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The Oddhouse" To remove stray punctuation: (- PunctuationStripping(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) To remove quotes: (- Quotestripping(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) To remove apostrophes: (- SingleQuotestripping(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) To remove question marks: (- Questionstripping(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) To remove exclamation points: (- ExclamationStripping(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) To remove periods: (- PeriodStripping(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) To resolve punctuated titles: (- DeTitler(); players_command = 100 + WordCount(); -) Include (- [ Detitler i j buffer_length flag; #ifdef TARGET_ZCODE; buffer_length = buffer->1+(WORDSIZE-1); #endif; #ifdef TARGET_GLULX; buffer_length = (buffer-->0)+(WORDSIZE-1); #endif; for (i = WORDSIZE : i <= buffer_length: i++) { if ((buffer->i) == '.' && (i > WORDSIZE + 1)) { if ((buffer->(i-1)=='r') && (buffer->(i-2)=='m') && ((buffer->(i-3)==' ') || ((i-3) < WORDSIZE))) flag = 1; if ((buffer->(i-1)=='r') && (buffer->(i-2)=='d') && ((buffer->(i-3)==' ') || ((i-3) < WORDSIZE))) flag = 1; if ((buffer->(i-1)=='t') && (buffer->(i-2)=='s') && ((buffer->(i-3)==' ') || ((i-3) < WORDSIZE))) flag = 1; if ((buffer->(i-1)=='s') && (buffer->(i-2)=='r') && (buffer->(i-3)=='m') && ((buffer->(i-4)==' ') || ((i-4) < WORDSIZE))) flag = 1; if ((buffer->(i-1)=='v') && (buffer->(i-2)=='e') && (buffer->(i-3)=='r') && ((buffer->(i-4)==' ') || ((i-4) < WORDSIZE))) flag = 1; if ((buffer->(i-1)=='f') && (buffer->(i-2)=='o') && (buffer->(i-3)=='r') && (buffer->(i-4)=='p') && ((buffer->(i-5)==' ') || ((i-5) < WORDSIZE))) flag = 1; if (flag) buffer->i = ' '; } } VM_Tokenise(buffer, parse); ]; -) Include (- [ KeyPause i; i = VM_KeyChar(); rfalse; ]; [ SPACEPause i; while (i ~= 13 or 31 or 32) { i = VM_KeyChar(); } ]; [ GetKey i; i = VM_KeyChar(); return i; ]; -) To clear the/-- screen: (- VM_ClearScreen(0); -) To clear only the/-- main screen: (- VM_ClearScreen(2); -) To clear only the/-- status line: (- VM_ClearScreen(1); -). To wait for any key: (- KeyPause(); -) To wait for the/-- SPACE key: (- SPACEPause(); -) To decide what number is the chosen letter: (- GetKey() -) To pause the/-- game: say "[paragraph break]Please press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; clear the screen. To center (quote - text): (- CenterPrintComplex({quote}); -); To center (quote - text) at the/-- row (depth - a number): (- CenterPrint({quote}, {depth}); -); To stop the/-- game abruptly: (- quit; -) To show the/-- current quotation: (- ClearBoxedText(); -); Include (- #ifndef printed_text; Array printed_text --> 64; #endif; [ CenterPrint str depth i j; font off; i = VM_ScreenWidth(); VM_PrintToBuffer(printed_text, 63, str); j = (i-(printed_text-->0))/2; j = j-1; VM_MoveCursorInStatusLine(depth, j); print (I7_string) str; font on; ]; [ CenterPrintComplex str i j; font off; print "^"; i = VM_ScreenWidth(); VM_PrintToBuffer(printed_text, 63, str); j = (i-(printed_text-->0))/2; spaces j-1; print (I7_string) str; font on; ]; -) To decide what number is screen width: (- VM_ScreenWidth() -); To decide what number is screen height: (- I7ScreenHeight() -); Include (- [ I7ScreenHeight i screen_height; i = 0->32; if (screen_height == 0 or 255) screen_height = 18; screen_height = screen_height - 7; return screen_height; ]; -) To deepen the/-- status line to (depth - a number) rows: (- DeepStatus({depth}); -); To move the/-- cursor to (depth - a number): (- I7VM_MoveCursorInStatusLine({depth}); -) To right align the/-- cursor to (depth - a number): (- RightAlign({depth}); -) Include (- [ DeepStatus depth i screen_width; VM_StatusLineHeight(depth); screen_width = VM_ScreenWidth(); #ifdef TARGET_GLULX; VM_ClearScreen(1); #ifnot; style reverse; for (i=1:i