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Sandy Wu
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The Farm is a room. "You are standing in the middle of a deserted, desperate looking farm. The means of your arrival and the background of who you are, are completely unknown to you. The only solidified piece of information that you know of yourself is that you need to use the washroom. As it is your sole need right now, you will immerse yourself in a intense search, in high hopes of discovering a washroom. Around you, stalks of golden, ready to harvest wheat stretch for miles on end. Luckily, amidst the vast, seemingly endless fields, you can see a PATH that leads to a clearing." The Wheat Field is east, south, and west of the Farm. The Wheat Field is a room. "Again, it's just wheat. Fresh, golden, tall, and beautiful talks of wheat. Despite it being at the perfect stage to harvest, as of know it is blocking your vision. You can't see past it and you can't even whEAT it! This is definitely not the path you want to take to find the washroom." The Barren Field is east, south, and west of the Wheat Field. The Barren Field is a room. "And yet the field carries on, stretching further and further. While an intricate description of your surroundings would be nice, it is plainly isolated and barren. Now you're just outstanding in the field ;) but the washroom is obviously NOT this way!" The Cliff is east, south, and west of the Barren Field. The Cliff is room. "The jagged edges of the cliff protrude sky high above the coast of the sea; with the waves roaring and crashing above one another. Below, you see the ocean; with the current being strong enough to push the heaviest of things. Surrounding you are various warning signs with images and small text. You need to use the washroom, not die. Going another direction is in your best interest at the moment." The Freefall is west, east, south of the Cliff. The Freefall is a room. After going to the freefall: say "You have fallen off the cliff. Ignoring the multiple warnings that have been given has lead you to plummet to your death. You are not a cat; you do not have 9 lives."; end the game in death. The Path is a room. The path is north of the Farm. "You walk down a stone path lined with crops until you reach a clearing with red brick, slightly deserted looking house. The house, although portraying a rundown outward appearance, has a beautiful garden filled with fragrant roses and vivid dahlias, encompassed by the sweet fragrance it exudes." The red door is north of the path. The red door is south of the House. The red door is an open door. The description of the red door is "You see a red door that presumably takes you into the house." Understand "enter house" as north. The House is a room. It is north of the red door. "The house is almost empty, with dust and cobwebs covering the faded, pale yellow walls. However to the east, you can see the narrow, dusty hallway enhanced by the abundant sunlight." Understand "take the sword" as a mistake ("Try to WEAR the sword."). Understand "take sword" as a mistake ("Try to WEAR the sword."). The sword is an object. The sword is in the house. The sword can be taken and used. The sword is wearable. The description of the sword is "The sword has a long blade, and a perfectly carved handle with a delicate rose etched into it. It’s smooth finish and realistic look, gives you a sense of power, almost like you’re on the battlefield right now. It may seem like just a shiny piece of metal, rendered useless in today’s society, however who knows it might come in HANDy for you!" The Sword can be lost or found. The Sword is lost. Instead of going to the Hallway: If player is wearing the Sword: say "The sword may just tell you the pasSWORD to something important later on!"; Continue the action; otherwise: say "Hmmm... you're not wearing an important item.". The Hallway is a room. The Hallway is east of the house. The intriguing painting of three very different landscapes is in the hallway. The painting is an object. The painting is an object. The painting is fixed in place. The description of the intriguing painting is "What a work of art! The brushstrokes, choice of colours and intricate attention to detail show true prowess from the artist! The authenticity makes it hard to differentiate between the painting, and a postcard picture. You'd love to visit the tourist sites in the paintings; however, you really need to find that washroom now! You think you saw something in the north." Understand "paintings" as painting. The Opening is a room. The Opening is north of the hallway. "The opening that you have reached serves as an entry point for one of three very different doors! However, act with caution and be wary, are any of them a trap? The smartest thing to do now is to examine each door carefully before entering." The purple door is a closed door. The purple door is east of