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Doctor Who: Adventures in London
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Use no scoring. Drivnum is a number that varies. Drivnum is 1. Watsnum is a number that varies. Watsnum is 1. Shernum is a number that varies. Shernum is 1. Composition is a kind of value. The compositions are scanable and irrelevant. An object has a composition. An object is usually irrelevant. Amy Pond is scanable. The sonic screwdriver is scanable. The player is scanable. The box is scanable. Understand "help" as helping. Helping is an action applying to nothing. Understand "help me" as helping. Understand the command "fuck" as something new. Understand "fuck" and "fuck you" and "fuck this" as swearing. Swearing is an action applying to nothing. Carry out swearing: say "They'd kick you out of the Time Lord Academy for that kind of language." The description of the player is "Two-hearted Time Lord: Very old, and the very last. You're wearing your usual ensemble of tweed jacket, red bowtie, red suspenders, and black pants. You wish you still had your fez or your Stetson, but for now your head remains shamefully naked." Understand "poop" as pooping. Pooping is an action applying to nothing. Carry out pooping: say "YOU IMMATURE CHILD YOU ARE NOT MATURE ENOUGH TO BE PLAYING THIS GAME EVERYBODY POOPS IT'S A FACT OF LIFE" Carry out helping: say "Here's a list of things to try:[paragraph break]Sonic it (right after sonicing something, examine it.)[paragraph break]Check inventory (type 'inventory')[paragraph break]Ask Amy about it[paragraph break]Examine it[paragraph break]Go through any doors you haven't checked[paragraph break]Go to a different time period (type 'past' or 'future' while in the TARDIS) [paragraph break]Pick up a useful object and THEN do what you're trying to do[paragraph break]Talk to everyone you see[paragraph break]Scan it (turn on the scanner and type 'scan (object)')[paragraph break]Type 'return' or 'enter TARDIS' or 'TARDIS' to return to the TARDIS." The player is carrying the multidimensional key. The description of the multidimensional key is "The key to the TARDIS. Can't get back in without it." The player is wearing a red bowtie, a tweed jacket, a pair of red suspenders, a collared shirt, and a pair of black pants. The player is carrying a sonic screwdriver. The description of the sonic screwdriver is "Your trusty instrument. It sends sonic disturbances through most matter (barring wood and deadlock seals) at the push of a button. Type 'sonic (object)' to use it." The description of the red bowtie is "Bowties are, and always will be, cool." The description of the tweed jacket is "Unique in the Universe, unless you count Earth, on which there are about a couple million of these." Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking to. Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Amy Pond is a person. Amy Pond is in the TARDIS. Understand "Amelia" and "Amy" and "Pond" as Amy Pond. The description of Amy Pond is "Amelia Pond. Red hair, leather jacket, so very Scottish. Was it really that long ago when we ate fish fingers and custard together?" Understand "kiss [someone]" as snogging. Snogging is an action applying to one visible object. Instead of kissing Amy Pond, say "'DOCTOR! I'm married! And to a BAMF as well! Speaking of which, where is Rory?'" Instead of talking to Amy Pond, say "[one of]'Doctor, if you're going to talk to me, at least try to make sense.'[or]'Stop it. Now you're just bothering me.'[or]'I'm just going to start ignoring you now.'[or]'If you need help, which frankly I find surprising, ask me about something specific.'[or]'Why don't you just sonic it?'[at random]". After asking Amy Pond about "wibbly lever", say "'That's...oh, I remember! That's the Wibbly Lever. Remember, Doctor? You used it that one time the TARDIS appeared inside itself. I recall you saying that it can be used to set up points in time and travel between them.' You remember now. If you type 'go to past' or 'go to future', you can travel between simple points in the past or future. To get back to where you are now, type 'return to TARDIS'. For help, type 'help'; for your inventory, type 'inventory'." After asking Amy Pond about "rory", say "'[if rory williams is stranger]You know, I don't know where he is. Maybe it's because the writer of this game was too lazy to write in two companions instead of just one.'[otherwise]'He's right here! Where did he come from?'[end if]". After asking Amy pond about "sonic screwdriver", say "'You're the one who uses it, dummy. Just point and think.' Right. You should be able to type 'sonic (object)' to sonic things, but some things (like people and wooden things) aren't sonicable." After asking Amy Pond about "scanner", say "'The big screeny thing? That's what you use to scan things, like if you want more information. You can only use it in the TARDIS, though. You can scan both people and objects.' You can type 'scan (object)' to scan things, but some things can't be scanned." After asking Amy about "box", say "'Haven't we seen that before, that one time we got sucked into a bubble-universe-whatever thingy? You can't open it? Use your sonic screwdriver! That's what it's for!'" After asking Amy about "safe", say "[if the lock is scanable]'You should try scanning the lock back on the TARDIS.'[otherwise]'Sonic everything! That always works, right?'[end if]". After asking Amy about "lock", say "'Try scanning it. Then maybe we can figure out the combination.'" After asking Amy about "automobile", say "'Gee, Doctor. It's a machine. It's broken. What does the Doctor do in these situations?'" After asking Amy about "peddler", say "'He looks so cold! Can't you do something?'" After asking Amy about "gate", say "'We'll just have to find the key. If we open the one in the past, the one in the future must open too, right?'" After asking Amy about "sherlock holmes", say "'Isn't he supposed to be a fictional character?' she asks.