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Kristjen Kjems
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"Apocalypse Now" by Kristjen Kjems Chapter 1 - Just Another Day Include basic screen effects by Emily Short. Include Simple Chat by Mark Tilford. Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking to. Report talking to: say "You have nothing to say.". [Bedroom] Rule for printing the locale description of all rooms: stop. After printing the banner text, say " [bold type]Chapter 1 - Just Another Day:[roman type] You awake in bed to the sound of the alarm. The migraine you're feeling is likely a side effect of the copious amounts of alcohol consumed the night before. Why you agreed to go out drinking with your co-workers the night before (a Sunday) you don't quite recall, but it's going to hurt today at work. The light-switch is on the wall to your right, just out of reach." The bedroom is a dark room. The bedside table is in the bedroom. On it is an alarm and a lamp. The description of lamp is "The bulbous shape and red hue of this lamp fit well with your other modern decor." The lamp is fixed in place. Instead of taking the alarm, say "Your alarm would do you no good at work." The alarm is a device. The alarm is switched on. The description of the alarm is "The alarm, gifted to you by your mother when you were young, is shaped like a trumpet. The fond memories it brings while gazing upon it don't make it any easier to get out of bed each morning." The bed is an enterable container in the bedroom. [The player is in the bed.] Instead of taking the bed, say "[The noun] is too heavy to lift." The description of the bed is "A messy, never made, twin bed. You've never had a need for anything larger." The light-switch is a device in the bedroom. The light-switch is scenery. Understand "light" and "switch" as the light-switch. Instead of switching on the light-switch: now the lamp is lit; say "You reach for the familiar switch that rests against the wall, switch it on, and illuminate your bedroom. Next to the bed you can see a lamp and an alarm clock. To the north of you is the bathroom, east will take you to your living room. A closet, containing your work clothes, is also here." The description of the light-switch is "It's a light-switch." After deciding the scope of the player when the location is the bedroom: place the light-switch in scope; place the alarm in scope. The bedroom darkness count is a number that varies. The bedroom darkness count is 0. The light-switch can be explored or unexplored. The light-switch is unexplored. After switching on the light-switch, now the light-switch is explored. Before exiting from the bedroom, try switching on the light-switch. Instead of switching on the light-switch while the player is in the bed, say "You can't reach the switch from here." Instead of exiting from the bed while the alarm is switched on, say "You should turn off the alarm first." After exiting from the bed, say "You push the sheets off of you and onto the floor. You stretch as you stand and almost fall over from the sheer power of your morning yawn." The closet is a container in the bedroom. In the closet is a suit. Understand "clothes" and "work clothes" as the suit. The suit is wearable. After wearing suit: say "Barney Stintson would be proud."; say "Way to be legen... wait for it.... dary!"; now the bedroom door is explored. Instead of taking the closet, say "Seriously?" The suit can be explored or unexplored. The suit is unexplored. Instead of wearing suit while suit is unexplored, say "Do you plan on showering while wearing the suit, or do you just want to go in to work smelling bad?" Instead of taking the lamp, say "You don't have a long enough extension cord." The bedroom door is a door. Understand "door" as the bedroom door. The bedroom door is east of the bedroom and west of the hallway. The bedroom door can be explored or unexplored. The bedroom door is unexplored. Instead of opening the bedroom door while the bedroom door is unexplored, say "You aren't dressed yet! Although, it would be fun to go to work naked, it probably isn't in your best interest." [bathroom] The bathroom is north of the bedroom. The description of the bathroom is "A pretty typical bathroom; A toilet is here, a sink, a shower... the only thing you're really missing is a bidet." The washbasin is in the bathroom. On it is a cup. The description of the washbasin is "Spotless... aside from the caked on toothpaste near the drain." The cup contains a toothbrush and toothpaste. The cup is fixed in place. Instead of taking the cup, say "You need that in the bathroom for your toothbrush." The bathroom sink is a device. The sink is on the washbasin. The sink is fixed in place. Understand "sink" as the bathroom sink. The bathroom sink can be explored or unexplored. The bathroom sink is unexplored. After switching on the bathroom sink, now the bathroom sink is explored. After switching off the bathroom sink, now the bathroom sink is unexplored. The shower is a container in the bathroom. The shower is enterable. Instead of taking the shower, say "That is sutured to the floor." After entering the shower, say "You enter the shower, turn the knobs to the only setting you can still feel, scalding, and bathe yourself." After exiting from the shower: say "Good hygiene is a good thing to have."; now suit is explored. Instead of taking the toothpaste: say "Brushy brushy brushy."; say "Minty.". Instead of taking the toothbrush: say "Brushy brushy brushy."; say "Minty.". The toilet is in the bathroom. The toilet is fixed in place. [hallway] The description of the hallway is "The hallway is bare. You were never much for pleasantries and therefore have left your hallway as a path solely for the purpose of bedroom to living room travel." [livingroom] The description of the living room is "Not very homey; there is a TV here, a kitchen, and a table. You didn't even bother to purchase a couch." The living room is east of the hallway. The TV is a device in the living room. The TV is fixed in place. The TV is switched off. Instead of switching on the TV, say "You turn the TV onto the news, CNN, and hear something about tensions being particularly high with the Russians and Chinese today over Syria, but you really can't be bothered with politics and turn it off almost immediately upon hearing the words." The front door is north of the living room and south of the frontyard. The front door is a lockable and unlocked door. The matching key of the front door is a set of keys. [Is it possible to make a situation where events would happen if the character did/or didn't lock the front door when he/she left??] The living room table is in the living room. On it is a set of keys. [kitchen] The kitchen is an enterable container in the living room. After entering the kitchen, say "A pretty typical kitchen. A sink and fridge are here, an ID badge, and a bowl of fruit with an apple and a banana in it." The description of the kitchen is "A pretty typical kitchen. A sink and fridge are here, an ID badge, and a bowl of fruit with an apple and a banana in it." Instead of taking the kitchen, say "You dreamt that you pulled the kitchen from the house once, unfortunately this isn't a dream." The breakfast bar is a supporter in the kitchen. On it is an ID badge and a bowl of fruit. The bowl of fruit is a container. Instead of taking the bowl of fruit, say "You ponder for a moment at whether or not wearing your fruit bowl to work as a hat would be a good idea, but decide against it." The banana and the apple are in the bowl of fruit. The banana is edible. The apple is edible. The refrigerator is an openable container in the kitchen. Instead of opening the refrigerator, say "It's empty." Instead of taking the refrigerator, say "If only you could lift a refrigerator by yourself." Understand "fridge" as the refrigerator. The kitchen sink is a device in the kitchen. The kitchen sink is switched off. The kitchen sink is fixed in place. Understand "sink" as kitchen sink. [frontyard] The description of the frontyard is "You step outside into the warm spring air, your car is where you left it, in the driveway, and begrudgingly head over to it." After entering the frontyard, say "Don't forget to take your ID from the kitchen." In the frontyard is a vehicle called the sedan. Understand "car" as the sedan. The sedan is lockable and locked. The matching key of the sedan is a set of keys. The description of the sedan is "Pull me over red, your favorite color." After entering the sedan, move the player to the parking lot. After entering the sedan, move the sedan to the parking lot. Instead of opening the sedan while the sedan is locked, say "Damn. Did I forget my keys inside?" [At work] [Parking lot] The parking lot is a room. The description of the parking lot is "Already filled with cars, you get a spot as far south from the office as possible. This is not at all unusual for you." After entering the parking lot: If the front door is unlocked, say "You can't help but feel like you forgot to do something.". The office building door is north of the parking lot and south of the lobby. The office building door is a lockable and locked door. The matching key of the office building door is the ID badge. [the lobby] The office space is north of the lobby. "A sea of cubicles lies in front of you. Your cubicle is somewhere in the middle. You can almost feel the anger, always emanating, from your boss on the northern end of the 'sea,' but you can't quite see her door. The break room is east of you." The description of the lobby is "Stan the Security Guard sits here behind his desk, eyes fixed on his many monitors. The office is just to the north." Stan the Security Guard is a man in the lobby. The monitors are in the lobby. The description of the monitors is "Stan doesn't like it when other people look at his monitors." Instead of taking the monitors, say "They are too heavy to lift." The description of Stan the Security Guard is "A slightly heavy-set man in his early 40s. The poor guy, like me, does nothing but sit behind a desk all day." Hello stan, hows things, good bye are chat nodes. Report giving text for hello stan: instead say "You greet Stan the Security Guard with a friendly smile and over exaggerated wave." Carry out finding responses to hello stan: link to hows things; link to good bye. Report giving link to hows things: say "'How are things, Stan?' " instead. Report giving text for hows things: deactivate hows things; say "[line break]'Oh you know...'" Carry out finding responses to hows things: link to good bye. Report giving link to good bye: instead say "'Have a good one, Stan.'" Report giving text for good bye: instead say "[line break]'You too.'" Instead of talking to stan: run a conversation from hello stan. [a room full of cubicles] your cubicle is an enterable container in the office space. Instead of taking your cubicle, say "Disregarding the fact that the cubicle wall weighs hundreds of pounds you try and take your cubicle with you... to no avail." [the boss' office] The boss' office door is north of the office space and south of the boss' office. The boss' office door is a door. The boss' office door can be explored or unexplored. The boss' office door is unexplored. Instead of opening the boss' office door while the boss' office door is unexplored, say "You have no reason to go and talk to the boss right now." The stool is an enterable container in the boss' office. The window is an openable container in the boss' office. The window is fixed in place. Instead of opening the window, say "Your boss probably has it closed for a reason. It wouldn't be nice for you to intrude on her space." The description of the boss' office is "[if unvisited]You casually stroll into your boss' office, pretending... or not caring, about the fax you just received. 