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"Grand Theft Food" The maximum score is 20. Every turn: if score is 20 begin; say "You are so full, your stomach is about to burst. With a happy sigh, you turn to your equally contented sister. [paragraph break] 'Let's go home.'"; end the game in victory; end if. Every turn: if score is 21 begin; say "You are so full, your stomach is about to burst. With a happy sigh, you turn to your equally contented sister. [paragraph break] 'Let's go home.'"; end the game in victory; end if. Every turn: if score is 22 begin; say "You are so full, your stomach is about to burst. With a happy sigh, you turn to your equally contented sister. [paragraph break] 'Let's go home.'"; end the game in victory; end if. Every turn: if score is 23 begin; say "You are so full, your stomach is about to burst. With a happy sigh, you turn to your equally contented sister. [paragraph break] 'Let's go home.'"; end the game in victory; end if. Every turn: if score is 24 begin; say "You are so full, your stomach is about to burst. With a happy sigh, you turn to your equally contented sister. [paragraph break] 'Let's go home.'"; end the game in victory; end if. Every turn: if score is 25 begin; say "You are so full, your stomach is about to burst. With a happy sigh, you turn to your equally contented sister. [paragraph break] 'Let's go home.'"; end the game in victory; end if. Every turn: if score is 26 begin; say "You are so full, your stomach is about to burst. With a happy sigh, you turn to your equally contented sister. [paragraph break] 'Let's go home.'"; end the game in victory; end if. Every turn: if score is 27 begin; say "You are so full, your stomach is about to burst. With a happy sigh, you turn to your equally contented sister. [paragraph break] 'Let's go home.'"; end the game in victory; end if. Every turn: if score is 28 begin; say "You are so full, your stomach is about to burst. With a happy sigh, you turn to your equally contented sister. [paragraph break] 'Let's go home.'"; end the game in victory; end if. Every turn: if score is 29 begin; say "You are so full, your stomach is about to burst. With a happy sigh, you turn to your equally contented sister. [paragraph break] 'Let's go home.'"; end the game in victory; end if. Every turn: if score is 30 begin; say "You are so full, your stomach is about to burst. With a happy sigh, you turn to your equally contented sister. [paragraph break] 'Let's go home.'"; end the game in victory; end if. stealing is an action applying to one thing. understand "steal [something]" as stealing. understand "rob [something]" as stealing. understand "swipe [something]" as stealing. understand "snatch [something]" as stealing. understand "grab [something]" as stealing. understand "rip off [something]" as stealing. understand "liberate [something]" as stealing. understand "filch [something]" as stealing. understand "pinch [something]" as stealing. understand "heist [something]" as stealing. stealing it from is an action applying to two things. understand "steal [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. understand "rob [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. understand "swipe [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. understand "snatch [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. understand "grab [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. understand "rip off [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. understand "liberate [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. understand "filch [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. understand "pinch [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. understand "heist [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. check stealing something (this is the can't take your own goods rule): if the noun is carried by the player, say "You've already got [the noun]!" instead. check stealing something from a second noun (this is the can't steal an empty-handed person rule): if the second noun encloses nothing, say "[The second noun] hasn't got [the noun]." instead. carry out stealing (this is the result of stealing rule): say "You steal [the noun]."; now the noun is carried by the player. carry out stealing something from a second noun (this is the steal something from some one-thing rule): say "You steal [the noun] from [the second noun]."; now the noun is carried by the player; Understand the commands "attack" and "punch" and "destroy" and "kill" and "murder" and "hit" and "thump" and "break" and "smash" and "torture" and "wreck" as something new. Attacking it with is an action applying to one visible thing and one carried thing. Understand "attack [someone] with [something preferably held]" as attacking it with. Understand the commands "punch" and "destroy" and "kill" and "murder" and "hit" and "thump" and "break" and "smash" and "torture" and "wreck" as "attack". Carry out attacking it with: try attacking the noun. The Bedroom is a room. "[if the Bedroom is unvisited] You wake up to the feeling of warm sunshine on your face and the sound of birds chirping outside your window. And a rumbly stomach. Wow! You sure are starving! You wonder if there's any food downstairs. But you are REALLY starving. Like, twenty points starving.[end if][if Bedroom is visited]Your room contains a rumpled bed, a nightstand, and a cluttered desk. What a mess! You vaguely wonder when was the last time you saw your wallet.[end if]" In the Bedroom is the bed. The bed is scenery. The description of the bed is "Your poor mother is going to yell at you later for not making the bed." In the Bedroom is the desk. The desk is scenery. The description of the desk is "The desk is a rich, dark brown mahogany with lots of drawers. Perfect for studying. You use it as a storage space for your mess." The drawer is part of the desk. The drawer is a fixed in place, closed, openable container. The description of the drawer is "It's a drawer." Inside the drawer is the dollar. The description of the dollar is "You could probably trade this for food." Inside the drawer is the Driver's License. Understand "ID" and "license" as the driver's license. The description of the driver's license is "Your ID. God what an awful picture." Instead of showing the driver's license to Gabby, say "Gabby looks like she's trying not to laugh at your picture." In the Bedroom is the nightstand. It is scenery. The description of the nightstand is "Next to your bed is your nightstand. You use it as a storage space for your mess." The Ho Residence Kitchen is below the Bedroom. "[If the Ho Residence Kitchen is unvisited] In the Kitchen you encounter your twin sister, Gabby. [paragraph break] 'I'm hungry!' she bellows at you. [line break] Gabby is rather demanding when she's hungry, isn't she? You ask her if there's any food in the kitchen. [paragraph break] 'I don't know where Mom and Dad are, and our brother refuses to stop hibernating. I'm hungry!' [line break] That doesn't really answer your question. You look around the kitchen. Maybe there's food in the refrigerator.