[paragraph break]'Not necessarily. Not when time's been so terribly messed up. Besides, fiction often draws from truth.' you reply." After asking Amy about "watson", say "'His patient has the flu. Maybe we could find him some medicine.'" After asking Amy about "innkeeper", say "'We could probably buy something from him if we gave him money...if we had any. Have you visited the bank?'" After asking Amy about "constable", say "'The poor man's really tired. He probably needs a pick-me-up. Don't they have tea in the 1880s or something?'" After asking Amy about "newspaper", say "'Hey, I recognize that headline...wasn't the Adventure of the Beryl Coronet a Sir Arthur Conan Doyle story?'" After asking Amy about "crying woman", say "'She's lost her locket! I'd be sad too. It must mean a lot to her.'" After asking Amy about "garden", say "'Maybe we can find instructions somewhere else.'" After asking Amy about "book", say "'It's almost like a logic puzzle--and a fairly simple one, too. Why would someone write a book like this?'" After asking Amy about "circuit breaker", say "'Parts are missing. Maybe we can find them in the Asylum.'" After asking Amy about "control panel", say "'We should find a circuit breaker or something. That would control the electrical system here.'" After asking Amy about "radio", say "'Sonic everything! Isn't that what you usually do?'" After asking Amy about "paradox machine", say "'What's a neutron flow? Can you reverse it or something?'" Rory Williams is a person. Rory Williams is in The Old Asylum. Rory Williams is scanable. The description of Rory Williams is "You don't quite recall how he ended up in the future, but here he is! Dressed in a plaid collared shirt, jeans, and a black 'body warmer', he's just as awkward as he's always been." After talking to Rory Williams, say "[one of]'I can't believe you forgot me. In the future. In this weird...asylum...place.'[or]'Doctor, did you really think I was dead again? Were you just flying around in the TARDIS with Amy like, Oh! Rory's dead again! Must be Saturday?'[or]'I can't help you. I'm just a Rory. But maybe if you ask me about something specific, like sandwiches, I could help you out.'[or]'There's this maniac running everything around here! He doesn't seem...normal.'[at random]". After asking Rory Williams about "sandwiches", say "'I didn't mean that you should actually ask me about sandwiches. I just sort of had a hankering for one...you know, after being stranded in 43rd century crazy post-apocalyptic London with nothing to do but stare at a wall until you came back for me.'" After asking Rory Williams about "man", say "'Yeah, this crazy guy in a suit put me in this asylum and told me to work on some Toclo-something or others. He kept raving on about some *drums*.'" After asking Rory Williams about "maniac", say "'Yeah, some crazy suit-wearing man trapped me here to work on Toclo-whatzits. He's running a whole slave organization! He keeps raving on about *the drums*.'" After asking Rory Williams about "mines", say "'He has hundreds of people--no, thousands--working on these...machines. Apparently this time period is when Earth discovers a great big reservoir of iron, because I've never seen so much metal before. I managed to get out of the Mines themselves, but then I was trapped in this asylum with no way out! The machines themselves, though...they're creepy. They float around and watch us as we mine the iron ore. And when they talk, they sound like...' Rory pauses for a moment, fear clouding his expression. '...children.'" After asking Rory about "garden", say "'Hey! I remember there being a book on botany in the mess hall in the future.'" After asking Rory about "circuitry", say "'It probably belongs with a circuit board somewhere.'" Understand the command "sorry" as something new. Understand "sorry" and "I'm so sorry" and "I am so sorry" and "I'm sorry" as sorrying. Sorrying is an action applying to nothing. Understand "say sorry to [someone]" and "apologize to [someone]" as apologizing to. Apologizing to is an action applying to one visible thing. After sorrying, say "[one of]'There's no need.'[or]'I forgive you, Doctor.'[at random]" After apologizing to Rory Williams, say "'You BETTER be sorry. Sometimes I don't even know why I deal with you people.'" Association is a kind of value. The associations are groupie and stranger. A person has an association. A person is usually stranger. Amy Pond is groupie. Every turn: if Amy Pond is groupie: if the player is in a room (called the current place): move Amy Pond to the current place; if Rory Williams is groupie: if the player is in a room (called the current place): move Rory Williams to the current place. Carry out talking to Rory Williams: now Rory Williams is groupie. Understand "sonic [something]" and "sonic [someone]" and "use sonic screwdriver on [something]" as sonicing. Sonicing is an action applying to one thing. Material is a kind of value. The materials are sonicable, wooden and impossible. An object has a material. An object is usually impossible. Check sonicing: if the noun is impossible: say "[one of]Don't be ridiculous. It's a sonic screwdriver, not a magic wand.[or]Now that's just silly. What are they teaching you in school these days?[or]That would be completely useless, seeing as it would do nothing that is useful or not useless.[at random]" instead; if the noun is wooden: say "IT'S MADE OF WOOD." instead; if the player is not carrying the sonic screwdriver: say "You do not have your sonic screwdriver!" instead. A box is in the TARDIS. The box is sonicable. The box is an openable, closed container. The description of the box is "A glowing transparent box, like the kind used by Time Lords to send distress signals long ago." In the box is a message. The description of the message is "A distressed man's voice resonates from the box.[paragraph break]'What is this? What? How did this even get here? Look, I don't know who you are or if you'll even hear this, but please get this message to someone who can help. There's something terrible going on. It's the year 4200, and we're under attack--aah! It's horrible, I can't talk much longer, they're going to find me! Just listen: whoever you are, please, please come help us! There's nothing more to be done!'[paragraph break] You feel a twinge of worry. You can't remember anything happening like this in the 43rd century, especially not in...'" Instead of opening the box, say "[if the box is closed]It's locked. Try using your sonic screwdriver.[otherwise]It's already open! Examine the box.