the opening. The description of the purple door is "You can tell that this isn't the washroom if you PEEk into the keyhole! You don't think it will be of any use."; The Bedroom is east of the purple door. The Bedroom is a room. After going to the Bedroom: Say "You have entered the Bedroom. Unfortunately, there was a carbon monoxide leak. You can feel your lungs constricting, making each breath harder and harder to take. Almost immediately your body goes slack and hits the ground with a loud THUMP. Your lack of attention to detail has cost you your life this time. You are now suffocating from a gas poisoning."; end the game in death. The grand door is a closed locked door. The grand door can be unlocked with a gold key. The grand door is north of the opening. The grand door is south of the Master Bedroom. The blue door is a closed door. The blue door is west of the opening. The blue door is east of the Washroom. The description of the blue door is "Yep, definitely the washroom." The blue key is an object. The blue key can be taken and used. The description of the blue key is "The key is about the size of an eraser, with its original blue paint peeling off. This antique, blue item may play a KEY role later on!" The blue key unlocks a locked small chest in the master bedroom. Instead of examining the Grand Door: If player has the sword: Now the player is holding the blue key; Say “You can feel a mystical power drawing you in, almost inviting you to discover the contents behind the door. There is definitely something important behind here, but it is locked. Maybe this blue key will help you unlock another door though! Try all the doors again!â€; Continue the action; otherwise: say "There's something you're missing from the previous rooms.â€. Instead of going to the Washroom: If player has the blue key: Say “The washroom awaits!â€; Continue the action; otherwise: say "You need to do some more examining before you can enter this room! You're missing a key clue ;)â€. The Washroom is a room. The Washroom is east of the PORTAL-POTTY. "You've entered one of the most luxurious locations within the entire house. The gold rim of the sink is glistening as the water cascades from the recently polished taps. The floor is covered in a plum, plush rug softer than a thousand feathers. The centerpiece, the toilet, is made out of gold with cushioned, heated seats and a majestic, almost throne like feel." The sign is in the Washroom. The description of the sign is "Sorry the washroom is out of order. Please use the PORTAL-POTTY to the west." The Master Bedroom is a room. It is north of the grand door. The dresser, bed, and rug are an objects in the Master Bedroom. "Upon finally entering the master bedroom, you realize that it is the true showcase of the house. With a large double bed, looking like a snow drift, so white and feathery, a plush rug accentuating the pleasant colour scheme and a large dresser with an old-fashioned bowl and pitcher of green and white stone-ware, the room was almost designed perfectly. Sunlight streams in through the multiple windows around the room, and this large room is truly a sight to see." The dresser, bed and rug are fixed in place. The description of the dresser is "The white dresser was constructed to have almost unlimited storage, with its various drawers and shelving space. It is quite dusty, with a few stray shirts within it but it's just for storage. Not relevant at the moment." The description of the bed is "With it’s soft and satin bedsheets and pillows, the bed looks as fluffy and comfortable as a cloud. The intricate designs on the headboard match the carvings on the dresser and it looks utterly comfy; however, due to your soon to burst bladder, it does not appeal to you at all!!" The description of the rug is "The turquoise rug ties the whole room together! It’s vibrant colour and beautiful shape, exemplifies the comfiness and artistic decor of the whole room. However despite it’s outward appearance, it remains soft, but RUGged and definitely not helpful." The small chest is an object. The small chest is inside the Master Bedroom. The small chest is fixed in place. The small chest is locked. The small chest can be unlocked and opened with a blue key. The blue key unlocks the small chest. The description of the small chest is "The chest is quite tiny, unable to hold anything bigger than a small piece of paper, however it is very strong and it’s gold hue reflects the light streaming out of the window, and shines. There is a mystical power being radiated from the chest, almost drawing you in to open it. The contents of the chest, must be of HIGH IMPORTANCE, as the urge to OPEN it, and the power it is giving out is very strong." The slip of paper is inside the small chest. The slip of paper is an object. The slip of paper can be lost or found. The slip of paper is lost. The description of the slip of paper is "In the case of an