[end if][if the Ho Residence Kitchen is visited] There's a pantry and a refrigerator in the kitchen. If you want to go outside, just use the south door.[end if]" Gabby is a person in the Ho Residence Kitchen. Understand "Gabrielle" and "Gabz" and "Gabbers" and "Elle" and "GabGab" as Gabby. The description of Gabby is "Your faithful twin sister." Instead of attacking Gabby: say "Gabby looks at you sadly." Instead of stealing Gabby: say "Gabby looks at you sadly." In the Ho Residence Kitchen is the refrigerator. Understand "fridge" as refrigerator. It is scenery. It is a fixed in place, closed, openable container. The description of the refrigerator is "Maybe there's food if you open it." Inside the refrigerator is the crumb. The description of the crumb is "Drats. You can't eat this." Inside the refrigerator is the empty glass jar. Understand "jar" and "glassjar" and "glass jar" as the empty glass jar. The description of the empty glass jar is "An empty glass jar. Cool." After taking the crumb, say "Gabby looks at you in disgust." Instead of showing the crumb to Gabby, say " 'What the hell, I can't eat that!' " Instead of stealing Gabby, say " 'Dude what are you doing. Stop that.' " Every turn: if the player is in a room (called the current space): move Gabby to the current space. The Street is south of the Ho Residence Kitchen. "[If Street is unvisited] You walk outside and you can see it's a beautiful day! The sky is a glorious blue color with not a cloud in sight. You take a moment to stretch your arms and sigh happily, basking in the sunlight. Behind you, Gabby trudges after you, grumbling about hunger pains. Despite her grouchiness, she does have a point. You decide that the best thing to do is look for something to eat.[paragraph break] Pathfinder is to the south, Helen's House is to the west. Go north to go inside the house.[end if][if the Street is visited]The street outside your house. [paragraph break] Pathfinder is to the south, Helen's House is to the west. Go north to go inside the house. [end if]" The Helen's House is west of the Street. "[if the Helen's House is unvisited]You and Gabby make your way down to the home of your good friend and neighbor, Helen Cheng. [line break] 'You think Helen will be awake?' Gabby asks. You doubt it. Regardless, you knock on her door. [paragraph break] A few minutes pass. [paragraph break] 'Try knocking harder,' Gabby mutters. 'She probably has food.' [paragraph break] You think that's rather rude, but at that moment your stomach makes a loud gurgle. So you oblige, rapping against the door with your knuckles. The door is suddenly yanked open from under your fist. Helen stares at you two blearily, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Regardless of her sleepiness, she smiles at the two of you. [paragraph break] 'Hey guys. Come on in.' [paragraph break] The two of you happily oblige. [end if][if the Helen's House is visited] Helen's dogs bark at you unhappily, sensing the ulterior motives behind your visit. Poor Helen, it looks like you woke her up again, but she cheerfully accommodates you two. [end if]" Helen is a person in the Helen's House. The description of Helen is "Your long time friend and neighbor. She looks like hasn't gotten a good night's sleep." Instead of attacking Helen: say "Helen is disgruntled. She did not wake up for this." Instead of stealing Helen: say "Helen is disgruntled. She did not wake up for this." In the Helen's House is the leftover dumplings. Understand "dumplings" and "dumpling" as leftover dumplings. The dumplings are edible. The description of the dumplings are "Looks like Helen had dumplings for dinner last night. Yum!" Instead of showing the leftover dumplings to Helen, say " 'Yeah, I've been saving those for breakfast.' " Instead of asking Helen about "dumplings", say " 'Yeah, I've been saving those for breakfast.' " Instead of showing the leftover dumplings to Gabby, say " 'I like dumplings.' " Instead of asking Gabby about "dumplings", say " 'I like dumplings.' " After stealing the leftover dumplings, say "Helen stares at you unhappily, but doesn't say anything." Instead of stealing the cappuccino machine, say "That's expensive, you jerk." After eating the leftover dumplings: increase the score by 1; if in the Helen's House: say "You and Gabby scarf down the entire plate of dumplings. Helen stares at you unhappily, but doesn't say anything."; After asking Helen about "food", say " 'If you guys are really hungry, you can have some dumplings. Just save some for me.'" In the Helen's House is the cappuccino machine. The cappuccino machine is fixed in place. Understand "machine" and "cappuccino" as cappuccino machine. The description of the cappuccino machine is "A cappuccino machine. Cool." Instead of asking Helen about "cappuccino machine", say " 'I might need a cup soon...' " Instead of asking Gabby about "cappuccino machine", say " 'Dumplings.' " The Pathfinder is south of the Street. "[if the Pathfinder is unvisited] Ah, Pathfinder. A humble road, stretching east and west. What edible wonders await you![end if][if the Pathfinder is visited] A road stretching from east to west. Home lies to the north. [end if]" The Pathfinder East is east of the Pathfinder. "To the south is the High School. Further east is City Blvd." The student is a person in the Pathfinder East. The description of the student is "A student is walking to school. He glances back at you warily. You should probably stop watching him so obviously; kids these days get really paranoid." The student is carrying the halfdollar. The description of the halfdollar is "Aw yeah, lunch money." Instead of stealing the student: say "You sneak up from behind the student as quietly as you can, but he notices. He tries to get away, but Gabby comes out of nowhere and tackles him to the ground. The both of you loot around in his pockets, uncovering a halfdollar. Aw yeah. Satisfied, you and Gabby walk away, leaving the poor kid whimpering on the sidewalk."; now the player carries the halfdollar. Instead of stealing the halfdollar: say "You sneak up from behind the student as quietly as you can, but he notices. He tries to get away, but Gabby comes out of nowhere and tackles him to the ground. The both of you loot around in his pockets, uncovering a halfdollar. Aw yeah. Satisfied, you and Gabby walk away, leaving the poor kid whimpering on the sidewalk."; now the player carries the halfdollar. Instead of giving the halfdollar to the student: say "You feel bad about robbing that student of his lunch money, so you decide to give him back his money. However, when you turn around to do so, the poor kid shrieks in terror. Might as well just keep his money." The High School is south of the Pathfinder East. "[if the High School is unvisited] It sure has been a long time since you've been here! You briefly entertain the notion of looking for food here, but a beefy looking security guard stares you down from outside the gate. [end if][if the High School is visited] Your old high school. You kinda want to go inside, but security is pretty tight.