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My Japanese Myth
Koryn de Vries
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Prologue is a room. Prologue is northwest of Palace. Purgatory is a room. Description of Purgatory is "You are dead. Good job.". The score is a number variable. Maximum score is 13. X is a number variable. X is 0. Every turn: If X is greater than 1, Say "Now you must focus on being dead. Good luck.". Description of Prologue is "You, dear adventurer, are now taking the role of a Geisha-the most skilled Geisha in all of Kyoto. Because of this, you take great pride in your entertainment skills. You have been provided with a map for your journey. Also know that asking to 'look at' objects before taking them or interacting with them is a wise decision. Go southeast to start your adventure.". Instead of attacking player: Say "You fall from a random cliff."; Now X is 2; Move player to purgatory. Field is a room. Letter is in field. Protection is in Field. Kimono is in the field. Kimono is wearable. Tanka is in the field. The Palace is a room. Description of the Palace is "You are in the Palace of Buta Shogun, the most esteemed Shogun in all of Kyoto. He is a brave warrior, and very wealthy. Tonight Buta Shogun is holding a party in the palace. You have been hired to sing songs and perform rituals. The party is almost over, and you are waiting to head home. You should wait very patiently while you are here, you are not a guest but rather hired entertainment.". Buta Shogun is in the palace. Buta Shogun is fixed in place. Understand "Buta" as Buta Shogun. Buta is a person. A table is in the palace. On the table is food. Food is edible. Description of food is "Traditional Japanese delicacies from only the finest chefs.". Description of Buta is "Buta is a powerful Shogun. You should be very respectful to him.". After eating food: Say "The food is only for guests. Buta Shogun sees you eating and strikes you. You are cast out of the Palace."; Move player to OutsideofPalace. Instead of attacking Buta: Say "You succeed. However later you are apprehended and tried as a murderer, then decapitated."; End the game in death. OutsideofPalace is a room. OutsideofPalace is south of Palace. East is the Path Home. Path Home is a room. Town is west of OutsideofPalace. Town is a room. Description of OutsideofPalace is "You are now standing outside of the Palace. The Geisha home is in the town, and the town is to the west. To the east is a pathway to your familial home. You are not very welcome in either vicinity.". Instead of going west to Town: Say "Your Geisha elders will not be pleased to see you... You turn around."; Move player to OutsideofPalace. Description of Path Home is "The ground is unsteady under your Geta, traditional shoes, and you find it difficult to keep your balance in the Kimono you are wearing. You stumble many times, but make it to the outside of your home. Your house's porch is east.". A Shaman is in the Path Home. Shaman is fixed in place. Shaman is a person. A Large Stone is in the Path Home. Porch is a room. Porch is east of Path Home. Description of Shaman is "The Shaman, an old lady in stature, is a powerful fortune-teller and magician, known for curses and remedies all over Japan.". Instead of throwing stone at shaman: Say "You miss, but the Shaman turns and is angered that you threw a stone at her. She turns creakily, and her wizened face is contorted in a snarl. 'Because you have done this you will live out the rest of your life as a Kitsune!' You then feel yourself shrinking and in terror you flee on all fours to the north. Now your quest has truly begun."; Remove Large Stone from play; Increase score by 1; Move player to Forest. After going east to porch: Say "The Shaman turns and is angered that you did not greet her. She spins creakily, and her wizened face is contorted in a snarl. 'Because you have done this you will live out the rest of your life as a Kitsune!' You then feel yourself shrinking and in terror you flee on all fours to the north. Now your quest has truly begun."; Increase score by 1; Move player to Forest. Forest is a room. Forest is north of Palace. Description of Forest is "You find yourself in the clearing of a lush forest. Ahead of you is a small pool of water. To the west you see a cropping of rocks in the form of what looks like a cave, and to the east a bridge crossing a creek. This creek feeds the pool of water before you. You feel thirsty.". Pool of Water is in the forest. Understand "water" as Pool of Water. Hydrangea flower is in the forest. Hydrangea flower is edible. Wisteria flower is in the Forest. Wisteria flower is edible. Rose is in the Forest. Rose is edible. Strawberries are in the forest. Strawberries are edible. After eating strawberries: Say "The strawberries are fantastic, and you gobble them up.". Description of Hydrangea is "The Hydrangea is a pretty blue. The flowers look