emergen-PEE: PLUMBER'S NUMBER (LEAK-NOT PLUMBERS): 1-800-TOI-LETS". [name plumber] After examining small chest: Now the slip of paper is found; Now slip of paper is in the small chest. After examining slip of paper: Say "Congratulations! You may have not found a washroom but you've found the plumber's number. Go get that washroom all fixed up so you can finally relieve yourself! All that hard work definitely paid off."; End the game in victory. The PORTAL-POTTY is a room. The PORTAL-POTTY is west of the Washroom. "This stall is utterly small, and is painted with a bright blue hue. It resembles the many doors in the house, but the vile smell separates it. The PORTAL-POTTY has a toilet but the seat is crusty and filled with murky water and a TREE is growing out of it! TOILETRIES are always welcome, but not TOILET-TREES! You definitely do NOT want to use that. There's a small sink and a roll of toilet paper. But a swirly circle on the wall catches your eye…." The Purple Portal is an open door. The purple portal is west of the PORTAL-POTTY and north of the Tropical Amazon Jungle. The purple portal is in the PORTAL-POTTY. The description of the purple portal is "A dark purple and silver circle that is constantly spinning, seems very inviting and transporting." The Tropical Amazon Jungle is a room. The description of the Tropical Amazon Jungle is "Suddenly, through the portal, you enter a moist and humid landscape, filled with trees and shrubs of all sizes coupled with a myriad of animal species. Lions roar, monkeys screech, birds chirp their sweet melodies, and the slight pitter-patter of the constant rain sets the scene at the jungle. To the east is a crowd of trees with some berries on it. To the west, a large, cave looking shape. " The Crowd of Trees is a room. The crowd of trees is east of the Tropical Amazon Jungle. The description of the crowd of trees is "You reach a cluster of trees not too tall in height, but varied in species. Contrary to anything you’ve ever seen at home, the trees are home to insects, birds, bees and the myriad of wildlife present in this jungle. There is one strange blue berry and weird red berry on the tree. You must pick one to eat." The blue berry is an object. The blue berry is in the crowd of trees. The blue berry is edible. After eating blue berry: say "You mistook the blue berry as a blueberry. Despite it’s slightly sweet initial taste unfortunately it was one of the most poisonous berries in the jungle, and is now shutting down all your organ systems slowly, one by one. What a HAWKward way to die!"; end the game in death. The red berry is an object. The red berry is in the crowd of trees. It is edible. The red berry seed is an object. The red berry seed can be lost or found. The Red Berry Seed is lost. "It’s just a good token of appreciation!". After eating red berry: Say "The berry tastes wonderful! It’s quite tart, but has a hint of sweetness that adds and heightens the flavour! Stop LION around, because now you have the energy to check out the cave! You decide to keep a red berry seed as a souvenir and memory."; Now red berry seed is found; Now player has a red berry seed. Instead of going to the Cave: If player has a red berry seed: Continue the action; Otherwise: say "Go east and eat a berry. Don't be RATTLEed but, as of right now, you don't have the energy to continue SNAKING through the trails.". The Cave is a room. The Cave is west of the Tropical Amazon Jungle. The description of the Cave is "You see multiple green, glowing eyes amidst the dark and eerie atmosphere of the cave. The air is moist, and you feel a couple of drips fall right on the tip of your nose. The mighty stalactites and stalagmites catch your eye as they enhance the unique structure of the cave you are situated in. To the south you hear the steady downfall of water, and to the north you hear a voice, 'Hello!'. " The Waterfall is a room. The Waterfall is south of the cave. The description of the Waterfall is "You enter one of the loudest parts of the cave. The roaring water falls from the cracks within the mighty rocks that make up the cave, with an intense power. The waterfall takes your breath away, but through the gushing sounds and the vast amount of water, it intensifies your urge to use the washroom. Maybe not the best idea to stay here?" The Bat's Cave is a room. The Bat's Cave is north of the Cave. "You enter a nook in the cave filled with bats. Despite the slight darkness and inability to see the shape of the bats, their screeches ring in your ears and their glowing eyes blink sporadically. However, in a corner illuminated by the sunlight through cracks in the hard rock, you spot a bat named Belgs, avidly searching for something. You should try asking him about the washroom!" Asking someone about something is speech. Telling someone about something is speech. Answering someone that something is speech. Asking someone for something is