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Colonial Project
Sara Gonzalez
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"Colonial Project" by Gabrielle Gonzalez [This is a 4th grade Social Studies project] Include Simple Chat by Mark Tilford Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing Use no scoring. The player carries a small cake. The cake is edible. Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking to. Report talking to: say "You have nothing to say." Instead of singing: say "Your high pitched squeal frightens away all the birds. And everyone covers their ears." Ship Dock is a room. "You are standing on the dock staring at the giant ship looming in front of you. You are going to the new world where you can leave the devastating streets of England. The boat that you will be traveling on is the Susan Constant, the biggist of the boats going to Virginia. Off to the east, you see the ship's upper deck." East Main Quarters is below Upper deck. "The Main Quarters is gigantic! Even though it is so big, people are squished together. Lots of the people have sicknesses, like smallpox or the flu. You can see the other side of the Main Quarters to the west. You can see a ladder leading up." Muddy Water is in Eastern storage room. "A cup of water is on top of one of the barrels."The description is "The water looks like mud and small worms crawl inside." Instead of drinking Muddy Water: say "You raise the cup to your mouth but you can not make yourself take a sip." West Main Quarters is west of East Main Quarters and below Captains room. "You climb down the ladder. You look around and you see lots of people squished together. The main quarters is where the passengers on the boat stay. A ladder leads down into darkness, a ladder leads up to the Captain's room, and the other side of the Main Quarters is to the east." Upper deck is east of Ship Dock. "Water laps aginst the side of the boat. You look up and see a ladder that leads to the quarter deck, you also see the galley (kitchen) that is off to the east. A trapdoor leads down to the main quarters." Quarter deck is above upper deck. "Your higher up than before. Fish leap out of the pitch black water. You stare at the black water and wonder what else is down there. You see the ladder that you just climbed up. You turn west and see the captain's room." Pocket watch is in quarter deck. "You also see a pocket watch on the ground." The description is " The pocket watch is broken but you can see that the person who made it put a lot of time and love into the details." The Captain is a man. "[bold type]You see the Captain standing next to his room [roman type]." The description is "His hair is a sunny yellow and his eyes are dark brown." Instead of talking to Captain: run a conversation from Quiz. Galley is east of upper deck. "You walk in. A big pot is hanging over a small fireplace. Biscuit, water, and other things pack the room. You look around hungrily, searching for a bite to eat. Even though you are hungry you also feel uncomfortable taking food that will help the other passengers. The door that you just walked through is to the west. A ladder leads down into the Crew's Quarters." At 9:05 am: change east exit of Ocean to Upper deck; change west exit of Upper deck to Ocean; say "[bold type]You stumble as the boat pulls slowly away from the dock.[roman type]" Instead of eating Moldy cheese: say "The cheese is disgusting!! You spit out the cheese immediately."; remove cheese from play. Instead of eating Stew: say "The stew is delicious. You devour it quickly."; remove Stew from play. Instead of eating Sea biscuit: say "The biscuit tastes horrible. You gulp it down quickly."; remove biscuit from play. Instead of eating small cake: say "The cake is super sweet and you smile as you swallow it."; remove small cake from play. The Crew's Quarters is below galley. "You see lots of beds, except for you the crew's quarters is empty. The crew must be working on the ship. Some lanterns hang down from the roof. The lanterns are too high up to reach. A small wooden bed is hidden in the corner of the room. You see the rope ladder that you just climbed down. Another ladder leads down into the Eastern storage room." Lanterns are in Crew's Quarters. The Lanterns are scenery. Instead of taking Lanterns: say "The lanterns are too high up to reach." Small bed is in Crew's Quarters. The bed is scenery. The description is "The bed is made out of wood that looks like caramel." Instead of taking Bed: say "You can't actually think that you can haul a bed around the ship. Anyway the crew might get mad. " Eastern storage room is below crew's quarters. "You go down the ladder. A little bit of light is filtering through from the crew's quarters. Barrels of water and other things that will help you on the trip fill the room. The ladder that you just climbed down sways slowly." Moldy cheese is in Galley. "You spot some moldy cheese in the corner of the room." The description is "Green and white fuzz covers the cheese." Moldy cheese is edible. [Food is a scene. Food begins when the player takes Moldy cheese. When Food begins: say "The