round and spongey.". Description of Rose is "These Roses are soft pink. How lovely.". Description of Wisteria is "The Wisteria blossoms in a light mauve. It hangs like bunches of grapes." After eating Wisteria flower: Say "You spit out the flower. It did not taste wonderful.". After eating Hydrangea flower: Say "You spit out the flower. It did not taste wonderful.". After eating Rose: Say "You spit out the flower. It did not taste wonderful.". Instead of drinking Pool of Water: Say "You shriek in terror at the reflection of yourself in the water. You are no longer human. You have been turned into a fox!"; Increase score by 1. The Bridge is east of the Forest. The Bridge is a room. Hunters are in the Bridge. After going east to Bridge: Move player to Bridge; If Hunters are in Bridge begin; Say "The hunters kill you, not realizing your true form. Foxes are pests!"; End the game in death; Else if Buta Shogun is in Bridge; Say "Buta greets you formally, but the favor he holds for you is evident in his eyes. You look at your hands, and are amazed to see you have been transformed into a human! You wonder how long the transformation will last... 'You said you have something for me?' He asks."; Otherwise; Say "The bridge spans across a gentle creek to the south. The bridge is a busier area of the forest, filled with human traffic. Kappas love to live under bridges. Underneath the bridge is to the south."; Increase score by 1; End if. The Rocks is west of Forest. The Rocks is a Room. Description of The Rocks is "You see an eerie glow emanating from what looks like the mouth of a cave along the west of the unusual pile of rocks. Japanese Pieris flowers bloom in abundance around the entrance. The town lies south of the Rocks, and you can hear the chaos of the market from here. The town is not a safe place for foxes. Your attention is drawn towards the cave.". Pieris Flower is in The Rocks. Pieris Flower is edible. Birchbark is in The Rocks. A Feather is in The Rocks. Lavender Flower is in The Rocks. Lavender is edible. Sakura is in The Rocks. Sakura is edible. After eating Sakura: Say "You spit out the flower. It did not taste wonderful.". After eating Lavender flower: Say "You spit out the flower. It did not taste wonderful.". Description of Sakura is "The Sakura blossoms are beautiful this time of year, pink and delicate and absolutely everywhere.". After eating Pieris Flower: Say "Eating this flower was a detrimental mistake. Your mouth burned as you swallowed the originally sweet blossom. Soon after, you collapsed and fell into eternal sleep."; End the game in death. Description of Pieris is "The Japanese Pieris is bright red with many pronged leaves.". Description of Lavender is "Lavender is a deep purple with a wheat-like form.". Description of Birchbark is "This looks almost like parchment. Hmm. You wonder if that would be useful.". Description of Feather is "This feather would make a brilliant quill pen.". The Cave is a room. The Cave is west of The Rocks. Description of The Cave is "The deeper you venture into the cave the brighter the celestial light becomes. When you feel you can journey no further because of the blinding light, you find yourself in the presence of a sleeping Tenko, a nine-tailed fox of great magical prowess. You should probably wait for the Tenko to wake up.". Tenko is in the Cave. Tenko is a person. Description of Tenko is "The Tenko, a celestial nine-tailed fox, is sleeping peacefully. You should wait for him to wake up, maybe he can help you.". Instead of attacking Tenko: Say "The Tenko awakes and overpowers you. You die in great pain."; End the game in death. Instead of waiting in the palace: Say "The party finishes and the guests bid Buta Shogun farewell with respectful bows. You follow suit, and as you start to leave he slips a Tanka-a traditional love poem-into the folds of your robe. You blush beneath the heavy white makeup that masks your face, and hurry to exit."; Now player has tanka; Move player to OutsideofPalace. Instead of examining Tanka: Say "You start to read the beautifully scripted Kanji, and as you do the Tanka flutters away on the breeze. Oops.". Instead of waiting in the cave: Say "The Tenko stirs and faces you calmly. 'I see you have been cursed,' He chides. 'Bring me a utensil for writing and some sort of paper and I will help you restore yourself.'"; Increase score by 1. The asdf is a number variable. Instead of giving feather to tenko: Say "The tenko is pleased with the writing utensil."; Remove Feather from play; Increase asdf by 1; If asdf > 1: Say "The wizened Tenko looks up and smiles. 'Excellent. Use this ink and write a letter to Buta Shogun, who has recently lost his wealth. Write to him to meet you at the Bridge in the east, and bring him what the Kitsune call Fire Flower so he may defeat his enemies. The flower has many petals like tongues of fire and is bright red. I will enchant you so you may greet Buta in your human form.' You write carefully as he says. Now where can you find someone to deliver the letter?"; Now player has letter; Now player has Protection; Increase score by 1; Move player to The Rocks. Instead of giving birchbark to tenko: Say "The Tenko nods. 