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Raina Ge
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[Waiting Room] When play begins: say "You are currently in the waiting room of the hospital where you work. You are about to leave for your best friend's surprise birthday party – but when you rummage through your purse, you realize that you do not have your car key with you. What do you do? Fortunately, the party is not for some time, and you have up to an hour and fifteen minutes to find your car key and reach the parking lot. After that, rush hour will begin and you will not have enough time to prepare for the surprise party. All your careful planning, for nothing? You shudder at the thought." The waiting room is a room. The description of the waiting room is "In the waiting room, there is a distinct odor of cleaning agents and disinfectants. Even so, you can practically see the sicknesses traveling through the air, lurking all around you. You wrinkle your nose and think to yourself that you hate your job and want to get out of the hospital as soon as possible. As you take in your surroundings, half-heartedly searching for your key, you notice one of your co-workers in the waiting room." Chairs are in the waiting room. The description of chairs is "Two rows of plain white chairs line the south wall of the waiting room. As you examine the chairs, patients begin to turn their heads to look at you. Examining chairs so closely is not exactly inconspicuous, you know." Instead of taking chairs, say "Sorry, that's not possible. You aren't exactly built like the Hulk, you know." The nurse is a woman in the waiting room. The time of day is 5:00 pm. The note is an object. The note can be found or lost. The note is lost. When play begins: change the right hand status line to "[score] / [time of day]" The description of the nurse is “Your co-worker is looking down intently at a clipboard in her hands. She is sitting near the metal door and does not seem to notice you.†Instead of telling the nurse about something, say "Huh? Try asking me a question instead." After asking the nurse about "card", say "The nurse says, 'It unlocks that door over there – you know, that big metal one. Unfortunately, I don’t exactly know how where to find it or what it even looks like. The few times I have been through there, I have been with somebody who had their own key." After asking the nurse about "metal door" when the note is lost: say "The nurse says, 'Oh, that door? You need special access to go through that. Some sort of card activates it, but I don't know any more than that. You could ask the receptionist down at the entrance. Here, take this note. The receptionist will want one so that she has permission to tell you about it, and my signature will give that to her.'"; now the note is found; say "She quickly scribbles a note and hands it to you."; now the player is holding the note; continue the action. The description of the note is "The note contains permission for the receptionist to tell you about access to the metal door, along with a big, loopy signature." The white door is a door. The white door is east of the waiting room. The white door is west of the cafeteria. The white door is a closed openable door. [Cafeteria] The cafeteria is a room. "You have entered the main cafeteria of the hospital. The delicious smell of chicken and rice is in the air, and just thinking about the food makes your mouth water. You are surprised at the number of people you see buying and eating food, but then realize that your shift usually ends before dinnertime. You can see a wooden door to the east and a black door to the south. The bathroom is in the northeast corner of the cafeteria." Food is in the cafeteria. The description of food is "It looks and smells amazing, and you wish you could just stop and take a bite." Instead of taking food, say "If you don't buy it, you can't take it. Didn’t you learn that in first grade?" Instead of buying food, say "Food can wait. Time does not." Instead of eating food, say "It's a cafeteria. The rule is buy first, eat later. Surely you don't want to be a crook." The blue door is a door. The blue door is northeast of the cafeteria. The blue door is a closed openable door. The bathroom is a room. The bathroom is northeast of the blue door. "You have entered the women’s bathroom. You briefly look around, but without any real hope that you will find your car key here. A line of women wait at the side of the sinks, and you try to convey the fact that you are not skipping the line when you go to the front." The mirror is in the bathroom. The description of the mirror is "Your cheeks are flushed, your hair is all over the place, and the front of your shirt has a spaghetti stain on it; all of which explain the odd looks you have been getting around the hospital. You make a mental note to reapply your lipstick and fix your hair when you change for the party." It is fixed in place. The wooden door is a door. The wooden door is west of the pediatric department. The wooden door is a closed locked door. The wooden door is east of the cafeteria. After unlocking the wooden door with the gold key: increase the score by 2; say "Congratulations! The wooden door has successfully been unlocked." Every turn when the wooden door was open: now the wooden door is closed; say "The door clicks shut behind you." [Pediatric Department] The pediatric department is a room. The pediatric department is east of the wooden door. "You enter an empty but recently vacated office. The desk lamp is still on, and a file lays open on the desk in the room. You wonder if you should turn it off for the person who just left, but then quickly reconsider. You don’t want to be suspected of snooping around. You do hate to see a waste of electricity, though." The desk is in the pediatric department. “The desk has a closed drawer, and some typical office supplies are resting on the surface.