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Joey's Key
snow shinobi
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"Joey's Key" by snowshinobi [main cons of Playfic: 1. I can't get if-statement stacking to compile (see Chapter 1 Section 2 - Petting Joey). This is possibly because Playfic's interface does not allow tabbing? 2. No color-coded text and no helpful 'contents' tab (although putting parts/chapters/sections into the code still works) 3. When Playfic cannot compile the code, it does not highlight the exact line that contains the problem the way the Inform application does.] Part 1 - Mechanics [this is to test whether this playfic thing allows sections update: it does!] Chapter 1 - Emily Short Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. When play begins: say "Who says Chromebooks can't do Inform 7 coding?"; say "[paragraph break]{ Pre-game notes: This game uses a mechanic called 'petting' to interact with animals. Try entering 'pet {name}' }[paragraph break]"; center "[roman type](press any key to continue)[roman type][paragraph break]"; wait for any key. Chapter 2 - x Me The description of the player is "You look down at yourself. You are, to your relief, exactly as you were last time you checked." Chapter 3 - xyzzy xyzzy is an action applying to nothing. Understand "xyzzy" as xyzzy. Carry out xyzzy: say "An ancient joke flies over your head. You watch it go, wondering what that's all about.". Part 2 - Rooms Chapter 1 - NY NY is a room. The description of NY is "The sign above this room reads simply 'NY.' You correctly assume that means 'New York,' as in the city that never sleeps, the Big Apple.[paragraph break]This room does not disappoint. Within these walls, papered with an apple blossom design, there is the most sleepless thing of all: a cardboard box.". There is a NYsign in NY. Understand "sign" as NYsign. The printed name of NYsign is "sign". NYsign is undescribed. The NYsign is scenery. The description of the NYsign is "It reads 'NY.'". There is wallpaper in NY. The wallpaper is undescribed. Understand "walls", "wall", "apple blossom", "apple", "blossom", "paper", "design" as the wallpaper. The description of the wallpaper is "Delicate pink and white flowers and sturdy branches against a cream background.". Joey is an animal in NY. Joey is undescribed. Joey can be met. Understand "cat" as Joey. The description of Joey is "He has very round, very green eyes that stand out against his black-and-white face.[if Joey is not met][paragraph break]Joey looks [bold type]very[roman type] pettable.[otherwise][end if]". After examining Joey: Now Joey is met. Instead of taking Joey: say "You lift Joey up and find that he weighs far more than you expected. Cute as he is, carrying him around with you would be highly impractical. You put him back down.". Joey holds a key. The key is undescribed. The description of the key is "This will unlock something eventually. Or maybe it won't. What can you expect from a cat-key?". Section 1 - The box Joey not in box is a truth state that varies. There is a cardboard box in NY. It is undescribed. the description of the cardboard box is "'Joey' is scrawled across the front of the box.[if Joey not in box is false] After peering inside, you understand why. A bright-eyed cat peeks up at you.". After taking the box: say "You unceremoniously dump Joey out of his cardboard box and take it for yourself. The black and white cat weaves between your legs, meowing unhappily."; Now Joey not in box is true. Section 2 - Petting Joey Petting is an action applying to one thing. Understand "pet [something]" and "pat [something]" as petting. Carry out petting: say "You reach out a hand. There there.". Instead of petting Joey while Joey holds the key: say "You pet the cat, throwing in a few head-scritches for good measure. He purrs loudly, leaning into your hand. Then he stands, revealing a key under his belly.[paragraph break]Joey uses his paw to push the key towards you."; Move the key to the player. Instead of petting Joey while Joey does not hold the key: say "You pet the cat, throwing in a few head-scritches for good measure. Joey lets out a hearty purr." [I can't get the following if-stack to work (though writing the stack as two separate instead rules did work): Instead of petting Joey: if Joey holds the key: say "You pet the friendly cat, throwing in a few head-scritches for good measure. After you're finished, he stands, revealing a key under his belly.[paragraph break]Joey uses his paw to push the key towards you."; Move the key to the player; if Joey does not hold the key: say "You pet the friendly cat, throwing in a few head-scritches for good measure. Joey lets out a hearty purr."] Chapter 2 - LA LA is west of NY. The description of LA is "Whomever designed this room needs to learn a thing or two about geography. London, the capital of [italic type]England[roman type], does not contain the portrait of Mona Lisa done by Leonardo da Vinci. Yet, contain the Mona Lisa this room does.". There is an LAsign in LA. Understand "sign" as LAsign. The printed name of LAsign is "sign". LAsign is undescribed. The LAsign is scenery. The description of the LAsign is "It reads 'LA.'". There is a thing called the Mona Lisa in LA. Understand "portrait" and "painting" as the Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa is undescribed. The description of the Mona Lisa is "You've always wondered about the 'is she smiling?' debate. Why does it matter if she's smiling or not? The true question is, is she happy? And why do humans assume smiles are always indications of happiness, anyway?". Chapter 3 - Paris [Player should put the Mona Lisa here] Paris is east of NY. There is a ParisSign in Paris. Understand "sign" as ParisSign. The printed name of ParisSign is "sign". ParisSign is undescribed. The Parissign is scenery. The description of the Parissign is "It reads 'Paris.'".