[end if]". Carry out sonicing: if the noun is sonicable: if the noun is an openable door: if the noun is a closed door: now the noun is open; say "Vrrrrrrr...zzzzzz...There! Unlocked and open. You can go through now."; if the noun is an openable container: if the noun is a closed container: now the noun is open; say "WhirrrrZzzzZzzzzZzz...There! Unlocked and open. Check what's inside."; if the noun is the safe: say "ZzzzzzZzzzzwweeeeeeooooOOOO...'Hey!' snaps the bank teller. 'Stop that!' You pocket your sonic screwdriver, but you've managed to set up an uplink from the lock to the TARDIS. You should return to the TARDIS and see what you can do with the scanner."; now the lock is scanable; if the noun is the automobile: say "VVvvVVvvvvZZZZzzzzzeeeeEEE...There! Engine's all fixed up.[paragraph break] 'Thank you!' says the driver. 'I have nothing on me with which to pay you, but you may take my hat as consolation!' The driver gives you his marvelous top hat."; now the Drivnum is 2; now the player is carrying the top hat. The TARDIS is a room. "(Note: Doctor Who belongs to the BBC. Just making sure everyone knows.)[paragraph break]For help, type 'help'. Ask Amy about things when you're stuck. Open the box first.[paragraph break]You are in your TARDIS again. You are comforted by the soft ebbing-and-receding whir of the Type 40 time machine as you careen through the time vortex, the dimensional stabilizers reconciling the separate dimensions between the exterior and the interior and the various dimensionally-transcendental other functions keeping the craft on the correct temporal path. The central column houses the engine, which moves slowly up and down over the console. The console surface is littered with various ridiculous-looking instruments--which in your more recent regenerations have become more and more needlessly complicated--and screens flashing dates and five-dimensional coordinates in circular Gallifreyan.[paragraph break][if Rory is stranger]Rory is mysteriously not present (perhaps he died again; it's Saturday after all.)[end if]". A console is in the TARDIS. The description of the console is "Yellow and golden and fantastic, with gears and levers and other nonsense all cavorting about in some sort of organized chaos. It's meant to be piloted by six Time Lords, but you usually manage just fine. You can see the Wibbly Lever, which can be used for simple time travel in some situations, at your right. The scanner is at your far left." The console is fixed in place. The lock is in the TARDIS. The lock is scenery. Understand "scan [something]" as scanning. Scanning is an action applying to one thing. Check scanning: if the player is not in the TARDIS: say "You are not in the TARDIS. How do you plan to scan this?" instead; if the noun is irrelevant: say "Why would you scan that? That's useless." instead; if the scanner is switched off: say "The scanner is switched off." instead. Carry out scanning: if the noun is scanable: if the noun is Amy Pond: say "Normal human female, 23 years old, currently not pregnant. Boy, remember those shenanigans? That was confusing."; if the noun is the sonic screwdriver: say "Type 40 Sonic Device with telepathic interface. Works on everything but wood and deadlock seals."; if the noun is the player: say "Time Lord. Middle-aged in Time Lord years. On his eleventh regeneration cycle. Dual cardiovascular system. But you already knew this, didn't you?"; if the noun is the box: say "Time Lord distress signal! How did that get here? And it's from...43rd century London! What's going on?"; if the noun is the lock: say "Numbers in various permutations flash across the screen. 'The scanner is trying every single combination in the universe on the lock, but it will take hundreds of years for it to be finished.' you say to no one in particular."; now the vault is open; if the noun is Rory Williams: say "23-ish years of age. Human. Previously a plastic Roman with a gun hand. Awkwardly-sized nose. Might look good in a ponytail...but probably not." The scanner is a device. The scanner is fixed in place. The scanner is on the console. The description of the scanner is "A great big swiveling screen that moves about the console, hanging from the ceiling. [if the scanner is switched off]The screen is dark.[otherwise]The screen dances with a crowd of information, written equally in circular Gallifreyan and English. Right now, it displays the current settings of your Wibbly Lever: Neutral (keeping the TARDIS in the Time Vortex), 1880s London, and 43rd Century London.[end if][paragraph break]Type 'scan (object)' to scan things." Carry out switching on the scanner: now the scanner is switched on. Carry out switching off the scanner: now the scanner is switched off. The Wibbly Lever is in the TARDIS. The Wibbly Lever is a thing. The Wibbly Lever is fixed in place. The description of the Wibbly Lever is "Your favorite lever in the TARDIS! It may be used for quick, random time travel. Can be set to remember up to two separate points in time and one point in the Time Vortex. [if wibbly lever is past]Currently set to Past.[end if][if wibbly lever is time vortex]Currently set to Time Vortex.[end if][if wibbly lever is future]Currently set to Future.[end if]". Instead of pulling the Wibbly Lever, say "Type 'past' or 'future' to use the Wibbly Lever." Instead of switching on the Wibbly Lever, say "Type 'past' or 'future' to use the Wibbly Lever." Timespace is a kind of value. The timespaces are past, time vortex, and future. A wibbly lever has a timespace. The wibbly lever is time vortex. Instead of opening the TARDIS door when the wibbly lever is time vortex, say "You're in the Time Vortex. Opening that door without the proper precautions would be just a little bit not good: unless, of course, you're fine with being atomized." Pasting is an action applying to nothing. Understand "go to past" and "past" and "set lever to past" as pasting. Check pasting: if the player is not in the TARDIS, say "And just how do you plan on doing that without a ship?" instead; if the wibbly lever is past, say "Here already." instead. Carry out pasting: now the wibbly lever is past; move player to 1880s London. Report pasting: say "You've pulled the Wibbly Lever, landing yourself at a certain point in the past." 1880s London is a room. "You're outside the TARDIS now, having arrived in London during the 1880s...no...1886. You're in the center of the town, on the corner of two streets overrun by horse-drawn traps and cabs and beetle-black automobiles.