'Sit down,' she says immediately upon seeing you."; Instead of taking the stool, say "Probably not a good idea to steal something while right in front of the boss." Scolding is a scene. Scolding begins when the player is in the boss' office for the first turn. When Scolding begins: move the player to the stool; say "You sit on the stool."; say "'Do you know why I called you into my office? No? Did you get the memo? THIS MORNING?! TPS reports, they need...'"; wait for the SPACE key; say "Your boss is drowned out by a dull roar coming from what sounds like outside."; say "Your eyes dart to the window. Way off in the distance you see, unmistakingly, a mushroom cloud."; say "MOVE!!!"; After exiting from the stool: say "'Hey! Where are you going?!' your boss exclaims.' All you can do is point to the window. She turns and looks in awe.'". Scolding ends when the player is in the boss' office for the second turn. When Scolding ends: now the 50s refrigerator is explored; say "HURRY UP! The sound of the explosion draws nearer.". Your boss is a woman in the boss' office. The description of your boss is "If it weren't for the fact that you respect your boss so much, you might find her attractive." [your cubicle] After entering your cubicle, say "This is your cubicle, there are many like it, but this one is yours. In front of you rests your computer and a desk chair. A fax machine rests ontop a filing cabinet on the right hand side. A phone sits on the wall." The phone, computer, and desk chair are in your cubicle. The computer is a device. The computer is switched off. Instead of switching on the computer, say "You press the computer's power switch, but it doesn't turn on. That's the 3rd time this month. Maybe you should call IT... later." The filing cabinet is a supporter in your cubicle. The fax machine is on the filing cabinet. The fax machine is a container. The memo is in the fax machine. Instead of taking or examining the memo, say "You pick up the memo, dated from last Wednesday (funny, you don't remember seeing it before this morning) and read something about TPS reports now requiring a cover page." The Message is a scene. The Message begins when the player is in your cubicle for the third turn. When The Message begins: say "The fax machine lights up while the whirling sounds of an incoming fax can be heard.". The Message ends when the player is in your cubicle for the fourth turn. When The Message ends: say "A fax is spit rather violently from your machine and onto the floor."; move the new fax to your cubicle. Instead of taking the phone, say "That is company property." Instead of taking the computer, say "That is company property." Instead of taking the desk chair, say "That is company property." Instead of taking the fax machine, say "That is company property." Instead of taking the filing cabinet, say "That is company property." The new fax is an object. Instead of taking or examining the new fax: say "It's from your boss and only has two words on it; SEE ME!"; now the boss' office door is explored. [the break room] The player is in the break room. The break room is east of the office space. The description of the break room is "Almost empty, kept company by a very old refrigerator in the corner. It is obvious that this company cares about its employees." The 50s refrigerator is an openable and enterable container in the break room. The description of the 50s refrigerator is "This bad boy looks like it came right out of an old movie. These things are like cockroaches, as far as survivability goes." Instead of taking the 50s refrigerator, say "You never could shake your fascination with attempting to lift things that are too heavy for you." Instead of entering the 50s refrigerator while the 50s refrigerator is unexplored, say "There is no reason for you to go into a refrigerator." The 50s refrigerator can be explored or unexplored. The 50s refrigerator is explored. Understand "fridge" as the 50s refrigerator. After entering the 50s refrigerator: say "Within seconds of you entering the refrigerator the roaring, defeaning sound of the explosion you saw earlier can be heard around you. You let out a small sigh of relief as it engulfs your surroundings, glad to have guessed that this fridge was lined with lead, securing your survival, but worry about the coming hours and the challenges you'll undoubtedly face."; say "[paragraph break]Please press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; clear the screen; say "You awaken in the fridge and find yourself laying horizontally. While it is apparent that the fridge (and you) survived the blast, it appears as though it was still sent skyward. A little worse for wear, and probably recovering for a