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Escape the Pyramid
Raymond Zhang
Played 335 times
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"Escape The Pyramid" When play begins: say “[bold type]BACKSTORY: [line break][roman type]You were venturing into one of the several great pyramids in Egypt when you got lost at the top of the pyramid. There won’t be a lot of people around today, as you made the smart decision to illegally trespass into the tombs without a tour guide. Fortunately, you remember the general layout of the pyramid. You must have hit your head somewhere along the way, however, because you do not remember the exact path to exit the pyramid.” Summit is a room. "There are several strange and dusty objects in this dingy, cramped room. You can see a torchlit stairwell southward, leading down to a Corridor. Using the dim torchlight, you can make out your backpack on the floor next to you. You can feel rocks crumbling at your feet. You probably don’t want to stay here for long." The backpack is in Summit. The backpack is a closed openable container. The description of the backpack is “It’s your favourite blue backpack with orange zippers. You packed your personal id card and a squished chocolate muffin. Sometimes you are amazed by how prepared you are for going outside.”. Inside the backpack is a squished chocolate muffin. The squished chocolate muffin is edible. Understand “muffin” as squished chocolate muffin. Understand “squished muffin” as squished chocolate muffin. Understand “chocolate muffin” as squished chocolate muffin. The description of the squished chocolate muffin is “It’s a squished chocolate muffin. The chocolatey contents stick to the wrapper in the Egyptian heat.” After dropping the muffin: say "Stop wasting food." After eating the squished chocolate muffin: say "You carefully pry open the chocolate-covered wrapper and devour the contents. The high sugar content gives you the sudden urge to jump around like a deranged monkey. Typical. You try to resist, however, the urges are too strong. The floor shatters beneath you like school toilet paper and you fall to your death."; End the game in death. The Personal ID Card is in the backpack. Understand “ID Card” as Personal ID Card. The description of the Personal ID Card is "My ID card reads: Hasan Beyahsle." The Summit is north of the Corridor. A torch is a kind of thing. The description of a torch is “A regular old torch. It looks very hot.” Instead of taking the torch: say “The flames of the torch lick your fingertips, burning them in the process. You never really paid attention to fire safety in school.” The first torch is scenery in Summit. The first torch is a torch. The Corridor is a room. Corridor is west of Silver Door. “Torches sparsely light the cramped corridor. There’s a fork in the road here. A stairwell to the north leads back up to Summit. A stairwell to the south is blocked by a wooden door. To the west is the Pottery Room. To the east is a locked silver door." The second torch is scenery in Corridor. The second torch is a torch. The silver door is a closed locked door. The silver door is west of the Eastern Chamber and east of the Corridor. A silver key unlocks the silver door. The Pottery Room is a room. The Pottery Room is west of the Corridor. The Pottery Room is above the West Branch. “There are many strange carvings and decorations on the yellowing dusty walls. You see the bones of a small animal in a corner. There is some unfinished pottery beside it. As you tread near the pottery, you can hear the rattling of a small object inside it. To the east is the Corridor. Below you is a staircase leading to a sand pit.” The unfinished pottery is an open container in the Pottery Room. The carving is scenery in the Pottery Room. The bone is scenery in the Pottery Room. Understand “pottery” as unfinished pottery. Understand “bones” as bone. Understand “pottery” as unfinished pottery. The description of the carving is “You can’t understand hieroglyphs.” The decoration is fixed in place in the Pottery Room. The decoration is scenery in the Pottery Room. The description of the decoration is “Stop wasting your time.” The description of the bone is “You see a centipede slither out of the creature’s skull. The centipede is around the size of your hand, with a brown scaly body and bright orange legs. It glares at you with its beady eyes. Maybe it’s best if you don’t touch the bones.” Instead of taking bone in Pottery Room: say “You barely jerk your hand away in time as the centipede tries to take a bite out of it.” The description of the unfinished pottery is “It’s cracked in some places.” Inside the unfinished pottery is a silver key. The description of the silver key is “It looks like it’s used to unlock a door of some sort.”. Eastern Chamber is a room. Eastern Chamber is east of silver door. Eastern Chamber is northwest of Armory. "An ordinary room. Using the flickering torchlight, you can make out a beetle tile and something shiny on the ground beside it. The tile looks very out of place. An aged southeastern stairwell leads down to a room you cannot see.”. There is a wooden key in the Eastern Chamber. There is a beetle tile in the Eastern Chamber. There is a shiny object in the Eastern Chamber. Understand "shiny" as shiny object. Understand "gold nugget" as shiny object. Understand "nugget" as shiny object. The description of the wooden key is “It looks like it’s used to unlock a room of some sort.”