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The Thin Bisexual Line
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"The Thin Bisexual Line" Your bedroom is a room. "[if the Your bedroom is unvisited]The bedroom hangs with a stuffy heat, and outside you can hear the quiet sounds of a cold night wind. You swing your legs over the edge of the bed and glance at the pain-bright orange readout on your clock. 2:43. A gentle rain patters against the window.[end if][if the Your Bedroom is visited]The bedroom is filled with memories, few with any worth and fewer still with any warmth. '(Besides the physical, that is.)[end if]" Here is a newspaper and Beretta. The description of the Beretta is "The gun is cold. It's always cold. The magazine holds nine rounds and is currently empty. The safety is off." The description of the newspaper is "There was a shooting yesterday. A twenty-six year old man found bleeding with a bullet in his neck. The paper skims over the details, misses the important things, but goes to great pains to spell this out: the man drowned in his own blood, unable to clearly speak the name of his killer." Here is a window. The window is scenery. The window is a closed openable container. The window is closed. The description of the window is "The window is closed. Tiny rivers jerk down its surface as the rain continues to fall. It judders slightly in its frame, shaken by the wind." After opening the window: say "The breeze rushes in. Your skin tingles gratefully at the cold, and you feel a little more awake. Goosebumps rise."; award 5 points. The living room is a room. The living room is east of your bedroom.