'Thank you for the birchbark. It will work well as paper.'"; Remove Birchbark from play; Increase asdf by 1; If asdf > 1: Say "The wizened Tenko looks up and smiles. 'Excellent. Use this ink and write a letter to Buta Shogun, who has recently lost his wealth. Write to him to meet you at the Bridge in the east, and bring him what the Kitsune call Fire Flower so he may defeat his enemies. The flower has many petals like tongues of fire and is bright red. I will enchant you so you may greet Buta in your human form.' You write carefully as he says, afterwards he gives you a protection stone so you can go where humans roam. Now where can you find someone to deliver the letter?"; Now player has Letter; Now player has Protection; Increase score by 1; Move player to The Rocks. Town is south of The Rocks. After going south to town: If player has Protection begin; Move player to town; Otherwise; Say "The town is dangerous for foxes! You should not enter unless you are protected. The people there kill you on sight."; End the game in death; End if. Shopkeeper is in the town. Shopkeeper is a person. Young Samurai is in the town. Young Samurai is a person. Cucumber is in the field. Cucumber is edible. Description of Shopkeeper is "The Shopkeeper smiles and gives you a cucumber. You frown in confusion. Don't Kappas like cucumbers?". After examining shopkeeper: Now player has cucumber; Increase score by 1. Talking to is an action applying to one thing. Understand "Talk to [something]" as talking. Instead of talking to samurai: Say "As you approach you realize the young Samurai is one of Buta Shogun's apprentices! You should carefully give him the letter.". Instead of talking to shopkeeper: Say "The Shopkeeper smiles and gives you a cucumber. You frown in confusion. Don't Kappas like cucumbers?"; Now player has cucumber; Increase score by 1. Description of Young Samurai is "As you approach you realize the young Samurai is one of Buta Shogun's apprentices! You should carefully give him the letter.". Description of Town is "The bustle of the markets is overwhelming at any point in time. You need to find someone to carry your letter. Make sure you inspect people cautiously before choosing a delivery person.". Instead of giving letter to young samurai: Say "You drop the letter at the Samurai's feet and sprint off. You don't want to be killed! Scared, you pray that no one will catch you as you run back to the forest to get ready to meet Buta Shogun."; Remove Letter from play; Move Buta Shogun to Bridge; Remove Hunters from play; Increase score by 1; Move player to Forest. Unconquered Territory is a room. Unconquered Territory is north of Bridge. Instead of giving Pieris to Buta: Say "You hand him the flower and tell him that if he uses this flower he can defeat his enemies. He smiles and thanks you graciously, bowing low to the ground. 'I will take what you have given me as a talisman into my battle. Surely I will come back and reclaim my honour.' Buta Shogun steps off the bridge and heads north. You hope this will work."; Move Buta Shogun to Unconquered Territory; Remove Pieris from play; Move player to cave; Say "The Tenko looks at you solemnly. 'Buta Shogun has gone to rid his enemies. Now is the next step. You must bring me a scale from a Kappa. There might be a Kappa underneath the bridge. Keep in mind Kappa have an affinity for veggies. You may find useful bait in the town somewhere, or growing wild in the forest. I will use the Kappa scale to take you to Buta Shogun. There he will free you from your curse."; Increase score by 1. Instead of giving sakura to buta: Say "You hand him the flower and tell him that if he uses this flower he can defeat his enemies. He smiles and thanks you graciously, bowing low to the ground. 'I will take what you have given me as a talisman into my battle. Surely I will come back and reclaim my honour.' Buta heads towards the north, and never returns. Because you gave him the wrong flower, he died in battle. You live out your life as a cursed Kitsune."; End the game in death. Instead of giving rose to buta: Say "You hand him the flower and tell him that if he uses this flower he can defeat his enemies. He smiles and thanks you graciously, bowing low to the ground. 'I will take what you have given me as a talisman into my battle. Surely I will come back and reclaim my honour.' Buta heads towards the north, and never returns. Because you gave him the wrong flower, he died in battle. You live out your life as a cursed Kitsune."; End the game in death. Instead of giving wisteria to buta: Say "You hand him the flower and tell him that if he uses this flower he can defeat his enemies. He smiles and thanks you graciously, bowing low to the ground. 