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The Mission
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"A mission" by Sarah and Alexander Digging is an action applying to nothing. Understand "dig" as digging. Check digging: if the player does not carry a shovel, say "You don't have a shovel!" instead. Carry out digging: say "You have found [name in row a random number from 1 to 5 of Table of items]"; now player carries item in row a random number from 1 to 5 of Table of items. Empty Bag is a thing. Potato is an edible thing. Dirt is a thing. Gold is a thing. Pickaxe is a thing. Ring is a thing. Table of items Name Item "Empty Bag" Empty Bag "Potato" Potato "Dirt" Dirt "Gold" Gold "Pickaxe" Pickaxe Strange house is a room. "You find yourself in the middle of a strange place. You look around but don't recognize any of the things here. You seem to be a long way from home... Getting up, you stub your toe on a table." In the house is a shovel, a table and a chest. The table is scenery in the house. There is a book on the table. The chest is an openable container that is fixed in place. The chest contains a hammer, a ball of yarn. The chest is closed. After taking the book: say "You take the book. Maybe I should 'consult' this book about the things I find. It also seems to have a description of the strange house." After consulting the book about "shovel", say "You read: Shovels can be used to dig. Maybe you'll find something useful! There used to be a mine below you. Perhaps you will dig up some mining equipment. Or maybe some bones..." After consulting the book about "ball of yarn", say "You read: Yarn can sometimes be used to tie things together." After consulting the book about "hammer", say "You read: A hammer is a tool used to build things, but you don't know how to use it." After consulting the book about "torch", say "You read: The torch can help make dark areas easier to navigate!" After consulting the book about "strange house", say "You read: The strange house is empty. No one has visited for centuries. Years ago, miners and their families lived here. The minefield is to the west of the strange house. Workers used to dig deep in to the earth's soil and come up with treasures." The Minefield is a room. The minefield is west of the strange house. Before going to minefield: say "The minefield is a dangerous place, it would be unwise to go here. Better turn back." instead of Digging in the Minefield, say "You hit a mine and died!" The Forest is a room. The forest is east of the strange house. "You see a large tree in the forest. Making your way to the tree, you trip over a rock. Getting up, you wipe off the dirt from your knees and your elbows and continue forward. To the north, you see the entrance to a cave." The large tree is fixed in place in the forest. On the tree is a torch. The torch is lit. The Cave Entrance is north of the forest. The cave entrance is a door. The cave entrance is lockable and locked. The matching key of the cave entrance is the Pickaxe. An dark room called the Cave is north of the Cave entrance. Before going to Cave: say "The cave entrance is covered by rocks. If you had a pickaxe you could get through. It looks dark in there... maybe you need a torch?" In the Cave is a ring. After taking the ring, say "This is the ring that your mother lost last year, you are suddenly hit with memories from your home. You remember the sweet smell of chocolate cookies when your mom is in the kitchen baking. You remember the yellow tulips growing in your front yard. You know how to get home! Try going west!" A room called Home is west of the cave. "You hug your mother and return her ring, she is thankful that you have returned safely home." Mom is a person in home.