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Find the Magic Tournament
Ashton Johnston
Played 1,606 times
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The story title is "Find the Tournament". The story author is "Ashton Johnston". The story genre is "mystery". The story creation year is 2012. The front corridors is a room. "You arrive in the front corridors and need to make it to the magic tournament. There are two open pathways- North or East. Proceed deeper into the building." The hall is a room. The hall is north of the front corridors. "There is a long pathway and you check all of the doors. You realize that you may proceed in any direction." The commons is a room. The commons is west of the hall. "You walk in and realize this is the common room area. The fire pit and the stairs catch your attention. You should look at the fire pit. Type 'up' to proceed up the stairs." The fire pit is in the commons. The description of the fire pit is "In the flames is a bull and a wizard dancing." A staircase is a kind of door. A staircase is openable. A staircase is open. The stairs is above the commons and below the dormitory. "You see another set of stairs leading to a open doorway." The dormitory is a room. "There is nobody in the dormitory. Everybody must already be at the tournament. Continue looking for the tournament." The dining hall is a room. The dining hall is east of the front corridors. "You see long dining tables stretched across the entire dining hall. There is nobody in this area and nowhere else to proceed besides back into the front corridors." The broom closet is a room. The broom closet is east of the hall. "You have found the broom closet." The Grand Fourier is a room. The Grand Fourier is north of the hall. "There is a grand spiraling staircase in front of you." The spiraling staircase is above the Grand Fourier and below the tower. "You have almost made it to the top. Continue up the stairs." The tower is a room. "You are at the top of the tower and reached the magic tournament. You see an enemy standing over a bunch of your friends who are laying on the ground. Your enemy whips out his wand and points it at you. The Wizard shouts 'Avada Kedavra', but you do at the same time and hold out your wand. You overpower his wand and win the magic battle. Take the wizards wand." A wand is in the tower. After taking the wand: say "This is not quite the tournament you had planned to join. Another enemy came up from behind and killed you. On the bright side, you found the tournament. Congratulations."; end the game in death.