speech. Understand "talk to [someone]" as a mistake ("Try to ASK [the noun] ABOUT something or TELL [the noun] ABOUT something."). Belgs is a person. Belgs is in the Bat's Cave. Understand "Bat", "The Bat", "The person" as Belgs. Belgs can be calm or impatient. The description of Belgs is "This bat looks knowledgeable. He might know where a washroom can be found." Belgs is calm. Instead of asking Belgs about "the washroom": say "I think you may have a long and shiny item that I need! If you give that it me I can help you in return. Although I have BAT breath, it's not a toothbrush!"; now Belgs is impatient. Instead of asking an impatient Belgs about "the washroom": say "I already told you, find me the item and I'll tell you where to find the washroom.". Instead of asking an impatient Belgs about "long and shiny item": say "I know you have it, just give it to me already and I can help you!!". Instead of asking an impatient Belgs about "item": say "I know you have it, it was in the house. Just give it to me already and I can help you!!". The block giving rule is not listed in the check giving it to rules. After giving Sword to Belgs: say "Great job! You may now PAS, as you have given me the SWORD. Go north through the portal and you will reach NYC. The quickest way to the washroom is by going southwest. However, I've heard that once you go, you may never return. It's probably just stories though- nothing to worry about! Good Luck!". Instead of entering the blue portal: If player has the sword: Say "Something's wrong! You can't enter the portal right now!"; Otherwise: Continue the action. Instead of going north: If player is wearing a sword in Bat's Cave: Say "Something's wrong! You can't enter the portal right now!"; Otherwise: Continue the action. The blue portal is an open door. The blue portal is north of the Bat's Cave and south of New York City. The blue portal is in the Bat's Cave. The description of the blue portal is "Another portal! The blue and silver swirls are incredibly hypnotizing and welcoming! You wonder where this one will take you!!" Understand "NYC" as New York City. The New York City is a room. The New York City is east of the Theatre. "Bustling with people and honking cars, NYC's chances of having ONE washroom with a toilet is incredibly high! You can smell the scrumptious, smoky scents wafting from the hot dog stands coupled with the middle eastern falafels being served by food trucks, and of course, the underlying scent of cigarettes and gasoline. Look around in all directions, see what you can find!". The Pub is a room. The Pub is southwest of New York City. After going to the Pub: say "You are now in a Pub. The door slams shut behind you. At first you smell the comforting yet pungent smell of liquor, and hear loud music blaring through the slightly rusted speakers of the old joint. Taking you back to your college days, the room envelopes you in a sense of familiarity, however you then realize that Belgs was definitely misinformed. You should have realized that no one returns for a reason. There is no washroom here, only a carnivorous toilet that is hungry for more humans, and you, have been eaten."; End the game in death. The Majestic Theatre is a room. The Majestic Theatre is west of New York City. "As one of the prized jewels of the Big Apple, the Majestic Theatre is known for its rustic yet elegant feel, with chandeliers dangling over the red velvet carpets, welcoming avid show lovers from all the world. Showcasing all sorts of broadways plays and musicals from around the globe, tonight’s theatrical wonder is Macbeth! The ticket says: 'Prepare to indulge and get sucked into the story of the guilt and paranoia ridden Macbeth, his encounters with the three witches and the magic of it all on stage.' While you should be sitting back, sipping on a glass of wine and enjoying the sheer talent that the performers will portray in true Shakespeare style, alas! You’ve lost your tickets! Being the expensive and luxurious venue it is, you are not allowed use the washroom without your tickets!". Before going from the Majestic Theatre to New York City for the first time: Now Playbill is found; Now player has the Playbill. The Playbill is an object. The Playbill can be lost or found. The Playbill is lost. The description of the playbill is "It's not even a program. At least you get to see the biographies of the Broadway Performers ready to take the stage today. You can browse through and read the amazing stories behind these actors, who you will soon see in the world of Macbeth later." Instead of going east in New York City: If player is carrying a Playbill: Continue the action; Otherwise: say "There's a theatre to the west! You happen to have tickets to the limited edition Macbeth play. You are incredibly excited because your Gr. 10 English teacher told you that you were going to study this Shakespearian play in class! You might even find a toilet