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Loop Playground
Wojciech Ptak
Played 46 times
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The workshop is a room. "The workshop has a bunch of stuff." The cabinet is scenery in the workshop. It is locked and transparent. "The rods, bracelets and other tools are stored in a plain wooden cabinet with glass door." The lock is part of the cabinet. The description of the lock is "a modern small lock, similar to the ones found in office cabinets. It would be easy to pick in your previous life." The pins are a part of the lock. Rule for deciding the concealed possessions of the lock: If spell-focus is the lock, no; Yes. After focusing the lock, say "You can sense the shape of the lock inside the door. It seems to only have four pins, so it should not be too hard to push them into proper places." The battery bracelet is in the cabinet. The spell rods are in the cabinet. The desk is scenery in the workshop. The focus sink is a thing. The spell-focus is a thing that varies. The spell-focus is initially the focus sink. Invocation is a kind of value. The invocations are push, pull and heat. The spell focus list is a list of things that varies. The spell invocations list is a list of invocations that varies. Focusing is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "focus [something]" as focusing. Carry out focusing: Say "you focus on [the noun]"; Now spell-focus is the noun. Before doing anything other than focusing or invoking: If spell-focus is not focus sink, say "your attention slips away from [the spell-focus]."; Now spell-focus is the focus sink. Before focusing the pins: Unless spell-focus is the lock, say "you cannot see the pins from outside" instead. Invoking is an action applying to one topic. Understand "invoke [text]" as invoking. Check invoking: If spell-focus is the focus sink, say "You try to bend mama to your will, but your attention is all over the place so your efforts fail." instead. Carry out invoking "push": say "you sense a thread of mana between you and [spell-focus], ready to push like a tensioned spring."; Add push to spell invocations list; Add spell-focus to spell focus list instead. Carry out invoking a topic: Say "you don't know that invocation" instead . Executing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "execute" as executing. Carry out executing: if spell invocations list is empty begin; say "you cast a spell that success does nothing." Instead; end if; While spell invocations list is not empty begin; Let the spi be entry 1 in the spell invocations list; Let target be entry 1 in the spell focus list; Remove entry 1 from the spell invocations list; Remove entry 1 from the spell focus list; Say "[spi] [target] "; end while. The patio is a room. The tree is scenery in the patio. The coin is in the patio.