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The Beach
Sean Malone
Played 1,546 times
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The story genre is "Dystopia". The story headline is "A hungry boy trying to survive during Doomsday. The boy wakes up on the Beach". The story description is "The world is ending and a little boy is the only human left on Earth. He has twenty minutes to escape the city." The Beach is a room."The beach is sandy full of dead Starfishes. A sign shows arrows pointing East of the Beach is a playground. To the South is an island. To the North is the city. To the West is dunes. The beach is currently in low tide. The water in the beach is cold and toxic." Here is a starfish. The starfish is an object. After taking the starfish: say "You can trade Jonas the Starfish for the boat." West of the Beach is the Dunes. The Dunes is a room. Here is a sword. The sword is an object. A woman called Giant is here. The description of the Giant is "A gentle large woman who wants to become friends. She does not like the Falcons." The description of the player is a "Hungry little boy looking for food in the baron wasteland." East of the Beach is a playground. Playground is a room. Here is a dagger. The dagger is an object. "Birds called Falcons are here. Falcons can eat Jonas. Jonas will eat you if you are not careful. The dagger will help you stay alive. Think of the dagger as a weapon of defense." After taking the dagger: say "This small dagger will come in handy later on." South of the Beach is an island. Island is a room. A man called Jonas is here. Jonas can be an eccentric man or flesh eating machine. Jonas can be helpful as well. "An eccentric flesh eating man lives here. I think his name is Jonas. Jonas can be eccentric or a life saver. He is wearing a pink shirt. You should ask him about a boat." North of the Beach is the City. The City is a room. Here is a chest. The chest is a closed openable container. The chest contains six chicken nuggets, french fries and a root beer. The chicken nuggets, french fries and root beer are edible. North of the city is a Shelter. The Shelter is a room. "The shelter is a haven for children fighting famine, poverty, and warfare. Inside the Shelter is 50 children as prisoners. East of the Shelter is clean fresh water. South of shelter is the exit. The exit leads to an underground bomb shelter. Here is the prison door. The Prison door is scenery. The door is openable." North of the Shelter is the prison cage. The prison cage is a door. The prison cage is scenery. The Prison cage is east of The Cells and north of the shelter. East of the Shelter is The Cells. The Cells are a room. People called prisoners are here. "The prisoners are 50 children trying to escape the city. Will you free them?" South of the Shelter is an Underground Bomb Shelter. The Underground Bomb Shelter is a room. "You must open the Iron Gate to enter the Underground Bomb Shelter." South of the Underground Bomb Shelter is the Iron Gate. The Iron Gate is a door. The Iron Gate is scenery. The Iron Gate is lockable and locked. The matching key of the Iron Gate is the Rusty Skull key.