[end if]" The Security Guard is a person in the High School. It is scenery. Understand "security" and "guard" as Security Guard. The description of the Security Guard is "He looks mean." Instead of asking the guard about "food", say "He grunts at you." Instead of attacking the Security Guard with the empty glass jar: now the Gate is open; say "You knocked out the guard! Gabby stares at you in horror. At least you can proceed south through the gate." Instead of attacking the Security Guard with the switchblade: now the Gate is open; say "You knocked out the guard! Gabby stares at you in horror. At least you can proceed south through the gate." Instead of stealing the Security Guard: say " 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!' The guard panics and beats you to death with his baton. "; end the game in death; The Gate is a closed, locked, openable door. It is scenery. The Gate is south of the High School and north of the HS Lunch Area. The HS Lunch Area is a room. "[If the HS Lunch Area is unvisited]Ah, the high school lunch area! Such fond memories of a bygone era. Like the long waits in line for subpar food. Or that time when your friends squabbled with underclassmen over a table. You sniff contently. From behind you, Gabby grumbles something about the distinct lack of pho in this place. [paragraph break] The same rows of lunch tables and the food stands are exactly where you remember them to be.[end if][If the HS Lunch Area is visited] The high school lunch area. What wonderful memories. [paragraph break] The same rows of lunch tables and the food stands are exactly where you remember them to be.[end if]" In the HS Lunch Area is the lunch table. The lunch table is scenery. Understand "table" as lunch table. The description of the lunch table is "Standard lunch table. There appears to be lunchbag on top of it." On the lunch table is the lunchbag. It is scenery. The lunchbag is a closed, openable container. Understand "lunch bag" and "bag" as lunchbag. The description of the lunchbag is "Some student's lunchbag. There's probably something delicious inside!" Inside the lunchbag is a sandwich. The sandwich is edible. The description of the sandwich is "A standard ham and cheese sandwich, with just a little too much mayo." Instead of stealing the lunch table, say "You strain under the effort of trying to move the lunch table before realizing that it is chained to the ground. A group of students nearby stare at you with wide eyes." After eating the sandwich: increase the score by 2; if in the HS Lunch Area: say "A nearby student stares at you with watery eyes."; In the HS Lunch Area is the food stand. The food stand is scenery. Understand "foodstand" and "foodstands" and "food stands" and "stand" and "stands" as the food stand. The description of the food stand is "A lunch lady stares at you with a bored expression. 'What can I get for ya, honey?' she drawls. 'There's chimichanga, chimichanga, chimichanga take your pick. Costs a dollar." The Lunch Lady is a person in the HS Lunch Area. The description of the Lunch Lady is "She stares at you with a bored expression. 'What can I get for ya, honey?' she drawls. 'There's chimichanga, chimichanga, and chimichanga take your pick. Costs a dollar." She carries the chimichanga. The chimichanga is edible. The description of the chimichanga is "A chimichanga. Yum." Instead of giving the dollar to the Lunch Lady: now the player carries the chimichanga; now the lunch lady carries the dollar; say " 'Good choice! Chimichanga it is!' " After stealing chimichanga: say "She has plenty of chimichangas; she doesn't give a shit." Instead of stealing the Lunch Lady: say "You idiot, why are you robbing someone with a crowd of witnesses around you?! A student panics and calls 911. Police swarm the area within minutes and you are arrested."; end the game in death; After eating chimichanga: increase the score by 2; say "MmmmMm beefy goodness." The Bank of America is north of the Road. "Welcome to Bank of America! Withdraw or deposit cash here." In the Bank of America is the vault. The vault is a fixed in place, closed, locked, openable container. Inside the vault is the twodollar. The description of the twodollar is "Aw yeah, money." Inside the vault is the threedollar. The description of the threedollar is "Aw yeah, money." Inside the vault is the fourdollar. The description of the fourdollar is "Aw yeah, money." Inside the vault is the fivedollar. The description of the fivedollar is "Aw yeah, money." Inside the vault is the sixdollar. The description of the sixdollar is "Aw yeah, money." The Bank Teller is a person in the Bank of America. Understand "teller" as Bank Teller. The description of the Bank Teller is "A stuffy looking woman stares at you from behind the glass of the bank counter. 'Yes? Can I help you?' she asks. Clearly she is unimpressed with you. You wonder briefly if she knows the combination of the impressive looking vault behind her." The Bank Teller carries the key. The key unlocks the vault. The description of the key is "Oh, maybe this will unlock the vault." Instead of stealing the bank teller: If the player is not carrying the key: say "Gabby suddenly springs forward, grabbing a huge handful of the complimentary candy sitting on the counter. [paragraph break] 'Hey!' the Bank Teller shouts. 'You can only take one!'[paragraph break] While the bank teller chases Gabby around the lobby and distracts everyone, you quickly slip behind the counter and grab the key. Hopefully the security cameras didn't catch that."; now the player carries the key; If the player is carrying the key: say "That'll do." Instead of stealing the key: If player is not carrying the key: say "Gabby suddenly springs forward, grabbing a huge handful of the complimentary candy sitting on the counter. [paragraph break] 'Hey!' the Bank Teller shouts. 'You can only take one!'