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Moving Around the House
Tony Bures
Played 1,476 times
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When play begins, say "This sample program shows how to create a simple program in Inform 7." The Dining Room is a room. "The small dining room looks out on Autumn Street. The walls are painted a warm golden yellow, which tends to make it look more spacious than it actually is. There is a large painting on the east wall." A painting is scenery in the Dining Room. The description of the painting is "It is a painting in three parts, a triptych. The colors of the painting include a yellow very close to that of the walls." There is a chair, a table, and a piano in the Dining Room. The chair is edible. Instead of taking piano, say "It's just too too heavy." Instead of taking the painting, say "Why would you want to move the painting?" The Living Room is south of the Dining Room. "The living room has windows on the south and east sides. To the west there is disused fireplace, with heavy wood paneling and coat closets to each side." The fireplace is scenery in the Living Room. "It hasn't been used for years. You think Santa Claus might be stuck up that chimney." The Downstairs Landing is up from the Living Room. Instead of going down from the Downstairs Landing, say "The stairs lead down in two directions. Which way do you want to go: north or south?" The Living Room is south of the Downstairs Landing. The Kitchen is north of the Downstairs Landing. The Upstairs Landing is up from the Downstairs Landing. The Bathroom is a room. The Bathroom Door is a closed openable door. The Bathroom Door is north of the Upstairs Landing and south of the Bathroom.