[paragraph break]To the east is the Thoroughfare, to the west is the Road, and to the north is the Residential Area." The TARDIS door is a door. The TARDIS is south of the TARDIS door. Understand "door" and "TARDIS" as TARDIS door. Understand the command "return" as something new. Understand "return to TARDIS" and "return" and "enter TARDIS" and "tardis" as returning. Returning is an action applying to nothing. The Thoroughfare is a room. The Thoroughfare is east of 1880s London. "You appear to be on the main road. Around you traps pulled by stout horses roll and pitch and creak alongside smartly-dressed pedestrians in black frock coats and jewel-red dresses. To the east you can make out some sort of police station. To the south, there is a bank." An automobile is in the Thoroughfare. The automobile is fixed in place. The automobile is sonicable. The description of the automobile is "A small two-passenger motorcar, likely a 'Benz Patent-Motorwagen', which is, as memory serves, regarded as the first true motor-driven car.[if the Drivnum is 1] It, however, appears to be broken down. An exhausted and exasperated driver stands beside it.[end if][if the Drivnum is 2]All fixed, now, thanks to the magic of Sonic Technology![end if]". The Driver is a person. The Driver is in the Thoroughfare. The description of the Driver is "A tired-looking man wearing an elegant black top hat. He seems to be trying to fix his automobile." The Driver is carrying a top hat. The description of the top hat is "Finally! A hat! You have a penchant for strange and interesting hats. This is not the first time you've worn a top hat." The top hat is wearable. Instead of talking to the driver, say "[if Drivnum is 1]'Hello. Would you mind helping me fix my vehicle? It just stopped all of a sudden!'[end if][if Drivnum is 2]'Thank you, kind sir!'[end if]". The Bank is a room. The Bank is south of the Thoroughfare. "You enter the establishment quietly. The teller, sitting behind a wide wooden desk, peers at your and Amy's [if Rory Williams is groupie]and Rory's [end if]clothing curiously, but soon regains his composure. Behind him, a giant safe guards the funds of the town." The Teller is a person. The Teller is in the Bank. The safe is in the bank. The safe is fixed in place. The safe is sonicable. The description of the safe is "Likely holds a couple thousand pounds, if not more. 'Don't you dare try to steal any!' Amy warns under her breath." After talking to the Teller, say "[one of]'How may I help you, sir?'[or]'What is your account number? You don't have one? Well, I'm afraid that's of no use, then.'[or]'You've come to make a withdrawal? I'm sorry, but you have no account and therefore no funds to withdraw.'[at random]". After asking the Teller about "money", say "[one of]'I'm sorry sir, do you have an account?'[or]'If you don't have an account, sir, I'm afraid you can't withdraw any money.'[or]'I'd love to help you, sir, but it appears that you have no money.'[at random]" The Police Station is a room. The Police Station is east of the Thoroughfare. "A towering, grand, systematic building greets you. Cream-colored arches form gradually into a bell tower at the top of the structure. Policemen and other law enforcement officials dart about purposefully around you, no doubt pursuing their own mysteries. A little blue lantern sign above the door proclaims, 'POLICE'." The Constable is a person. The description of the Constable is "A hardworking policeman wearing a black police helmet and a button-down black jacket. He appears overwhelmed." The Constable is carrying the newspaper. The Constable is in the Police Station. Instead of talking to the constable, say "[if the Constable is carrying the cup of tea]'Thanks, sir, helped me a good deal!'[otherwise]'Oh...I'd help you, but I'm just so truly exhausted from working on this latest case. I'd tell you the details, but I'm too tired to recall them--now, while I am a God-fearing man of law, I'd kill for a cup of tea right now.'[end if]". The description of the newspaper is "Mr. Alexander Holder of Streatham's Beryl Coronet Damaged; Beryls Stolen! Police have done all they can to investigate...is the son the culprit?" Instead of giving the cup of tea to the Constable: say "'Oh! My, that looks like a fantastic cup of tea! I suppose I have to tell you the details now...here, read about it in this newspaper,' he says, handing you the newspaper."; now the Constable is carrying the cup of tea; now the player is carrying the newspaper. The Residential Area is a room. The Residential Area is north of 1880s London. "The street is narrower here, though no less fantastic; both sides are lined with tall, grey residential buildings and flickering streetlamps. To the east, you notice a particularly distinctive building with a bay window, whose front door is labeled '221B'. Further to the north is a humble inn." The front door is a door. The description of the front door is "A brown door, carefully marked in brass lettering: '221B Baker St.' The lights are on inside." The front door is east of the residential area. The front door is closed. The front door is wooden. Instead of opening the front door while the player is carrying the vial of medicine: say "You knock on the door politely, and a man--by his bearing he was once in the military--answers.[paragraph break]'Sorry, but I'm not taking any--'[paragraph break]'Here,' you interrupt, 'this should take care of Mr. Harlocker's influenza.' You hand Dr. Watson the medicine given to you by the peddler. His eyes widen in amazement.[paragraph break]'But--that's--' he stammers. 'You should come in,'"; move player to 221B Baker Street; now Watson is carrying the vial of medicine; now Watsnum is 2. Instead of opening the front door when Watsnum is 2: if the player is in 221B Baker Street: move player to Residential Area; now Watsnum is 3. Carry out opening the front door when Watsnum is 3: now the front door is open. Instead of opening the front door when Watsnum is 1: say "You knock politely on the door, and a man--by his bearing he was once in the military--answers it.[paragraph break]'Hello, I'm the Doctor,' you say congenially, but the man scoffs at you and says, [paragraph break]'Sorry, none needed. I'm not taking any patients, and my friend isn't taking any clients, until I'm able to cure Mr. Harlocker of his influenza. Good day.'". 