[paragraph break] While the bank teller chases Gabby around the lobby and distracting everyone, you quickly slip behind the counter and grab the key. Hopefully the security cameras didn't catch that."; now the player carries the key; If the player is carrying the key: say "That'll do." Instead of showing the key to Gabby, say " 'Try opening the vault with that.'" Instead of stealing the vault: if the player is not carrying the key: say "You make your way casually to the back, much to the confusion of the bank teller. As soon as your hand touches the vault, an alarm goes off. The place is in panic. Security guards tackle you to the ground. You hit your head against the tiled floor and black out."; end the game in death; if the player is carrying the key: say "Maybe try opening the vault with the key instead of hauling the entire thing out of there." After opening the vault, say "You casually walk behind the bank teller, much to her continued chagrin. But before she can protest, you confidently unlock the vault with the key. She blinks in confusion. Well, if you have the key, you probably have the authority to access that vault. What other explanation is there?" The Intersection Between City Blvd&Pathfinder is east of the Pathfinder East. "City Boulevard runs from north to south. Pathfinder is to the west." The City Boulevard is south of the Intersection Between City Blvd&Pathfinder. "City Boulevard runs from north to south. Looks like Korean Mart is a little more south from here." In the City Boulevard is the bicycle. The bicycle is fixed in place. The description of the bicycle is "A bicyclist zooms past you on the road. You hate bicyclists." Instead of stealing the bicycle: say "You try to steal the bicycle, but it just runs you over."; end the game in death; The Korean Mart is south of the City Boulevard. "[If the Korean Mart is unvisited] Welcome to Korean Mart! You probably won't find a larger gathering of Koreans anywhere in the City! [paragraph break] Whether it be rice snacks, fresh produce, or live seafood, come here for all your basic Asian dietary needs![paragraph break] Continue southward to the freeway.[end if][If the Korean Mart is visited] The mega Korean market here in town. Shop around, see what you can find! [paragraph break] You could always continue southward onto the freeway, or head back north to the city. [end if]" In the Korean Mart is the meat stand. The meat stand is fixed in place. The description of the meat stand is "For all your carnivorous needs! Grill it, bake it, fry it, put it in a stir-fry; just don't eat it raw!" The Meat Man is a person in the Korean Mart. Understand "MeatMan" and "man" as Meat Man. The description of the Meat Man is " 'Bulgogi for sale! Five dollar! Marinated pork! Six dollar!'" The Meat Man carries the bulgogi. The bulgogi is edible. The description of the bulgogi is "Mmm. Bulgogi." The Meat Man carries the marinated pork. The marinated pork is edible. Understand "pork" as marinated pork. The description of the marinated pork is "Mmm, pork. Should probably cook this before eating it." Instead of stealing the meat stand, say " 'HAJIMA.' " Instead of stealing the Meat Man, say " 'HAJIMA.' " Instead of stealing the bulgogi, say " 'HAJIMA.' " Instead of stealing the marinated pork, say " 'HAJIMA.' " Instead of attacking the Meat Man: say " 'HAJIMA.'" Instead of giving the fivedollar to the Meat Man: now the player carries the bulgogi; now the Meat Man carries the fivedollar; say " 'Sankyu! Come again!' " Instead of giving the sixdollar to the Meat Man: now the player carries the marinated pork; now the Meat Man carries the sixdollar; say " 'Sankyu! Come again!' " Instead of showing the bulgogi to Gabby, say "Gabby looks hungry." Instead of showing the marinated pork to Gabby, say " 'Uh you're going to cook at first, right?' " After eating the bulgogi: say "Mmmm that was delicious!"; increase the score by 2; After eating the marinated pork: say "Oh gross. Why did you eat that raw. You throw up in the nearest trash receptacle. Gabby looks disgusted at you."; decrease the score by 2; In the Korean Mart is the Snack Aisle. The Snack Aisle is fixed in place. The description of the Snack Aisle is "Delicious looking snacks line the aisles of Korean Mart. You try to reach for a brightly colored package, but your stubby arms can't reach. Perhaps you should ask an employee for assistance?" In the Korean Mart is the Mart Employee. Understand "employee" as the Mart Employee. The description of the Mart Employee is " 'Hello! Do you need help reaching those snacks? Shrimp crackers are two dollars, rice crackers are three dollars. If you want something sweet, there are some chocolate panda cookies on sale for a dollar.'" The Mart Employee is carrying the shrimp crackers. Understand "shrimpcracker" and "shrimp cracker" and "shrimpcrackers" as the shrimp crackers. The shrimp crackers is edible. The description of the shrimp crackers is "Delicious shrimp crackers, a favorite snack of your childhood." The Mart Employee is carrying the rice crackers. The rice crackers is edible. Understand "ricecracker" and "rice cracker" and "ricecrackers" as the rice crackers. The description of the rice crackers is "Delicious rice crackers. Perfect snack to munch on." The Mart Employee is carrying the panda cookies. The panda cookies is edible. Understand "cookie" and "pandacookie" and "cookies" and "panda cookie" and "panda" and "pandas" as the panda cookies. The description of the panda cookies is "Delicious chocolate filled panda cookies. MmmMmMmm." Instead of attacking the Mart Employee: say " 'HAJIMA.'"; Instead of stealing the Snack Aisle, say " 'HAJIMA.'" Instead of stealing the Mart Employee, say " 'HAJIMA.'" Instead of stealing the shrimp crackers, say " 'HAJIMA.'" Instead of stealing the rice crackers, say " 'HAJIMA.'" After stealing the panda cookies, say "Well, they were on sale anyway." Instead of giving the dollar to the Mart Employee: now the Mart Employee is carrying the dollar; now the player is carrying the panda cookies; say " 'Sankyu! Come again!'" Instead of giving the twodollar to the Mart Employee: now the Mart Employee is carrying the twodollar; now the player is carrying the shrimp crackers; say " 'Sankyu! Come again!'" Instead of giving the threedollar to the Mart Employee: now the Mart Employee is carrying the threedollar; now the player is carrying the rice crackers; say " 'Sankyu! Come again!'" After eating the panda cookies, say "What a delicious snack!" After eating the rice crackers: say "What a deliciously crunchy snack!"; increase the score by 1; After eating the shrimp crackers: say "What a deliciously crunch snack!"; increase the score by 1; The Freeway is south of the Mart. "The freeway. Continue southwards to visit Diane, or head north back to City. Be careful not to get hit by any cars." In the Freeway is the car. The car is fixed in place. The description of the car is "Cars speed across the highway at alarming speeds. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to walk on the freeway." In the Freeway is the truck. The truck is fixed in place. The description of the truck is "A huge truck is barreling its way through traffic. Make sure you don't get run over!" Instead of stealing the car: say "You try to steal the car, but it just runs you over."; end the game in death; Instead of attacking the car with the switchblade: say "You try to stab the car, but it just runs you over."; end the game in death; Instead of stealing the truck: say "You try to steal the truck, but it just runs you over."; end the game in death; Instead of attacking the truck with the switchblade: say "You try to stab the truck, but it just runs you over."; end the game in death; [A Modest Proposal time shift setup] The Diane's House is south of the Freeway. "[If the Diane's House is unvisited] After the long trek down the freeway and through Hawaiian Gardens, you and Gabby finally reach Diane's House. It was an exhausting journey, fraught with speeding cars, gun wielding gangsters, and the possibility of heat stroke. But you barely have time to catch your breath before Diane swings open the door.