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The Diabolical Contraption
Zack Yung
Played 1,535 times
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"The Diabolical Contraption" Use no scoring The Entrance is north of the Lobby. [if the Entrance is unvisited]"Welcome! You have entered the game The Diabolical Contraption. One man, in this world, a scientist, has combined ideas, objects, and materials in order to control science. With this machine of his, he can defy gravity, condense and expand matter, teleport objects, and much more. However, his machine has begun to get out of control. Who knows what it will do next? Make time go faster? You must find and use his special Scented Markers in order to mutate your genes, so you will be able to withstand the obstacles in your path. Well, it's your job to find and stop the machine. Be careful and good luck! You are in the Entrance. The Lobby is south." The Lobby is east of the Library. "[if the Lobby is unvisited]You have now entered the scientist's mansion, more specifically the Lobby. The scientist has written on several papers about what he has studied in order to create this invention. You must find all of these papers in order to know what the machine contains and what it can do. Go to the Library.[end if][if the Library is unvisited] The Library is west." The Library is a room. The Library is south of the Bedroom. "[if the Library is unvisited]Hmm. In this room there is a cardboard box on a desk. Why don't you go ahead and open it. The next room is north when you are ready." In the Library is a cardboard box. The cardboard box is a closed, openable container. In the cardboard box is a satchel, a compass, and a map. The satchel is a closed, openable container. The description of the cardboard box is "This is a cardboard box." The description of the satchel is "This is a satchel." The description of the compass is "This compass does not work." The description of the map is "This is a blank map." After opening the cardboard box: say "Nice. There are some special items in here; a brown satchel, a compass, and a map but only one of the item seems to be the one you need." After opening the satchel: say "Congratulations! You have found the Scented Markers; blue, white, black, and yellow! But you still have to find the scientist's papers." The Library contains a circular, wooden desk. On the desk are papers. The description of the desk is "Oh look, papers are scattered on the surface of the desk. This might contain valuable information." The description of the papers is "The scented markers are able to mutate your genes when you eat them. Each marker represents a unique characteristic. Unfortunately, there is the mutation table in the papers. You must figure out what each marker does by yourself. Unless you go look at the books..." The Library contains bookshelves. The bookshelves contains books. The books contains loose pages. The description of the bookshelves is "This is a bookshelf which contains books that the scientist has read." The description of the books is "Hmm. There seems to be some pages in between the books." The description of the loose pages is "Bingo! These papers include blueprints of the machine, but still no mutation table. I guess you will have to figure out which Scented Marker to use when a certain obstacle occurs." The description of the blueprints is "Bottom Section: Zero Gravity; Middle Section: Radiation Release; Top Section: Extreme Cold." The Bedroom is a room. The Bedroom is east of the Staircase."[if the Bedroom is unvisited]BRRR! The temperature has plummeted to -40 degrees Fahrenheit. Quickly, eat one of your Scented Markers before you experience hypothermia and you freeze to death. Hint: The color of this marker corresponds to the color of ice. Note to self: This is the first and last hint you will receive." The satchel contains a blue marker. The blue marker is an object. The blue marker is edible. The description of the blue marker is "This a blue marker." After eating the blue marker: say "You've grown a thick coat of fur all over your body. However, the Bedroom contains some codes around the room that you must find and decipher." The Bedroom contains a frozen desk, a chair, a closet, and a computer. On the desk is a pencil and a blank piece of paper. The desk does not contains any drawers. The chair can be used to sit down on. The closet is a closed, openable container. The Bedroom contains the next door which is east of the Staircase and southeast of the Dining Room. The description of the frozen desk is "Wow! Look at these markings carved in to the surface of the ice on the desk! 7, 15 | 20,15, | 20,8,5 | 4,15,15,18 | 20,15 | 6,9,14,4 | 20,8,5 | 14,5,24,20 | 3,15,4,5. These must mean something, but how are you going to decode it?" The description of the chair is "This is just a regular chair. Or is it... Wait a second... Look! It says: 'Number to letter order.' This must be for the code on the desk!" The description of the closet is "There are lots of drawers here, but they all seem to be empty." The description of the computer is "The interior of the computer is frozen solid. It won't work and cannot be turned on." The description of the next door is "23,8,9,20,5 | 13,1,18,11,5,18 | 13,1,11,5,19 | 7,5,14,5,19 | 14,15,18,13,1,12... 