†Office supplies are scenery in the pediatric department. The file is on the desk. The description of the file is "Once again, you would hate for someone to think you were snooping around. Best not take any chances, don't you think?" Instead of taking the file, say "You don't want a lawsuit filed against you, do you?" The office chair is in the pediatric department. The description of the office chair is "Just a regular black revolving chair. Looks fun to spin in, but you would hate for someone to witness you being unprofessional like that." The bookcase is in the pediatric department. The description of the bookcase is "There are files for every pediatric patient who has come to this hospital in the last ten years. It is quite crowded but surprisingly well organized." It is fixed in place. Files are scenery in the bookcase. The drawer is part of the desk. The drawer is a closed openable container. A car key is in the drawer. After taking the car key for the first time: increase the score by 6; say "A flood of relief washes over you, and you suddenly remember why the car key is placed there. You had an appointment with the head of the pediatric department this morning! You accidentally left it on the desk when you were done, and he must have placed it in here for safekeeping. You roll your eyes internally at your own carelessness and promise yourself it will never happen again." The desk lamp is a switched on device on the desk. It is fixed in place. Understand the command of "switch" as something new. Understand "switch [something] on" and "switch on [something]" as switching on. Understand "switch [something] off" and "switch off [something]" as switching off. Understand "flip [something switched off]" as switching on. Understand "flip [something switched on]" as switching off. Understand "flip [something]" as switching on. Understand "turn [something] on" and "turn on [something]" and “turn on†as switching on. Understand "turn [something] off" and "turn off [something]" and “turn off" as switching off. Understand "light", "switch", "it" as light switch. Instead of opening wooden door: If the desk lamp is switched on: Continue the action; Otherwise: say "Something was not the way it was when you entered..." The black door is a door. The black door is south of the cafeteria. The black door is a closed openable door. [Emergency Room] The emergency room is a room. The emergency room is south of the black door. "You are in the emergency room of the hospital. You can see several beds. To the west is the entrance of the hospital." Beds are scenery in the emergency room. A cabinet is in the emergency room. The cabinet is a closed openable container. There is a blue card and medicine inside the cabinet. The description of the blue card is "A blue card has accidentally been placed here. It gives access to different floors." The blue card unlocks the metal door. After taking the blue card for the first time: increase the score by 2. The description of medicine is "You might not want to take unknown medicine." Instead of taking the medicine, say "Do you really want to risk taking this medicine?" Instead of taking the cabinet, say "Sorry, you can't detach the cabinet from the wall. Why do you want to, anyway?" The metal door is a door. The metal door is west of the waiting room. The metal door is east of the staircase. The metal door is a closed locked door. The blue card unlocks the metal door. After unlocking the metal door with the blue card: increase the score by 2; say "The metal door has successfully been unlocked." The big door is a door. The big door is west of the emergency room. The big door is a closed openable door. [Entrance] The entrance is a room. The entrance is west of the big door. "This is the entrance of the hospital. It is a large area, and you see many people rushing in and out of the main door to the west. As the door opens, you feel a gust of wind blow through and you involuntarily shiver." The reception desk is in the entrance. The description of the reception desk is "You don't see anything interesting on or about the desk. You see the desk every single time you walk in and out of the hospital. What did you expect to find?" It is fixed in place. The receptionist is a woman in the entrance. "A receptionist sits at a desk near the main door, but she is currently on the phone and does not look like she wants to be interrupted." Understand "her", "receptionist" as the receptionist. After asking the receptionist about something, say "The receptionist yanks the phone out of her ear and says irritably, 'Look, I don't have time for this. It is not my job to be your personal assistant, okay? Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a much more important conversation to get back to. If you really need my help, you should know what to give me.'". Instead of asking the receptionist to try doing something, say "'The receptionist glares at you and you back away quickly, realizing that you have accidentally interrupted a confidential phone conversation." Instead of giving the note to the receptionist, say "Her hands are quite full right now. Try showing it to her instead." Instead of showing the note to receptionist: say "'Thank you, that is exactly what I need. See, the metal door is not something that can be accessed by just anyone,' says the receptionist much more politely. 