[paragraph break] 'EHEEHEOHEOHEEOHEOEHEOHEOEHEOHEOEOE' she sings. She pulls both of you inside. [paragraph break] 'Oh I'm so glad you guys came!' she says. 'But hang on for a bit, I need to go take a dump. STAY RIGHT THERE~' [paragraph break] Diane scurries up the stairs, leaving you and Gabby alone in the living room. Gabby grunts a bit - she's still upset at you for making her go through that horribly long walk. She shuffles grumpily to the kitchen in search of food. [paragraph break] A small yip grabs your attention and you turn around. It's Diane's dog, Lady! [end if][If the Diane's House is visited] Diane's house. She makes her home in the ghetto, where it's not uncommon for helicopters to swoop near the rooflines at night in search of fugitive gunmen. [end if]" Diane is a person in the Diane's House. Understand "Diane Kim" as Diane. The description of Diane is "Your friend Diane. She's a little cuckoo, but her eccentric nature is sometimes endearing, I guess. She's taking a dump right now." Dog is a person in the Diane's House. Understand "Lady" and "pet" and "petdog" as the dog. The description of the dog is "Diane's pet dog. Such a happy dog. You briefly entertain the notion of stealing her." In the Diane's House is the kimchijar. The kimchijar is a fixed in place, closed, openable container. The description of the kimchijar is "Giant jar of kimchi." Inside the kimchijar is the kimchi. The kimchi is edible. The description of the kimchi is "The staple of any Korean household. This would be good with some bulgogi and rice. Mmmm." Instead of stealing the dog: say "You hoist Lady over your shoulder and walk out the front door. All of a sudden, you hear a feral scream behind you. Diane tackles you to the ground, shrieking in incoherent rage. The sounds she makes attracts the attention of a nearby gangster. He panics and shoots his gun into your head."; end the game in death; Instead of attacking the dog with the switchblade: say "In a moment of maddening starvation, you decide that Lady would be delicious as a stew. You raise your switchblade, eyes gleaming in anticipation. [paragraph break] 'NOOOOOO!!' [paragraph break] An unearthly wail causes you to stumble. The next thing you know, you're lying on the ground outside, your head dazed and throbbing. A nearby gangster walks by and shoots you in the face."; end the game in death; Instead of showing the dog to Gabby, say "Gabby perks up a bit. She kneels down besides Lady and starts rubbing her tummy." Instead of stealing the kimchijar: say "That's probably an ancient family heirloom. You shouldn't do that." After eating the kimchi: say "Yep. Definitely would have been better with bulgogi and rice."; increase score by 1; The City Blvd is north of the Intersection Between City Blvd&Pathfinder. "City Boulevard runs from north to south. Looks like the 7-Eleven is further north from here. Hey, isn't Avy's house around here too?" In the City Blvd is the minivan. The minivan is fixed in place. The description of the minivan is "A minivan speeds along City Blvd." Instead of stealing the minivan: say "You try to steal the minivan, but it runs you over. You die."; end the game in death; The 7 Eleven is north of the City Blvd. "Welcome to 7-Eleven! Would you like a slurpee? A bag of chips? Maybe something less wholesome than that? Whatever your craving is, we're here to satisfy! [paragraph break] If you don't want anything from 7-Eleven, continue north or south along City Blvd. Hey, isn't Sharon's House close to 7-Eleven?" The Cashier is a person in the 7 Eleven. Understand "Indian" as the Cashier. The description of the Cashier is " 'Hello! Slurpees are half a dollar, chips are a buck. If you want to purchase a lotto ticket or some cigarettes, they're two dollars and five dollars respectively but I'm going to have to see some I.D.'" The Cashier is carrying the slurpee. The slurpee is edible. The description of the slurpee is "A cool, refreshing slurpee. Mmmm. You like mixing the coke and cherry flavors to make cherry coke slurpee." The Cashier is carrying the chips. The chips are edible. The description of the chips are "Cheetos are the best." The Cashier is carrying the lotto ticket. Understand "lottery ticket" and "ticket" as lotto ticket. The description of the ticket is "Oh, looks like you didn't win anything. Better luck next time!" The Cashier is carrying the pack of cigarettes. Understand "pack" and "cigarettes" and "cigarette" and "cigs" as the pack of cigarettes. The pack of cigarettes is edible. The description of the cigarettes is "Do you know how unhealthy those are? Gabby looks disgusted with you." The Cashier is carrying the tendollar. The description of the tendollar is "Aw yeah, money." Instead of attacking the Cashier: say " 'OH GOD PLEASE DON'T HURT ME I'M JUST TRYING TO LIVE PEACEFULLY.' "; Instead of stealing the Cashier: say "From the back of the store, Gabby grabs a huge armful of Pepperridge Farm cookies. It looks like she grabbed too much at once. [paragraph break] 'Help!' she calls. 'Heeeeellp!' [paragraph break] The cashier shakes his head in irritation and goes to assist her. As soon as his back is turned, you grab ten bucks from the register."; now the player is carrying the tendollar; Instead of stealing the slurpee: say "Gabby rummages around the freezer aisle, taking her favorite ice cream flavors and stacking them into a pyramid much to the chagrin of the cashier. When she's done, she surveys her work, nods once in satisfaction, before turning to browse the cookies. Scowling, the cashier goes to clean up her mess. As soon as his back is turned, you turn on the slurpee machine and drink as much of it as you can.[paragraph break] Fuck. Brain freeze." Instead of stealing the pack of cigarettes: say "That's under lock and key, and the cashier is glaring at you right now." Instead of stealing the lotto ticket: say "That's under lock and key, and the cashier is glaring at you right now." Instead of giving the halfdollar to the cashier: now the cashier is carrying the halfdollar; now the player is carrying the slurpee; say " 'Thank you, come again!'" Instead of giving the dollar to the cashier: now the cashier is carrying the dollar; now the player is carrying the chips; say "'Thank you, come again!'" Instead of giving the twodollar to the cashier: if the player is not carrying the Driver's License: say " 'I'm gonna have to see some sort of ID'"; if the player is carrying the Driver's License: now the cashier is carrying the twodollar; now the player is carrying the lotto ticket; say " 'Thank you, come again!'" Instead of giving the fivedollar to the cashier: if the player is not carrying the Driver's License: say " 'I'm gonna have to see some sort of ID'"; if the player is carrying the Driver's License: now the player is carrying the pack of cigarettes; now the cashier is carrying the fivedollar; say "'Thank you, come again!' " After eating the slurpee: say "Ah. Brain freeze."; increase the score by 1; After eating chips: say "Crunch. Crunch. Crunch."; increase the score by 1; After eating the pack of cigarettes: say "You die of lung cancer."; end the game in death; [Not complete] The Avy's House is west of the City Blvd. "[if the Avy's House is unvisited] You and Gabby make your way up the cul-de-sac where Avy's house is nestled. You're thinking to yourselves that if she doesn't have food to offer, maybe she'll let you ride around in her convertible. [paragraph break] When you reach her front door, you knock once. Avy opens the door with a puzzled look on her face. [paragraph break] 'What the...' she begins, her nose scrunched up in confusion. 