there!". Instead of going north in New York City: If player is carrying a Playbill: Continue the action; Otherwise: say "There's a theatre to the west! You happen to have tickets to the limited edition Macbeth play. You've been dreaming about this night since you studied Macbeth in your Gr. 10 English Class! You might even find a toilet there!". Instead of going west in New York City: If player has the Playbill: Say "There's no washroom you can use there so there's really no point going in there again."; Otherwise: continue the action. Dead End is a room. Dead End is north of New York City. "Shoot! There's no washroom here. It's just a dead end, out of the many in New York City you just HAD to stumble upon one. All you see are a couple cans laying on the floor, a dumpster and of course, the curb. What a waste of time!" The 34th Street is a room. The 34th Street is east of New York City. "The Empire State Building can be seen from here. It's not very far away. There's got to be a washroom there, right?" There is a billboard in the 34th Street. The billboard is fixed in place. The description of the billboard is "A sheet of paper on this billboard catches your eye." The Ripped Sheet of Paper is an object. The Ripped Sheet of Paper is fixed in place. The Ripped Sheet of Paper is on the billboard. The description of the ripped sheet of paper is "The ripped sheet of paper, is nothing but paper. However it reads 'SOUTH: EMPIRE STATE BUILDING!!'" The Empire State Building is a room. It is south of 34th Street. "Although you’ve heard all about this massive structure in books, seeing it in person is a completely different story. The building impresses you with its towering height, making you feel like a tiny ant in comparison to this superstructure. Good thing this building is free to public today because you didn’t bring any money!" The Elevator is a door. The elevator is up from the Empire State Building. The Elevator is down from the 102nd Floor. The 102nd Floor is a room. "As you step out of the elevator, the harsh wind whips at your face, and for a moment you are taken aback. Yet, when you come back and truly observe the view, you realize that you can see the entirety of New York from here! The sight is absolutely breathtaking, as the whole city landscape is within your view. The cars, buildings, trees, people, traffic lights, houses, parks, museums and roads all come together, in a picture perfect, postcard looking scenery. You are now at the highest point of the Empire State Building open to public, alas there is still no washroom to be found! Time to go back down..." Understand "go down the stairs" as a mistake ("Try to ENTER the stairs"). Understand "go down stairs" as a mistake ("Try to ENTER the stairs"). Understand "use the stairs" as a mistake ("Try to ENTER the stairs"). The Stairs is an open door. The Stairs is east of the 102nd Floor and up from the Alleyway. The Alleyway is a room. The Alleyway is west of the Orange Portal. The Alleyway is east of the Empire State Building. "The alleyway is dark and spooky. The pungent smell of trash, alcohol, and tobacco lingers. There are shards of glass from broken beer bottles and cigarette butts along the sides of the alleyway. Suddenly, further east a shimmer that resembles previous portals catches your attention." [Shoot if we made this a tunnel we could’ve made it the light at the end of the tunnel. Shoot true ] The Orange Portal is an open door. The Orange Portal is east of the Alleyway. The Orange Portal is west of The Lost City of Atlantis. The description of the Orange Portal is "You are desPEErately looking for a way out because there are obviously no available washrooms in NYC. Let’s see where this takes you…." The Lost City of Atlantis is a room. The Lost City of Atlantis is east of the Orange Portal. "Suddenly you feel your feet slightly sinking into the ground, as you are thousands of feet deep in water. However, instead of just SEAing water, you look up to see big pillars dating back to the Roman era along with tall skyscrapers, vehicles and bridges all leading up to the center jewel of the city, the Palace. All sorts of fish, mermaids, whales and dolphins swim around in the waters, and the modern structures combine with the vivid coral formations, to create a stunning scenery! WHALEcome to the Lost SEA-ty of Atlantis! To the north is the grand Colosseum, and to the east you SEA a school of colourful fish." [indicate where chest is] The Colosseum is a room. The Colosseum is north of the Lost City of Atlantis. "The grandeur of this building, like alWAVES, takes your breath away and for a moment, even renders you unable to feel the urge to use the washroom. The mighty stone pillars are just the beginning of the magnificent architecture displayed in the Colosseum. To the east, you see a statue with a plaque." The Statue of Neptune is an object. The statue of neptune is in the Throne Room. The description