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Jason Westley
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"Bubblebath" by Jason Westley Volume - Code Mechanics Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. Use no scoring To say /p: say paragraph break. To say /l: say line break. To say /i: say italic type. To say /r: say roman type. Volume - Game Book - About Abouting is an action applying to nothing. Understand "about" as abouting. Carry out abouting: Say "This is a very short story that was written up one afternoon when I should have been out in the sunshine. It's untested, so apologies if any bugs spoil it for you. I might bulk it out a bit in future. Jason." Book - The Player The description of the player is "You are dressed for the barbecue. You have some bubbles on you." Instead of sleeping: Say "Too excited about the party to sleep." Instead of jumping: Say "You jump. Fun for a moment." Instead of singing: If the player is in the Bathroom: Say "You sing along to the Carpenters. It's nice."; Else: Say "The Carpenters are still stuck in your head from earlier, so you sing that." Book - Rooms Section - The Bathroom The Bathroom is a room. The description of the Bathroom is "You're standing in the doorway to the bathroom. Amanda is in the bathtub, luxuriating under a hill of bubbles. There are so many bubble, they've spilled over the floor. It looks slippery. She must be preparing for the garden party. The party is good. There's always a barbecue, and some games. You can hear music." The bathtub is scenery in the Bathroom. Understand "bath" as the bathtub. The description of the bathtub is "It's an elegant, cast-iron, rolltop with claw feet. Bubbles pour over the edge onto the floor." Instead of doing something other than examining to the bathtub: Say "You shouldn't go into the room. The floor looks slippery, and it's rude to intrude on somebody's relaxation time." The bath-bubbles are scenery in the Bathroom. Understand "bubbles" as the bath-bubbles. The description of the bath-bubbles is "They surround Amanda in the bath, and flow onto the wooden floor." Instead of taking the bath-bubbles: Say "Silly! You can't catch bubbles. They float away or burst when you try to hold them." Instead of doing something other than examining or taking the bath-bubbles: Say "You shouldn't go into the room. The floor looks slippery, and it's rude to intrude on somebody's relaxation time." The sink is scenery in the Bathroom. The description of the sink is "Oh yes, there is a sink. You hadn't registered it until now. It's white, and has some bubbles in it." Instead of doing something other than examining to the sink: Say "You shouldn't go into the room. The floor looks slippery, and it's rude to intrude on somebody's relaxation time." The bathroom-floor is scenery in the Bathroom. The description of the bathroom-floor is "It's laid with black and white tiles. All the floor is covered in bubbles." Amanda is a woman in the Bathroom. Amanda is undescribed. The description of Amanda is "She's relaxing under the bubbles in the bathtub. You should probably leave her alone. You can talk to her later at the barbecue." Instead of doing something other than examining to Amanda: Say "You should probably leave her alone while she's in the bathroom. You can see her later, at the barbecue." The music is scenery in the Bathroom. The description of the music is "The Carpenters play from a little waterproof radio next to the bath.[/p][one of]'I'm on the top of the world lookin['] down on creation,' sings Karen.[or]'And the only explanation I can find,' sings Karen.[or]'Is the love that I've found ever since you've been around,' sings Karen.[or]'Your love's put me at the top of the world,' sings Karen.[cycling]". Instead of doing something other than examining or listening to the music: Say "It's music. You can't do that to music." Instead of listening when the player is in the Bathroom: Try examining the music. The radio is scenery in the Bathroom. The description of the radio is "It's bubblegum pink." Instead of doing something other than examining or listening to the radio: Say "You shouldn't go into the room. The floor looks slippery, and it's rude to intrude on somebody's relaxation time." Section - The Bedroom The Bedroom is west of the Bathroom. The description of the Bedroom is "Tom sleeps on a large double bed. He has some bubbles on him. He must have been chatting to Amanda. It's good that he has a rest before the party. The sun is shining through