'What are you two doing here?' [paragraph break] You tell her that the two of you are on a journey in search for food, and was hoping if she would aid you in this quest. She laughs. [paragraph break] 'Well my entire family is over right now, so I can't entertain you two for long. But I guess you can come in for a biiiit...' [paragraph break] You and Gabby walk inside to the sight of dozens of Chinese faces staring back at you two blankly. Oh. Awkward. [end if][if the Avy's House is visited] 'Oh my goodness, why are you two back? Didn't I feed you two already? Okay, okay, come in for a bit, jeez.' You decide not to tell Avy that she never actually fed you. [end if]" Avy is a person in the Avy's House. Understand "Avy Zheng" as Avy. The description of Avy is "Your friend Avy. When she's not back at DB, she's living in da Pitts." In the Avy's House is the convertible. It is fixed in place. The description of the convertible is "Avy's car. So pretty. So so pretty." Instead of stealing the convertible: say "Avy fixes you with a deadpan look. Okay, maybe not such a good idea." Instead of stealing Avy, say "Avy fixes you with a deadpan look. Okay, maybe not such a good idea." The Sharon's House is west of the 7 Eleven. "[If the Sharon's House is unvisited] You and Gabby trudge up the hill to Sharon's House. It's a really steep hill. The entire time, Gabby is chewing your ear off about forcing her to walk everywhere. She really just needs to exercise more. As the two of you finally come into the driveway, a car pulls up from behind you. It's Sharon! [paragraph break] 'Hi guys! What are you guys doing here? I just got off work from Panera Grill! Hey, did I tell you guys, I have my own Panini maker! Want to make some paninis?! I have all the secret recipes and some leftover bread from work, I'll make you some paninis! HAHAHAHA. Come in, come in!' [paragraph break] Oh bless her heart. You and Gabby follow Sharon inside, hoping that she'll offer to make waffles too. [end if][if the Sharon's House is visited] 'HAHAHAHAHA Hi guys! Come in, come in.' [end if]" Sharon is a person in the Sharon's House. The description of Sharon is "Your friend Sharon. Such a cheerful person. Such beautiful kitchen appliances." Instead of stealing Sharon, say "Sharon frowns at you." In the Sharon's House is the paninimaker. The paninimaker is fixed in place. The description of the paninimaker is "Sharon's panini maker, wondrous maker of delicious paninis." On the paninimaker is the ham&cheese panini. Understand "ham&cheese" and "hamcheese" as the ham&cheese panini. The ham&cheese panini is edible. The description of the ham&cheese panini is "Ooo crisp ham, gooey warm cheese. You're salivating." On the paninimaker is the chicken panini. Understand "chicken" as the chicken panini. The chicken panini is edible. The description of the chicken panini is "Firm chicken breast nestled between thin crusty bread. Delicious." Instead of stealing the paninimaker, say "Yo what are you doing. Sharon won't be able to make you paninis anymore if you take that." After eating the ham&cheese panini: say "Ahhhhh."; increase the score by 1; After eating the chicken panini: say "Ahhhhhhh."; increase the score by 1; The Intersection of Splendor&City Blvd is north of the 7 Eleven. "[If the Intersection of Splendor&City is unvisited] The grand intersection of City Boulevard and Splendor Avenue! What a sight! A large digital clock on the corner flashes the time and temperature of the moment. The smell of pho wafts through the air from the north. Gabby visibly perks up. [paragraph break] You remember that Ana's house is nearby too. Maybe she has food.[end if][if the Intersection of Splendor&City is visited] Saigon Noodle House is the the north, the Library is to the west, Ana's House is to the east, and 7-Eleven is to the south.[end if]" The punk is a person in the Intersection of Splendor&City Blvd. The description of the punk is " 'Hey. Hey.' [paragraph break] You and Gabby turn around curiously. [paragraph break] 'Hey. You got any cigs? I'll buy 'em off of you.' There's a wiry kid standing nearby. He's wearing a ragged pair of pants that threatens to fall off his hips and his hair has so much grease you think you could probably fuel a small car with it. Gabby frowns in unconcealed distate." The punk is carrying the switchblade. The description of the switchblade is "Careful, that's sharp." The punk is carrying the twentydollar. The description of the twentydollar is "Aw yeah, money." Instead of giving the pack of cigarettes to the punk: say "A swarm of police officers appear out of nowhere and surround you. [paragraph break] 'Freeze! You're under arrest!' [paragraph break] It was an undercover sting! They tackle you the ground, and the next thing you know you're nursing a bruised head in the county jail cell."; end the game in death; Instead of stealing the punk: If the player is not carrying the switchblade: say "The punk makes a threatening move towards the both of you. [paragraph break] 'Hey! HEY!' he yells. [paragraph break] The kid is insane! In an act of panic, Gabby accidentally smacks the kid with her fist. He groans and drops to the ground, a switchblade sliding out of his pocket. You decide you want it."; now the player is carrying the switchblade; Instead of giving the cooking book to the punk: say "The punk looks at you with watery eyes. [paragraph break] 'You...thank you...' he sniffs. 