of the statue is "You're looking at a beautifully carved statue of Neptune, the Roman God of the sea, the equivalent to Greek God, Poseidon. His mighty posture, strong look in his eyes, trident and the essence of his immortal power are all captured within this one stone structure." The Plaque is on the Statue of Neptune. The Plaque is an object. The Plaque is fixed in place. The description of the plaque is "The gold plaque reads, 'Although a powerful God, Neptune SHOREly will not help you ease yourself and find a washroom! How craySEA did you think he was?'" The Group of Fish is a room. The Group of Fish is east of the Lost City of Atlantis. "Unlike any other sea creatures you’ve experienced at home in local ponds and aquariums, these fishes have vibrant hues, and are not disturbed or scared by your presence. However, as advanced and unique as they are, they are not capable of conversing with you. Simply put, these fishes are deFINitely very pleasing to the eye, but they do not have the SEAcret directions to find a washroom. Keep trying!" The Seaweed Plant is a room. The Seaweed Plant is east of the group of fish. The Seaweed Plant is south of the Palace. "You reach a part of the city, where there are tall seaweed plants, swaying around in all directions, distinguished by their bright green hue. The seaweed is very lengthy, and is flowing around you, almost trapping you in its grasp. Buried within the individual plants, is a small, green chest. You wonder what the PORPOISE of it is." The Green Chest is an object. The Green Chest is openable. The Green Chest is in the Seaweed Plant. The description of the Green Chest is "There is nothing much in here except for a little bit of FINtastic vanilla cake, with teal frosting and sprinkles" Cake is an object. It is edible. Cake can be lost or found. Cake is lost. It is inside the Green Chest. The description of the cake is "There is nothing much in here except for a little bit of FINtastic vanilla cake. The layers of the cake are moist, and are separated between each other by creamy, lemon filling. With deep blue fondant, and various sea creature and mermaid figures lining the bottom, the cake sums up The Lost City of Atlantis in one yummy bite. And to top it all off, a handful of teal sprinkles and a cherry." Instead of opening green chest when the Cake is lost: now the cake is found; continue the action. The cherry is an object. The cherry can be lost or found. The cherry is lost. The description of the cherry is "It’s just a nice item. Good decoration. Maybe it’ll be useful later." After eating cake: Say "Mm, that was delicious, but you still really need to find a washroom! The seaweed seem to be swaying in the direction of the palace, to the north!"; Now cherry is found; Now player has a cherry. Instead of going to the Palace from Seaweed Plant: If player has a cherry: Continue the action; Otherwise: say "Eat the cake! You'll need the energy. And it might distract you from your soon to burst bladder." The Palace is a room. The Palace is north of the Seaweed Plant. "Contrary to the ancient Colosseum, the palace is nothing short from luxurious. The gold plated walls enclose the glimmering space, comprising of rows and rows of seats and intricate, ornamental decorations. The strange sea creatures look oddly at you, being an outsider, but from here there are different ways you could go. To the east are chambers (presumably for members of the royal family) and to the west is a throne room, and uncharted territory in the north." The Endless Sea is a room. The Endless sea is north of the Palace. The description of the Endless Sea is “And so the mysteries of the deep blue sea continue, as you further enter the depths of the water. However, the Lost City of Atlantis is far gone, and all you can see now for miles, is blue. There are very few fish and species here, and the sea looks like it continues on forever. Finding a washroom out here seems almost impossi-BOAT!†The Mermaid's Chamber is a room. The Mermaid's Chamber is east of the Palace. "The beauty of this bedroom and the uniqueness of its decor, captivates you. The pearl studded shelves and white bed covered with silky, deep blue sheets lay on the turquoise, fluffy carpet. The room, decorated with a turquoise blue colour scheme, invokes a peaceful mood within you, almost transporting you to the calm water, and relaxing and calming your mind, Adding to the beauty of the room, is the mermaid combing her luscious hair with a fine toothed comb, at the mirror." The mermaid's chamber is a room. Ariel is a person. Ariel is in the Mermaid's Chamber. Ariel can be calm. Ariel can be annoyed. Ariel is calm. "Ariel turns around and says 'Welcome to Atlantis! I heard you were in dire need of a washroom and I may know how to help you!'" The description of Ariel is "She looks friendly, maybe she holds the key to finding the washroom!". Understand "the mermaid", "mermaid" as