the window. It's going to be a beautiful day for a barbecue. You should help out." The bed is scenery in the Bedroom. The description of the bed is "It's a wooden bed, bigger than yours. Tom is sleeping at the moment." Instead of doing something other than examining to the bed: Say "That might disturb Tom. You should let him sleep so he's refreshed for later." Tom is a man in the Bedroom. Tom is undescribed. The description of Tom is "He's a good guy. Works hard. Every year he throws the party. The weather always seems to be nice. He's getting some rest before the guests arrive." Instead of doing something other than examining to Tom: Say "You should probably leave him until he's finished sleeping. There'll be time to talk at the barbecue." The bedroom-bubbles are scenery in the Bedroom. Understand "bubbles" as the bedroom-bubbles. The description of the bedroom-bubbles is "There are some bubbles on Tom's chest and some on the floor. There are so many bubbles in the bathroom they must be going everywhere!" Instead of doing something other than examining to the bedroom-bubbles: Say "That would disturb Tom's sleep. You should let him rest until he's ready to get up." The window is scenery in the Bedroom. The description of the window is "It looks out over the back garden. The lawn is beautiful at the moment. You can see the barbecue has been set up on the patio." Instead of opening the window: Say "It's locked. You don't have a key." The bedroom-lawn is scenery in the bedroom. Understand "lawn" as the bedroom-lawn. The description of the bedroom-lawn is "It's very nice. The grass is green and has stripes mowed in it." Instead of doing something other than examining to the bedroom-lawn: Say "It's outside. All you can do is look at it." The bedroom-barbecue is scenery in the bedroom. Understand "barbecue" as the bedroom-barbecue. The description of the bedroom-barbecue is "It's a half barrel, made of metal, with a grill on it. Looks quite expensive." Instead of doing something other than examining to the bedroom-barbecue: Say "It's outside. All you can do is look at it." Section - The Landing The Landing is south of The Bedroom. The description of the Landing is "All the doors to the bedrooms are here. They're all shut except the one to Tom and Amanda's room. The stairs go down though. There's a trail of bubbles on the carpet." The landing-doors are scenery in the Landing. Understand "doors" as the landing-doors. Understand "door" as the landing-doors. The description of the landing-doors is "They have names on: Jamie, Ed, Lizzie. Tom and Amanda's doesn't have a name on." Instead of opening the landing-doors: Say "Those doors are closed. That means they're private." The landing-bubbles are scenery in the Landing. Understand "bubbles" as the landing-bubbles. The description of the landing-bubbles is "They form a trail from Tom and Amanda's bedroom to the stairs." Instead of taking the landing-bubbles: Say "You can't gather them up. They float away and then settle back on the carpet." Instead of attacking the landing-bubbles: Say "You burst a few, but more pop up in their place. So many bubbles!" The stairs are scenery in the Landing. The description of the stairs is "They go down. They have bubbles on." The carpet is scenery in the Landing. The description of the carpet is "It has a funkey zig-zag pattern. There are plenty of bubbles on it." Section - The Hall The Hall is down from the Landing. The description of the Hall is "A grandfather clock watches over the hall. It says it's four o'clock. More bubbles make a trail on the floor. They go from the lounge and from the kitchen, across the hall and up the stairs. Who's been carrying bubbles all over the house? It's very messy!" The grandfather clock is scenery in the Hall. The description of the grandfather clock is "It's taller than you are. It tick-tocks and says it is four o'clock. It has a few bubbles on it." Instead of going south in the Hall: Say "The front door is closed. It's always closed. You use the back door." The hall-bubbles are scenery in the Hall. Understand "bubbles" as the hall-bubbles. The description of the hall-bubbles is "Lots of bubble here. On the floor and on the clock." Instead of taking the hall-bubbles: Say "They just spread out as you try to catch them!" Instead of attacking the hall-bubbles: Say "You burst a few, but more pop up in their place. So many bubbles!" Section - The Lounge The Lounge is east from the Hall. The description of the Lounge is "The television is