. The description of the shiny object is “It’s a gold nugget. Maybe it has a use.” The description of the beetle tile is “An aged ceramic tile. It is brown with a faint blue beetle in the center. Maybe it’s for a puzzle?” Wooden Door is a closed locked door. Wooden Door is south of Corridor. A wooden key unlocks the wooden door. West Branch is a room. West Branch is below Pottery Room. West Branch is east of Spare Room and above Worship Room. "You step into a pitch black room and sand engulfs your legs. Among the shifting sands you can feel the remains of a human. You hear a suspicious noise from the opposite side of the room. A stairwell leading to the Spare Room is to the west and beside it is a ladder leading down to the Worship Room. Above you is a staircase that leads up to the Pottery Room." Human is scenery in West Branch. Understand “human remains” as human. The description of human is “You grasp firmly on what you realize is an eye socket and make the executive decision to not venture further.” Suspicious noise is scenery in West Branch. The description of suspicious noise is “You wade over to the opposite side of the room and make out the outlines of a snake. You suddenly recall your mother telling you not to touch unknown snakes while breaking into pyramids.”. Statue Room is a room. Above is Wooden Door. “The room is decorated with hieroglyphs you can't make sense of. An intimidating statue of a pharaoh you don’t recognize looms over you. You feel overwhelmed by its gaze, as his eyes seem to follow you. Beside him is a stairwell that leads downwards to the Mummy Room.” Hieroglyphs is scenery in Statue Room. The description of the hieroglyphs is “There seems to be an illustration of a father leaving his home. Something about this seems strangely familiar.” In Statue Room is a large statue. Statue Room is above Mummy Room. The description of the large statue is “A large and handsome carving of a pharaoh. It seems heavy.” Understand “statue” and “pharaoh statue” as large statue. Instead of taking the large statue: say “You lose control of the statue and knock it over. The dominating figure falls and flattens your frail body. Not sure what you expected.”; End the game in death. Armory is a room. In Armory is the ancient dagger. Armory is southeast of Eastern Chamber. “There appears to be an ancient dagger embedded into the wall. A shiver runs down your spine. You feel like you shouldn’t touch it.” Understand “dagger” as ancient dagger. The description of the ancient dagger is “A dagger with intricate engravings along the handle and blade. It looks eerily new.” Instead of taking the ancient dagger: say “The ceiling collapses and a horde of skeletons armed with bows fall down, turning you into a porcupine of arrows.”; End the game in death. Instead of going northwest in Armory: say “The exits crumble before you as you make a wrong step. Sandstone comes barreling down the stairwells and floods the room with suffocating rocks and the sound of your muffled screams.”; End the game in death. Spare Room is a room. Spare Room is above Deserted Pit. “There is a pitfall that leads down into a pit. A dusty, golden pendant lays forgotten in the corner, much like the other artifacts in the pyramid.” In Spare Room is a golden pendant. In Spare Room is an Iron Key. Understand “pendant” as golden pendant. The description of the golden pendant is “Engraved on the pendant is a man with the head of an animal. It has a long snout and long ears that are squared at the tips. You remember your mother telling you not to take what isn’t yours.” Worship Room is a room. Worship Room is west of Mummy Room and above Iron Door. An Altar is fixed in place in the Worship Room. “Upon entering, a sense of holiness washes over you. You get the impression that you are on sacred ground. A grand altar towers over the room, exuding its divine presence. On the eastern side is a hallway that leads to a room full of mummies. There is also a staircase leading to a room below you, but the path is blocked by an iron door.” The altar is fixed in place. Instead of taking the altar: say “After several fruitless attempts to push the altar out of its place, you hear a holy voice telling you to respectfully shove off. You wonder what you were thinking trying to fit a 2-ton altar in your pockets.” On the altar is an Ankh Charm. Understand "Charm" as Ankh Charm. Understand “grand altar” as altar. Understand “alter” as altar. The description of the altar is “It’s an aged altar, decorated with precious jewels and gold. There is an Ankh charm on it.” The description of the Ankh charm is “It’s shaped like a cross, but the top is folded into an arch. Unlike the Terraria and RL Craft versions, this won’t protect you from poisons.” Iron door is a closed locked door. Iron door is below Worship Room and above Useless Room. An iron key unlocks the Iron Door. Mummy Room is a room. Mummy Room is west of Golden Hall and above Loot Corridor. Mummy room is east of Worship Room. “The torch-lit hallway to the west serves as your only light source. You can barely make out another hallway to the east, except it looks like an endless void. Below is a stairwell leading to another corridor. The room is crammed full of strange mummies, ranging from cats to monkeys. Most of the mummies are all aligned on dusty shelves, each with varying layers of grime. There are also some mummies littered around the floor, likely knocked off the shelves. You try very hard not to step on anything. You find it odd that you haven’t seen a human mummy yet.” In Mummy Room is an eye tile. Understand “eye” as eye tile. The description of the eye tile is “An aged ceramic tile with a shallow crack running down the side. It is brown with a faint green eye in the center. It has a funny eyelash.” Mummies is scenery in Mummy Room. The description of mummies is “There are too many to count. To your horror, they are not wrapped in toilet paper.”