'I will take what you have given me as a talisman into my battle. Surely I will come back and reclaim my honour.' Buta heads towards the north, and never returns. Because you gave him the wrong flower, he died in battle. You live out your life as a cursed Kitsune."; End the game in death. Instead of giving lavender to buta: Say "You hand him the flower and tell him that if he uses this flower he can defeat his enemies. He smiles and thanks you graciously, bowing low to the ground. 'I will take what you have given me as a talisman into my battle. Surely I will come back and reclaim my honour.' Buta heads towards the north, and never returns. Because you gave him the wrong flower, he died in battle. You live out your life as a cursed Kitsune."; End the game in death. Instead of giving hydrangea to buta: Say "You hand him the flower and tell him that if he uses this flower he can defeat his enemies. He smiles and thanks you graciously, bowing low to the ground. 'I will take what you have given me as a talisman into my battle. Surely I will come back and reclaim my honour.' Buta heads towards the north, and never returns. Because you gave him the wrong flower, he died in battle. You live out your life as a cursed Kitsune."; End the game in death. South of bridge is The Creek. The creek is a room. Scale is in the field. Kappa is in the creek. Kappa is a person. After eating cucumber: Say "Your tastebuds do not care for the cucumber, but you gobble it anyway. Once your belly is full, you wonder if that cucumber would have been useful in the future...". Instead of giving cucumber to kappa: Say "You stand above the creek holding the cucumber. Suddenly the surface bubbles and a turtle-like creature with sharp teeth and claws emerges from the deep. As he snatches the cucumber you bite him with your sharp fox teeth and pull out a kappa scale. He shrieks and quickly submerges."; Remove Cucumber from play; Increase score by 1; Now player has scale. Instead of giving Strawberries to Kappa: Say "The Kappa does not respond positively to the tasty strawberries, he prefers veggies. Instead, he believes you could be a tasty treat, and drags you under the water."; End the game in death. After going west to cave: If player has scale begin; Say "The Tenko awakes and greets you as you enter. 'You have brought the scale, I presume?'"; Increase score by 1; Otherwise; Move player to cave; End if. Instead of giving scale to Tenko: Say "The Tenko nods solemnly. 'Your journey is almost over. I will now transport you to the northern territories. Act wisely, and your curse will be broken.' Suddenly the cave fades away and you find yourself standing in an empty field. Buta stands in front of you, and your Kimono lies in front of you. You should put it on."; Remove scale from play; Now player has Kimono; Increase score by one; Move player to Unconquered Territory. After wearing kimono: Say "Buta Shogun kneels before you 'Thank you for your assistance. My enemies have been slain and my wealth is restored. How can I ever repay you?' You know exactly how he can repay you, but how does he go about it? You start to tell him about the evil Shaman. As you speak, the Kimono rustles. There is something in the sleeve."; Increase score by one. Sleeve is part of Kimono. Instead of searching the sleeve: try examining the sleeve. Instead of examining sleeve: If player has Tanka begin; Say "In the sleeve you spot the Tanka that Buta Shogun gave you on the night of the party. Maybe this has some significance. You should give it to Buta."; Otherwise; Say "There is nothing in the sleeve. It must have been your imagination. Buta turns to you. 'Please, will you marry me?' He asks, kneeling down. Slowly you feel your form shrinking, and you change back into a fox. Enraged and shocked, Buta Shogun strikes out against you in anger. You flee him, and hide in the forest, spending the rest of your life as a Kitsune. That is why Geisha, to this day, are forbidden from marrying."; End the game in death; End if. Instead of giving Tanka to Buta: Say "Buta smiles melancholically. 'You kept the poem I gave you. I know you are a Geisha, and my admiration is forbidden. Thank you for returning it. I understand you cannot reciprocate my affection.' He bows low to the ground. Suddenly, the Tenko appears. Time around you is frozen. 'Because of Buta's kindness, you have been freed from you curse. Rejoice, and remember to thank Buta.' And he disappears. Time starts up again as instantly as it stopped. 'Arigatou' is 'thank you' in Japanese."; Increase score by one. After answering: Say "Buta shakes his head. I am the one who should be thankful. Come, I shall take you home."; End the game saying "Congratulations! You have won, and freed yourself from your curse. Your Geisha self lives out a long, happy life, and always remembers to be respectful to Shamans. The End.".