on. It's quite loud. Jamie is on the couch, in his favourite spot. He's wearing a mask for the party. He really gets into the spirit of things. You think he's asleep. It is quite a warm day. There are bubbles here." The television is scenery in the Lounge. Understand "tv" as the television. The description of the television is "There is a cartoon on. Elmer Fudd sings '... Kill the Wabbit! Kill the Wabbit!' That's a funny cartoon." Jamie is a man in the Lounge. Jamie is undescribed. The description of Jamie is "He's wearing his party mask. He was watching cartoons but now he's sleeping. He has bubbles on his chest, and a remote control. And he's holding a hammer. Perhaps he had some DIY to do before the party?" Instead of doing something other than examining to Jamie: Say "If he's asleep, you shouldn't wake him. He's probably been hard at work on some DIY." The party mask is scenery in the Lounge. The description of the party mask is "I think it's meant to be an animal. Maybe a goat?" Instead of doing something other than examining to the party mask: Say "That would disturb Jamie. He'll be annoyed if you wake him up." The lounge-bubbles are scenery in the Lounge. Understand "bubbles" as the lounge-bubbles. The description of the lounge-bubbles is "They're on most of the furniture. And on Jamie." Instead of taking the lounge-bubbles: Say "They're all over the place. Too many to collect them all." Instead of attacking the lounge-bubbles: Say "They pop pop pop. But there are always more." The hammer is scenery in the lounge. The description of the hammer is "It's just a hammer, for nails and stuff. Jamie makes things, so he's always holding a hammer." Instead of doing something other than examining to the hammer: Say "That would disturb Jamie. He'll be annoyed if you wake him up." The remote control is scenery in the lounge. The description of the remote control is "It has lots of buttons on it, and lots of little bubbles! Jamie must have been flicking through the channels before he fell asleep." Instead of doing something other than examining to the remote control: Say "That would disturb Jamie. He'll be annoyed if you wake him up." Section - The Kitchen The Kitchen is north from the Hall. The description of the Kitchen is "The kitchen is the heart of the home. This one is messy though. There's a lot of meat for the barbecue, but it's all on the floor. How unhygienic. There are a lot of bubbles here." The note is in the kitchen. The description of the note is "Tom is very organised. It's the list of things to do for the party. It says:[/p]Jamie 15:00 Repair BBQ[/l]Ed, p.m. Tidy Garden[/l]Amanda 16:00 Supermarket/butcher for meat, salad, buns etc.[/l]Tom 16:00 Light BBQ![/l]Guests at 18:00" The money is in the kitchen. The indefinite article of the money is "some". The description of the money is "Some notes and some change." The meat is scenery in the kitchen. The description of the meat is "All the meat is on the floor! There's a lot of it. The party is going to be big this year. It must be dirty on the floor. And there's bubbles on it, which won't taste nice at all. Perhaps you should buy some more for them." Instead of taking the meat: Say "There's too much of it to pick it all up. Amanda will clear it up later." Instead of eating the meat: Say "Eating raw meat makes people ill. And this has bubbles on it as well." The kitchen-bubbles are scenery in the kitchen. Understand "bubbles" as the kitchen-bubbles. The description of the kitchen-bubbles is "The bubbles are all over the floor, and some are on the furniture." Instead of taking the kitchen-bubbles: Say "The bubbles swirl around you, hard to catch." Instead of attacking the kitchen-bubbles: Say "They multiply faster than they burst." The jacket is in the Kitchen. The jacket is wearable. The description of the jacket is "It's quite large. It might be a bit warm for a day like today." Section - The Garden The Garden is north from the Kitchen. The description of the Garden is "There is a lawn and a patio. Ed is on the lawn. He's sunbathing. Maybe he's been playing, as there are toys here. The shed is at the north end of the garden. The shops are out of the garden east of here." Ed is a man in the Garden. Ed is undescribed. The description of Ed is "He lies, chest down, on the grass, enjoying the beautiful sunshine. He probably wants to impress the girls at the party with his tan! He has some bubbles on his back. He must have been in the bathroom." Instead of doing something other than examining to