. Golden Hall is a room. "A westward doorway leads back to the Mummy Room. A strong ice-cold wind suddenly hits you, almost knocking you off your feet. The corridor is dark with only a small glimmer of light at the end, illuminating the walls enough so you can see. There are golden statues lined up on both sides of the corridors. You see a red light emitting from the top of one of the statues. You should get a closer look.” The description of the red light is “You climb up the golden statue and you see it's an ancient Egyptian gem worth millions of dollars stuck between the fingers of the statue. It seems loose.” In the Golden Hall is a red light. Understand “gem” as red light. Instead of taking the red light: say “You pluck the red gem from the statue, however, you hear heavy gold doors slam shut behind you. You look around and see rag-covered creatures emerging from the walls. There's no way you're fighting them off. RUN!!! [line break][line break]Oh wait. There’s nowhere to run.”; End the game in death. Instead of going east in Golden Hall: say “Try as you might, but the corridor seems to just go on and on. For each step you muster forward, the squalls of wind blow you back twice more. You begin to wonder why there are winds in the dry pyramids of Egypt.” Instead of going north in Golden Hall: say “You foolishly walk into a statue, knocking it over in the process. To your horror, the statues fall in line, knocking one after another. While the sound is deafening, you are mesmerized by the satisfying domino effect. As the statues are collapsing, it seems that the ceiling above them is as well. You make an effort to escape, but it’s too late. You feel each and every one of your bones getting crushed to dust, one at a time. Your femur, your pelvis, your sternum, your cranium… it’s a slow and painful death, and all you can do is scream into the crumbling limestone.”; End the game in death. Deserted Pit is a room. “You fell down here from Spare Room, and you can’t get back up. Looks like you’re stuck here until you find a ladder or something. A lone torch lines the wall to keep you company.” The lone torch is scenery in Deserted Pit. The lone torch is a torch. Instead of taking the lone torch: say “You hear a loud rumble in the distance, and see dust falling from the ceiling. Is this how it ends…?”; End the game in death. Instead of going up in deserted pit: say “The walls are too wide and you are terrible at rock climbing. You’ll be stuck here for a while.”. Loot Corridor is a room. Loot Corridor is west of Treasure Room. "Above you is the Mummy Room. A well-lit corridor. Towards the eastern end, you can see a shining room." The Tour Guide is a person in Loot Corridor. “You see a dishevelled man slumped against the wall. He appears to be a tour guide for the pyramid. ‘Please give… m’foood,’ he says.” The description of the Tour Guide is “He is a bearded man of just skin and bones with bandages wrapped around his kneecaps. He's slumped against the wall, chewing on his tattered official-looking clothes. It looks like he hasn’t eaten in a while. You try to approach him, but he lunges towards you with a hunger-induced crazed look. Try offering him some food.” The Tour Guide’s ID is an object. The description of the Tour Guide’s ID is “It says Joseph King, 69 years old, and 5 foot 8. That poor soul." Understand “tour guide’s id card” as Tour Guide’s ID. A person can be alive or dead. Tour Guide is alive. Instead of giving the squished chocolate muffin to the alive Tour Guide: say “[line break][bold type]The Tour Guide barely grasps the muffin before collapsing to the ground, creating a fog of dust.[line break][line break][roman type]You wait for the dust to clear and to check his pulse. His frail, pale body signals his cessation of life.[line break][line break]You spot the Tour Guide’s ID card slipping from his pockets, which you take and place in your inventory. You justify your guilty actions by assuring yourself that it's like collecting Pokemon cards and that it will be important later.”; now Tour Guide is dead.; now the player carries the Tour Guide’s ID. Instead of doing something to a dead Tour Guide: say "You try to interact with the Tour Guide, but get nothing in response. He looks like he’s been dead for a while.". Instead of showing something to a dead Tour Guide: say "You try to interact with the Tour Guide, but get nothing in response. He looks like he’s been dead for a while.". Instead of giving something to a dead Tour Guide: say "You try to interact with the Tour Guide, but get nothing in response. He looks like he’s been dead for a while.". Treasure Room is a room. Treasure room is east of the Loot Corridor. "To the west is Loot Corridor. You push the door open, revealing a grand chamber with a vast array of objects. There is a table with some objects on top of it, and stone tiles scattered around the ground. You see a patterned wall made of stone tiles. It has an empty slot that fits a tile. It seems like it's a tile puzzle.” The description of the table is “It’s glazed with gold, and atop is a bezoar and engravings of visored people on a futuristic aircraft.” The table is fixed in place in Treasure Room. The bezoar is an object in Treasure Room. The