221B Baker Street is a room. 221B Baker Street is east of the front door. "A medium-sized flat. You note a leather armchair, a mahogany desk covered in papers, and a bay window, but none are worth examining. Sitting in the armchair is a man with a distinguished air and a hawklike gaze, smoking a pipe. The man who opened the door for you stands by the desk." John Watson is a person. John Watson is in 221B Baker Street. Instead of talking to John Watson, say "[one of]'Hello, doctor. Well, I guess we're two of a kind, then! This is my friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes. Undoubtedly you've heard of him.'[or]'Thank you for the medicine. The ingredients listed on the vial seem far beyond the world's current medical capabilities, but are certainly able to cure Mr. Harlocker's ailment!'[or]'You're a strange man yourself! What are you wearing? And that lady with you..well, excuse my brashness, but she appears slightly underdressed.' Amy sighs irritably.[at random]". The description of John Watson is "Once a military doctor, this man is of fairly medium height, and wears a mustache. He appears intelligent and sensible." Sherlock Holmes is a person. Sherlock Holmes is in 221B Baker Street. The description of Sherlock Holmes is "The great detective lives up to his reputation." Sherlock Holmes is carrying the brass key. Instead of talking to Sherlock Holmes, say "[if Shernum is 1]'As much as I am interested in your affairs, kind Doctor, I have more pressing matters to attend to.'[end if][if Shernum is 2]'How fascinating you are, Doctor! Perhaps I could help you if you would find me an interesting case towards which to apply my considerable talents.'[end if]". Carry out examining Sherlock Holmes: say "A gaunt-faced man with an intense stare. He seems to be analyzing you.[paragraph break]'Doctor, you seem to be a very interesting person. By your clothing I would assume that you are a foreigner. By your way of walking as though you are at sea, and by the way you hold yourself, I would infer that you are the captain of some great vessel, and yet I see no marks of the sea--darkened skin, tan lines, sun spots--on your person. And, further, the watch about your wrist is like nothing I've seen before. It's ages beyond our current technology!' he says, almost astonished.[paragraph break]'And I would deduce,' you reply, 'that you are a consulting detective, a part-time botanist, and a violinist, with a soft spot for beekeeping.' A smile slides across the intense face.[paragraph break]'So I suppose I've found a kindred spirit in you, Doctor.' says the great detective. 'I'm interested in anything you have to say.'"; now Shernum is 2. Instead of giving the newspaper to Sherlock Holmes: say "'My! Now that is interesting. I believe that would be a sufficient case.' he exclaims, reading quickly through the details. 'Here--I've been holding onto this key for some time, as I planned to do some research at the new Asylum southwest of here, but now that I've got this case I won't be needing it.'"; now Sherlock Holmes is carrying the newspaper; now the player is carrying the brass key. The Inn is a room. The Inn is north of the Residential Area. "The Inn is a soft-hued and homely building, brimming with customers nursing their various drinks. Wooden tables and chairs fill the place, standing at random angles throughout the building. The Innkeeper stands behind a mediocre bar, watching you expectantly." The Innkeeper is a person. The Innkeeper is in the Inn. The Innkeeper is carrying the cup of tea. The description of the Innkeeper is "The Innkeeper stares at you, waiting for you to order a drink." The description of the cup of tea is "Mmm...delicious tea. You do like a cup of tea. But you have more important things to do." Instead of talking to the Innkeeper, say "'Hi, I'd like some tea, and maybe a dozen Jammy Dodgers as well,' you say.[paragraph break]'And how do you plan to pay?' asks the innkeeper.[paragraph break]'Oh...right...' you sigh." Instead of giving the stack of money to the Innkeeper: say "'Keep the change,' you remark cooly.[paragraph break]'That'll more than pay for a cup of tea!' he replies, handing you a cup."; now the player is carrying the cup of tea; now the Innkeeper is carrying the stack of money. The Road is a room. The Road is west of 1880s London. "A nondescript road, lined with several homes and peaceful-looking brick buildings, ending with an ornate gate. The Asylum is further west from here." The Asylum Gate is a door. The Asylum gate is west of the Road. The Asylum Gate is closed and locked. The brass key unlocks the Asylum gate. The Asylum Gate is wooden. The description of the Asylum Gate is "An intricately-carved wooden gate on metal hinges." Carry out opening the Asylum Gate: now the Old Asylum Gate is open. The New Asylum is a room. The New Asylum is west of the Asylum Gate. "A recently-built establishment. Pleasant striped wallpaper garnishes a bright reception area. The asylum, at this point, is meant to house 'lunatics', but as it was recently built, no one has checked in yet. The staff are not present at the moment. To the south are the bedrooms, to the west there is a garden, to the north there is a mess hall, and below you there is a basement (type 'down' to go down the stairs.)" The Bedrooms are a room. The Bedrooms are south of the New Asylum. "Neatly-pressed cots with clean white linens line the walls. A window draped with white curtains looks out onto the street. You see a few lamps and some air vents along the walls." The vent is in the Bedrooms. The vent is sonicable. The vent is an openable and closed container. The vent is fixed in place. Instead of opening the vent, say "[if the vent is closed]Four screws secure it tightly to the wall.[end if][if the vent is open]It's already open. Examine it.