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Rhys johnson
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"Testing" [INTRODUCTION] When play begins: say "You remember nothing. you lay on a stone slab at the center of the room. You feel the chill run down your spin. As you look at yourself you can recognize your hands or skin. You notice a small gem in your palm that glows faintly and is the only source of light." [The Stone Dome] The The Stone Dome is a room. The description of The Stone Dome is "the walls are made of stone slabs. at the canter of the room lays a stone slab. The sound of thunder rings through the dome in a never ending rumble. Paths lead north, east, south, and west." [The Gate] The The Gate is a room. The The Gate is east of The Stone Dome. The description of The Gate is "The path stops in a dead end. Before you looms a stone door on the east side of the room with a strange mural depicting upright animals throwing thing at other animals. The wall has a large hole in it and is big enough for you to crawl through." [The Great Hall] The The Great Hall is a room. The The Great Hall is east of The Gate. The description of The Great Hall is "As you crawl through the hole you see a grand banquet. when you reach the table you see that it is void of anything besides napkins which litter the table and a lonely pie which lays at the west end of the table. A fireplace burn at the east end of the table and a head of a killed beast. Many portraits line the wall which show what you assume to be the people who were here once." [pie] The pie is a object. The pie is in The Great Hall. After taking the pie: say "Take this to it box and close the box. Eat me ;)." The pie is edible. After eating the pie: say "this is very important don't eat it again!"; end the game in death. [sword] The sword is a object. The sword is in The Sand Arena. The sword can be taken. [toy] The toy is a object. The toy is in The Rubber Room. After taking the toy: say "Take this to it box and close the box.". [The Endless Pit] The The Endless Pit is a room. The The Endless Pit is south of The Dome. The description of the The Endless Pit is "The hole is around eighty feet in diameter and has a spiral stair case leading down." [The Empty Hallway] The The Empty Hallway is a room. The The Empty Hallway is down from The Endless Pit. The description of The Empty Hallway is “The hallway is covered in sand and torches line the walls. It smells of sweat and blood. The hallway extends south where you see a faint glow.†[The Sand Arena] The The Sand Arena is a room. The The Sand Arena is south of The Empty Hallway. The description of The Sand Arena is "As you enter you here a roar of applause and cheering from all around. You find yourself in a large pit with five and a half foot high walls encircling you. You see bleachers behind the walls for someone to watch but they are empty at the moment. the floor beneath you is covered in sand. An assortment on walls and other obstacles are scattered around in what seems to be a random order." [The Smiling Room] The The Smiling Room is a room. The The Smiling Room is north of The Stone Dome. The description of The Smiling Room is "This room seems familiar. You feel like you have spent a lot of time in this room. the walls are a friendly yellow which makes you smile. on the east wall is a black board with a white marks on it showing 3.14159265359... as you look at the numbers the seem to go on forever. There is a doorway on the west and north wall." [The Pools] The The Pools is a room. The The Pools is north of The Smiling Room. The description of The Pools is "a cloud of mist plows in your face as you enter. The floor is made of wet pebbles and small pools of water are scattered everywhere. every so often the little bubbles rise to the top of the pools. there is a doorway to the west." [The Plastic Room] The The Plastic Room is a room. The The Plastic Room is west of The Smiling Room. The The Plastic Room is south of The Rubber Room. The description of The Plastic Room is "The Room is a vibrant pink and a pile of plastic toys lay in the corner. As you bend over to touch one it disappears. The walls seem to be glowing in a way that makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck. The room is strangely warm. There is a small doorway on the north side of the room and another to the east." [The Rubber Room] The The Rubber Room is a room. The The Rubber Room is west of The Pools. The The Rubber Room is north of The Plastic Room. The description of The Rubber Room is "The room is a dark blue and in the corner lays a pile of Rubber toys. When you try to touch one it disappears. As you walk the floor gives under you and you fly up a few inches. there is a small doorway to the south and east." [The Hallway Of Skulls] The The Hallway Of Skulls is a room. The The Hallway Of Skulls is west of The Stone Dome. The description of The Hallway Of Skulls is "As you walk the walls become ridden with skulls which are melded into the wall. Some skulls have fallen out to reveal more skull underneath. the hallway continues to the west." [The Elevator] The The Elevator is a room. The The Elevator is west of The Hallway Of Skulls. The description of The Elevator is "As You enter a gust of wet air hits you. A small plaque on the wall shows a zero.in front of you on the west wall are iron double doors with no handles. two buttons on a panel are on the wall next to the doors. The top Button glows. As you step forward the doors open." [skull] The skull is a object. The skull is in The Hallway Of Skulls. After taking the skull: say "Take this to it box and close the box.". [Metal Room] The Metal Room is a room. The Metal Room is west of The Elevator. The description of Metal Room is "As you enter the elevator you see a panel on the wall. The panel has an array of buttons. A few buttons are lit up. The lit buttons are in the shape of thunderbolt. The doors shut in behind you and the room lurches. The lights start to flicker but the button never flicker. The room begins to spin. The room stops. the dead silence makes you scared. the door opens to show a room with 10 boxes to the north." [The Bolt Platform] The The Bolt Platform is a room. The The Bolt Platform is up from The Stone Dome. The description of The Bolt Platform is "You suddenly get the idea to climb the walls. At first as you climb you look down and it seems as if you've gone nowhere. Suddenly your hand slips and you begin to fall, the world spins around you. you feel yourself hit stone. As you stand your whole body burns but slowly your body magically heals itself. You seem to have landed on a platform. you don remember it being there. Chains hold the platform on the ceiling. The itself is made of stone. you see a small wooden case in the center of the platform. When you look down you notice the Stone Dome below you." [lightning] The lightning is a object. The lightning is in The Bolt Platform. After taking the lightning: say "Take this to it box and close the box.". [Voting Boxes] The Voting Boxes is a room. The Voting Boxes is north of Metal Room. The description of Voting Boxes is "You exit the box and the doors close behind you. game isn't complete." [pie box] The pie box is a container. The pie box is open, openable container. The pie box is in Voting Boxes. After closing pie box: say "I wanted to eat that :(."; award 1 point. [toy box] The toy box is a container. The toy box is open, openable container. The toy box is in Voting Boxes. After closing toy box: say "reminds me of good times."; award 1 point. [skull box] The skull box is a container. The skull box is open, openable container. The skull box is in Voting Boxes. After closing skull box: say "ooooo spoopy!"; award 1 point. [lightning box] The lightning box is a container. The lightning box is open, openable container. The lightning box is in Voting Boxes. After closing lightning box: say "fork+electrical socket=happy."; award 1 point. [sword box] The sword box is a container. The sword box is open, openable container. The sword box is in Voting Boxes. After closing sword box: say "shing shing shing."; award 1 point. Every turn while in Voting Boxes: if score is 5 begin; say "you feel the world spin. The floor falls from beneath you. your vision goes black. you feel yourself fall yet you keep your eyes closed. your fall slows and you open your eyes. what you see cant be explained. a voice in your head says 'The testing has begone.' ".; end the game in victory; end if.