'The metal door is locked, as it leads to both a lower level and a second floor - but don't go down the lower level. It is only for those with the highest security clearance. Whatever you need should be found on the second floor. A blue card is required to unlock the metal door, but most people who have access to the metal door carry it with them.' She squints at you suspiciously, and then thankfully decides that you can be trusted. 'Luckily for you, I heard there is a blue card in the emergency room, but I don't know anything more specific than that. Anyway, I really need to get back to this conversation. Good luck!'" The main door is a door. The main door is a closed openable door. The main door is west of the entrance. The parking lot is a room. The parking lot is west of the main door. After opening the main door for the first time: increase the score by 6. [Staircase] The staircase is a room. "You have entered the staircase. A flight of stairs leads down to a lower level and another to the x-ray room on the second floor." Instead of going down in the staircase, say "You do not have access to the lower level." The another flight of stairs is up from the staircase. The another flight of stairs is down from the hall. Understand "use the stairs" as a mistake ("Try to go up or down the stairs instead"). [Hall] The hall is a room. "You have entered a dark, empty hallway. Chills run down your spine, but you tell yourself that there is nothing to be afraid of in a hospital. The light from the staircase is enough for you to see a white light switch to your right." The light switch is a switched off device in the hall. It is fixed in place. Understand the command of "switch" as something new. Understand "switch [something] on" and "switch on [something]" as switching on. Understand "switch [something] off" and "switch off [something]" as switching off. Understand "flip [something switched off]" as switching on. Understand "flip [something switched on]" as switching off. Understand "flip [something]" as switching on. Understand "turn [something] on" and "turn on [something]" as switching on. Understand "turn [something] off" and "turn off [something]" as switching off. The paneled door is a door. The paneled door is west of the hall. The paneled door is a closed openable door. Instead of opening paneled door: If the light switch is switched on: Continue the action; Otherwise: say "You can't seem to find the doorknob." [X-Ray Room] The X-Ray room is a room. The X-Ray room is west of the paneled door. "You have entered the X-Ray room of the hospital. You look around in amazement and notice that it is considerably larger than you expected. You have never been in here before and stop to take in your surroundings for a full minute before snapping back to reality. As you inspect the room, you see a small table set near all of the x-ray equipment. A tiny grey door is to the south of the room catches your eye, and you wander over for a closer look." The X-Ray equipment is in the X-Ray room. The description of the X-Ray equipment is "You probably shouldn't mess around with the machines; they look awfully complicated." It is fixed in place. The table is scenery in the X-Ray room. The pen is on the table. The official-looking documents are on the table. The description of the official-looking documents is "You don't understand any of the information written here. It's not yours. Anyway, do you really have time to be looking at this? You have a car key to find." Instead of taking the official-looking documents, say "This is none of your business. Don't take things that don't belong to you, especially in a professional setting." The description of the pen is "Just a normal blue pen. You have plenty of these at home." The grey door is a door. The X-Ray room is north of the grey door. [Medical Closet] The medical closet is a room. The description of the medical closet is "You enter a small, dimly lit space. As your eyes adjust to the dingy closet, you swear you see a mouse scurry into the wall on your left. You let out a small shriek and almost back out of the closet in fear, but resolutely begin to examine the contents of the closet." After entering the medical closet: say "A layer of dust drifts from above and lands on your head and shoulders"; continue the action. The medical closet is south of the grey door. The gloves are in the medical closet. The description of the gloves is "These are the blue plastic gloves you use to examine patients." The spare coat is in the medical closet. The description of the spare coat is "White, boring, typical doctor uniform. You recognize that it belongs to the head of the pediatric department. There's a pocket that looks promising, though. It seems to contain a small object inside." An openable container called the pocket is part of the spare coat. The pocket is a closed openable container. The description of the pocket is "Hmm, the pocket seems to be bulging slightly." There is a gold key inside the pocket. The gold key unlocks the wooden door. After taking the gold key for the first time: say "For some odd reason, you feel like this key will help you find your own missing key."; increase the score by 2. The mouse is an animal in the medical closet. Every turn while in the parking lot: if score is 20 begin; say "Amazing! You have found your car key and have enough time to attend your best friend’s surprise birthday party! Now where is your phone again?"; end the game in victory; end if. At 6:15 pm: if time of day is 6:15 pm begin; say "Oh no! You have run out of time!"; end the game in death; end if.