[end if]". In the vent is a locket. The description of the locket is "A woman's keepsake. Inside are some pictures of a middle-aged woman and her children." The description of the vent is "Something appears to be inside the vent." The Garden is a room. The Garden is west of the New Asylum. "The garden is a beautiful and relaxing place brimming with various species of flower. You notice, however, that not all of the plants have been placed into pots, and that not all the pots are full." The Planter is in the Garden. The Planter is a container. The Clay Pot is in the Garden. The clay pot is a container. The Plastic Pot is in the garden. The plastic pot is a container. The Stone Pot is in the garden. The stone pot is a container. The Hanging Basket is in the Garden. The Hanging Basket is a container. The compartment is in the Garden. The compartment is scenery. The compartment is a closed and openable container. The Circuitry Part 2 is in the compartment. The description of the circuitry part 2 is "A bundle of wires and circuitry, likely part of a circuit board somewhere." The Orchid is in the Garden. The Daisy is in the Garden. The Rose is in the Garden. The description of the Rose is "You still miss her, don't you?" The Lily is in the Garden. The Tulip is in the Garden. Every turn while the player is in the Garden: If the orchid is in the hanging basket: if the Daisy is in the planter: if the rose is in the clay pot: if the lily is in the stone pot: if the tulip is in the plastic pot: say "[if the compartment is closed]You notice a click from the wall. A compartment has appeared to your left. You should open it.[paragraph break]'What kind of person builds an asylum with crazy plant puzzles that open secret wall compartments?' asks Amy, bewildered.[end if]". The Basement is a room. The Basement is below the New Asylum. "For a new building, the basement is fairly cluttered. Light from the stairwell streams into the basement, making it easy to see everything. Chairs and old bookshelves and some bedposts and a radio and some mops and a bust of Julius Caesar are some of the things you can make out." The radio is in the Basement. The radio is scenery. The radio is an openable and closed container. The description of the radio is "A little 1800s machine. Maybe you can open the back panel to see what's inside." The radio is sonicable. Instead of opening the radio, say "[if the radio is closed]You can't open it with your hands.[end if][if the radio is open]Already open! Examine the radio." In the radio is the Circuitry Part 1. The description of Circuitry Part 1 is "A tangle of wires and other electrical nonsense, likely belonging to a circuit board." The chairs are in the basement. The description of the chairs is "Normal chairs. Wooden and unremarkable." The chairs are scenery. The bedposts are in the basement. The bedposts are scenery. The mops are in the basement. The mops are scenery. The bust is in the basement. The bust is scenery. The description of the bust is "'Oh, Julius! I knew him!' you exclaim.[paragraph break][if rory is groupie]'Sorry to break up your high school reunion,' says Rory, 'but we should be doing something more important.'[end if]". The Mess Hall is a room. The Mess Hall is north of the New Asylum. "Six or seven long wooden tables run parallel through this hall. Apparently, this is where the patients take their meals. It's brightly lit here due to several open windows on the far wall. You notice something on the floor under one of the tables." The Circuitry Part 4 is in the Mess Hall. The description of the circuitry part 4 is "A tangle of wires and metal things, probably part of some circuit board or other electrical nonsense. (The writer of this game knows absolutely nothing about electricity)." Check returning: if the player is in the TARDIS: say "Already here!" instead; if the player is not carrying the multidimensional key: say "You do not have the multidimensional TARDIS key!" instead. Carry out returning: move player to the TARDIS; now the wibbly lever is time vortex. Futuring is an action applying to nothing. Understand "go to future" and "future" and "set lever to future" as futuring. Check futuring: if the player is not in the TARDIS, say "And just how do you plan on doing that without a ship?" instead; if the wibbly lever is future, say "Here already." instead. Carry out futuring: now the wibbly lever is future; move player to Year 4200. Report futuring: say "You've pulled the Wibbly Lever, landing yourself at a certain point in the future." Year 4200 is a room. "There's something terrible happening here. And we have to get to the bottom of it.[paragraph break] You're just outside the TARDIS. You appear to be at a corner of two streets--or, at least, you guess they are streets. You'd expected to see flying vehicles and shining towers, but the world about you is a shambles; the buildings are dilapidated and rusted, and old signs lie scattered about the dirt-encrusted ground. Something isn't right. Something has messed with Time.[paragraph break]To the east is what you can make out of the Old Thoroughfare, to the west is the Closed Road, and to the north is the Alley." The Alley is a room. The Alley is north of Year 4200. "What was once a pleasant residential area lined with homes has become a vacant, shambling, narrow alley. To the east, you can vaguely make out some sort of monument. You cannot proceed further in any direction due to the abundance of jagged piles of metal." The monument is in the Alley. The description of the monument is "It reads: 'Here is the former home of Sherlock Holmes, the famed consulting detective and his associate Dr. John Watson. They lived here circa the 19th century.'" The monument is scenery. The Old Thoroughfare is a room. The Old Thoroughfare is east of Year 4200. "Unlike its 1800s predecessor, the Old Thoroughfare is thoroughly post-apocalyptic. Twisted shards of steel and empty buildings frame a broken road, which was plainly once a great and bustling place. Now, however, it is deserted. The only signs of life are a broken-down bank to the south and a decrepit police station to the east." The Broken-down Bank is a room. The broken-down bank is south of the Old Thoroughfare. "A dilapidated and destroyed building scattered with molding, torn financial records and bits of scrap metal. An imposing vault sits in the back.[if the vault is open]The scan worked: the vault is open![end if]". The vault is in the broken-down bank. The vault is fixed in place. The description of the vault is "[if the vault is closed]A locked safe, probably still containing money from eons ago.[otherwise]The vault is open. A sad little stack of money still remains inside.[end if]".The vault is an openable and closed container. Instead of opening the vault, say "[if the vault is closed]It's locked.[otherwise]It's already open. Examine it.