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Adventures at WebWise2012
Seb Chan
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Use no scoring. The story headline is "Adventures at WebWise". The story description is "A quick journey into interactive fiction inspired by Rob Stein's introduction to TAP presentation and his referencing of Marc Reidl. It raised, in my mind, that there are already robust frameworks for quickly generating interactive fiction of the sort that makes the foundation of a mobile tour - so, could TAP use the Inform7 language for advanced authoring?" The Main Conference Room is a room. "Rows of tables, each with their own powerstrip stretch endlessly toward the speaker podium. Two projection screens show the wifi login details whilst unfashionably out of date pop music plays softly over the speaker system. On the table nearest you is a conference pack and an abandoned Samsung Galaxy. The foyer is to the South." Projection screens are scenery in the Main Conference Room. Speaker system is scenery in the Main Conference Room. Samsing Galaxy is a thing. The Samsung Galaxy is in the Main Conference Room. The description is "The Samsung Galaxy is turned off. You cannot figure out how to turn it on, and, turning it over, you realise that the battery has been removed. Helpful isn't it?" Conference Pack is a thing. Conference pack is in the Main Conference Room. The description is "The conference pack, like all conference packs, is looking for the recycling bin. You notice that the conference schedule has already been removed, leaving only the wad of promotional materials." South of the Main Conference Room is the Foyer. The Foyer is a room."The foyer is empty. Lukewarm coffee drips from a boiler but there are no cups nearby. The crumbs of food that used to be here litter the floor. Obviously these places don't pay their venue staff very well. A faint waft of perfume comes from the East." East of the Foyer is the Lifts. South of the Foyer is the Stairs. Lifts is a room. "As you enter the lift lobby you notice the furthest-most door has just closed. The whirring of motors comes from behind closed lift doors. Strangely, there are no lift buttons and the concierge must have gone on a break. There is a card on the floor." A Card is a thing. A Card is in the Lifts. The description is "The card has something on it written in Comic Sans. You shudder. With that out of your system, you read 'The lifts are out of order. Use the stairs. They are South of the foyer.'" Stairs is a room. "Stairs ascend as far as the eye can see. Unlike the lifts, there is no scent of perfume. Only the smell of garbage." Above the stairs is the Revolving Restaurant. Revolving Restaurant is a room. "An abandoned revolving restaurant is not revolving. Maybe it is too early? Or maybe someone forgot to turn it on? After some looking around you notice a metal box on the wall. Opening it, you see The Switch!" The Switch is a device. The Switch is fixed in place. The Switch is in the Revolving Restaurant. "The Switch looks very old. Perhaps it was made in the mid 20th century." After switching on the switch: say "The room starts moving and you notice ill-fitting tablecloths get drawn into the mechanism. That doesn't seem too good. On the otherhand, the soft sound of nondescript cocktail jazz starts playing from unseen speakers." After switching off the switch: say "The room stops moving. That wasn't a good thing to do. Everyone know revolving restaurants are supposed to revolve. The Earth also stops spinning. The night never comes. You die of insomnia." ; end the game in death.