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Roy Feague
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"Gretas Room" by Roy Feague Greta's Room is a room. "The room is large and usually comfortable. To the left of the door is a clothes rack and a storage nook, with a sofabed on the left wall. Ahead is a large window. Right of the window is a dresser. On the right wall is a couch, and right of the door is a cozy-looking bed. It's _usually_ comfortable, but today it feels stuffy. If only you could get a little fresh air." Greta's room contains a clothes rack, a storage nook, a sofabed, a window, a dresser, a couch, shades, and a cozy-looking bed. Understand "nook" as the storage nook. The storage nook is a container and scenery. In the storage nook is a screwdriver. The clothes rack is scenery. "It seems this young lady has a delightful sense of style." The sofabed is a supporter, enterable, and scenery. "This will be convenient when there are overnight guests." The cozy-looking bed is a supporter, enterable, and scenery. On the couch is a disarray of school papers. Understand "papers" as the disarray of school papers. The description of the disarray of school papers is "Hmm, it's all written in some strange foreign tongue. Looks like... Greek?" The couch is a enterable and scenery. The couch, nook, and dresser are scenery. The shades are scenery. "Standard roll-up shades are held in place by screws at the top of each of the two window panes. They seem to have been added recently." The shades can be screwed or unscrewed. The shades are screwed. Understand "windows" as window. Understand "large window" as window. The window is scenery and a door. "A nice double-pane window with shades at the top of each pane. Through the window, the enchanting échauguettes of the former abbey harken back to ducal days." The window is closed, lockable, and locked. It is north of Greta's room and south of lovely rue Amiral Roussin. Instead of searching the window: say "Through the window, you make out [the other side of the window]." Instead of opening the window: if the window is locked: say "It seems to be blocked by the shades at the top, held in place by screws. Hmm..."; else: say "The windows swing wide, letting in a refreshing breeze and happy sounds of people going about their day on the street below."; say "A great triumph! Enjoy the fresh Dijonaise air!"; end the story finally. Understand the command "unscrew" as something new. Understand "unscrew [something]" as unscrewing. Unscrewing is an action applying to one thing. understand "screws" as the shades Check Unscrewing: if the noun is the shades: if the shades are unscrewed: say "You already did that." instead; otherwise if the player does not carry the screwdriver: say "You'll need to find a screwdriver somewhere if you want to do that." instead; otherwise: say "[The noun] is not unscrewable. You freak." instead; Carry out Unscrewing: now the shades are unscrewed; now the shades are not scenery; now the description of the shades is "the shades are in a heap on the floor."; now the window is unlocked. Report unscrewing: say "You unscrew the shades and they clatter to the floor." After opening the window: say "The windows swing wide, letting in a refreshing breeze and happy sounds of people going about their day on the street below."; say "A great triumph! Enjoy the fresh Dijonaise air!"; end the story finally; Release along with an interpreter.