[end if]". In the vault is a stack of money. The description of the stack of money is "A few dirty pounds all the way from 19th-20th century London. They are probably worthless in the 43rd century." The Decrepit Police Station is a room. The Decrepit Police Station is east of the Old Thoroughfare. "There's nothing much to do here. What was once a police station has been long destroyed. It's been abandoned since at least the 19th century, and its vacancy has not helped its curb appeal. A few ancient newsstands remain, but the newspapers display fairly recent events from 4170." The Closed Road is a room. The Closed Road is west of Year 4200. "A long, narrow street, lined with what were evidently once trees and a few homes. Bits of iron lie like shrapnel sprinkled over the pavement. The Old Asylum is further west of here. It's not entirely devoid of life, however." The Peddler is a person. The peddler is in the Closed Road. The Peddler is carrying the vial of medicine. The description of the vial of medicine is "An unobtrusive-looking vial of thick red liquid--doubtlessly early 41st century technology. It can cure most simple and even some grave ailments." Instead of talking to the Peddler, say "'Sir. Excuse me, sir. If you would indulge me--we don't get a lot of people out here who haven't been taken to the Mines--you wouldn't happen to have any money for my wares? It's so cold out this time of year. If I had something to cover my head, I might feel better.'" Instead of giving the stack of money to the Peddler, say "'What's that? I'm sorry, really, but I don't know what that is. It looks ancient!'" The description of the Peddler is "A pitiful-looking character, dressed in raggedy clothing that seems barely able to combat the harsh cold. He carries several bags about him, all filled with vials of medicine and packets of food." Instead of giving the top hat to the peddler: say "'Thank you, kind doctor! Here, have some medicine for your practice!'"; now the player is carrying the vial of medicine; now the peddler is carrying the top hat. The Old Asylum Gate is a door. The Old Asylum Gate is wooden. The description of the Old Asylum Gate is "An old wooden gate, somehow surviving through a temporal anomaly in the 43rd century. The hinges are rusted shut." The Old Asylum Gate is west of the Closed Road. The Old Asylum Gate is closed. Instead of opening the Old Asylum Gate when the Asylum Gate is closed, say "The hinges are rusted closed. You can't get through." Instead of opening the Old Asylum Gate when the Asylum Gate is open, say "It's open! Go through the gate." The Old Asylum is a room. The Old Asylum is west of the Old Asylum Gate. "[if rory williams is stranger]'Hey! It's about time you got here!' you hear.[paragraph break]'Rory!' Amy cries, both shocked and ecstatic. 'What are you doing here?'[paragraph break]'I can't believe you two left me here, in the FUTURE! Now I've been trapped in this creepy old asylum by this suit-wearing maniac! Haven't you two noticed what's going on?' Rory looks pointedly at you. 'The Mines. That's why everyone's gone, why everything's abandoned. They're all at the Mines, all trapped by crazy suit man.' You decide to talk to Rory to learn more.[end if] The Old Asylum is the degraded form of the 1880s version, after several renovations add-ons over the course of the years. The greyish wallpaper peels grotesquely from discolored walls; what was once a reception desk sags and bleeds old rotting papers onto the chipped and dusty floor. A few flickering bulbs still illuminate the place with their weak, pale light. To the south you see the bedrooms. To the west there is a scrapyard of sorts. There is a mess hall to the north and a basement down the stairs below you (type 'down' to go down the stairs)." The Old Bedrooms is a room. The Old Bedrooms is south of the Old Asylum. "Against each wall there are at least twenty ragged, torn cots, trailing gruesome straps and other restraining devices from their metal frames. The overall effect is deeply creepy.[paragraph break] 'This is where the workers sleep when they're not in the Mines,' says Rory." The Crying Woman is a person. The Crying Woman is in the Old Bedrooms. The description of the Crying Woman is "[if the crying woman is not carrying the locket]A tortured face peers at you from underneath a ragged scarf. Her moans echo throughout the asylum.[otherwise]She still looks upset, but at least she's stopped moaning. You want to get to the bottom of this mess quickly so as to help her and the others.[end if]". The crying woman is carrying the Circuitry Part 3. The description of the Circuitry Part 3 is "A bundle of wires and circuitry, likely belonging to a circuit board." Instead of talking to the Crying Woman, say "[if the crying woman is not carrying the locket]'What's wrong?' you ask.[paragraph break]'It's my great-great-great-great-great-great grandmother's grandmother's grandfather's grandmother's locket,' she sobs. 'It got destroyed in the Mines and now I don't know what to do!'[otherwise]'I don't know how you did it, but you have my deepest gratitude.'[end if]". Instead of giving the locket to the Crying Woman: say "'What? That's my locket! But it looks so...new! How did you find it? How is that possible? It dates back to the 19th century!'she gasps. 'Here. I want to thank you, but I don't have anything to my name but that locket. I'll give you this weird bit of circuitry I found the other day.'"; now the Crying woman is carrying the locket; now the player is carrying the circuitry part 3. The Old Mess Hall is a room. The Old Mess Hall is north of the Old Asylum. "Remnants of long wooden tables lie destroyed all over the hall. This was once a place where the patients would eat. Now, it's being used for the same purpose for the Mine workers. A few discarded items lie scattered over the floor. You notice a book lying on the ground to your left." The book is in the Old Mess Hall. The description of the book is "A Beginner's Guide to Botany: Chapter 1[paragraph break]Even a beginner should know his plant basics. For example, Orchids must always be planted in hanging baskets. Stone pots are not the best for planting Tulips. Daisies must never go in plastic pots or stone pots. Plastic pots, stone pots and planters are a bad idea if you're planting Roses. Plastic pots are also bad for Lilies." The Old Basement is a room. The Old Basement is below the Old Asylum. "[if Rory is groupie]'It's extremely creepy down here. As in, creepier than that one time with the homicidal dolls. Doctor, please tell me there aren't any giant alien face spiders or something down here,' Rory mutters. You stifle a grin. Oh, Rory.