Ariel. Ariel is calm. Instead of asking Ariel about "the washroom": say "I have a very important key that may possibly help you! However, there's a catch, I need a RED item from you first."; now Ariel is annoyed. Ariel is calm. Instead of asking Ariel about "washroom": say "I have a very important key that may possibly help you! However, there's a catch, I need a RED item from you first."; now Ariel is annoyed. Instead of asking an annoyed Ariel about "the key": say "Get me my red item first!"; Instead of asking an annoyed Ariel about "key": say "Get me my red item first!". Instead of asking an annoyed Ariel about "the red item": say "Just get me a red item!! ANY RED ITEM!". Instead of asking an annoyed Ariel about "red item": say "Just get me a red item!! ANY RED ITEM!" Instead of asking an annoyed Ariel about "washroom": say "I'll tell you after you find me a red item!". Instead of asking an annoyed Ariel about "the washroom": say "I'll tell you after you find me a red item!". Instead of asking a calm Ariel about "help": say "Use your brain! I know you'll figure it out!"; now Ariel is annoyed. Instead of asking an annoyed Ariel about "help": say "How much clearer do you need me to say it. RED. ITEM. ME. " Instead of asking a calm Ariel about "hints": say "You're smart enough to figure this out on your own. You don't need hints. Please hurry up though."; now Ariel is annoyed. Instead of asking a calm Ariel about "a hint": say "You're smart enough to figure this out on your own. You don't need hints. Please hurry up though."; now Ariel is annoyed. Instead of asking an annoyed Ariel about "hints": say "How much clearer do you need me to say it. RED. ITEM. ME. ". Understand "ask Ariel for help" as a mistake ("Try asking Ariel about help instead."). Understand "ask for help" as a mistake ("Try asking Ariel about help instead."). Understand "ask Ariel for hints" as a mistake ("Try asking Ariel about hints instead."). Understand "ask for hints" as a mistake ("Try asking Ariel about hints instead."). Understand "ask Ariel for a hint" as a mistake ("Try asking Ariel about hints instead."). Understand "ask for a hint" as a mistake ("Try asking Ariel about hints instead."). Understand "ask about a hint" as a mistake ("Who are you asking?"). Understand "ask about hint" as a mistake ("Who are you asking?"). Understand "ask about hints" as a mistake ("Who are you asking?"). Understand "ask about help" as a mistake ("Who are you asking?"). Understand "ask about washroom" as a mistake ("Who are you asking?"). Understand "ask about red item" as a mistake ("Who are you asking?"). Understand "ask about key" as a mistake ("Who are you asking?"). The block giving rule is not listed in the check giving it to rules. The Gold Key is an object. The gold key can be lost or found. The gold key is lost. The gold key unlocks the grand door. The description of the gold key is "The gold key, like any other, is quite ordinary. It has a standard shape, with a shiny gold colour, with a rose gold outline. The key seems to unlock something back at the house, however it’s hard to tell based on it’s generic shape." After giving Red Berry Seed to Ariel: say "Thank you, that red berry seed is BERRY important to those living in the Lost City of Atlantis. In return, I will now provide you this gold key. Go south and you will become closer to your goal. I hope you make it! Good Luck!"; now gold key is found; now player has gold key. Instead of going to the Portal Room: If player has the gold key: continue the action; Otherwise: Say "I think Ariel the Mermaid can help me first!". Instead of going north in the Mermaid's Chamber: If player has the gold key in the Mermaid's Chamber: Continue the action; Otherwise: Say "I think Ariel the Mermaid can help me first!". The Throne Room is a room. The throne room is east of the Colosseum. The Throne Room is west of the Palace. "There is nothing important here. I just need to find the washroom, not go to the King who's FISHING for compliments, and despite his riches for more of the Atlantis currenSEA." The Final Portal is a door. The final portal is south of the Mermaid's Chamber. The description of the Final Portal is "Shaped like a strange orb, and glowing with a bright silver hue, this portal seems the most inviting and will hopefully FINALLY lead you somewhere useful." The Portal Room is a room. It is south of the Final Portal. "Now as you step into the shimmering room, you are entranced by the black and white swirls covering the walls. Are you ready to hit your last destination where you can possibly find a washroom? If you are ready then say 'Go to the Opening'." Teleporting is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "Go to [any room]" as teleporting. Carry out teleporting: move the player to the noun. Instead of player teleporting: If player is in the Portal Room: Continue the action; Otherwise: say "You can't go there right now."