more. There’s only one person you’re forgetting. You still need to go save the trapped old man!”; Now the description of Red Timer is “The huge screen is now an empty black void. You feel a surge of relief; the red numbers are gone.”; Now the description of Emergency Panel is “The emergency panel sits in the middle of the room.”; Now correct of Emergency Panel is 2; Now the description of Control Room p is “The whole room has been plunged into darkness. You can leave from the south exit.”; Now time machine is dormant; If correct of the second noun is 2: Say “[Line break][Line break]You don’t need to use this anymore.”; Now control room door p is open; Now control room door p is unlocked; Now the description of hallway4 p is “You reach another corner of the bunker. Here, there is nothing notable except a closed, metal blast door in the northern direction, with a silver label next to it, reading: Control Room. The door to the control room is now open.”; Now the description of hallway1 p is “The cement hallway is a bit darker now, as there is no blaring red light shining through the dark anymore,”; Now the description of Southern corridor door p is “The door has opened now that the lockdown has ended.”; Now Southern Corridor door p is open; Now Southern Corridor Door p is unlocked; Now the description of power panel p is “There are a million wires and nodes in this power panel.”; Now unnamed man is tki; Now the description of Central Manufacturing Facility p is “Conveyor belts cover the entire floor, with complicated machinery probing every inch of their surfaces. There are wooden crates scattered across the room, each filled with empty bombshells, and a few finished explosives, including some dynamites and some landmines. There is also a power panel in the room which controls a number of systems in the facility, including the doors.”. Safe is scenery in Office p. Safe is a closed and locked container. The matching key of Safe is Orange keycard. The description of Safe is “A sturdy steel case that’s surely blast proof. There’s no way you’re getting into it without waiting for the timer to expire.” Office f is a room. The printed name of office f is “Office”. “The office is a jumbled mess. There is a broken device lying on the floor, and a safe tied to a timelock. It seems that the keycard slot is busted, meaning you can’t put anything in. Rubble covers the rest of the room.” Rubble is scenery in Office f. The description of Rubble is “Tons of crumbled cement cover the floor. There are a few loose papers that poke out of the rubble, but nothing notable lies among the debris.” Broken device is scenery in Office f. The description of Broken device is “A medium sized machine with a busted screen. It’s a computer missing a couple keys.” Instead of taking Broken device: Say “It’s useless.” Safe f is a closed and locked container in Office f. Safe f is scenery in Office f. The printed name of Safe f is “Safe”. The description of Safe f is “A sturdy steel case that’s surely blast proof. There’s no way you’re getting into it without waiting for the timer to expire.”. Paper code is an object. Paper code is inside Safe f. The printed name of Paper code is “Paper”. The description of Paper code is “The paper says, ‘Computer password: 11315. :)’ Now that you think about it, what kind of idiot locks away their passwords with a 24 hour timelock? What if they needed it right away?”. Storage room f is a room. The printed name of storage room f is “Storage room”. “The storage room is a complete wreck. Cans of hundred year old foods lie on the floor, and cleaning supplies lie on the floor. Most other materials are completely squashed underneath collapsed cement and dirt from the room’s ceiling. There is no way out, as the door has been caved in.” Canned foods is scenery in storage room f. The description of Canned foods is “Beans, tomatoes, pickled vegetables, and more.” Understand “Cans”, “food”, and “Hundred year old foods” as Canned foods. Cleaning supplies is scenery in Storage room f. The description of Cleaning supplies is “There are a couple cleaning supplies scattered about. Empty detergent bottles lay on their side, next to a pile of rusty steel wool.” Storage Rubble is scenery in Storage room f. The description of Storage Rubble is “Broken cement from the walls of the bunker lie on the floor, overtop of most of the supplies that were here. It’s a miracle that the place hasn’t flooded.”. Understand “Rubble”, “Debris”, “cement”, and “dirt” as Storage Rubble. Rusty steel wool is a thing in Storage room f. The description of Rusty steel wool is “Rusty steel wool that has completely browned over the hundreds of years its lain dormant in the bunker.” Rusty steel wool is undescribed. Instead of taking Rusty steel wool: Say “This rusty steel wool could probably be used to create some thermite.”; Continue the action; Now the description of Cleaning supplies is “There are a couple cleaning supplies scattered about. Empty detergent bottles lay on their side, as well as some brown sponges filled with dirt.”. Southern Corridor Door p is a door. Southern Corridor Door p is locked and closed. The description of Southern Corridor Door p is “This door is completely airtight, and won’t budge. There seems to be no way to open it while the lockdown is active. You can see past the door through its small window, revealing a tight corridor.”