'All I wanted to be in life was a chef, but no one ever believed I could do it. Here, I want you to take this as a token of my gratitude.' [paragraph break] He hands you twenty dollars."; now the player is carrying the twentydollar. The City Library is west of the Intersection of Splendor&City Blvd. "Welcome to the Library! I'm not sure why you're here. There is no food here. In fact, food is banned here. [paragraph break] Go back east to get to City Boulevard." In the City Library is the bookshelf. The bookshelf is fixed in place. The description of the bookshelf is "Standard bookshelf, looks like there's a cooking book on it." On the bookshelf is the cooking book. The cooking book is scenery. The description of the cooking book is "Hey! Pictures of food!" Instead of stealing the bookshelf, say "From across the room, the librarian frowns at you. You put down the bookshelf." The Ana's House is east of the Intersection of Splendor&City Blvd. "[If the Ana's House is unvisited] Before you go to Ana's House, you shoot Ana a text warning her about your arrival. [paragraph break] 'no omg stop no please twins' is her reply. You decide to ignore her pleas. [paragraph break] At Ana's house, you and Gabby knock on the front door. The smell of pho from where you came from in the west has been replaced by the smell of cow poop coming from the east. [paragraph break] 'NO! omgod didn't I tell you twins not to come to my house?! I want to watch Korean Drama!!' Ana yanks open the door and glares at you and Gabby. The two of you invite yourselves in. Ana usually has good food. [end if][if the Ana's House is visited] 'WHY ARE YOU BACK.' [paragraph break] Rude. Maybe Angie will be more welcoming. [end if]" Ana is a person in the Ana's House. The description of Ana is "Your friend Ana. She is not very happy with you." Instead of stealing Ana, say "'STOP BOTHERING ME.'" In the Ana's House is the fishtank. Understand "fish tank" and "tank" as the fishtank. The fishtank is fixed in place. The description of the fishtank is "Ana sure has a lot of fish in her house." Inside the fishtank is the fish. The fish is edible. The description of the fish is "Lots of little fish swish about in the fish tank." Instead of stealing the fishtank, say "Ana stares at you in disbelief. You put down the fishtank." After eating the fish, say "Ana stares at you in disbelief." In the Ana's House is the kitchentable. Understand "table" as the kitchentable. The description of the kitchentable is "Ana's kitchen table. Oo, mashed potatoes!" On the kitchentable is mashed potatoes. Understand "potatoes" and "potato" and "mashedpotatoes" as mashed potatoes. The mashed potatoes is edible. The description of the mashed potatoes is "Looks like Ana made mashed potatoes yesterday!" After eating the mashed potatoes: say "Ana looks a little proud."; increase score by 1; The Rolling Hills are east of the Ana's House. "Ah, the rolling pastures! Cows everywhere the eye can see! [paragraph break] To the east is the City. To the west is the DuckPark." The cow is a person in the Rolling Hills. The description of the cow is "Mooooo." The cow carries beef. The beef is edible. The description of the beef is "The carcass of a dead cow that you killed with your bare hands." Instead of stealing the cow, say "The cow kicks at you. It's too heavy when it's alive." Instead of stealing the beef, say "Moooo." Instead of attacking the cow with the switchblade: say "You and Gabby charge the cow, stabbing it until it falls to the ground. It's big black eyes stare up at you soulfully, and for a moment, you falter. But only for a moment. Regaining your resolve, you grab its neck and twist. CRACK! [paragraph break] The cow is now dead. Gabby rests a hand on your shoulder tearfully. [paragraph break] 'It's okay. There will always be cows in this world.' [paragraph break] You nod, then haul the dead cow over your shoulder."; now the player is carrying the beef; After eating the beef: say "Even though it is raw, the meat invigorates you. You killed for this meat. You are a warrior."; increase the score by 5; The DuckPark is east of the Rolling Hills. "A paddling of ducks floats on the water. Nearby, a group of children run amok on the playground. [paragraph break] To the east is the City. To the south is Angie's House." The girl is a person in the DuckPark. The description of the girl is "A little girl sits at the edge of the pond, tossing pieces of her sandwich to the ducks. What a horrible waste of food." Instead of stealing the girl, say "Uh what's wrong with you, that's a child." The boy is a person in the DuckPark. The description of the boy is "A little boy runs amok, chasing groups of ducks around the park. The ducks are not amused." Instead of stealing the boy, say "Uh what's wrong with you, that's a child." The duck is a person in the DuckPark. The description of the duck is "Ducks." The duck carries the duckmeat. The duckmeat is edible. The description of the duckmeat is "You killed a duck for this meat." Instead of attacking the duck with the switchblade: say "You and Gabby creep up behind the fattest duck in the park. A tuft of feathers sits atop its head, giving it the appearance of having an afro. [paragraph break] You're ready. [paragraph break] In one swift motion, you swing the switchblade into the duck. It squawks loudly in surprise, struggling wildly against your blade. But the duck is no match for your superior human muscles: gradually, it stops to struggle. Gabby turns away. [paragraph break] Resting your hand on Gabby's shoulder, you tell her it's okay. There will always be ducks in this world. She nods and wipes the tears from her eyes. Bending down, she lovingly gathers the duck carcass into her hands."; now the player is carrying the duckmeat; Instead of stealing the duckmeat, say "Quack?" After eating the duckmeat: say "Even though it is raw, the meat invigorates you. You killed for this meat. You are a warrior."; increase the score by 5; The Angie's House is south of the DuckPark. "[if the Angie's House is unvisited] As you and Gabby approach the front door, the sounds of a barking dog fills your ears. Oh, it's probably Mochi. What a cute dog. Angie opens the door before you have a chance to knock. [paragraph break] 'HiiIIIiii!' she says. 'I'm making cupcakes!' [paragraph break] Ohohohoho, cupcakes. You and Gabby walk in gleefully.[end if][If the Angie's House is visited] HiiiIIiii! Welcome back!'[paragraph break] The Duck Park is north of Angie's House.[end if]" Angie is a person in the Angie's House. The description of Angie is "Your friend Angie. Very cute. She made cupcakes!" Instead of stealing Angie, say "Angie looks at you in confusion and then offers you a cupcake." Mochi is a person in the Angie's House. The description of Mochi is "Angie's fluffy white dog. So cute." Instead of showing Mochi to Angie, say "'Yup, that's my dog!'" Instead of showing Mochi to Ana, say " 'What the heck, that's Angie's dog. Why do YOU have Mochi?!'" Instead of showing Mochi to Avy, say "'...Isn't that Mochi...?'" Instead of showing Mochi to Sharon, say "'HAHAHAHAHA WHY DO YOU HAVE ANGIE'S DOG??'" Instead of showing Mochi to Helen, say "'What! What are you doing with Mochi?'" Instead of showing Mochi to Diane, say "'YOU DOG THIEF!