Ed: Say "He's probably napping in the sun. As long as he's got lotion on, you should just leave him to get up in his own time." The beach ball is in the Garden. The description of the beach ball is "It is bright yellow with a smiley face on it. It has some bubbles on it." The toy lightsaber is in the Garden. The description of the toy lightsaber is "It glows red and makes a swishing noise when you wave it. You wish you owned one. It has bubbles on it." The swingball is in the Garden. The description of the swingball is "It's a tennis ball on a string attached to a pole which is stuck in the ground. People will enjoy playing this at the party." Instead of taking the swingball: Say "It's stuck in the ground. You can't pull it out." The volleyball net is in the Garden. The description of the volleyball net is "It's tall. The two poles are stuck in the ground." Instead of taking the volleyball net: Say "The poles are stuck in the ground. They won't come out." The garden-bubbles are scenery in the Garden. Understand "bubbles" as the garden-bubbles. The description of the garden-bubbles is "They're even out here. Amanda's bath sure did make a lot of bubbles. Someone is going to have to clear them up before the party starts." The barbecue is scenery in the Garden. The description of the barbecue is "It's ready to go. There is wood and coals in the barrel. You feel hungry now. Not long to wait though!" The head-location is indexed text that varies.; Instead of going east in the Garden: If the player is not carrying the money: Say "If you want to buy more meat for the barbecue, you should get some money. There was some in the kitchen."; Else: Now the head-location is "[the location of the beach ball]".; Say "You walk to the shops to buy more meat for the barbecue.[/l]".; Wait for any key.; Clear the screen.; Say "[bold type]Police Cordon[roman type][/l]'Situation?' asks the detective, ducking under the yellow tape.[/l]'Psycho,' responds the officer, 'Arrested in the supermarket, covered in blood[if the player is carrying the beach ball and the player is carrying the toy lightsaber], carrying a severed head and a samurai sword[otherwise if the player is carrying the beach ball and the player is not carrying the toy lightsaber], carrying a severed head[otherwise if the player is not carrying the beach ball and the player is carrying the toy lightsaber], carrying a samurai sword[end if]. Cool as you like, asking where the lamb chops are.'[/l]'Inside is a bloodbath. Older kid's had his face smashed in with a hammer. Might have survived that, but he's got a kitchen knife in his chest now. Mother's in the bath. Stab wounds. The father was killed downstairs and dragged up into the main bedroom. Younger boy's on the grass in the garden, decapitated. [if the player is carrying the beach ball]The head is his[otherwise if the beach ball is in the garden]The head is still on the grass[otherwise]The head is in [the head-location in lower case][end if]. Even the dog's dead. Left it in pieces on the kitchen floor. Only survivor is the daughter. We found her in the shed, unharmed but in shock. Must have hidden when the attack started...'[/l]The officer stops. A bubble floats in the air above his head and then bursts."; End the story. Section - The Shed The Shed is north of the Garden. The description of the shed is "This is a tidy shed. Lizzie is playing hide and seek in here! Maybe she was playing with Ed. She's tucked away in the corner where she's very hard to see. She's a good hider. There are no bubbles here." Lizzie is a woman in the Shed. Lizzie is undescribed. The description of Lizzie is "Normally Lizzie smiles, but today she doesn't smile so much. You think she might be cold in here. She should go outside into the sunshine." Instead of answering Lizzie that: Say "She's shy and doesn't respond." Instead of asking Lizzie about something: Say "She's shy and doesn't respond." Instead of attacking Lizzie: Say "That's not very nice." Instead of kissing Lizzie: Say "She's hiding. You shouldn't spoil the game." Instead of giving the jacket to Lizzie: Say "She doesn't seem to want it. But it's definitely cold and you don't want her to get ill, so you just drape it over her. She'll be fine when she comes outside now."; Now Lizzie is wearing the jacket. Instead of giving something to Lizzie: Say "She doesn't seem to want it. She just makes a noise like she wants you to go away. Maybe you're spoiling her hiding place." Section - The Shops The Shops are east of the Garden.