description of the bezoar is “It will not protect you from poisons.” The description of the tile puzzle is “An array of beautiful tiles lines the wall. Most of the tiles have faded with age, but you can see signs of repetition. In the center is a pattern that goes as follows:[line break][line break][bold type] Beetle-Eye-Arrow[roman type] [line break][line break] You count the missing slot to be the 253rd tile on the wall." The tile puzzle is fixed in place in Treasure Room. The tile puzzle is a locked container in Treasure room. A beetle tile unlocks the tile puzzle. In the tile puzzle is a golden key. The description of the golden key is "It's quite shiny." After opening tile puzzle: say "You have miraculously solved the ancient tile puzzle. An opening in the wall reveals a golden key." Useless Room is a room. Useless Room is above trapdoor and below iron door. "There are some writings on the wall. They appear to be written in paint; likely the work of a vandal.". Writings is scenery in Useless Room. The description of writings is "It's just nonsense: [line break][line break][bold type]The customer is very important, the customer will be followed by the customer. It's a pain in the arse, but it's a pain in the arse. As it was the Internet. It is the course of the law that is the poison of the employee. There is no such thing as an advertisement for a free time. Diseases and diseases of the lake. But it is convenient to put on a smile, from the policy of life will follow. Children are living with disease, old age and children, and they are suffering from hunger and poverty." Trapdoor is a closed locked door. Trapdoor is below Useless Room and above Entranceway. The golden key unlocks trapdoor. Entranceway is a room. Entranceway is below Trapdoor. “To the east is the entrance, your supposed ticket out. As you tread along the endless tunnel of limestone, you come across many artifacts and statues, but you don’t care about them. You just want to see the sun again, so you keep on going. Soon enough, you come across what seems to be the end: a rusty gateway partially blocking out the evening sun. It seems to be unlocked with another lever.” The lever is fixed in place in Entranceway. There is a painting in Entranceway. Instead of going east in Entranceway: say “A rusty gate blocks your path.” The description of the lever is “It's stuck and won't move. You’ve learned not to trust things stuck in the wall, so you look around for something else. You see a painting of the pyramid you’re trapped inside of.” The description of the painting is “You forgot the pyramid’s name. It’s a pretty painting, though. It would be nice to have in your room.” After taking the painting: say “[line break]”; Carry out taking the painting: move player to Entrance. Entrance is a room. “Behind the painting is a secret passageway. Going through, you finally emerge, basking in the albeit rather dim light of dusk, free of the stinky trap-infested 10 billion pound hulk of limestone. You find your pet camel alive and well. As you mount your camel, a local police officer arrives to detain you. He tells you that he came to investigate a reported breaking and entering into the pyramids. The suspect’s name is Hasan Beyhasle and his parents are looking for him. [line break][line break][bold type]To confirm his suspicions, the policeman asks for your ID.[roman type]”. The policeman is a man. The policeman is in Entrance. The description of the policeman is "The policeman is a chubby, middle-aged man who looks like the stereotypical donut-loving cop. You hate cops." Instead of giving the Personal ID Card to the policeman: say "You show the policeman your ID. After confirming that you are Hasan Behaysle, the cop is surprised at your truthfulness and brings you to your parents instead of the police station. Unbeknownst to the authorities, you would much rather face the legal system than the wrath of your maternal figure. You are greeted at your house by your mother brandishing a slipper, a fate worse than death."; End the game in death. Instead of showing the Personal ID Card to the policeman: say "You show the policeman your ID. After confirming that you are Hasan Behaysle, the cop is surprised at your truthfulness and brings you to your parents instead of the police station. Unbeknownst to the authorities, you would much rather face the legal system than the wrath of your maternal figure. You are greeted at your house by your mother brandishing a slipper, a fate worse than death."; End the game in death. Instead of giving the Tour Guide’s ID to the policeman: say "You show the policeman the tour guide’s ID, defending that you were actually a tour guide doing routine checks on the ancient infrastructure. The officer buys your shoddy alibi, given that they are just about to get off work, but they are alerted of your presence. You say your goodbyes and mount your camel, riding off into the distance. While your journey to escape the pyramid has ended, your life of crime has just begun."; End the game in victory. Instead of showing the Tour Guide’s ID to the policeman: say "You show the policeman the tour guide’s ID, defending that you were actually a tour guide doing routine checks on the ancient infrastructure. The officer buys your shoddy alibi, given that they are just about to get off work, but they are alerted of your presence. You say your goodbyes and mount your camel, riding off into the distance. While your journey to escape the pyramid has ended, your life of crime has just begun."; End the game in victory.