cheese is green with mold and you scrape off as much mold as possible, trying to make the cheese more edible in case you try to eat it."] Small cup is in Western storage room. "A small cup catches your eye." The description is "The cup looks like it's made out of gold but you doubt it." Sea biscuit is in Eastern storage room."You also see a small sea biscuit on the floor." The description is " You peer closely at the biscuit and realize that small worms are crawling around inside it." Captains room is west of quarter deck. "You walk inside. There is a neatly made bed. There is also a small door that is open. The small door leads down. The door that you just came through is to the east." An oil lamp is a switched off device in Captains room. "An oil lamp is setting on a desk that is in the corner of the room. You should take the oil lamp." The description is "The lamp is small but will provide enough light on a dark night." Carry out switching off the oil lamp: now the oil lamp is unlit. Carry out switching on the oil lamp: now the oil lamp is lit. Understand "turn [something switched off] on" as switching on. Understand "turn [something switched on] off" as switching off. Understand "light [something switched off]" as switching on. A journal is in Captains room."A small leather journal is propped aginst the wall." The description is "The captain has not written any words in the journal. He is probably saving it for the trip." Ocean is a room. "You fall into the icy cold water. Your teeth chatter and your hair is plastered to your face. You better go east to get back on the ship before you freeze to death." Western storage room is below West Main Quarters. It is a dark room."A short groan comes from a figure beside you. His hair is red and he has a short red beard. What surprised you the most was that he was in chains." The prisoner is a man in the Western storage room. The description is "His red beard is tangled and his chains look uncomfortable." Understand "John Smith" as prisoner. Hello, whoareyou, whyyouinchains, whatyoudo, goodbye are chat nodes. Report giving text for Hello: instead say "[italic type]'Hello'[roman type], the man groans as he sits up.". Carry out finding responses to Hello: link to whoareyou; link to whyyouinchains; link to whatyoudo; link to goodbye. Report giving link to whoareyou: instead say "[italic type]'Um....., who are you?'[roman type] You ask." . Report giving text for whoareyou: deactivate whoareyou; instead say "'[italic type]My name is John Smith'[roman type], he says." Carry out finding responses to whoareyou: link to whyyouinchains; link to whatyoudo; link to goodbye. Report giving link to whyyouinchains: instead say "[italic type]Why are you in chains[roman type]?". Report giving text for whyyouinchains: deactivate whyyouinchains; instead say "[italic type]I angered the captain[roman type]." Carry out finding responses to whyyouinchains: link to whoareyou; link to whatyoudo; link to goodbye. Report giving link to whatyoudo: instead say "[italic type]What did you do before you came on the boat[roman type]?" Report giving text for whatyoudo: deactivate whatyoudo; instead say "[italic type]In 1600 I fought Turkey in the 'Long war'. I was promoted to Captain while fighting in Hungry. Two years later I fought in Transylvania and got wounded in battle. I got captured and sold to a man who lived in Turkey. Then he sent me to someone in Istanbul, who sent me to her brother to get training for Turkish imperial services. I murdered the brother and escaped by fleeing through Russia and Poland to get to Transylvania. I returned to England in the winter of 1604[roman type]." Carry out finding responses to whatyoudo: link to whoareyou; link to whyyouinchains; link to goodbye. Report giving link to goodbye: instead say "[italic type]Well, goodbye[roman type]." Report giving text for goodbye: instead say "[italic type]He does not hear you, John Smith has fallen asleep[roman type]." Instead of talking to the prisoner: run a conversation from Hello. Instead of attacking prisoner: say " I don't think that the man would like that." Quiz, shipname1, shipname2, shipname3, shipland1, shipland2, johnsmith1, johnsmith2 are chat nodes. Report giving text for Quiz: instead say "[italic type]Hello, I have some questions to ask you about what you learned while on the ship. [paragraph break] What is the ship's name[roman type]?" Carry out finding responses to Quiz: link to shipname1; link to shipname2; link to shipname3. Report giving link to shipname1: instead say "[italic type]Discovery[roman type]". Report giving text for shipname1: instead say "[italic type]Sorry, that's not the ship's name. Let's start over. Come talk to me again.