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Escape the Birthday Party
Koryn de Vries
Played 2,157 times
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The Party is a room. Description of the Party is "You are in a room full of loud, slobbering toddlers. It is your young cousin's birthday, and you have been forced to attend her Princess-themed celebration. You were also forbidden from bringing your iPod, a source of sanity when dealing with your cousin.". The Birthday Girl is in The Party. The Birthday Girl is fixed in place. Understand "Girl" as Birthday Girl. Understand "Cousin" as Birthday Girl. Birthday Girl is a person. Cake is in The Party. Cake is Edible. Streamers are in The Party. Instead of taking Birthday Girl: Say "She smiles and waves happily. 'Where is my present?' She asks.". The Kitchen is a room. The Kitchen is north of The Party. Description of Kitchen is "The smell of sweets and party food overwhelms you. You should probably leave before you eat everything in sight. The hallway is to the east and the stairwell is southeast. Both seem like wiser choices.". Chips are in the Kitchen. Chips are edible. Cupcakes are in the kitchen. Cupcakes are edible. After eating Cake: Say "The cake was yummy, but your Aunt glares at you for serving yourself. You sheepishly tiptoe to the kitchen."; Move player to The Kitchen. After eating Cupcakes: Say "You are in so much trouble.". After eating Chips: Say "You feel sick. There are no chips left. That was stupid. Your Aunt walks in and spies you munching away. She scolds you and immediately calls your parents to take you home."; End the game in death. The Hallway is a room. The Hallway is east of Kitchen. The Stairs is a room. The Stairs is southeast of Kitchen. Description of Stairs is "The stairs wind a long way down to the basement. You vaguely remember leaving something down there... You examine the basement. Should you go south, to the porch, or west, to the rec room?". After going east to The Hallway: Say "Your little cousin corners you and starts to make a fuss. 'Where is my present?' She screams. Her tantrum calls the attention of your Uncle, who pulls you outside to do yardwork for him until your parents come to pick you up."; End the game in death. Rec Room is a room. Rec Room is west of Stairs. Description of Rec Room is "A bunch of screaming toddlers run rampant, and two have climbed onto the pool table. You successfully pull them off the table and look around. There is a towering pile of presents in the corner.". Presents are in Rec Room. Presents are fixed in place. Instead of taking Presents: Say "No way. Those are your cousin's. Instead you inspect carefully the immaculately wrapped gifts. One however, seems to be missing...". Porch is a room. Porch is south of stairs. Description of Porch is "On the porch you peer outside. Your uncle's lawn is slightly overgrown. You see something lodged in the hedges in the garden." Hedge trimmers are in the Porch. Lawnmower is in the porch. Instead of taking Lawnmower: Say "That is your uncle's job. But a nice thought anyway."; End the game in death. After taking hedge trimmers: Move player to Garden. Garden is a room. Garden is west of Porch. Description of Garden is "Within the hedges you can now see clearly that a package has been lodged inside. You are incapable of removing it with your hands.". Hedges are in Garden. Hedges are fixed in place. Package is in garden. Instead of cutting Hedges: Say "You trim hastily at the hedges and the package falls out. You realize it is the present you brought for your cousin. 'How did it get here?' You wonder. You are now able to take the package.". After taking package: Say "You grab the package and quickly jog back inside."; Move player to Party. Instead of giving: Say "You made it through the birthday party with only minor casualties. Your parents are proud."; End the game in victory.