25,5,12,12,15,23 | 9,19 | 6,15,18 | 18,1,4,9,1,20,9,15,14... 2,12,1,3,11 | 9,19 | 6,15,18 | 3,12,9,13,2,9,14,7... Once you have figured this out, the next room is to your west." The Staircase is a room. The Staircase is below the Dining Room.[if the Staircase is unvisited]"Hmmm. There's an odd humming sound coming from the upper floor. It doesn't sound good. Eat the correct marker before you go upstairs because you don't know what obstacle is next." The satchel contains a yellow marker. The yellow marker is an object. The yellow marker is edible. The description of the yellow marker is "This a yellow marker." The satchel contains a black marker. After eating the yellow marker: say "Great job! You used the correct marker! You are now able to go upstairs to check out the Dining Room. It's up." The Dining Room is a room. The Dining Room is below the Laboratory.[if the Dining Room is unvisited]"Phew...I'm glad you used the correct marker because this room is full of radiation. This must be the more intense part of the machine. The Robot on the far side of the room looks suspicious. Type 'ask Robot about wants'." The Robot is a person in the Dining Room. The Robot is a man. The description of the Robot is "Uh oh. This Robot is in the way of the next room. Ask him what he wants in order to let you through." After asking Robot about "wants": say "Hello Player. You have entered the Dining Room, but I cannot allow you to move on to the next room until you answer all of the following questions...correctly. When you are ready type in 'ask Robot about 1st question'. " After asking Robot about "1st question": say "Ok. Name one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World. Simply type in 'ask Robot about (answer). Follow this rule for every question.'" After asking Robot about "Great Pyramid of Giza": say "Correct. Ask me about the 2nd question." After asking Robot about "Colossus of Rhodes": say "Correct. Ask me about the 2nd question." After asking Robot about "Hanging Gardens of Babylon": say "Correct. Ask me about the 2nd question." After asking Robot about "Temple of Artemis": say "Correct. Ask me about the 2nd question." After asking Robot about "Statue of Zeus at Olympia": say "Correct. Ask me about the 2nd question." After asking Robot about "Mausoleum of Halicarnassus": say "Correct. Ask me about the 2nd question." After asking Robot about "Lighthouse of Alexandria": say "Correct. Ask me about the 2nd question." After asking Robot about "2nd question": say "Write out, in all words, the equation to figure out density." After asking Robot about "density equals mass divided by volume": say "Hmm. You seem to be extremely smart! Time to boost up the difficulty. Ask me about the 3rd question." After asking Robot about "3rd question": say "In the equation, E=mc squared, what is 'c'?" After asking Robot about "speed of light": say "Wow. Good job, but it needs to be harder. 4th question..." After asking Robot about "4th question": say "What would be the tallest land feature of the Earth if water wasn't covering up most of it?" After asking Robot about "Mauna Loa": say "Ok... 5th and last question." After asking Robot about "5th question": say "Name the 1st 20 digits of pi. You do not need to place the period in between 3 and 1." After asking Robot about "31415926535897932384": say "Congratulations. You have answered all the questions correctly. The next room up. Be careful..." The Laboratory is south of the End Room. "The machine has switched to no gravity mode. Eat your last marker and insert the white marker into the slot." The white marker is an object. The white marker is not edible. After eating black marker: say "You have now gained the 'Climbing Walls' ability." The description of the machine is "This machine is made of three parts. Insert white marker into the slot." The slot is a container. After inserting white marker into slot: say "The machine is about to blow up. Quick go up to get to the End Room." Every turn: if the player is in End Room: say "Congratulations! You have destroyed the Diabolical Contraption. Your legendary story will be known throughout the world. Written by: Gustavo and Zack."; end the game in victory