[paragraph break][end if]The basement is pitch dark save for the stairwell, which allows a few feeble rays to bleed down from the Asylum entrance. The torn and shambling walls reveal tattered fiberglass insulation pouring from holes in the structure. The ground is carpeted with dust and--as is becoming a theme around here--little bits and pieces of scrap metal. There is a circuit breaker on the wall ahead of you." The circuit breaker is in the Old Basement. The circuit breaker is a closed and openable container. The circuit breaker is fixed in place. The circuit breaker has carrying capacity 4. The description of the circuit breaker is "A circuit breaker--obviously added in after the 1880s--that controls the electrical system of the building. You pry it open, and notice that four parts of the wiring have been carefully removed." Every turn when the player is in the Old Basement: if circuitry part 1 is in the circuit breaker: if circuitry part 2 is in the circuit breaker: if circuitry part 3 is in the circuit breaker: if circuitry part 4 is in the circuit breaker: say "With all the parts replaced, you are able to turn the power on in certain parts of the Asylum. You hear a sliding, whirring noise somewhere on the main floor."; now the scrapyard door is open. The Scrapyard Door is a door. The Scrapyard Door is west of the Old Asylum. The Scrapyard Door is closed. Instead of opening the Scrapyard Door, say "[if the scrapyard door is closed]The large metal door is shut tight. It has to visible keyhole or doorknob, but there's a control panel on the left side. However, the control panel is not turned on and doesn't seem to have any power.[end if][if the scrapyard door is open]It's already open. Go through the door.[end if]" The Mine Scrapyard is a room. The Mine Scrapyard is west of the Scrapyard Door. "The ground here has been churned with the passage of many feet. Great, twisted, jagged piles of discarded steel and iron form mountains and canyons all around you. Ahead of you, you watch in horror as group after group of people are led into a cavernous mine, flanked by queer floating spheres of metal on each side. Further west is the Mine Shaft." The Mine Shaft is a room. The Mine Shaft is west of the mine scrapyard. "[if rory is groupie]'I don't like this,' says Rory. 'It took me long enough to get out of here. Now we're going back in?!'[end if][paragraph break] You're in a dark, close, dirty cave. The air is thick with the sound and smoke of drills biting into the earth. People--obviously civilians--huddle around the walls, digging with pickaxes and other mediocre instruments into the rock. It smells of dirt and machinery and steel. A few Toclafane float energetically around the workers, threatening them with their weapons. And, in front of you, is your greatest enemy and last surviving kin." The Master is a person. The Master is in the Mine Shaft. The description of the Master is "'Oh, don't try to examine me, Doctor. You already know who I am.'" Instead of talking to the Master: say "'Doctor. Or, I'm at least assuming it's you. Last time I saw you, you were a little less...square. And your hair was better. Does this mean you manage to die in the intervening years?' The Master laughs. 'Anyway, it's obvious that I'm only meeting a future version of you because of my Paradox Machine over there. You see, when your past self tried to trap me between the present and year 100 trillion, I was able to warp your TARDIS into a paradox-sustaining machine, *and* I was able to rip myself a little hole in spacetime, here in the 43rd century, in which to build my army. You didn't think I actually found all that metal myself, did you?'[paragraph break]'All these slaves are doing is building the Toclafane shells. As for what's inside them--well, you probably already know that as well. But for your two friends here, I'll spoil the surprise...HUMAN HEADS! Anyway, I've already taken your trusty screwdriver and your TARDIS key, so trying to get back to your little ship is quite useless. Just stay put, and I'll deal with you *after* I deal with your past self. Oh, and that distress signal was an accident. It fell out of your TARDIS as I arrived here, and some lowlife picked it up. It must have detected your new TARDIS and returned automatically.'"; now the Master is carrying the sonic screwdriver; now the Master is carrying the multidimensional key. The Paradox Machine is in the Mine Shaft. The description of the Paradox Machine is "The TARDIS! Your TARDIS! The Master converted it into a paradox-sustaining mechanism long ago during your tenth regeneration cycle. Right now he's using it to exist in the 43rd century without repercussions. The neutron flow is set to negative polarity." Instead of kissing the Master, say "The Master kisses you back. Passionately.[paragraph break]And then he punches you in the face." Instead of kissing Rory, say "Rory punches you in the face." Understand "reverse [something]" as reversing. Reversing is an action applying to one object. The neutron flow is in the Mine Shaft. The neutron flow is scenery. Understand "polarity" and "polarity of the neutron flow" as the neutron flow. Carry out reversing the neutron flow: if Rory is groupie: say "Rory takes this moment to punch the Master in the face, giving you time to flip the switch, reversing the polarity of the neutron flow, forcing the Paradox Machine into a negative feedback loop. [paragraph break] 'What?' the Master exclaims. 'That doesn't even make scientific sense!'[paragraph break]'Shut up and leave.' retorts Amy, grabbing a nearby pickax and using it to bludgeon a Toclafane into the collapsing Paradox Machine. The Master falls, flailing, into his own machine, being sent back to year 100 trillion. His influence will soon be erased from this time period, rendering it the 'year that never was'. You manage to grab the TARDIS key and your sonic screwdriver from his jacket before he disappears entirely.[paragraph break]A few moments of silence pass between you, Rory, and Amy. 'Well, that was fun,' you say, looking about at the now-empty mine and the now-filled-with-flowers scrapyard. 'Now, who's up for Ancient Greece?'"; end the game in victory; if Rory is stranger: say "Wait...aren't you forgetting someone? Rory is still in the Asylum! Go talk to him!".