[roman type]" Report giving link to shipname2: instead say "[italic type]Godspeed[roman type]." Report giving text for shipname2: instead say "[italic type]Sorry, that's not the ship's name. Let's start over. Come talk to me again[roman type]."; run a conversation from Quiz. Report giving link to shipname3: instead say "[italic type]The Susan Constant[roman type]". Report giving text for shipname3: instead say "[italic type]Great job. The ship is the Susan Constant. I have another question for you. [line break] Now, where will the ship land[roman type]?" Carry out finding responses to shipname3: link to shipland1; link to shipland2. Report giving link to shipland1: instead say "[italic type]Virginia[roman type]". Report giving text for shipland1: instead say "[italic type]You're almost done! Why is John Smith in chains[roman type]?" Carry out finding responses to shipland1: link to johnsmith1; link to johnsmith2. Report giving link to shipland2: instead say "[italic type]Florida[roman type]". Report giving text for shipland2: instead say "[italic type]No, Florida belongs to the Spanish and we're English. Let's start over. Come talk to me again[roman type].". Report giving link to johnsmith1: instead say "[italic type]Because he angered me[roman type].". Report giving text for johnsmith1: instead say "[italic type]Correct. You answered all the questions correctly and you can leave the ship by going west from the Upper deck. [paragraph break][roman type]The New World is slowly coming into sight. At first you see a tiny blur of green but then you can see the land better as you get closer. The ship will be docking in a few minutes. You can go off the ship by going west from the Upper deck to the shore. Be sure to wait until we dock so you don't fall into the water". Report giving link to johnsmith2: instead say "[italic type]Because he is a prisoner from England.[roman type]". Report giving text for johnsmith2: instead say "[italic type]Nope, let's try again. Come talk to me again.[roman type]"; run a conversation from Quiz. At 9:46 AM: move captain to Quarter deck; move player to Quarter deck; say "[bold type]After several weeks of traveling, the ship finally nears land. You walk up to the captain and he starts to talk to you.[roman type]"; run a conversation from Quiz. At 9:50 AM: say "[bold type]The ship has docked and you can now walk off the ship by going west from the Upper deck.[roman type]"; change the east exit of the Shore to Upper deck; change the west exit of the Upper deck to Shore. [Entrance is north of Shore. "Welcome to Jamestown! people yell as you walk into the settlement. Jamestown is shaped like a triangle. There are big walls surounding the settlment to keep out indains. A small house is to the west. The church is to the east. A school is to the north." School Building is north of Entrance. "You peer inside through a crack in the door. The school master is whipping a small boy, another boy is standing in the corner wearing a dunce cap. You shudder as you imagine what would happen if the school master caught you outside the door. You better go south before he really does see you." Trees is south of Shore."Trees suround you and you remember the storys about the Indains. You better go north before they find you." Church is east of Entrance. Small house is west of entrance. "The bottem floor has nothing in it. Dust and spiderwebs cover the ceiling and walls. A wooden stair case leads up. " Upstairs is above Small house. "A pile of straw is on the ground and you guess it has been used for a bed." A Straw bed is in Upstairs. The bed is scenery. Instead of taking the bed: say "The straw bed falls apart as you pick it up. The straw was so old that the clump you picked up crumbled up into dust." Straw is in Upstairs. The straw is scenery. Instead of taking the straw: say "Eww!!!! The bed is crawling with lice and ants! You really don't want to take the straw. Whats the point of taking it anyway?" Savannah Entrance is west of Shore. "You step inside the colony. Unlike Jamestown there are no cheers welcoming you here. You spot the house that belongs to James Orglethrope to the west." Bottom floor is west of Savannah Entrance. "The room is nice and you see a wooden cupboard. A table with four chairs around it sits in the corner of the room. A rope ladder leads up."] The Stew is in Crew's Quarters. "You see a bowl of delicious stew sitting on the small wooden bed." The description is "The bowl is warm and the chunks of meat and vegtables float around like they are tempting you." The Stew is edible. Sea biscuit is edible. [Second floor is above Bottom floor. Attop is a scene. Attop begins when the player has been in the second floor for the first time. When Attop begins: say "Remember what to do when you see a person that you want talk to?" If the player has eaten The Stew; say "You remember the stew that you ate and you feel guilty." (condition), =(do something) Attop ends when the player has been in the Bottom floor for the second time. James Oglethorpe is a man in Second floor. The description is " You recognize his face immediately. James Oglethorpe was the man who founded Georgia." Understand "man" as James Oglethorpe] [At 9:12 am: If player is in ] Shore is a room. "You step onto the sandy shore." After the player going to the Shore: end the story saying "You survived the terrible days at sea."; Deep is below Ocean. "You are completely submerged. You need air." Instead of attacking journal: say "You rip the journal to shreds."; remove journal from play. Release along with a website, and an interpreter.