. The printed name of Southern Corridor Door p is “Southern corridor door”. Southern Corridor Door p is north of Corridor12 p and south of Hallway8 p. Instead of dropping [anything]: Say “It would be better to keep this item.” Lab f is a room. Lab f is west of corridor15 f. The printed name of lab f is “Lab”. “This laboratory seems to have been a demolition station more than anything. There are destroyed steel targets and crumbled cement on the floor everywhere. You can see a shattered orange keycard lying on the floor. How unfortunate.” Destroyed Steel targets is scenery in Lab f. The description of Destroyed Steel targets is “Broken metal shards lay everywhere, alongside other shrapnel and debris.”. Shattered Orange Keycard is scenery in Lab F. The description of Shattered Orange keycard is “An orange keycard shattered into a million pieces. There would be no use taking it given its current state.”. Understand “card” as Shattered Orange Keycard. Cell room ff is a room. The printed name of cell room ff is “Cell room”. “[if cell room ff is unvisited]In another flash of light, you arrive back in the future. The man has disappeared, and the room is empty, except for the heavy stone. The previously existing flickering red light is gone, and the entire bunker remains dark. You may head south, toward the hallway.[otherwise] The room remains empty, except for the hefty stone. You may head south, toward the hallway.” Hallway2 ff is a room. The printed name of hallway2 ff is “Hallway”. Hallway2 ff is south of cell room ff. “[If hallway2 ff is unvisited]Walking out of the cell room, your eyes adjust, surprisingly quickly, to the dark. You see ruins everywhere, much like the present you originally began in. However, these ruins look somewhat different. Instead of appearing like the victim of explosives the facility looked like it was intentionally trashed. Debris and objects lay everywhere, nearly filling the bunker, but nothing looks burnt or inhumanely devastated. These debris obstruct all paths, except the short route, in the west, toward the entrance. [otherwise]Ruins crowd the room. Debris and objects lay everywhere, nearly filling the bunker, but nothing looks burnt or inhumanely devastated. These debris obstruct all paths, except the short route, in the west, toward the entrance. You may also return to the cell room in the south.” Debrish is scenery in hallway2 ff. Understand “debris” as Debrish. “The debris consists of scattered files, empty bombshells, and other miscellaneous objects. It looks like a person did this.” Hallway1 ff is a room. The printed name of hallway1 ff is “Hallway”. Hallway1 ff is west of hallway2 ff. “You stand at the corner of the bunker. Glancing over the bunker, you can only see mountains of debris. You may head west, toward the entrance, or east, toward the cell room.” Debrishy is scenery in hallway1 ff. Understand “debris” as Debrishy. “The debris consists of scattered files, empty bombshells, and other miscellaneous objects. It looks like a person did this.” Entrance hall ff is a room. The printed name of entrance hall ff is “Entrance hall”. Entrance hall ff is west of hallway1 ff. “You stand in front of the door. You are a ladder away from the potential future you hoped to create. You may head up.” Arising is an action applying to nothing. Understand “arise” as arising. Instead of arising: If player is in Bunker entrance ff: Now player is in throne room; Otherwise if player is in Throne room: Now player is in Cell123; End the game in death; Otherwise if player is not in Bunker entrance ff and player is not in Throne room: Say “You are already awake.”. Bunker entrance ff is a room. Bunker entrance ff is above entrance hall ff. The printed name of bunker entrance ff is “Bunker entrance”. “You climb the bunker ladder and open the door, which, surprisingly, is unlocked. However, once you climb up, you find that it is midday, and that you are surrounded by helmeted soldiers dressed in shining, golden armor with spears strapped to their backs. You realize that you are in the middle of a vast palace, a golden empire. The men immediately knock you unconscious. (Hint: ‘Arise’)” Throne room is a room. “You wake up with 4 spears encircling and forcing down your head. Both your arms and legs are cuffed and held by guards, and you kneel on a dazzling, patterned, red and golden carpet. From the corners of your eyes, you can tell that many, dressed in blazing colors, spectate you. Abruptly, a voice commands you to raise your head. The spears, tight on your neck, prompt you to do so, and you look forward. In front of you is, apparently, the emperor, a man with lengthy white hair, dressed in blinding golden robes and seated on a throne. He throws a book to you. ‘You are the chosen one. Read it,’ he says. Hastily opening the book, you read on:[line break][line break]There was once an engineer. A highly, highly ambitious individual. He believed that the rule of the world is his, and he strove to achieve that. Day after day, he slaved away in a room to achieve the impossible, to make his dream possible. Eventually, a day came when he was as close to achieving his goal, taming time, as possible. However, he was interrupted. Interrupted by his psychotic brother. He was taken away, held and imprisoned, by