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Friday Afternoon In The Office
Jonathan Trout
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"Friday Afternoon In The Office" by Jonathan Trout The Office is a room. "A large, open plan office containing several rows of desks. At each desk sits a worker. Windows on three sides of the room let in a greyish light. There are two doors at far end of the room. One, to the South, leads to the corridor, the other, to the West, leads to Ailsa's office." The office contains some colleagues. The office contains some desks. Instead of taking some desks, say "You can't take the desk. It's heavy. And in any case, it you aren't allowed to move the furniture without a risk assessment and the signoff of an Estates Department Space Planning team." In The Office is a man called Patrick. In The Office is a man called Matt. The office contains some windows. Colleagues are people. The description of colleagues is "Your colleagues hide their eternal disappointment with disaffected facebooking, an air of studied busyness and gently passive-agressive body language." Windows is scenery. The description of the windows is "Looking out of the window reveals the tawdry rear end of some rather large and dirty Victorian public buildings." A mug is a kind of thing. Your desk is here. Your mug is on your desk. The description of your mug is "A stained mug, missing a handle, thanks to Matt. The mug has something witty about Jesus written on it." Patrick's desk is here. Patrick's mug is on Patrick's desk. The description of Patrick's mug is "Patrick's mug is black, and has a functional handle." Matt's desk is here. Matt's mug is on Matt's desk. The description of Matt's mug is "Nice mug, Matt. I see the handle works perfectly." Patrick's mug, Matt's mug and your mug are containers. The fridge is here. The fridge is a closed, openable container. The description of the fridge is "Seems like a perfectly friendly fridge." The fridge contains some milk and some other items. A table is here. The table is a supporter. The description of the table is "There's a lot of stuff here, but there appears to be some tea among the detritus." Some teabags are on the table. The description of teabags is "Teabags. The single greatest achievement of mankind. And there are only three left!" Some detritus is on the table. The description of detritus is "Fruit tea, Roobios tea, instant coffee, decaf... nothing useful." Instead of taking detritus: say "That stuff isn't tea. Let's stick to the mission, shall we?". A tray is on the table. The tray is a supporter. Instead of smelling the milk: say "Astonishingly, the milk smells fresh. At least it probably won't kill you." Instead of drinking the milk: say "Seriously, what are you thinking? there's tea to be made here. You take hold of yourself and resolve not to drink the milk." The other items are edible. The description of the other items is "I'm not certain they're food. Perhaps you should smell them." Instead of smelling the other items: say "They smell... disturbing. Probably best left alone." Instead of eating the other items: say "You eat the items. Instantly, you know this has been a dreadful mistake. You sink to your knees, and the world starts to go grey. As your conscience ebbs away, you realise that you have completely wasted your life."; end the game in death. Ailsa's Doorway is west of The Office. Ailsa's Doorway is a room. "It is dark in there. I wouldn't go in if I were you." Ailsa's Office is west of Ailsa's Doorway. Ailsa's Office is a room. Instead of going west while in Ailsa's Doorway: say "You cautiously enter. The door slams shut behind you. It is pitch dark, and you are disoriented. You smell rotting flesh, and hear the slavering of fangs. It's either Ailsa or a Grue. You suspect the worst. It's the last thought that passed through your mind."; end the game in death. The Corridor is south of The Office. "A long, slightly mildewy corridor. Door lead off to the east and west. At the southern end is a Kitchenette." The verb to make (he makes, they make, he made, it is made) implies the incorporation relation. Making is an action applying to one thing. Tea is a kind of thing. Water is kind of thing. Understand "make tea" as tea-making. Tea-making is an action applying to one thing. The Kitchenette is south of the corridor. The description of the kitchenette is "I've seen nicer places to make a cup of tea. But needs must." The Kitchenette contains a sink, a water heater, a microwave and a cupboard. The microwave is a closed, openable container. The cupboard is a closed, openable container. The description of the cupboard is "The cupboard is a graveyard of unloved mugs and dubious fruit teas."The water heater is fixed in place. The description of the water heater is "It's filthy and of dubious electrical safety, but the light is on. Try pulling the lever." The lever is part of of the water heater. The lever can be pulled. Instead of pulling the lever: say "The water heater emits a stream of boiling water. Try putting a mug under it." Non-kitchen is a region. The Office, Ailsa's Doorway, Ailsa's office, the corridor are in the non-kitchen. Instead of making tea in the kitchenette: say "You position the mugs beneath the water heater to make tea. As the boiling water hits the teabags the walls dissolve, light bathes your weary body, and you ascend slowly, weightlessly into the charged roar of an unexplored universe. Your work here is done."; end the story. Instead of making tea in the non-kitchen: say "You've no means of making tea here. If only there were some kind of kitchen... or even something smaller than that?". The Design Studio is east of the corridor. Instead of going east while in the corridor: say "The Design Studio. Nice idea, but let's not disturb them. We're getting on much better that way." The Public Galleries are west of the corridor.Instead of going west while in the corridor: say "The door opens to the public galleries. The roar and smell of the public causes you to stagger back into the corridor. How could you forget it's half-term?" The staircase is south of the kitchette. Instead of going south while in the Kitchenette: say "Exploring would be fun. But how about a cuppa first?"