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Zombies @ Faculty Academy
Shannon H
Played 683 times
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When play begins: say "You are a brand new professor at UMW and rumor has it Faculty Academy is the place to be. You park your car in the CGPS parking lot and begining to walk towards the building. It is mysteriously quiet. Right before you enter the building Jim Groom jumps out of nowhere and pulls you into the bushes. [paragraph break] You ask, 'Jim what the heck do you think you are doing? [paragraph break] Jim proceeds to go on a lengthy rant about some virus that has attacked the faculty at UMW and now they are all Zombies. [paragraph break] Jim asks, 'Will you help me kill the Zombies to prevent the virus from spreading? Yes or no hippie?'"; if player consents, say "Jim says, 'Alright, listen up now. Here
I'm going to go underneath the building and set-up a device to blow the place sky high, we can't risk this virus escaping. I need you to put the explosive in the electrical box in Room 107. [paragraph break] Also, I need you to get the hard drives out of laptop cart inside. [paragraph break] Make sure you nobody gets out...And while you are at it kill any zombies you come across
. See you back out here when you are done"; otherwise end the game saying "Jim says, 'Sorry but if you aren't with me you're against me' and promptly shoots you in the head."; Atrium is west of the Stairs. University Hall is west of the Atrium. The Balcony is above the Stairs. The Upstairs Hallway is south of the balcony. Room 210 is east of the Upstairs Hallway. Parking Lot is southwest of the Atrium. The First Floor Hallway is south of the Atrium. Room 110 is east of the First Floor Hallway. Room 107 is west of the First Floor Hallway. Table of Point Values item score hard drives 5 Report taking an item listed in the Table of Point Values: award score entry points; blank out the whole row. The description of the player is "You're naked! Just kidding, you are wearing a nice pair of slacks and a polo. You sure do miss the days of ripped jeans and concert tees." A weapon is a kind of thing. The sawed-off shotgun is a weapon carried by the player. Understand "shotgun" as the sawed-off shotgun. The explosive is a thing. The explosive is carried by the player. Shooting it with is an action applying to two things. Check shooting something with something: if the player is not carrying the sawed-off shotgun, say "You aren't even holding the shotgun!" instead; if the second noun is not the sawed-off shotgun, say "[The second noun] does not fire." instead; if the noun is the sawed-off shotgun, say "Nice trick if you can do it!" instead; if the noun is the player, say "That would be disastrous!" instead. Understand "shoot [sawed-off shotgun] at [something ungunlike]" as shooting it with (with nouns reversed). Definition: a thing is ungunlike if it is not the sawed-off shotgun. Understand "shoot [something ungunlike] with [sawed-off shotgun]" as shooting it with. Understand "shoot [something] with [something]" as shooting it with. Understand "shoot [something] at [something]" as shooting it with (with nouns reversed). Understand "fire [sawed-off shotgun] at [something ungunlike]" as shooting it with (with nouns reversed). Understand "fire at [something ungunlike] with [sawed-off shotgun]" as shooting it with. Understand "fire at [something] with [something]" as shooting it with. Carry out shooting something with something: say "Boom! You shot [The noun]. The undead body dissolves mysteriously, another Zombie destroyed. [if something is part of the noun][The list of things which are part of the noun] clatter to the ground! [end if][paragraph break]"; now every thing which is part of the noun is in the location; remove the noun from play. The description of a thing is usually "The appearance of [the noun] has not changed significantly since you left. Especially since the creator didn't really have time to think of a clever description." The Atrium is a room. "There are exits to the west, southwest, east, and south." The registration desk is scenery in the atrium. The registration desk is a supporter. The FA program is a thing on the registration desk. The description is "The (Un)Common University". After taking the FA program for the first time: award 2 points; say "Well this would have been helpful if Faculty Academy actually happened the way it was supposed to. Maybe it will help you blend in though. Ooh buffet lunch!" University Hall is a room. "The largest room at CGPS this is where a lot of magic happens. You see a laptop cart in a far corner. The Atrium is east of here." The laptop cart is a scenery closed openable container in University Hall. The description is "The HP laptop cart". The hard drives is a thing. The hard drives is in the laptop cart. The hard drives has an indefinite article "several". The Balcony is a room. "You can see people down below in the Atrium, cool! There are exits down and south of here." Instead of going north in the Balcony: say "Oh no you went over the rail and haven fallen down to the Atrium below! Why did you do that?"; end the game in death. Stairs is a room. "You are too cool to take the elevator, stairs is definitely the way to go. You can go up and west here." Upstairs Hallway is a room. "Nothing really special here, just another hallway. There are exits to the east and north." Room 210 is a room. "Normally during Faculty Academy this is just a classroom where various presentations take place. Now the room is in disarray. There is an exit to the west." Zombie Andy Rush is in Room 210. The key is a thing. The key is part of Zombie Andy Rush. Zombie Terry Kennedy is in Room 210. The cigarette is a thing. The cigarette is part of Zombie Terry Kennedy. Parking Lot is a room. "You see cars and some trees, nothing terribly exciting going on out here. Go northeast to get back in the building." The cars are scenery in the Parking Lot. The cars has indefinite article "many". Instead of examining the cars, say "Don't you need to be doing something? Get back inside." Trees are scenery in the Parking Lot. Trees are a thing. The First Floor Hallway is a room. "This hallway leads to Room 110 (east) and 107 (west)." Room 110 is a room. "Classroom where presentations will take place." The computer is a thing in Room 110. Instead of examining computer, say "Why not jump onto Twitter and tweet something?" Tweeting is an action applying to one topic. Understand "tweet" as tweeting. Report tweeting: if in Room 110, say "You login into twitter and type '@Twitterverse - Zombies have taken over FA, help!'." Instead of tweeting for the second time: say "You tweet: 'Jim Groom was right all along!'." Instead of tweeting for the third time: say "You tweet: 'Man, I sure am wasting a lot of time on twitter. Time to kill Zombies!'." Zombie Zach Whalen is in Room 110. The description of Zach Whalen is "He groans and gargles in incomprehensible zombie speak. But you think heard something about e-lit." Room 107 is a room. "Another classroom for presentations. You see the electrical box in the corner." Zombie Cole Camplese is in Room 107. The electrical box is a scenery closed openable container in Room 107. The description is "The electrical box that connects to the mainframe of electricity throughout the building. Placing the explosive in here will help the building implode. Need more Jiggawatts!" Every turn: if the player carries the hard drives and the player does not carry the explosive and the player is in the Parking Lot: say "As soon as you leave the building Jim flips the switch and the building explodes behind you in a fiery ball."; end the game in victory.