concussion (your head is killing you) you attempt to shake off the spins and decide that, nuclear catastrophe past, it's time to get out of the fridge."; move the 50s refrigerator to the blown out office building. [Chapter 2] Chapter 2 - Just Another Day? My Ass The 50s refrigerator can be entered or exited. The 50s refrigerator is entered. After exiting from the 50s refrigerator: now the 50s refrigerator is exited; say "[bold type]Chapter 2 - Just Another Day? My Ass:[roman type] You push open the refrigerator door, grateful that it landed doorside up, and step out onto the, now debris covered, ground. At first glance of your surroundings the thought that comes to mind is, 'We're not in Kansas anymore;' typical of you, always trying to turn bad situations into a joke... it makes it easier to deal with. If it weren't for the fact that you had lived here the majority of your life, you wouldn't know where you were. It all looks the same, destroyed, debris. The parking lot is south of where the refrigerator landed." The radiation count is a number that varies. The radiation count is 0. The blown out office building is a room. Every turn when the 50s refrigerator is exited: increase the radiation count by 1; say "You are now at radiation level [the radiation count].". Every turn when the radiation count is 5, say "You begin to feel sick to your stomach. It must be because of radiation. You're going to have to do something about this soon. Can you make a suit of some kind? Thinking back to basic medical interventions may also help." Every turn when the radiation count is 10, say "What little you had to eat this morning churns in your stomach." Every turn when the radiation count is 25, say "A chunk of hair falls from your head. Confused for a moment, you quickly realize that this is likely due to the radiation. You need to find a solution for this, sooner rather than later." Every turn when the radiation count is 50: say "You fall over, unable to move your body. While on the ground you cough up blood and bile until you feel your stomach is empty of all its contents. Unable to move, the radiation slowly eats away at you, until you die"; end the game in death. [car graveyard] The car graveyard is south of the blown out office building. The description of the car graveyard is "Your office's former parking lot. You're surprised to see that many of the cars survived, though none but yours is likely to have an owner now. Standing out amongst the sea of color and steel, to the east, is an ambulance, turned on its side. The plot of line where your house likely once stood is to the south." The ambulance is east of the car graveyard. The description of the ambulance is "Convenient. You wonder how you didn't notice the large, out of place vehicle before. You suppose that its presense is a lot more prevalent now than it was just a few hours ago based on circumstance." The turned over ambulance is an enterable container in the ambulance. After entering the turned over ambulance, say "A large number of medical supplies lie on the floor, likely having spilled from the cabinets when the ambulance fell on its side. You can see a safe on the far end that appears to have opened from the force of the ambulance tipping over and hitting the pavement." The safe is a container in the turned over ambulance. The safe is fixed in place. The description of the safe is "Almost entirely cleaned out, does that mean there are other survivors? There is only one bottle here." The bottle of activated charcoal is in the safe. The bottle of activated charcoal is an openable container. The bottle of activated charcoal is closed. The description of the bottle of activated charcoal is "In date, the bottle mentions something about poisons." The activated charcoal pills are in the bottle of activated charcoal. After opening the bottle of activated charcoal: say "You open the bottle, place the pills that are inside into your jacket's inside pocket, and toss the bottle."; now the player has the activated charcoal pills; remove the bottle of activated charcoal from play. The description of the activated charcoal pills is "Several pills of activated charcoal." Instead of eating the activated charcoal pills: say "You swallow the pills, almost gagging due to the taste of charcoal. Lucky for you charcoal is highly absorbant. By putting it into your system you've neutralized some of the radiation you've already been exposed to. It won't prevent further exposure, however."; say "Your radiation level has decreased by 10."; remove the activated charcoal pills from play; decrease the radiation count by 10; say "You are now at radiation level [the radiation count].". Instead of taking the turned over ambulance, say "Probably not the time to try and lift a vehicle, even though it is on its side." The broken sedan is in the car graveyard. Instead of taking the broken sedan, say "Probably not the time to try and lift a vehicle." The description of the broken sedan is "You approach your car and attempt to start it to no avail. You realize that it, and every other car in the lot, have been effected by the electromagnetic pulse of the bomb. You are not looking forward to walking home." [What was once your frontyard] What was once your frontyard is south of the car graveyard. The tough door is in what was once your frontyard. The description of what was once your frontyard is "You sigh at the sight of your yard, your house, the remnants of your solemn, but still your, life. [if unvisited]You approach the spot where