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The cave is a room. "You are trapped inside a cave. To the north is a gold door. To the east is a wood door. Above you, light shines eerily from a million dimly shining stalactites." The chest is in the cave. "There is a chest on the ground. It's lock appears to be broken." The drawer is part of the chest. The drawer is a closed openable container. In the drawer is a key and a package. The package is a closed openable container. In the package is a vial. The vial is a closed openable container. In the vial is sand. Description of the chest is "The chest is made of gold chased wood. It looks like it has seen many journeys as it is chipped. There are several drawers in the chest." Description of the key is "The key is a very large, ornate skeleton key with the tudor rose worked in gold at the top." Description of the package is "The package is wrapped in brown paper." The description of the sand is "There is approximately 2 ounces of simple beach sand in the vial." The gold door is a closed locked door. The key unlocks the gold door. The gold door is north of the cave. The wood door is a closed door. The wood door is east of the cave. The treasure room is north of the gold door. "The treasure room is a vast brightly lit cave, full of gold, silver and jewels, flung in piles everywhere." The dragon is a person in the treasure room. "The dragon guards the treasure from people like you. She is vast, scaled and a vibrant, bright yellow. Her eyes are like lanterns." Every turn when the player can see the dragon: say "The dragon [one of]slithers restlessly over the treasure [or]looks up and says 'bring me some food, pathetic human!' [or]looks at you consideringly - like you might be food[at random]." The storage room is east of the wood door. "The storage room is used to store pickles. There are jar upon jar of pickles in shiny, jewel coloured mason jars. They gleam in the weak light and look like they were just polished five minutes ago." The pickle jar is in the storage room. The pickle jar is a closed openable container. In the pickle jar is a dill pickle. The dill pickle is edible. The description of the dill pickle is "Yum! Pickles!" Instead of giving the dill pickle to dragon: say "Dragon inspects the dill pickle carefully, accepts it, and pops it into his mouth. 'OMG!!! I love pickles. What a treat!... Hey what are you doing in here, anyway? You're trapped, right. I know a way out. Use this dagger to teleport out of here.'"; remove the dill pickle from play. Instead of giving something to dragon: say "Dragon sneers at you. 'I'm not interested,' she says coldly." Description of the jeweled dagger is "The jeweled dagger has a small, narrow leaf shaped blade and a curved hilt covered with rubies and sapphires. Among the sapphires you find a switch that looks like a diamond which teleports you to the room" The teleporter is a device. "The teleporter is south of the cave. When you unlock the teleporterwith dagger, it will move you to the office." . "The office is a room. You find a computer."