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!'" Instead of showing Mochi to Yvonne, say "'Huh?'" Instead of showing Mochi to Jackie, say "'Why...do you have Mochi. What the heck, did you steal her?! Go drop her back at Angie's house!'" Instead of showing Mochi to Dog, say "Woof!" Instead of showing Mochi to Chadoo, say "Woof!" Instead of showing Mochi to Gabby, say "Gabby claps her hands in glee. Gabby likes animals." In the Angie's House is the cupcakes. The cupcakes are edible. The description of the cupcakes is "Delicious, delicious cupcakes made by Angie. Seriously how does she learn how to make these things, she's like a baking genius." After eating the cupcakes: say "That was freakin' delicious."; increase the score by 1; The Saigon Noodle House is north of the Intersection of Splendor&City Blvd. "Mmm. Pho Noodles. Order up! [paragraph break] Hey, doesn't Jackie live nearby?" The Waiter is a person in the Saigon Noodle House. The description of the waiter is " 'Hello, what would you like to order today? A small bowl of pho is five dollars and a plate of spring rolls is three dollars.'" The waiter carries the pho. The pho is edible. Understand "bowl" and "bowl of pho" and "noodles" and "bowl of noodles" as the pho. The description of the pho is "A steamy bowl of pho. Yum!" The waiter carries the spring rolls. The spring rolls is edible. Understand "rolls" and "roll" and "springrolls" and "springroll" and "spring roll" as the spring rolls. The description of the spring rolls is "A perfect appetizer." Instead of attacking the waiter: say " 'What are you doing?!' An off duty police officer catches you in the act. He arrests you on the spot and takes you to jail."; end the game in death; Instead of stealing the waiter: say " 'What are you doing?!' An off duty police officer catches you in the act. He arrests you on the spot and takes you to jail."; end the game in death; Instead of stealing the spring rolls: say " 'What are you doing?!' An off duty police officer catches you in the act. He arrests you on the spot and takes you to jail."; end the game in death; Instead of stealing the pho: say " 'What are you doing?!' An off duty police officer catches you in the act. He arrests you on the spot and takes you to jail."; end the game in death; Instead of giving the fivedollar to the waiter: now the waiter carries the fivedollar; now the player carries the pho; say " 'One bowl of pho, coming right up!'" Instead of giving the threedollar to the waiter: now the waiter carries the threedollar; now the player carries the spring rolls; say "'One plate of spring rolls, coming right up!'" After eating the pho: say "Ah, that hit the spot!"; increase the score by 3; After eating the spring rolls: say "Ah, that was tasty!"; increase the score by 2; The Intersection of City Blvd&Silver Wells is north of the Saigon Noodle House. "The outskirts of the City. Doesn't Jackie live nearby?" The Jackie's House is east of the Intersection of City Blvd&Silver Wells. "[if the Jackie's House is unvisited] 'JACKIE! JAAACKIE!' [paragraph break] You and Gabby are pounding on the front door to Jackie's house. [paragraph break] 'JACKIE WE'RE HUNGRY, LET US IN JACKIE. JAAACKIE.' [paragraph break] Jackie wretches the door open and stares at you two with a dumbfounded look on her face. [paragraph break] 'What's wrong with you two?!' [paragraph break] You and Gabby push past her and into the house. [paragraph break] 'JACKIE FEED US.' [paragraph break] 'JACKIE WE'RE HUNGRY.' [paragraph break] Jackie relents, grumbling as she puts the kettle on the stove to make cup noodle. In the meantime, you and Gabby play with her dog Chadoo.[end if][if the Jackie's House is visited] 'Why are you Hos back?'[end if]" Jackie is a person in the Jackie's House. Understand "Jacqueline" as Jackie. The description of Jackie is "It's Jackie. Heehee." Instead of stealing Jackie, say " 'What the heck?!' " In the Jackie's House is the cup noodle. The cup noodle is edible. The description of the cup noodle is "Yay Jackie made you cup noodle!" Instead of attacking Jackie, say "'What the heck?! Stop that!'" Chadoo is a person in the Jackie's House. Understand "Jadoo" and "dog" and "pet" as Chadoo. The description of Chadoo is "Jackie's dog, Chadoo. Heehee." Instead of stealing Chadoo, say "Jackie is glaring holes into your head. Yeah, let's not do that." Instead of attacking Chadoo, say "Jackie is glaring holes into your head. Yeah, let's not do that." The Pathfinder West is west of the Pathfinder. "[If the Pathfinder West is unvisited] You and Gabby trudge along the road. To the east is your house. Yvonne's house is to the south and the Road is to the north. [end if][If the Pathfinder West is visited] To the east is your house. Yvonne's house is to the south and the Road is to the north.[end if]" The Yvonne's House is south of the Pathfinder West. "[if the Yvonne's House is unvisited] You and Gabby trudge all the way down to Rowland Heights to visit Yvonne. You're hoping she has something good to eat. [paragraph break] You knock a couple times on the door before Yvonne opens it. [paragraph break] 'Oh hey guys! Come on in, do you want something to eat or drink?' [paragraph break] Oh yes, Yvonne. Yes we do. [end if][if the Yvonne's House is visited] 'Hey guys, welcome back!'[end if]" Yvonne is a person in the Yvonne's House. The description of Yvonne is "Your friend Yvonne. She cool." Instead of stealing Yvonne, say "Come on, don't do that." In the Yvonne's House is rootbeer cake. Understand "cake" and "root beer cake" as rootbeer cake. The rootbeer cake is edible. The description of the rootbeer cake is "Delicious, delicious rootbeer cake." After eating the rootbeer cake: say "Best cake you ever had."; increase the score by 2; Instead of asking Yvonne about "rootbeer cake", say " 'Help yourselves to a slice!'" The Road is north of the Pathfinder West. "To the south is Pathfinder, to the north is the Bank of America." The Korean BBQ is south of the Rolling Hills. "[if Korean BBQ is unvisited] You found the Korean BBQ! It just opened up last week, but it's already packed with customers. Take a seat! Take a seat! [end if] [if Korean BBQ is visited] Welcome back! Have a seat and order something! [end if]" The Waitress is a person in the Korean BBQ. The description of the waitress is "'Hello, what can I get for you today? All you can eat! The standard menu is ten dollars, deluxe menu is twenty dollars!'" The waitress is carrying the standard menu. The standard menu is edible. Understand "standard" as the standard menu. The description of the standard menu is "All you can eat beef! Yum!" The waitress is carrying the deluxe menu. The deluxe menu is edible. Understand "deluxe" as the deluxe menu. The description of the deluxe menu is "All you can eat beef! Even more beef than the standard! Yum!" Instead of stealing the waitress, say "What are you doing?! There's all you can eat Korean BBQ, no time for that!" Instead of stealing the deluxe menu, say "It's gonna be kinda hard to steal all that meat." Instead of stealing the standard menu, say "It's gonna be kinda hard to steal all that meat." Instead of giving the tendollar to the waitress: now the waitress is carrying the tendollar; now the player is carrying the standard menu; say "Standard All-You-Can-Eat it is!" Instead of giving the twentydollar to the waitress: now the waitress is carrying the twentydollar; now the player is carrying the deluxe menu; say "Deluxe All-You-Can-Eat! Good choice!" After eating the standard menu: say "Korean BBQ is so delicious."; increase the score by 5; After eating the deluxe menu: say "Korean BBQ is so delicious."; increase the score by 7;