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Recipe 6: Starry Void
The Inform Recipe Book
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"Starry Void" by "Inform 7 Recipe Book" The Center Ring is a room. The magician's booth is a door. "[if the player is in Center Ring]A magician's booth stands in the corner, painted dark blue with glittering gold stars.[otherwise if the magician's booth is closed]A crack of light indicates the way back out to the center ring.[otherwise]The door stands open to the outside.[end if]". Instead of examining the magician's booth in the Center Ring: say "It is dark blue and glittering with gold stars. [if the booth is open]The door currently stands open[otherwise]It has been firmly shut[end if]." Instead of examining the magician's booth in the Starry Void: say "The booth door is [if the magician's booth is open]wide open[otherwise]shut, admitting only a thin crack of light[end if]." The magician's booth is inside from Center Ring and outside from Starry Void. Understand "door" or "of" or "the" or "light" or "crack" or "thin crack" as the booth. Before going through the closed magician's booth: say "(first opening the door of the booth)[command clarification break]"; silently try opening the booth. Test me with "examine booth / open door of the booth / in / examine door / close door / look / examine crack of light".