his own blood, who only wished to destroy. His dream, to conquer, was so, so close to fruition, but he was thwarted. Until a man appeared. A man wearing the prototype he created showed up, who caused hope to be reignited in his heart. That savior of a man rescued the world from an unimaginable fate, and freed him, enabling him to continue. He returned to his laboratory and furnished the product, allowing him to have absolute control of time. Then, to realize his dream, he traveled, with several weapons, tools, and an immense amount of knowledge, back 5000 years. With his resources, he established an empire. An indestructible and absolute monarch over the world, ruling through the restriction of knowledge. All thanks to that man, who he wrote a book, to be passed down through the generations, to. Thank you very much. [line break][line break]-Pascal Morrigan[line break][line break]’You’ve finished? Alright throw him out,’ you hear, before once again being knocked unconscious. (Hint: ‘Arise’)” Cell123 is a room. The printed name of Cell123 is “Cell”. “.[line break].[line break].[line break][line break]You watch as your last remaining supplies of water drip into your mouth, one droplet by another. Days have passed since they last checked on you, confined within the crammed cell with a single grate on the ceiling allowing in natural light, where you have endured for months. As you lie there, lifeless, on the cold, stone floor of the dimmed cell, with ragged, plain clothes and a chained foot, hope begins to fade. You roll over, now facing the ceiling, gazing into the grated twilight sky, so close yet so far. Your drying throat, bruised body, throbbing ankle, and shivers tend to all fade as you stare. Your eyes begin to close, and you drift off to eternal sleep.” Control room door p is a door. Control room door p is south of control room p. Control room door p is north of hallway4 p. The printed name of control room door p is “Control room door”. Control room door p is locked and closed. Kitchen f is a room. Kitchen f is east of hallway7 f. The printed name of Kitchen f is “Kitchen”. “The kitchen is a defunct mess. All of the appliances that were once here are now rusting or broken down on the floor. There is nothing of interest in the room. You can go west to exit to the hallway.” Appliances is scenery in Kitchen f. “Some advanced cooking equipment lie on the floor. What a shame that they were wasted, as you’re sure they would have made interesting additions to your own kitchen at home.” Office doo p is a door. Office doo p is west of office p and east of corridor14 p. The printed name of Office doo p is “Office door”. Office doo p is locked and closed. The description of Office doo p is “The door is completely boarded up. There’s no time to take down the planks, you’ll just need to find another way in.” OU is a number variable. When play begins: Now OU is 0. Instead of unlocking [something] with [something]: If the noun is Bunker Door: If the player carries Mysterious Card: If the second noun is Mysterious Card: Say “The bunker door eats up the mysterious card, and a loud whirring deafens you. The door slowly opens, revealing a ladder leading below ground level. Lights turn on one by one, following the tunnel down to a concrete floor.”; Now Bunker door is open; Remove Mysterious Card from play; Otherwise: Say “It doesn’t work.”; If the noun is Office Door: If the player carries orange keycard: If the second noun is orange keycard: Say “You slide the orange keycard into the slit on the wall, and it beeps. The door is now unlocked, and you may enter the room. You take the keycard back.”; Now Office door is unlocked; Otherwise: Say “It doesn’t work.”; If the noun is Storage room door: If the player carries storage keycard: If the second noun is storage keycard: Say “The slit accepts the silver keycard and makes a loud beeping noise. You take back the card. You now have access to the storage room on the east wall.”; Now Storage room door is unlocked; Otherwise: Say “It doesn’t work.”; If the noun is Safe: If the player carries orange keycard: If the second noun is orange keycard: If OU is 0: Say “The timelock has started. 24 hours?? You don’t have the time to wait for it. There must be another way.”; Now the description of Office p is “There is a computer on the table in the office. You realize that you’ve never actually seen one in person before. You smack the keys and the display comes on. The computer asks you for a pin to access the shutdown code. Ironic. A code for a code. There is a safe beside the computer that is tied to a timelock. The timelock has started, but it’ll be a day before it opens, which you can’t wait for.”; Now the description of Safe f is “A sturdy steel case that’s surely blast proof. The door has popped open.”; Now Safe f is unlocked; Now Safe f is open; Now OU is 1; If OU is 1: Say “The timer is running.”; Otherwise: Say “That doesn’t work.”; Otherwise if the noun is not safe and the noun is not storage room door and the noun is not office door and the noun is not bunker door: Say “That doesn’t work.”. Instead of closing [Safe f]: Say “What’s the point of that?” Instead of closing southern corridor door p: If southern corridor door p is closed: Say “The door is already closed.”; Otherwise: Say “The door is too heavy for you to close.”