you 'assume' your house once stood, and are right, it's gone. All except for the front door, which you see ajar. Due to its other-worldly invulnerability, you are now calling the front door, the tough door." The description of the tough door is "You stare at the 'tough door,' still in awe of it surviving the blast." [What was once your house] A piece of table is an object. What was once your house is south of what was once your frontyard. The worse for wear couch is in the what was once your house. Understand "couch" as the worse for wear couch. The couch man is a man. The couch man is on worse for wear couch. The description of the couch man is "You're not sure how it is this man got here, how the couch got here, nor how he survived the blast and now the radiation, but you're impressed. He appears to be asleep with a blanket wrapped around him." The remnants of the table is in what was once your house. The description of the remnants of the table is "Aww... your Mother gave you that table!" Instead of taking the remnants of the table: say "You pick up a piece of the table and place it in your pocket; in honor of your mother."; move a piece of table to the player. The description of what was once your house is "You let yourself into 'your house,' not bothering to use the door and instead walk around its perimeter. A couch, which seems to have appeared out of nowhere, no longer has vacancy. A man is taking up not one, not two, but all three cushions. What a jerk. You wouldn't mind taking a sit-break right now. The remnants of the table you had in the living are visible as well." Hello couch man, huh, doing, furniture, question, helpme are chat nodes. Report giving text for hello couch man: instead say "You approach the man on the couch, unsure of what it is you want to say to him. Before you have a chance to step back, he stirs. What looked like a blanket before can not clearly be seen as a suit of some kind." Report giving text for hello couch man: instead say "[line break]'Oh hello there.' he says, a little calm for having just survived what you assume was the apocalypse." Carry out finding responses to hello couch man: link to huh. Report giving link to huh: say "'Excuse me? How did you get here?' " instead. Report giving text for huh: say "[line break]'Get here? Well as you can see, the door was open, so I just let myself in.' [line break]" instead. Carry out finding responses to huh: link to doing; link to furniture; link to question. Report giving link to doing: say "'What are you doing here?' " instead. Report giving text for doing: instead say "[line break]'Before you got here? I was taking a nap. Nuclear explosions really take it out of you.'". Carry out finding responses to doing: deactivate doing; link to furniture; link to question. Report giving link to furniture: say "'Did you bring that couch here?' " instead. Report giving text for furniture: instead say "[line break]'The couch? No. It was here when I arrived. It is quite comfy.'" Carry out finding responses to furniture: deactivate furniture; link to doing; link to question. Report giving link to question: say "'What are you wearing?' " instead. Report giving text for question: instead say "[line break]'This old thing? It is an NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) suit. It protects me from the radiation left from the blast. It looks like you could use one.'" Carry out finding responses to question: link to helpme. Report giving link to helpme: say "'Where can I find an NBC suit?'" instead. Report giving text for helpme: instead say "[line break]'I have an extra right here! I am sitting on it. Lift me up and you can have it.' ". The couch man can be explored or unexplored. The couch man is unexplored. Instead of taking the couch man while the couch man is unexplored, say "That would be rude." Instead of talking to the couch man: run a conversation from hello couch man; now the couch man is explored. The nbc suit is an object. The nbc suit is wearable. Instead of taking the couch man: say "You carefully lift up the couch man and pull the extra suit from underneath him."; move the nbc suit to player. Every turn when the player is wearing the NBC suit: now the 50s refrigerator is entered; say "The radiation level remains at [radiation count]." After wearing the nbc suit: say "Now that you are in little danger of radiation poisoning, it is time to find food and water. To add to convenience, you remember a grocery store just to the east of you."; now the path east is explored. The path east is a door. The path east is east of what was once your house and west of the local grocery. The path east can be explored or unexplored. The path east is unexplored. Instead of opening the path east while the path east is unexplored, say "You have no reason to go that way right now." [the grocery store] The description of the local grocery is "You stand in front of the local grocery store. Still standing, as if completely unaffected by the blast, you wonder if it is real. Could it be a mirage?" The store is an enterable container in the local grocery. The store is fixed in place. After entering the store: say "Still standing, you gaze at the grocery store as if it weren't real. Could it be a mirage? You enter, food still on the shelves. Not only have you found nourishment, but shelter as well. You decide to rest here, for the moment, happy to have survived the end of days, unaware of just how soon you'd be on your feet again."; say "[line break]TO BE CONTINUED."; end the game in victory.