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finding nemo
rylie burns
Played 1,058 times
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"game [finding nemo]" by r when play begins: say "you are visiting for thanksgiving dinner, the turkey is on the counter, nothing can happen to it until thanksgiving dinner." [kitchen] kitchen is a room. north of kitchen is bedroom. "you're in the kitchen, watching a cat sniff the turkey licking his lips, suddenly he runs of with the turkey, you must find him in time for dinner. to the north of you is a bedroom." [bedroom] bedroom is a room. south of bedroom is kitchen. below bedroom is tunnel 1. "you chase after the cat but he quickly scurries under the bed with the turkey, you try and reach for him but you. no longer feel him, al of a sudden your fingers brush against a small metal lever, you pull and a small door opens up from under the bed, you push out the bed discovering a small tunnel leading from the small door." [tunnel 1] tunnel 1 is a room. above tunnel 1 is bedroom. tunnel 1 is south of tunnel 2. "you enter a small tight tunnel with little light, find ten gold coins and you see a small fluffy tail turn to the north through a different tunnel.you decide to follow the cat." [tunnel 2] tunnel 2 is a room. south of tunnel 2 is tunnel 1. east of tunnel 2 is east tunnel. west of tunnel 2 is west tunnel. "you are running out of time. right before before you are about to catch the cat you stumble over two small men one in a red hat and one in a blue hat, each one tells you not to pass but you burst through them nearly knocking them over. you have already wasted enough time on them. you come across a tunnel that leads three ways north, east , and west." [north tunnel] north tunnel is a room. south of north tunnel is tunnel 2. "if you chose north tunnel you died and are dead." [east tunnel] east tunnel is a room. west of east tunnel is tunnel 2. "you get to east tunnel noticing a small burst of light in front of you, you go to look at it, noticing you are in a sewer tunnel you have the choice to keep on going or climb up out of the sewer. to keep going go north." [west tunnel] east of west tunnel is tunnel 2. west tunnel is a room. "if you chose west tunnel you died and are dead" [road] road is a room. road is above east tunnel. "you get to the road and see the small fluffy cat run rapidly in to the south building entrance, you should follow him." [south building entrance] south building entrance is a room. south building entrance is south of road. "you get inside the building in hope to find that cat, you see a flight of stairs, yo could check upstairs." [upstairs building entrance] upstairs building entrance is a room. upstairs building entrance is above south building entrance. "you get upstairs and notice the small cat about to eat the turkey when you rush over and scoop up the cat and the turkey at the same time. if you go back down to the south building entrance and you leave, you must find the magic rock which will teleport you back home right on time for an thanksgiving feast." [south purple rock] south purple rock is a object. south purple rock is north of road. "congratulations you have been teleported back home, enjoy that turkey!."